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Devin B

Legosi wasn't really eating actual meat before he started the training with Gohin. He was just eating the soy products the school had for carnivores and even then his jaw strength was elite. He's definitely at the stage of his training where he's broken down but slowly builds himself up stronger than he was before.


Panda was capping this whole time😂

Maroki R6

So legoshi got better at his other muscles but now lacking in Jaw muscle? Did i get that right?

Yagi di Hoshi

That works. I think there was a bit more - I gotta check back in the mangoose since this season really skimmed over quite a bit with the last half of it


Bit of trivia if I remember correctly legoshi is the biggest grey wolf around in the story of beastars and regular legoshi was very very physically strong to the point bill was 50/50 on if he would win in the tug of war.


Never been a fan of the simp archetype, but Beastar's whole animal subgenre thing it has going on is so interesting, I can tolerate Legoshi.

Yagi di Hoshi

1:23 Antler-gun meme ahoyyy

Yagi di Hoshi

Legoshi hasn't been eating meat since the beginning


You guys did notice that his dad made it "Temporary Withdrawal," right?


I think this episode pretty much points out who the killer is. All the hints focus on that one beast.


Record of Ragnorok?


the romance between legoshi and haru feels so unsatisfying to me because he doesn't seem to like her for her personality or anything. he only likes her because she awakens his predatory instincts by being a small herbivore that needs protection. despite that, i still appreciate how the creator is exploring romance between animals in an animalistic way


Please React to recorrd of ragnarok it is insanely good and s2 just came out


Stop spamming bro no one wants to watch sideshow simulator


Legosi needs to give juno some more play. I think then he'll realize whether he actually likes herbivores or not


Legoshi's conversation with Haru just serves as a reminder that he is still definitely a high school kid. He's got this righteous plan to make the world better for herbivores, and he's just throwing out the idea of marriage and wanting to protect Haru, without any real time spent considering what she wants and is capable of. He might be able to resist the meat, but he's still a meathead at this point.


That bunny whore pisses me off. (Edit:) That bunny reminds me of Meghan hall, that cop who banged her entire police department. And that stupid wolf reminds me of her cuck husband who went all “I support her choices in life” 🤦🏼‍♂️


I... want to say something, lol. I enjoyed s1 of this series just because I enjoy an insightful look into what it's like for Women to live in our world today. As a man, I'd never get that without things like anime. I understood Haru to be a girl that, unlike Judy Hops, really bought into her nature and said "Yeah, I'm a rabbit, And I fuck like one, too!". I'm black and a lot of black girls I've known seem to share this mentality (family members even). "I ain't much, and the world isn't kind to people like me, so I've gotta make the best of my situation" type of thinking. Girls who were never given the chance to feel special or like they were worth much. I think there's always a "Good guy" that tries to save these women from their way of thinking, but a lot of them come to believe that there's nothing wrong with their lifestyle or their decisions. Why? Because they're alive, and they can make ends meet however they need to. I get being frustrated, because it is pretty crazy to see people who seem to be happy putting themselves in harms way, or at least in bad situations. HOWEVER, I think the beautiful side of this particular story is the fact that these individuals are all-in on how they want to live life, despite everything around then making it hard and confusing to follow through. Haru is for the streets, no lie. Legoshi is literally trying to turn a Hoe into a housewife. But that's his ideals. 👋 Raise your hand if you ever had a friend fall for a "Skank" or a fairly promiscuous girl. Now think of all the STUPID shit they did and/or said while wrapped up in that fantasy. Now... Tell me if you've ever seem the "Good guy" get the girl after SHE wakes up and realizes her BS. THAT'S what I've been hoping for for Legoshi. Once he figures his shit out, he can tell what's right for him (bunn-ussy or Wolf-ussy), buy until THEN.. It's gonna be one bumpy ride. I believe a woman wrote this manga, and thus Legoshi being a lost boy is to be expected. Much like men struggle writing woman (NARUTO) it might even be worse for woman writing men, simply because it all comes down to personal perception. All I really wanted to say is, you're right... Both characters are flawed. I, however, believe the story goes much deeper to explore WHY these characters are behaving the way they are, and that's the biggest draw of the entire story.

Justin nichols

holy room temp iq NPCs, they are animals...ever had the saying "bang like rabbits" go back to school and use your brain then stuff will make sense to you