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LMAO this anime would be considered wild offensive if made today


Mr. I Like Spam

if you compared the chinese accent that was popular at this time vs this dub this is faithful as shit.


The comments taking what the gang said about this being cancelled today seriously like Redo of the Healer wasn't two years ago. People complained about it but it was still one of the most popular anime that season.

Ida Reis

that is because it's not true and you can see it from the way people complained about every little thing like they do now. And if you haven't read Legion's comment completely is because you firmly believe in the fallacy you said and makes you part of the group you complained about.


The fact is that the world isn’t like it was back in the 2000s, you can obviously tell that it isn’t, a show like this would get canceled right away


No one can not tell me that it is, people are soft and can’t take jokes nowadays

Matthias Kamm

Glad you made it clear! I am so tired of people acting like this shit is offensive at all.

Ragnar Pendon

my Filipino ass getting folded with the way they pronounce Basilan XD


Oh this shit woulda been cancelled immediately xD Part of the reason it's top tier


Ayy let’s go!

Zion Williams

Ah, perfect video for my meal. The clutch save



Devin B

When Dutch was talking to that Nazi on the phone a couple of episodes ago I knew this was gonna be borderline South Park when it comes to being offensive


The world wasn’t so Soft back then, or should I say, they weren’t acting’s like BITCHES back then, now stuff like this will get cancelled immediately if it came out in this day and age


YEAH REAL MEN ENJOY NAZIS FUCK YEAH, shut yo lame ass pansy ass up lmao


The comment I just made wasn’t just for this episode,I was just responding to what Roshi said under the post, I haven’t even watched this episode yet to figure out what Roshi is talking about, I was talking about as a whole, shows like boondocks and other shows like this can’t ever be made again or brought back because of this soft ass society we live in now


So shut yo bitch ass up, I see that you’re a soft ass bitch since you’re the first pussy to respond

Devin B

We're probably not gonna see a character like Uncle Ruckus anytime in the future


Yeah today you say the slightest shit and everyone and they’re momma are offended


Bro the way the Chinese woman was talking I feel like they trying to be racist when they made this lmao


I know 😂 @ Devin B, But people act like they weren’t just jokes, like the creator of boondocks wasn’t black,it was just jokes and back then, people weren’t taking it to the heart as of now, if you have a character like uncle ruckus In a show, it would get cancelled immediately

Ayoni Folarin

Seems like the comment section on smoke so all y’all can suck my dick nigga, have a nice day


20:03 😂

Asad Khabir

Revy is Chinese American. So she can't be cancelled for that.

Kyrin Ellis

I don’t really think it would be cancelled because people love offensive humor as long as it’s clever and funny

Asad Khabir

I genuinley don't understand if people like you comment this stuff realize hoe stupid you sound. Boondocks last aired in 2014. Not 2004. That's barely less than 10 years. What do you mean 'this day and age'. And that's not even counting shows like South Park and Family guy which are still airing and are just as edgy.


Even revy acknowledged her tight ass this episode.


South Park and Family guy is nowhere as edgy as it used to be at all, the shit that was being said in them shows back then we’re on the same level as boondocks, they have both calmed down on certain things they said and do, so just stop it dude


I was just about to type this 😂


I think any sane man would acknowledge her tight ass, its common sense.


I always find it hilarious when people say something like "the world wasn't so soft back then". People have been saying something like that for literally thousands of years. We got Greek philosophers saying something to that effect. And people say that nowadays as if It's Always Sunny isn't the longest running live action comedy to this date and that shit is no where near politically correct and people still love the show. Hell, the Ghost Stories dub has gotten a resurgence and that shit is offensive as hell (and funny). Let's not forget that people would have their complaints back then. Of course, idiots would barge in and complain that "back in their day" people weren't as soft. Like it's funny how you say that people weren't as soft back then, in 2007, but how many shows had to be censored to not show two men kissing each other? Go back further and see how offended people got when they see a married man and woman sleeping in the same bed. Or even further when people got offended when women wore their swimsuits too short. These people would faint if they saw any kind of melanin on their tv screens back in the day. The only reason why we wouldn't see a character like Uncle Ruckus anytime soon is because we got Candace Owens and Kanye West right there.

Devin B

@Asad Khabir I wouldn't say that it's as edgy as it was before because most of the new episodes are still offensive but they're not as blatant when they're being offensive as they were in their earlier episodes.


Not gone lie, I’m sorry @Legion but I’m not about to read all of what you just said, but from half of it that just read, you’re saying a show like boondocks could be brought back with the same amount of dark humor/homophobic jokes In 2023 ? I don’t think so


Fun fact, Chang's character was based off of Chow Yun Fat's roles in John Woo's films 'A Better Tomorrow 1&2', 'The Killer', and 'Hard Boiled'. These would be some good 80s-90s Hong Kong films to react to as well. Also interesting is Fat voices his own characters in the English dubs as he is bilingual, although dubbed live action is still pretty unwatchable for me


It’s hilariously to me how many people that just got offended from the comment I said, exactly what I’m talking about, there was no reason for them to even feel offended unless they consider themselves to be part of the group that I was calling soft and clearly they consider themselves to be part of that group I guess 🤷🏽‍♂️🤷🏽‍♂️

Greg Harrison

Just, just go by action movie logic for the gunfights bro

Evan Jenkins

My uncle was an green beret (no really, ha ha, this isn't that meme) and he did some joint work during peacetime with UN troops in the Middle East. A lot of those guys came to his huge retirement party and almost all of them spoke really good English. When they got rowdy though, they were all super racist and hilariously offensive to each other (including my uncle). I think this show captures the feeling of listening to them really well. I think when everyone is outside their home country, race and language just kind of becomes the way you joke to each other to blow off steam.


this man was pointing his gun at her face and he missed every shot? huuh? is this the man who trained port mafia? lol

AlexXis Amadeus

The definition of "racist" has expanded way too far. Chill. All I know is I'm laughing.


He trained at the same academy as the King of Spades lol

Omar Bautista

Nigga you haven't seen dub racism unless you've seen Ghost Stories. That should be the next show after this


I don't know why they expected Rock to turn into fuckin James Bond he doesn't have a weapon and even if he did have one good luck fighting against the people with RPGs and AKs.

Randomuser 5989

you guys should watch ghost stories dub.


I wouldn't really call it "dub racism" Black Lagoon is like this even in the manga lol.


It's definitely not "canceled". The manga was on hiatus for a while, but it came back recently. It could easily pick up again.


Did not expect to see this here but fully support it. Hilarious dub.


Revy calling her "chinglish" when Revy herself is chinese is hilarious.


Literally nobody in this comment section is complaining about any jokes in this, but yet, yeah, everybody gets way too offended nowadays and can't take a joke, sure 😒 This isn't aimed at you Roshi, just at some of these comments

Hasnain Khan


Glib Dolotov

from experience, I know that many chinese-americans and chinese nationals do /not/ get along lol


no nigga that manga was on hiatus, so they didn't have more source material to use.


The manga updates still, i meant the show stopped because there wasn't enough material for the show to keep going.

Silver Wolf

I think another anime y’all might enjoy is Jormungand, if y’all haven’t seen it already


Don't worry guys you can laugh. But you have as much reason to feel racist from the Taiwanese woman as you have from the irish man. That is just how people sound when they speak english as their 2nd language


If you think her accent is hilarious then damn it laugh. It's funny. Plus, having a moral dilemma about her accent falls apart when you ( the roshi gang ) have made numerous mock accent jokes ( and sex jokes involving characters that are minors). So laugh and don't feel ashamed. Yall won't get canceled. You've done this many many times.


lmfao y'all in these comments tryna justify racism is so weird to me.


Now I regret not watching this show in dub 🥲


Nobody is justifying racism, they are justifying the use of racism in the fictional story you are watching and are telling you it's not a big deal to portray racism in entertainment and other media, just like it isn't a big deal to portray murder/killing, and other atrocities. What's the point of writing stories if we are not allowed to to pull from whole of humanity, not just the best parts of it, but also the dark parts.


Yeah plus the roshi gang on numerous occasions in past reactions have made overly offensive jokes and laughed their asses off. They really do not need to have a moral dilemma over this. If it's funny to them, then laugh and have fun y'all.


comment section gettin political must've been a good episode lmao


In the words of Monique. "And if people say 'Monique how can you laugh at that?' cuz damn it, it was funny!"

Lamaree Jackson

“Is it okay to laugh?” *10 seconds later* “ohhh shit, Conor McGregor bro” 🤣🤣🤣 yes laugh


Shenhua is underrated

Omar Bautista

Yeah I wanna see Lupa try to give Revy a political correctness class. Everyone's catching heat 2 mins in


Revy you are literally half Chinese


"I find it funny and want to laugh, but before that i better ask my superior for permission to express this human feeling" thats kinda sad and pathetic


its just jokes in a fictional story where people are getting murdered left and right. the fact ppl have to be so worried about being cancelled over anything is saddening


Revy doesn't give a fuck and that's why we love her. There's a very specific piece of dialog in the next episode I can't wait to y'alls reaction to 😆


I think it would be a good replacement to Black Lagoon when it's finished.


Them reacting to Ghost stories dub would be something else xD


This likely won't be seen, but once this series is over. You might wanna take a peak at Full Metal Panic. Its in the same universe. Keep it up you guys, love the reactions!

Justin Neason

wait WHAT ??? I did not know that!! Season 1 of FmP is one of the first anime seasons I watched all the way through


Sorry, was a little thing in the 4th season of FMP that Benny shows up to help the MC. Same name, near same clothes. Fan theory. While it could be possible because mechs were used by super powers while the poor still had normal weapons of war and Black Lagoon stories are from a part of the world that cannot afford mechs.


Mfs like you the reason why shows like Black Lagoon couldn’t survive today. Stop being a pussy.


Ok idc racism shouldn’t be a joke like what 💀


If anything there's a direct cross over with Jormungand where they do a deal with the Lagoon company. However it's not really cannon since Black Lagoon takes place in the mid to late 90's and Jormungand is the early 2010s


Next thing you gonna say it's racist for black people to say the n word amongst them self. Same shit, Revy is Chinese and Shenhua is Taiwanese(the real China) you out here justing TRYING to be offended 🥱


That’s not what I said I said that racism shouldn’t be the punchline to a joke it’s weird


Lmfao idc that’s not what my comment is even about

Charlie baker

Love shenhua she is hilarious and so is revy, to be fair revy is half chinese so its not all that racist lol


This would be so awesome to watch them react to.


I was considering rewatching this earlier this week. Now I will be watching it and listening to you all. I love how there are no good people in this show. Except possibly for Benny, I can't wait till you meet The Twins.

Drake Rage

I literally got tears rolling down my cheeks from laughter, LOLOLOLOL! "Maybe you like for me to skin your ass, bitch?"


i guess thats why they dont get along. she did say shes pure taiwanese


bruh this is the first i watched it in the dub and gotta say, its fuckng hilarious. prob one of the only dubs i can fully enjoy even more than the sub


I wont lie, sometimes im really confused of what roshi expects from a japanese cartoon. "You let em just shoot you like that?!" They literally got caught off guard and got shot first... I swear if this was My Hero Or Demon Slayer they would accept everything.


Fucking love it. You guys are seeing this from an American perspective! it turns out people who are born outside of English speaking countries DO have accents! And they can be very fucking funny! There is nothing offensive about that! anyone who tells you that is a narrow fucking asshole who never actually explored the world.