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Lupa understands Toga



Me, but with all (except one) the villains backstories.


Nigga it don’t matter what the purpose was, she stabbed another kid.


Ain’t nothing to do with being “misunderstood”, they straight evil.


It do matter, it’s out of her control, it’s like when you depressed and you bottle that shit up for years and then one day you just break down like a mf, it’s what happened with her, she did it out of love not cuz she wanted to murder it’s just her nature, or rather the nature her quirk gives her


Bro if all the characters made the best decisions each and every time the show would be over before season 1 could conclude. Tf you on stupid? Thats how shows work.


Here we go!

Zen Reacts

Ey yknow what I actually liked Toga and her character for a long time, but after this latest chapter, imma need her to die immediately with no mercy

Shirley B

The moment I saw this notification, I clicked so fast.

Julio Morales

yeah i get toga 100% its about perspective. the great chef from ratatouille....its all he wanted 😭 perspective

Dude Man McGee

Haven't watched the reaction yet, do not like the description...


Bruh My guys arms I know what that feels like rn it's cold as fuck so I also have no feeling in mine


Toga is straight wild, I get ochaco , hearing her ask those questions makes me wanna throw hands too.


Think there’s a patreon app. Or he could be calling the email a “notification”.

abdulrahman fahad

man lupa had me dying laughing i almost pass out literally


The comic book hero is a kid from class B.


If Toga is able to freely walk around next episode I’ll be upset. Ochako clearly grabbed her with all fingers, so her gravity should be removed.

Smash Bran'Discootch

I waited all the way til the end of this video. There was nothin. Big sad.


Honestly I never liked Toga as a villain. Even when we've seen her backstory, i just went meh. I do miss twice though

XWF Outlaw

No one: Last 3 ½ minutes of the video: *Chappelle Rick James voice* "Darkness-is, Darkness-is!!"


me thinking there's an after-credit scene 🤡


True Toga is a villain, but she was made a villain after being rejected by society for simply being born, like she can't control what quirck to be born with...


Deku trying to get a cameo in the Super Mario movie out here looking like a Chain Chomp!

Desi JB

Next episode is going to be Fire! Can't wait to see your reaction!

Devin B

If you look at the League of Villains they're all the product of society failing them. I can somewhat understand Toga's line of questioning cause they're playing the part that society pushed them into and now they're being punished for it.

Kameron Renae

HAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAA FINALLY! 👹next weeks ep “Dabi’s Dance” My favorite villian gets his shine 🤩🤩🤩


She was never rejected by society until after she killed someone. The only people who rejected who she was were her parents, who (understandably) got freaked out and then fucked up by trying to ignore the problem and telling her to suppress her urges instead of teaching her how to deal with them like good parents should. Tldr: Toga had bad parents who made her issues worse and she didn't get to pick the quirk she was born with, but should have known better than to kill and got rejected by society AFTER killing people


Yo the CG work was fire this ep, and for the past few episodes like Shigarakis decay and deku swinging, they def need to use it more

Hasnain Khan



Does Roshi still read the manga?


Parents having to dealing with a wild demonic af kid whose only reason for acting that way is because of her quirk, a natural process, imagine being born with a quirk that makes you addicted to blood of other creatures, its wild. She was basically neglected and outcasted for something she had no control over, ion bout y’all but her backstory was pretty interesting to me.

Alexis Sullivan

I thought OFA couldnt be taken, it has to be given willingly. I swear i remember All Might saying that. Thats why Deku had to eat his hair


bruh what? how do you tell a kid who was literally born with the urge to kill to suppress that urge and should have known better💀


Yeah some guys arguing with me abt how her killing doesn’t make innocent, but it’s her quirk… she desires blood and society rejected her and that’s why she turned out that way so young and ppl arguing with me saying she’s evil😭


She was rejected by her parents simply cuz her quirk gave her interest in blood because that’s what it makes her want, and when did she kill someone?? Unles u talking manga else it was never mentioned she killed someone until she was like 15 but at that point everyone already feared and hated her for something she can’t control


She was like 15 when she first stabbed someone, and it wasn’t with the intent of murder, y’all really don’t know what her quirk does to her, it makes her desire blood, she expresses her feeling with wanting the blood of who she likes, it’s out of her control, society rejected her so she ran to the streets where society deemed her to be, deemed her a villain cuz of her quirk and so she actually became a villain

Devin B

He meant when it comes to forcefully trying to take it through their DNA. AFO has the ability to take quirks so he's the exception but it takes a lot for him to steal it as you can see.

Devin B

@Luffy_77 Her and some of the people in the League of Villains are the definition of they're not evil they're just misunderstood.


There was no way her parents were gonna handle it the right way due to the fact that I don't think it was common knowledge that people's quirks lead to specific personality traits and "urges" that relate to the quirk. I kinda wish they dive more into that aspect of Quirk society. Like, was she deemed quirkless for a while? She can't transform into people if she didn't have their blood in her system so there would have been no way of knowing what she could do and she looks like an average person with no physical traits other than her teeth which I assume they ignored. So if she was diagnose as quirkless and she displayed weird habits relating to her quirk they were ignorant about, they would handle it as if it was a mental illness and I've heard that Japan has a nasty history on how they dealt with mental illness which is exactly how her parents handled it, by telling her to stop being weird and be normal ( We all know America was like this too back in the day ). It makes sense when you look at it like that on why her parents handled it so wrong.


But why did they reject her? Cuz her quirk wasn’t up to standards with society, Toga hates the current society for a reason, she couldn’t be herself for years because she was never going to fit in, and then she snapped and ran away from home


Point being that it’s your child… if she needs help then give it to her… they rejected her quirk and her feelings and put her in a cage because she was never going to fit in with society, so she rejected society in return


It can be taken by AFO. In that context, pretty sure he meant someone can’t take your hair and eat it without permission


i think he stopped mid or after this arc not sure though


What I'm asking is did they even know she had one due to the circumstances of how it works. That's why I want them to deepen the world lore, especially in the medical field. Can they diagnose someone having a quirk by visible DNA? Or do they mostly always go off that toe thing they mentioned. Can all quirks be traced through DNA, or is it only certain quirks that can be traced that way? There's a lot I wanna know like did they even know she had a quirk to begin with because her quirk has requirements that were not met since she only consumed the blood of dead animals at the time and she can't transform into animals. Your point doesn't hold because not all humans follow the point. Yes, that's their child but there's numerous cases of parents being shitty people in circumstances they do not understand. It's human nature to reject what they don't understand. They did it the "normal" way due to society being ill equipped to give Toga the tools she desperately needed. And no I ain't defending them.


Lupa is right about Toga. How does she not understand the severity of the leagues actions? They are literally destroying a city as they speak. They killed so many people. Most of the league are murderers and for horrible reasons. Twice has a quirk that was to strong he had to go. Imagine Sad man's parade with a bunch of Dabi's. She's bugging.


Nah, toga need to be offed, ochako should just touch her and send her to space

Jay rellim

lol deku looking like he was gonna go off on shigaraki again just to get caught in 2 seconds


@Luffy_77 shes still a serial killer tho. she still made concious decisions to do god awful things. no doubt the leage has caused the death of thousands. toga having a quirk that makes her want to drink blood dont change anything about that. if she needed blood that badly buy fucking buckets of pigs blood, its cheap and way more ethical that what she does now lol. its not like she can only drink human blood either so she has no excuse.


i agree but can we off ochaco aswell


shes so annoying, especially next episode

FreshxEli Tv

People give Dracula blood for free 😂😂😂 but will look at Toga like ayo do you got that gas money 😂😂 like give the girl blood


"Hey Toga nice to see you...But i'm kinda busy bye" And i float away....


Yeah since it's AFO it becomes a bit of a power struggle,literally.


Lupa would've cursed Toga out and wouldve found himself with a knife in his ribs


it’s okay lupa i would save you

Champion Bescos

That shit got me too, Roshi. "She's fucking crazy," was not what I expected Lupa to say.

Cameron Robinson

I hated this discussion of capital punishment in this series. These villains either murder people(heros and civilians), are willing to murder people, support a leader whose goal is to murder people and take control (Shigaraki/All for One)or follow a figure whose whole ideology was around murdering people he didn’t see fit (Stain). No I don’t think people who do those things deserve to live more than their future or past victims. Do I think Twice was terrible person? Yes and No his background and mental health problems left him in a vulnerable state, but he still associates with murders and I think the first action he takes after “escaping” Hawks shows when just murders a hero for apprehending (not killing them like Hawks) his friends. Good deep down don’t do that IMO


Bro Nana is unbelievably hot


It's not totally clear if Toga killed the first kid she attacked- with his parents talk about him as though he's still alive in the interview, at least (She definitely killed people after running away though lol)


Thing is, none of them are attacking the part of society that failed them, and none of them want to *fix* anything. They're all just doing whatever, lashing out at anyone who tries to stop them, and getting pulled into escalating conflicts by AfO.


Exactly, it was only stated that she stabbed a kid, but even so she didn’t do it with the purpose of murder, she had just been holding herself back for so long she snapped and the proceeded to run away from the society she had grown to hate


I love Lupa, man. Keep that energy bro. It's a blessing 🙌


Most villains have a screwy sense of logic and I don't think their reasoning around capital punishment really need to be taken seriously. Lupa probably said it best, bch is fkn crazy.

Tyrone Williams

It just hit me that the villains' quirks represent things that can be bad for society. Heroes' quirks are literally how we deal with them. LOV gets shown more because they have quirks that can hurt, but aren't necessarily evil. For example: Machia=EarthQ/tsunami, Shiggy=decay of life& property, fire is on both sides, etc... The heroes get obvious when you look at the funky ones. RockLock, washing machine, tape, cement. Twice is sad because I think it's Twice= cell division. Makes sense why he was so close to Toga


God my one big issue with MHA is how fucking dumb these villains are. Like I genuinely can not understand why so many people love them, even Stain. "You Heroes are hypocrites because you stop ME from killing innocent people but when we force you into a situation to where you have to kill a terrorist or allow hundreds of innocents to die, you kill the terrorists!"


It’s the fact that heroes wont help EVERYONE. A large percentage of heroes are in it for the money. There is also the fact that a hero society has made people dependent on heroes. meaning that if you see someone in need of help, the majority will just turn away and say “a hero will take care of it” then just walk away. There are many many manyy reasons to be a villain in MHA. If all that didn’t exist then there would be much less villains. There would only be actual psycho villains who just kill for fun. The majority of the main villain cast wouldnt have been villains if they had gotten proper help from someone, anyone, not just a hero. Deep inside their current villain heart, they wish to be understood and helped. It is why when Jin died, it was a horrendously horrible decision on Hawks part because it caused the villains to see that they dont matter to the world. Nobody wants to save them, they just want to kill them. They feel like they dont matter just like how their whole life has been. At least that is what they think. There are people like Deku and Lemillion who are true heroes and are willing to change people’s heart to save them.

Drake Rage

@Phroug there is a BIG difference between Stain and Shigaraki. Stain was mad about how society with an overabundance of heroes was ultimately ruining society, which Stain was absolutely right about; Villains with sad backstories came to be because being a Hero had become a "Business." Stain wanted Heroes to only be made up of ACTUAL Heroes with Heroic qualities, like All Might (and Midoriya, etc.) but went about it in an extreme way. Like PyroPhoenix said, a lot of heroes are in it for Fame and Money, and the overabundance of heroes has made the regular population not take any responsibility because they expect Heroes to take care of everything, which ends up creating villains because they never got the help they needed.


There's nothing wrong with being a hero for money or fame, it's a job at the end of the day. To agree with the ideology of them deserving death for that alone is insane. People being dependent on heroes is not at all the fault of the heroes themselves, that without a doubt falls on the normal people and the police. Yes it is true that many of the main villains are mentally unstable and put into situations, but don't you think the whole "I got beat as a child so now i'm a global terrorist" thing is going just a tiny bit too far here? And don't even tell me that Hawks made a terrible decision when he was put in the situation that he was in. There was literally no other option, it was A: Kill the second most threatening person on the enemy team, or B: Let the second most threatening person on the enemy team use his incredibly broken ability which will make us instantly lose. Looking at is realistically, you'd have to be a complete goofball to try and talk Twice out of it. Which Hawks DID attempt to do by the way. I know it's easy to put on the "Friendship is magic" glasses and think that everyone can just be talk-no-jutsued, but some people are beyond saving.

Drake Rage

I am not defending Villains like Shigaraki's actions, just saying what did indeed cause a lot of villains in the League of Villains to come to exist, it was because of an overabundance of Heroes and a lack of responsibility taken by regular citizens (Which is exactly what Stain was trying to prevent, his stance was that having too many "Fake" Heroes was ruining society). Stain was right in what he said (Not saying he was right in becoming a Hero-Killer), which is why a lot of Citizens, even in the anime itself had become his "fans" and also made many villains join the "League of Villains" because they wanted to support Stain, but didn't know that Shigaraki hated Stain and was trying to kill him, lmao. Stain was my favorite Villain personally, and I don't think any of the League of Villains deserve sympathy/compassion since they have done too many bad things and no longer can be "saved." I do feel bad about Twice though because he was a good dude that kept having extreme bad-luck, no help, and strayed too far from the "correct" path and ended up in the League of Villains.


(small manga spoilers in this comment fyi) Keep in mind Stain hated Shigaraki MORE than he hated the "fake Heroes" and also he was kind of insane. He actually was mad at Iida for focusing on getting Stain INSTEAD of saving his victim, and approved of Deku and Shouto for prioritizing getting people away from Stain and trying to figure out if they could escape with them, and only fought once they decided they couldn't. Where Stain was really messed up was by applying pressure in the wrong place- we actually don't see a lot of Heroes who are in it for fame/fortune/glory, in part because it's a stupidly dangerous job, and in part because the HPSC's policy for dealing with "bad" Heroes was to assassinate them until pretty recently (ie Hawks is referred to as the assassin's "replacement," though he's notably more of a "special agent" than "hitman"). The societal issues are more related to citizens commodifying Heroes than anything the Heroes themselves are doing- forgetting that Heroes are fallible, imperfect humans who can't actually fix everything all by themselves.


...so how do Compress' marbles and Spinner's "Gecko" fit? There are Heroes and Villains with every kind of quirk, because it comes down to what you choose to do with it

Drake Rage

Stain is so interesting to me. Also, even in the real world the phenomenon called "bystander effect" exists. An example we learned about in a Psych class was a case in New York where dozens of people saw a kid get stabbed multiple times and he slowly bled to death for... I think 30 mins and died. Nobody had called the cops/ambulance, they all assumed someone else had called someone already. So we see that this happens in the real world with just regular people, then imagine in a world where there is an overabundance of Heroes it would make complete sense that people would expect Heroes to take care of everything since they are literally **Heroes**. Stain recognized that way back then and tried to find a solution in his own extremist ways, lmao.

Edgar Luna

wasnt that the whole point of Shinsho's character? lol youre right I think he might be reading to much into it


Bystander effect has been largely disproven, fyi, and that case (assuming you mean Kitty Genovese) was exaggerated to the point of basically being fiction- the report said 38 witnesses and only 1 called at the end, but it was more like 6-12 witnesses (who each only saw a small part of the interaction) with 2 calling the police + one neighbor shouted at the guy to "leave the girl alone" + another went out to sit with the girl as she died. (also, this was before the 911 system was set up, so calling the cops wasn't nearly as easy as it is now). When something like the bystander effect DOES kick in, it's usually in unclear circumstances (ie the bystanders don't immediately recognize something is wrong) or specifically affected populations (ie the bystanders are all familiar with and afraid of a particular gang), and it's pretty much only looked at in terms of intervention, not "calling to get someone else to intervene" because someone calls virtually every time. And in mha context, "not calling the authorities" has to extend to none of the neighbors calling when the Shimura's house collapsed in the middle of the night after a lot of screaming, and Tenko wandering around for several hours, AND all this happening to a kid who AfO has an extremely specific interest in. Civilians definitely have a problem with expecting the Heroes to fix everything while they stand around watching the fight like it's a street show, but Tenko's case smells like AfO orchestrated it imo

Drake Rage

edit: ***Oh yeah, you mentioned that in your last paragraph, just saw it so my 1st paragraph pretty much agrees with you. Actually pretty much our posts agree, but now I got to know that Bystander Effect was disproven, lol*** AfO orchestrating Shigaraki to become evil seems very likely for sure, but that would still only explain one of many villains who have the same story of society abandoning them instead of helping them, leading to them becoming BIG villains currently, like most of the "main" villains aren't evil, but they have become really bad people now because AfO was leading/guiding them in the League of Villains. The Bystander Effect getting disproven is good to know, faith in humanity restored *slightly*, but I still think it is what MHA is trying to show with people ignoring others in need even though Heroes are not able to save everyone. Stain is the reason League of Villains blew up and got popular since a ton of villains joined to support Stain's cause, so Stain's belief/reasoning was important, I think. I would love it if they bring back Stain since he really did have a big impact on things.

Tyrone Williams

I think that's actually part of the point. Spinner is the perfect example. I think he represents our fear of lizards. When he first joined, it wasn't about being evil. It was that he felt rejected. Lizards aren't "evil" but it's a common fear. Also think about it this way, why would you have such a random power like rock lock? He seems like an obvious theme device. His only quality that we really know about him is that he cares a lot for his family. A lock on your door is a simple and obvious way to do it. True I could be totally wrong and reading too much into it tho, but it's what came to my head lol


Toga's quirk during the 80's would've gotten her into some problems.


eh I like this show, but the the amounts of fucking retarded mistakes ,that author forces characters to make just to make story longer is crazy.... The only character with brain in this show is Hawks. But even he should kill Twice way sooner. They could finish Shigaraki before he woke up but noo let's leave main target and let's see what happens


Ochaco is trying to be as usless as Sakura or what ? How retarted you have to be to follow Toga alone to empty house with your dumb quirk


Lmao I like that you replied on your own comment

Chideraa Udegbulem

She didn’t know Toga was coming and had to help people who were calling out so it made sense what she did

Nate D.

Lmao, yeah she wouldn’t have lasted too long, wild comment hahahaha