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The bill comes due



Wait wth I thought the same thing but debated commenting about it 😭


Please react to Warrior on HBOMAX after y’all finish this show!!!!!!!!!!


Pulled up gangsta asf, got confirmation, lit her ass up and walked off. Going off of their beliefs, what he did makes sense. We have to remember that their Gypsy culture is intertwined in the fabric of the show, it isn't random paranormal superstition.


man said im here on behalf of the Blue Sapphire and started spraying I woulda been so confused lmao


I think Arthur just going through withdrawal

Smash Bran'Discootch

In the song at the beginning during Ruby's funeral, Roshi just happened to open his mouth right as the first male voice came into the song and i was like "Wait, roshi knows this song and started singing along?! Oh...oh no that aint him..."


glad Ada shut Karls ass up with telling him he's jewish. he was fucking annoying

Smash Bran'Discootch

I can't remember if you're the one I asked if this show was good enough to justify getting HBOMAX. But even if it wasn't you, it's folks like you who got me to check it out. Final verdict? It absolutely was. Heat. Fire. Pure jet afterburner FLAMES.


Imagine if the kid is a random ahh boy who esme picked up


They are Romani all of them believe in curses etc it’s part of their culture. Tommy wouldn’t have gone there just to kill civilians and we know Tommy can still continue his work while not being mentally good like he hasn’t been in many seasons since Grace, John, Polly death and especially now because of Ruby’s death. Finn isn’t close with he’s siblings and the rest of the family much since season 4 even tho we saw him in the family meetings in season 5 but he wasn’t around them much unlike previous seasons and that’s because Finn is the youngest out of 4 siblings and because of their age difference unlike Arthur, Tommy, (John) and Ada who are very close with each other.


Finn was at ruby's funeral with his girl. They haven't given him much screentime this season though.


Last episode Esme said the woman tommy killed was the one who sent a curse for his family because of her grand daughter died after touching the blue sapphire necklace. They assumed Tommy's family cursed hers so she did one in return. This was vengeance in tommy's eyes because of the Gypsy belief. You kind of forget that Polly was also very heavy in her Gypsy belief and could "see things" that come true

Aaron Gauntt

This show makes Deadshot jealous with how much its musical score never misses Edit: it's -> its


I was replying to Roshi cause of their reaction and non understanding of the scene.

Wise Old King

Tommy really just pulled up and started gunning lmao

Mike A

The absolute casualness of the horrible stuff that comes out of Diana's mouth.


The song the IRA woman sang is the same one that Grace sang to Tommy when she asked "Happy or sad ?" in the Garrison in the second episode of the show !


I really like how even after all of these years and Tommy's rise in status he still fundamentally believes in curses and other kinds of superstition. It's kind of refreshing to see a story/show where that kind of belief is explored and central to how characters behave. Also, did Ada know this entire time that her son was a racist pos? If yes, why tf didn't she, like, do anything about that. Like you've had years to address this lady

Antonio Williams

Once again plugging Gangs of London. Secondarily plugging Warrior and Snowfall


Well to no surprise Tommy is dying from some disease, we all saw it coming. I'm guessing there gonna take the Breaking Bad route and have him go out in a blaze of glory before he dies from his illness. Hopefully its an epic send off. (A lot of movies and shows have done this, BB was just the one I thought of in the moment)


Now rewatching this with y’all I’ve notice Finn was MIA for the whole season. Like already hated how they wrote him in the last few episodes of this season but this makes me hate it even more. They didn’t give him shit to do to develop the character at all. He’s wasn’t there. Maybe the actor wasn’t up to it or they couldn’t get him bc of his schedule or something but damn. We see this little boy running behind his brothers all those years and they could have turned him into a interesting character but turned into a after thought.


You have to realize that Finn was never gonna live up to his older brothers. He grew up in a generation where he didn't have to go to war, etc. He had every intention of trying to be like his brothers but couldn't (see season 3 and 4 where he went off on his own to try to make a name for himself, took his first bullet, tried to take the eyes of his enemies as a peaky blinder but was hesistant, etc). Also, you have to realize that Finn in season 5 gave up information about the assassination of Mosley and that cost the Shelby family dearly. Not everyone is fit to be a "model Shelby" and commit acts of moral turpitude.


Hoping y’all at least think about giving Vikings a shot.. that’d be a great journey with y’all


If Tommy didn't drink I think Arthur could of held out.

Ark (edited)

Comment edits

2022-12-30 06:04:56 Bruh, if they do Vikings I will stay sub till it ends. Love Vikings.
2022-12-30 06:04:56 Bruh, if they do Vikings I will stay sub till it ends. Love Vikings.
2022-12-15 04:24:18 Bruh, if they do Vikings I will stay sub till it ends. Love Vikings.

Bruh, if they do Vikings I will stay sub till it ends. Love Vikings.


It’s not about him being the model Shelby it’s about him being MIA for 4 episodes then boom he’s out. No build up, no tension about what he’s doing all season. No relationships tension with his brothers, no conflict just not there all season until the last 2 episodes. He literally not even in the back ground of the show at this point. I don’t care how he ended up, good bad, Tommy part 2 or the anti-Shelby, there was no lead up to anything of that this season.


Lupa called Arthur walking laundry LMFAOOOOOOO

Ark (edited)

Comment edits

2023-11-26 10:29:14 I’ll miss you guys!
2023-11-26 10:29:14 I’ll miss you guys!
2022-12-15 17:32:36 I’ll miss you guys!

I’ll miss you guys!


True he hasn’t gotten a lot of screen time, but you have to remember that Finn is a minor character. You can say the same for other minor characters throughout the show. At this point, Finn doesn’t really quite add anything to the plot other than his betrayal to his family. Also, you have to ask yourself what scenes would you replace with Finn in the last 4 episodes with. In my opinion, I don’t mind Finn being gone the past few episodes as you can guess what he’s up to and probably not important relative to everything else.

Shaquan Hypolite

I guess y'all forgot the scene where polly dreamt about her dead daughter or something. In almost every season, by now, y'all should know that their gypsy culture is in fact real in the show. I mean they always reference how they can see shit so of course he was going to believe in the superstition.

Stacy Henry

I don’t know what Ada was doing going outside trying to confront those Nazis