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Hope she sticks around, shes dope lol



I can’t even really say Revy lost. She may have been knocked out by that punch, but before that she took a whole rocket and she was shot through her arm and was still giving Roberta problems.🤣

Matthew Tigue

Man Roberta went through worse and still was conscious and beating ass. Somehow walking off after getting slammed into a shipping container, multiple car crashes, and multiple grenades. She won that


The hate for Rock is unnecessary. Like these guys can be annoying sometimes

hyakimaru dono

Sheera's one liner 😭👌🏾🤣🤣🤣 mishka mushka mikeyyy mouse~~

Omar Bautista

She has her own 6 part OVA at the end

taitasi toomalatai

Yesssss ROBERTA has her own OVA which is season 3 so it’s gonna be some time

Hasnain Khan



The best part of the Roberta vs Revy fistfight is that you can actually hear Revy scoff at the whole “your shoelace is untied” trick, but then she fell for it anyway 💀 I will say that Revy did put up a good fight against someone that‘s apparently the anime Terminator. A for effort


Yeahhhhh she lost bro she was the one knocked out Lmao

Devin B

From what I've seen Revy is more of a shooter than a close combat expert. She definitely wasn't gonna win against Roberta who casually pulled Dutch out of the car during the car chase last episode but she held her own.


Didn’t they make a whole movie for Roberta ??


definitely check out the ova's they're worth it I promise


No, Ovas about 30 minutes each but I forget how many episodes.


You HAVE to watch Roberta's OVA, it's my favorite part of the series. So good.


I’m weak these reactions are golden


That's it for Exhibit A which is mild compared to Exhibit B


She will make a comeback in the future as a more powerful, more dangerous, more terrifying and invincible,lol

Dark Danny

what do you mean A for effort? Revy got hit with rocket, plus she was shot and still landed a draw in both the gun and fist fight. she definitely won

Dark Danny

because she received damage before the fight, she was literally knocked out for half the last episode

Dark Danny

Nigga what are y'all talking about Revy was kicking the shit out of her, while concussed

Charlie baker

Which is really funny cause from what I can recall revy always leaves her boots untied

Charlie baker

Man they aint fucking with rock not sure how they gonna handle fujiyama gangsters paradise


@Dark Danny was it a draw or a win? Make up your mind lmao. Roberta wasn’t just fighting Revy this episode either, it was her vs literally everyone and she was conscious the entire time. Revy got knocked out twice


The One Piece clash with shockwaves and lightning with just gun was hilarious. This show is so extra and they don't even try to be realistic lmao.


It's been great rewatching this series with an older mind lol. It's almost like watching it fresh for the first time


I knew Revy was gonna lose that brawl she had a concussion like 2 mins ago


Damn ya hate Rock lmaoo. Just hope ya like his character development

Jeremiah Wagner

They hate rock so much atm that they didn’t even realize was surprisingly very calm with the whole situation while even Benny and Dutch were panicking


Roberta did get slammed into a crate from a car crash and she also got into.a.crash her self she also fought off the cartel guys


Yeah parts of this definitely did not age well lol

hector torres

now we wait for part 7

Hans Wurst

5 OVAs, 30 minutes each, Roberta's Blood Trail. Can't wait till we get to that madness.


even without being knockout last episode she is not beating roberta regardless

no. 21’s no. 1 simp (edited)

Comment edits

2023-11-25 00:15:27 What's wrong with Black Lagoon Part 7?
2023-11-25 00:15:27 What's wrong with Black Lagoon Part 7?
2023-11-25 00:15:27 What's wrong with Black Lagoon Part 7?
2022-12-30 19:11:01 What's wrong with Black Lagoon Part 7?

What's wrong with Black Lagoon Part 7?


If you haven't seen it already look up CJ Dachamp "Roberta The Terminator" on youtube but stop after exhibit A so you don't get spoiled


Rock is the only one who dealt with this situation correctly. You guys are getting clapped in the comment. He remained calm and was thinking mostly of the kid's wellbeing because he was never on board with this but couldn't say anything because he is the "new guy"


Yall will be seeing roberta again trust me 😭 shorty got her own arc and it gets WILD

Cam Kaneki

yeah roberta gets a whole ova should check when yall finish

Mikaele Rosecrans

Just wait y’all gonna be scared of Brok


yall gotta watch the roberta OVA by far best part of the series after you guys watch everything else lol

Evan Jenkins

I like how they do a lot to introduce Balalaika as being a reasonably kind and fair person, but it's 100% because of her friendship and business relationship with Dutch. From anyone looking from the outside in, she's a monster and a huge problem.


“Some things are better left not known” Proceeds to traumatize the kid with her past and ideals


Yeeaah Roberta def one that fight lmao


Disagree tbh new anime don’t be having cool shit like this anymore imo

Vlad the Third

@Dark Danny, and Roberta didn't? She fought off half of Roanapur before fighting Revy.. goofy ass


why roshi just used niggas as an insult dfkm 💀😂


Wonder if Lupa sees himself in Rock. Would explain why he doesn't like him.


They actually just knocked over a street light😭 was where the electricity was coming from.