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Ayo this show is fire so far!



Glad you’re enjoying it. It can be a hard sell for some people.


Literally just the fact that the characters are animals. Crazy how something like that can turn people away

Devin B

It took me a while to get into this just cause it was about animals but when you get past that you see how complex they actually apply the nature of animals into a human like setting.


I think it’s the sexual undertones mixed with the animals for most people

Hayaku Eon

Cause of the irl furries, anything animal related is seen as automatically bad


i can't even lie that play went hard lmao


Is that grass!?

Simple Fan

I like when you space of Beastars is like Be A Star ⭐️ Love this show glad I’m rewatching with y’all 😌


Really getting into this

Big Daddy Dre

“Beastars is not their kind of show, they won’t like it”😂😂

Hasnain Khan



What made that play even more fire, was that there was an herbivore reaching his hand out to a carnivore, which made it extra impactful for the audience there.


holyyyy fastest 20 minutes of my life

Jacob R

Everybody thinks they can be Him until it's time to actually be Him. The only one that can be Him is Louie.

Devin B

What Bill did and said to Legosi was imo like a rite of passage for him being a true carnivore. Bill basically said let me give you these "stripes" on your back to remind you that you're like me.

Smash Bran'Discootch

I first saw this show on Semblence of Sanity's channel. They go into looong discussions about the shows they watch. I was of the same mind as you at first too, took me a little bit to get into but their discussions had me hooked by episode 3. It's always cool seeing people get into this show as now its pretty high up there on my list of "must see" shows.

Greg Harrison

Legosi and Louis are such great characters man.


This show kinda reminded me of a Tokyo Ghoul world with Ghouls and Humans living together. And ya know, a lot of excess body hair.


ngl i didnt expect the show to be this fire either all i heard about beastars was that there are animals that fuck. and im not a furry so i said hell nah, but its actually fire. even with the beastiality/furryporn/idkwhattocallit (is it beastiality? idk,) subplots


I always found the animal thing to be an allegory for racism. So yes, it does have sapient animals that fuck, but it sorta becomes about bridging that racial gap. The race angle does break down here and there, but it doesn’t need to be one to one or complete representation. We can have fun exploring new ideas. I can’t really say it’s furry porn, since furry porn usually only exists to get someone off. Beastars does it’s best to treat sexuality in a serious and mature manner. However, furries will use it as fap material either way. Kinda like masturbating to, I don’t know, a statue of Venus or something.

Smash Bran'Discootch

Yknow, i was originally gonna comment "wtf?" but then i thought about it and yeah i see where you're coming from lol


that shit ain't weed it's fucking meth bro


The Sheeragan at it again so quick! you love to see it!


This is one of the best surprise anime of the last few years, for me. It just gets better and better. S2 is a trip 🤣


Nah you can’t think of the rabbit’s blood as just weed. Like, in this world, that stuff still has to come from another person’s veins, usually illegally. That’s some dark shady shit. Legoshi fighting him, esp after the Haru thing? Makes perfect sense.


Is this grass


Chocobo imma be honest with you the sexual undertones are so rare between the sad and epic shit that honestly it unfair how this show is treated and most of the time it’s used to show bad legoshi is with this sort of situation

Hi How are ya

It’s not even bestiality or anything, the characters are animals that are portrayed as humans, they will fall in love and do all the things that come with that just like humans do, plus bestiality is humans being attracted to animals, but this show is literally animals being attracted to animals so it can’t be beastiality or furry.


its prob more similar in effect to coke, and would be even more addictive due to a carnovires nature

Abigail Clark

just wait it gets wilder lmao. Also! the guy who did Jujutsu Kaisen's first ending "lost in paradise" also did the opening song for this series! I literally didnt know until I looked one day and it clicked lmao


Bro I am telling you beastars is peak fiction, every character is well written and interesting.


Facts I knew they would like it this show is to well written to be ignored

Devin B

@Smash Bran'Discootch @Fizzy I was definitely skeptical of this show just based on the premise but after you dive into it it gets you hooked and leaves you wanting more. This show did a great job in exploring each character and how the kind of species they are affects their lives.

Samuel Cuello

I just wanna say that Bill having a vial of rabbit blood is morally worse than pot. Since it implies that an animal was killed and their blood and organs harvested for sale.


I'm sad it's just "the guy" now lol They were a group but disbanded shortly after the JJK outro. Now it's just Ali and I can't even remember the band name.

Casey Hedge

Couldn't it have just been a small blood donation that wasn't lethal? Still sketchy, but not the darkest thing we see in this show.


dk if u can tell but rouis is a W character

Samuel Cuello

I guess some herbivores could make a quick buck just selling their blood .. but with their instinctual fear of being preyed upon, I don’t know how many would willingly do this. They’re still animals and I’ve never seen an animal in nature be consumed willingly.


sure but there are humans who prostitute themselves and that is selling yourself to some degree too. People and animals do crazy things when desperate.


Red weed😂😂😂 yes roshi


Real love story is wolf and the deer


It's probably something that you can only get on the black market or from someone personally. And if he got it from the former, then there’s probably no telling if a person donated or were killed for it.

Yagi di Hoshi

OGs remember the time this episode had DUWANG-type subtitles when it first got uploaded (during Netflix Jail)