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Our boy is back!



Yeah, the sedative just overpowered him because he was becoming tired from fighting and running so far already. He just reached his limit and the sedative helped.


Napalm would be a better name smh


This is just azula vs zuko all over again

Silver Delgado (edited)

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2024-01-08 04:36:53 THE GOAT!!
2022-12-20 03:18:40 THE GOAT!!



lmfao Roshi with Jeanist's quirk would be a menace


idc what ANYONE says Jeanist intro was cinematic as fuck and Mirio gettin the extra budget is poetic justice for Season 4, FIRE FUCKING EPISODE


When you really think about it, being able to control ANY fibre at will is crazy versatile, and kinda OP


"Damn, did she fix that ass too?" LMAO


Damn, both cheeks punctured by twigs and branches

Dude Man McGee

show me that TYE baby, fuck yeah!

Julio Morales

wait... isnt our body filled with muscle fibers? so wouldnt best jeanist be able to control those as well? 🧐 like those carbon fibers areng closed.


My man endeavor put his whole endeavussy into that hit


Man imagine if the same studio who animated the recent Mob Psycho season also animated this season. The episode woulda been so fire!!

Antonio Williams

I couldn't believe Best Jeanist's ability was just jeans so I looked it up last week...this man can manipulate fibers and general and just chose to base his entire hero persona around jeans...

Logan Gamb

Ain't even gonna lie was having a real bad day but lupa poppin tf off made it a whole lot better

Dude Man McGee

He's so easy to hate, fucking Denim Man, they did him nice with that intro tho


Bros jumping out of airplanes like he’s Tom Cruise


Watch out! Dabi is going to summon a lightning bolt. Quick Zuko, I mean Shouto, redirect it.


My question is… WHERE IS SNIPE?! literally haven’t seen that dude sense season one, can really use a dude with a gun right about now 💀💀


thank god im not the only one who thought of azula v zuko lmao


Imagine if Snipe had just killed Shigaraki then and there at the USJ attack ( remember he did clean shots to Shigaraki's arms and legs to disable him ) . We wouldn't be here struggling. Damn hero ethics.

Alex Perez

Best Jeanist pulled up with the True Religion power up


Yeah, that's real powerful. I think I remember it being mentioned one of the downsides is that there's a range of strength and control he has depending on the fibre. Denim is S-tier power and cotton or polyester is trash-tier.


Best Jeanist has always been a top 3 hero imo. And here solidifies that even more. Saved all the heroes from Dabi like he did back then during the fight with All for One, doesn’t give a fuck about the nomu running after him and he was restraining gigantomachia on his own

Joshua Carlisle

Would love to hear your guys’ thoughts on the overall animation of this season


N'ah, when they say fiber they just mean inorganic threaded material.

Hasnain Khan


Sheraya san

Mm well I think it the 4x11 episode the animation is actually really good it’s just the slide show part which was blanked out in the manga all together. It’s just a narrative now that the animation for that episode in general was bad but go back and rewatch it and tell me that’s bad anime.... like honestly

Alex Perez

Return of The Mack theme for Lemillion


Yes because what else other than denim is iconic that everyone knows about? Also, they mentioned this somewhere that certain materials have a certain level of strength. Denim material is S-tier while cotton or polyester is trash-tier.

Dude Man McGee

mr. compress was reaching for the fucking twin towers! IT WAS ME! LET ME SHOW YOU IT WAS ME!


I remember a lot of manga readers ( at least in the discord servers I was in at the time ) were bitching about Mirio getting his powers back. I'm personally happy he's back in the game. And damn it them cakes still look good in that costume.


I like how Deku uses his classmates as a kind of inspiration for his moves. Sorta used Bakugo's movement to improve his in full cowling, learned how to kick from Iida, learned how to float from Uraraka, and found a new way to use blackwhip from watching froppy



Let’s go to Lmillion got his fucking powers back looks like eraser getting that leg back after all😭

Devin B

Idk why they were bitching about it cause when I saw his face popped up from the ground as I was reading this I was mad hype.


If he could do you realize how dead Shiggy would be


The common theory I've seen re: Bakugou's Hero name is that yeah it'll probably be shortened to "DynaMight," but also that it probably originally came from Deku. Bb Deku brainstorming Hero names came up with nothing but All Might derivatives (eg "All Might Junior" "Mighty Boy"), and it'd tie up the two scenes linked to Bakugou picking his name- 1. He picked it just after hearing Endeavor talking about "atonement," and for Bakugou "atonement" = Deku 2. The flashback seen this ep with Jeanist- "your Hero name is a wish, a declaration of who you want to be," + picking a name Deku came up with = "I want to be the Hero Deku believed I could be"

Devin B

@Isaac imagine he's only limiting himself to clothing fibers but he can secretly control any kind of fiber


I think a lot of the bitching was because the pacing at this point is (very intentionally) going really, REALLY quickly- since Shigaraki/AfO decided to retreat it's been each side playing whatever cards they have left to stop them or escape, because the 10 seconds or so it takes for the other side to adjust to a new variable could be enough to get away


Funny you mention that because of stuff that happened in the manga got me looking up if inorganic fibers have been used at all in conjunction with organic fibers and it's actually super interesting. Trying to keep it as non-spoilery as possible.


Man the way Endeavor cold clocked Machia was amazing, he got that glass chin.

Smash Bran'Discootch

If i were writing the show, all the nomus would be dead because lemillion would have just reached into their heads and removed a handful of brain or their heart or lung or chunks of their spine.



Omar Bautista

I bet that wasn't the first time Mount Lady got tree'd


That had nothing to do with it the anesthetics finally kicked in


Bro that was mad annoying it was so hype when he showed up outta nowhere and people just love to bitch about this manga even now every week there's people bitching and it pisses me off cause why they still reading if they don't like it? But they insist on complaining every single chapter


Whats with all the disrespect to Best Jeanist??? He doesn't control jeans he controls fibers those cable falling from the plane were clearly not made of jeans. He's stronger than you think I mean he's number 3 for a reason


It was the culmination of everything, including that weak ass chin.

Devin B

@f4jd I don't understand those types of people cause it's one thing to hate something but to force yourself to read/watch something you hate just to hate on it more seems pointless to me.


Lupas reaction to Miro was fantastic and Roshi trying to hide his smile lmao. Bakugo leveled up his explosions hell yeah great episode


roshi always got that smirk when he knows lupa bout to freak


Yeah. I get sick of the manga bashers who continue to read just to complain how shit the writing is and drag horikoshi for it. It's like She Hulk but anime with these fools. I had to leave those servers. I get critique but they were irrational.

Brian Williams

While it looks funny that Mirio immediately calls for help after arriving, he's not worried about his personal safety. He realizes he can't keep all five Nomus off of Best Jeanist by himself.


They literally remarked that he was a problem, relax lmao


Lupa hype got me hype


Right not to hate but I tried One Piece and I know people love it but I just got sick of it at some point, So I stopped I didn't keep going and become bitter like most ya know I just stopped reading. I might pick it up again someday but for now I was tapped dry and not interested anymore so why tf would I keep reading it? idk people are assholes and like to drag people down with them


Deku is now as close to Spider-Man as he’s gonna get

Jalani Abdul-Aziz

They just giving characters Amps outta nowhere. All of a sudden Todoroki can fly and Lemillion + Endevaor have fuckkng super strength 😭 like how tf are those 2 so physically strong it makes no sense


Well with Togata he has always been shown to be strong (he gut punched a hardened Kirishima and took him out in one hit) but the almost super human strength is a result of his being propelled out of solid matter when he turns off permeation which results in either high speed hits that hit hard or what looks like explosive power. With Endeavour while the punch on Machia looked like he knocked him out he didn’t, it was just well timed with the drug taking effect.


Shoto learned that last season during the Endeavor agency arc and Lemillion goes under ground and gets propelled out at high speed thanks to his quirk learned this in season 3. Machia got knocked out because the med's finally kicked in, he's a big guy it takes awhile


Why is Lamillion so strong? He's has regular person strength.


plot convenience. if they werent like that theyd have died ages ago. its one of my biggest issues with quirks as a power system, rlly bakugo shouldve had his arms blown off by his own quirk by now.


It’s a result of being forcibly propelled out of solid matter when he turns off his quirk, it effectively makes him a human bullet. While he is pretty strong for an average person the “super strength” is just mass x velocity and nothing to do with actual strength levels, it’s why Iida can hit so hard also. You need to suspend your disbelief, if you try to think about things like how quirks work logically then the vast majority of comic book characters make no sense, Spider-Man’s strength would make him unable to move based on real world physics, Wolverine would have died years ago from the Hayflick limit, Mr Fantastic would die when stretching based on his circulatory systems and organs failing etc

Dylan Sheets

Did you miss his introduction? He beat the shit out of the whole 1A and beat kirishima out of hardened mode. Do you guys just forget episodes? He literally Screams "POWERRRR" and they're stuck holding their L and stomachs

Robert Solis

The subs are so different


what are you on bro lol they didnt disrespect jeanist at all

Eric Keatts

When have they said quirk users have normal anything? I Cant Stop Twinkling has said that its like his body wasn't made for his quirk, therefore causing his stomach cramps. 1, this statement alone has made me theorize his parents mightve bought him a quirk at some point in time and 2, That whatever your quirk is, your body is probably adapted for its various uses.


I never liked that excuse. It just reinforces poor decision making for writers. You shouldn't be left confused on how strong people are especially this far into the series. He's fighting the strongest Nomus ones that would give All Might problems like it's nothing. Realistically he shouldn't even be as strong as the kid with sugar rush.

Dylan Sheets

Yeah, but this completely forgets how his quark works. His permeation quirk literally defies physics and he says so. Two materials can't overlap so he gets rejected on release and pushed out. If he can be rejected hard enough to fly 100m into the air, why can't he reject the air and propel his fists at Mach 3? Bones? Who says he isn't using permeation on only his bones to nullify impact to hard tissue and absorb with soft tissue? He can control his permeation of his body parts at will.


Centipede kid at this point you’re ignoring everything just so you can hate it. Lemillion has an explanation for his strength, more than heroes like Spider-Man or wolverine do- his body is already strong as a human, he launches at fast speeds out of solid material… you know how momentum works right? - and as for bakugo and others, if you paid attention you’d know it’s SPECIFICALLY SAID that everyone’s body adapts to their quirks, a reason why aizawa and others found it so odd that deku’s quirk destroyed his body… you sound like you don’t pay attention, but go off


Dynamight is a dopeass Hero name fr fr no cap


It might not have worked at all on Machia if he had his normal strength still on. The only reason it worked, cuz he failed a Resist check due to debuffs on END by attrition


Would Wolverine have died, tho? Ain't he a MUTANT? For all we know, his cells might not even be same cells as what normies have (hence regen n shieet. If you have so strong regen, your cells would necessitate the secondary features of not having such a limit)


Your also forgetting 2 basic things which the series has already explained, 1 the reason All Might struggled with that Nomu was because he was fighting both injured and had already gone past the time limit he had for using his quirk in his damaged body that day. The same fight with a peak All Might would have ended much faster. 2, that specific Nomu had an shock absorption quirk which made physical attacks far less effective, while All Might had struggled a hero like Endeavour would have just burnt it to death without any fuss. Each Nomu has different quirks and while many share similar base quirks like enhanced strength and super regeneration not all of them have the same quirks or quirks to improve durability or shock absorption so a physical weaker hero should be able to hit them easier than the first Nomu we are introduced to, similar to how Endeavour fought the black Nomu in Hosu. Example Kuogiri is a High End Nomu like the ones currently fighting but he doesn’t have enhanced strength, durability or super regeneration.


For me the funny part is Deku purposefully chose a name not related to All Might while Bakugo embraced it


The funny thing is the OP is complaining that quirks make no sense and it’s lazy writing but Stan Lee made the X-Men mutants because he couldn’t think of a new way to explain their powers so he just said they were born that way so he didn’t need to give specifics, which allows your answer of well he’s a mutant he would just have the ability to by pass the limit and in comic logic you’d be completely right. But no even in the comics it’s shown that the Hayflick limit does effect Wolverine (it’s why we do see him age slower thus his cells are slowing down their mitotic division) and has been shown not to be immortal so yes he would die however his mutation is slowing down the decay rate. However if we don’t suspend disbelief and go with real world logic (much like the OP is purposing regarding Mirio) that’s not how mitotic division works and if anything his super regeneration would actually shorten his lifespan as each cell can only divide a limited number of times before cell death. You could argue he can reproduce limitless stem cells to explain his regeneration however this would mean, a he could regrow from a single cell (something he has explicitly been shown not to do even in comics so would be even less likely under real world logic) and b, even a body of only stem cells wouldn’t be able to repair a bullet wound in seconds like he does. So with real world logic he dies from his own powers. There’s a bunch that make no sense (Human Torch can both burn and breath in space without oxygen, Blue Marvel can wield anti matter which would kill us all if he used it, Giant Man would die under his own weight etc) but we choose to ignore that to enjoy both the characters and stories


It's still following logic for that world. My hero doesn't even follow it's own rules.


Can anyone refresh my memory how does Lemillion have so much raw strength to hit the High End nomu. Without the momentum from his ability!


But it does though based on its own established logic and rules, your arguing that Mirio shouldn’t be able to fight High Ends and hit as hard as he is due to things like his bones breaking but Kurogiri is a High End and was taken down by Gran Torino who would be far weaker than an average young man like Mirio who has already been said to be on par with heroes like Endeavour. The same old man Gran Torino who took a direct punch from All Might and cracked the ground when attacking a low end Nomu showing both the durability of this old man and strength. If they can establish that an old man can do that with a quirk like jet that sets precedent for someone like Mirio to be at least equal in strength to pull off similar feats without damaging themselves in the process. I mean we should agree to disagree but I wouldn’t say Horikoshi (there’s only one writer for the series) made a poor decision with this as you put it, to me that’s a bit far fetched personally.


I could see why there would be criticism at this point. I don't think what is going in is bad writing but the first thing I thought after the fight ended was that this whole battle is starting to overstay its welcome. I felt like the Deku and Shigaraki clash was a good stopping point and we are starting to cram every possible conflict at the end of the fight. It's definitely hype and fun to watch the fights, but it feels like the final fight to the series with how everyone is coming into this.


High End Nomus do not necessarily have super strength or durability they just have multiple quirks and can think independently, e.g Kurogiri. To be clear these High Ends were not ready and were activated early and were even less ready than the ones we saw earlier so even if they do have super durability their bodies may not necessarily be able to use those quirk effectively. Mirio uses permeation to be forcibly repelled from the ground so he hits like a bullet or in the case where he permeated through the grab by undoing his quirk his body forcibly pushed any and all other physical objects around him to allow his body to become physical again, in this case the Nomus hands. While it looks great like it’s an explosion of strength this doesn’t mean he’s knocking them down for the count it just looks like he’s hitting harder than he is because of mass x velocity. Plus Mirio is shown to be pretty strong without his quirk, gut punching a harden Kirishima and taking him down in one hit.


He has also stated that the series is longer than he originally intended it to be, when he said the series was rushed this is regarding things back in the training arc not the series overall. This was due to popularity drops for the series in Japan so he had to push back details he wanted to add like Dabi’s reveal and the traitor plot. He had to rush the MVA arc as eastern fans do not enjoy villains the same way western fans do so had to push it through to appease his base. Context to authors quotes is important otherwise you misrepresent facts.


i think he's just that guy. night eye wasnt playing around saying lemillion strong enough for one for all.


You can tell it was rushed since the season mirio was introduced even in the manga until now it's all rushed

MitensuraTensho (edited)

Comment edits

2024-01-08 04:36:53 this! I remember him saying that when he exhales and stops permeating he gets boosted out from whatever he's in but that's all I remember 🤷🏾‍♂️
2022-12-20 12:53:33 this! I remember him saying that when he exhales and stops permeating he gets boosted out from whatever he's in but that's all I remember 🤷🏾‍♂️

this! I remember him saying that when he exhales and stops permeating he gets boosted out from whatever he's in but that's all I remember 🤷🏾‍♂️


That’s your opinion sir (manga doesn’t have seasons so not sure if your confusing this with volumes, if you are your saying it’s been rushed since Mirio’s introduction that volume 14 however based on the quote your using you’d be arguing it’s been rushed since volume 10 so you should decide which it is), others like myself disagree. Horikoshi is already 6 volumes past his original 30 volume plan for the story with more to come if it was rushed he’d have tried to finish it as close to 30 as possible (other mangaka have done so in the past with series) but instead he is choosing to add the content he had to push back into the story. I’m not saying the series is perfect in anyway it’s far from it and I’d agree there are parts that are rushed (there’s a big one coming up) but I wouldn’t agree the series as a whole is rushed.


he technically shouldn't, I guess Bones wanted to juice him up quite a bit from what he did in the manga


Because it's a poorly written manga for children. Just enjoy the action and the animation xd


Imma be real I haven't read a single comment I'm just here to start shit with people to waste their time.


I've been on TikTok getting pop up notifications read the last line made some quick response to get him to right another long comment.


Man anime botched mirios suprise return


Well you can’t say you don’t read comments then reply after reading them….that’s a lie. Your replies thus prove my point


It's called the super human condition and not many people pay attention to it. All super natural humans in any series has a base line trait ( and it varies from character to character) of better than average strength, speed, pain tolerence, durability, intelligence and perception. It's basically the reason why someone can get smashed into a car from a punch that should have broken their teeth and come out somewhat fine with minor bruising or how someone can dent/crack a wall when super strength isn't their main ability and their knuckles arent busted to hell.

Ranginald Vagel

Yeah like in a video game, he just gets repelled out. His power has nothing to do with holding his breath though, he simply can't breathe because air goes through his lungs. Can't see or feel anything either, dude basically operates on pure intuition and the ability to quickly grasp information when using his power. It's insanely impressive that he uses it so well that it's this easy to forget lol.


So my point proven, whether you read it all or in part saying you’ve not read a single comment is a lie and now you’ve admitted that too. Good for you sport

Jordan Hackley

Antyime Lup takes his glasses off that's when you know he is stressed out lol

Drake Rage

I think people are forgetting Aizawa had said Mirio is the closest to the #1 Hero after All Might, including the Pros. If Mirio had One for All, he would have been insanely broken OP. He already seems like he has super-strength even with just his "permeation" quirk, lol.

Drake Rage

Man, I love Mirio, so hype! So many great moments this episode: 1. Best Jeanist's badass entrance. 2. Mirio going HAM on them Nomus while yelling POWER!! 3. Bakugo yelling "I have to save them!" (Big character-growth moment)


On a side note, I think Mirio proves that Horikoshi really had 2nd thoughts about this story as a whole midway through writing it. It never really made sense to introduce a pound for pound BETTER option for a MC when he did. Ever since I heard the 2nd movie was originally "an ending he had considered" and that he wanted to end the series sooner than later, as well as a disinterest in a Shippuden-like continuation, I've been worried about the series and it's ending. Horikoshi once said he wanted MHA to rival One Piece. I know he originally thought the series would last 30 volumes or so, but Oda told him it'll end up being more like 50, given his experience. We're at 36 and Horikoshi said it would end this year, just to go on to say more recently that it's not done yet and might actually give us another year or so. As a writer, I feel he has other plans for more series, or at least another one that should surpass My hero. He actually started working on My hero almost 10 years before it got published (most of his first works were one-shots that show early versions of eventual MHA characters and plots). Anyways, SORRY to rant on your post! It just got me thinking about the series as a whole, as Mirio always felt like a "Damn, I fucked up" moment where you see the writer wishing he had written his MC differently lol 😆

Drake Rage

Haha, that's cool I liked hearing your thoughts on it. Mirio does come off as the better candidate for One for All Quirk but I had taken it as the writing having more depth since the best candidate does not get the Quirk. I think even Midoriya has admitted that Mirio would be the better candidate for One for All, which puts that much more pressure on Midoriya to make sure All Might choosing him was not a mistake. I do think there is a lot of stuff the author could do since they did introduce Heroes from other countries in one of the movies, and All Might originally being from America (or just trained in America?). I do hope this series gets a good ending and spin-offs, Heroes from other countries, etc.


So, I played a lot of Crash Bandicoot growing up... Did Bakugo's quirk just upgrade from TNT to Nitroglycerin??? Real talk, that's how I took it lol


You're cool peeps, lol. I know the end is coming for the manga, and I've been ever so slightly spoiled to a few things, but idk... I just had such high hopes at one point that it's sad to hear it isn't going to be as big as I once thought. I always held an image of my head of a Buff 20 year old Deku and a scarred, aged Bakugo looking over the cityscape at the sunrise... 😆 It's cool though, the writer will have my attention on whatever they do next. Much like Kubo and Bleach, he's got an amazing art style and mind for extravagant storytelling, but never showed off his smaller works. Zombie Powder is one of the coolest Manga I own. I guess I'm just obsessing at this point. 😅

Drake Rage

Oof, yeah I do hope they end it well (or author changes their mind and continues the story) since the series started off with an "older" Midoriya's voice saying "This is the story of how I became the Best Hero." I do have high expectations as well since a lot of the arcs have been really well done so far and the whole journey is about reaching that ending of how Midoriya becomes the Best Hero. Maybe there will be a timeskip.


Yeahhh??? You know, that makes since. The color change and saying "a more Natural explosion" is what made me think his sweat was just explosive at first, but NOW it's evolved to a more effective/deadly explosive. But I can kinda see his sweat basically was always nitroglycerin lol


THAT'S what I was expecting after Overhaul, honestly. I started thinking a year ago that the pacing of the story is it's biggest crippling factor. They barely started their 2nd year as students and we're 6 seasons in. I always imagined at some point we'd be full adult heroes (graduates, atleast) and Shigaraki and friends would have had years to become formidable. Because of the pacing, though, we just sped through the villain growth and now Deku has 10 quirks all of the sudden lol. Very extravagant, just not very detailed like the earlier arcs. I seriously hope... this isn't a spoiler, just a feeling... But I HOPE Deku doesn't become the greatest in memory alone, if you catch my drift.


Dabi's insane laughter in this episode is fantastic

Drake Rage

Very true, they are only 2nd year students, I am hoping there is a lot more to the story, can't imagine the author thinking its fine for Midoriya to accomplish "One for All's main goal," that has been passed through generations of heroes, just to have Midoriya defeating All for One-related threats while still being a kid, lol.


Roshis smirkin ass every episode cuz he know what about to happen got me dying.


Best Jeanest would've been perfect in Kill la Kill.

Earphone Jack

Lupa's reaction to Mirio returning was everything! Also, this man Dabi really told Deku not to poke his nose in another family’s business when he just displayed their whole family’s business to everyone in Japan… Sir, you can’t have it both ways!


I’ll take 1 yam on a stick please.

Champion Bescos

I actually kind of agree with Tyler. A really fun arc, but there is too much of a good thing too early on.


Yeah his sweat is basically nitroglycerin and the training from Endeavour helped making his explosions compact and intense

Chan E

Lupa is sooo funny!!!


I am glad they brought the goat back even if its just to shine for a bit before he gets disrespected again, Mirio will always be the goat with or without powers


"evil is not on the rise, but justice is crumbling" was one of Dabis best lines imo. that shit was kinda fire


Realistically. Obviously Giga boy had been fighting off the sedative totally fine before but getting hit by Endeavor probably caused him to lose composure which probably cause the sleep to kick in. thats the only thing I can think of besides just crazy plot convenience


it was being stunned by the punch that let the anesthetics kick in- giganto turns moral into energy, so without the half second of passing out from the hit he would've kept overriding the anesthetics