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mans getting jealous lol



Losing antlers is a natural physical thing. AS IF teenagers dont get harrassed and bullied over their bodies changing in puberty, or certain kinds of hair or freckles or body types or girls getting their periods. lol None of it makes sense to bully people over it but everyone does.

Orlandez Malone

She was GRIPPING those antlers😂


Legosi is so innocent that I don't even want to say things like: "He wants to eat her, but not in the Lunch sense if you know what I mean? ;)". Go Legosi do what you need to do, it doesn't matter if she is a bunny. If you love her then go for it I say.

Trevor Wingard

Now I'm picturing Louis and Haru making Jackalope kids...


i mean Louis is still having sex with someone from a different species just because he's gonna marry and have kids with another deer doesn't make it any less hypocritical of him tbh