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The set up



The dub for this episode sounds awful lmao. Completely messed up the scene between the boss and the woman David killed + made Arasaka execs sound like edgy little teenagers lmao

Charlie baker

bro its literally a western ip made into an anime by a jp studio, shut up bro if anything the characters absolutely should be speaking in english like they do in the game, the jp might aswell be the dub lmao


You are correct actually. That's how it's done.

Gabriel Souza

David is making really stupid choices tho


I hate having to wait a week for the finale I love this series so much.


W Show even W-er finale

Omar Bautista

You also wanna take back having the option wait for the elevator for a chance to get shot or running into the direction of guns firing to never making it to the stairs option too

Mikaele Rosecrans

Btw I think I read somewhere that Lucy already had installed Mrs.Midnight and within that year for Lucy that David installed Mr.Studd. If your wondering what Midnight is it’s where the body can automatically get wet and stay like that for as long as u want and Studd is just being able to keep going and finish whenever u want

Omar Bautista

I'm glad CyberSteveJobs invented Cyperfacetime in the year 2077. Texts gets annoying to hear


My reasoning as to why they talked like that was because the calls directly pick up their thoughts. They're just saying the first thing that comes to mind or what they feel, so the sentences get muddled a bit. It's happened before with other calls, like with Maine and David. Some characters muddle their words more than others.


Y’all better be ready for these last two episodes 😭

Hasnain Khan


jesse almonte

Alright guys. time to suffer

no. 21’s no. 1 simp

The late episodes they just said fuck drawing clothes lol, if I wanna cosplay Lucy I might as well be naked


Dont trust a soul in night city


The call between Lucy and Nikki and how they 'talk': The reason they're 'talking' like that is because they're not actually physically talking to each other. Their thoughts are being transmitted for the call, they're "thinking" at each other. That's why the sentences sound to stuttery and jolted, they're not getting filtered.


no way lupa said his moms ashes were whey protien 😭😭😭


Yea the communication with how they talk with their minds has always been weird like that. Sometimes it says words twice or leaves words out in a sentence. You probably only noticed now since all the other mind phone calls haven't been that long compared to Lucy and Kiwi talking in this episode.


Am i the only one hearing double audio anime wise


So the thing with them when talking on the phone is like... a glitch, or their mind overlapping words. They're not speaking out loud, just transferring thoughts, so sometimes they end up stuttering or repeating a word during the communication, and it seems more clipped and less conversational. At least that's how I took it.


please dont trust everything that you read online man. lmao


From what I heard on release the weird call sentences was literally because Netflix used some translation software for the original subs and since they are physically animated into the show they couldn't just be updated like normal subs. People say they think its because it's neural technology but like sometimes when the words are there the voice actor doesn't say them which I think is them understanding how weird it sounds, and also it never happens through the duration of the entire game which isn't very long after the anime.


that was Roshi before this episode. In this episode, Lupa accidentally thought it was whey so that's what made it funny.


Kiwi was the main person that basically said don’t trust a soul in night city and even Maine said don’t trust nobody but yourself


David is high on that chrome shit. Kinda like drugs tbh. It's an addiction. Maine's death really did a number on him so he's spiraling down this path.


An angle to consider is that Faraday went to Kiwi to set a trap for the Runner (Lucy) to catch them. Kiwi may not have known it was Lucy doing it but had a hunch it was her. Rebecca is not the only one to notice David is losing it. So rather than get punched out again by Maine 2.0 Kiwi has decided to cut her losses.

Smash Bran'Discootch

It's not future slang. I explained this in a comment on the last video. It's a thought transfer, they aren't speaking with actual words or their voice so their conversation is a bit jittery. They've been doing it all series, it's just super noticeable during the Lucy and Kiwi conversation.

Brandon N

this dub slang aint it chief

Smash Bran'Discootch

Also downgrading doesn't involve shoving organic parts back in. It's more replacing your fancy advanced parts with parts that have fewer bells and whistles and that are less taxing on your system. It's essentially freeing up RAM.

Pan Cakes

I mean i dont blame kiwi, she knew david started being sus so she had to find something else or a new gig.


No, they just get weaker parts to downgrade lol


Yeah she noticed David started acting off. The last time their leader lost it, she got hit in the face for literally nothing and Maine/Dorio died.


I don't think kiwi knew the Netrunner was lucy at the time feraday probably just came up to kiwi asking for help to catch the Netrunner


Also Kiwi literally said to Lucy she should trust no one in Night City 😂.

Mr. K

You ready for Round 2 of Spain minus the S lmaooo


Slang from any era you aren't from will never be it chief. You wouldn't even think jive-turkey is it either. Nor would you think gee willikers. It's not the dub, it's you.


Ugh I feel bad for David. He's not a fully developed adult yet so he's more prone to taking risks thinking he's special and it'll work out for him like he's a main character, which he is in the show, but in the context of that world being a real world, he isn't. We've all been there so really nobody should be giving him too much shit because we were all like that or at least had the fantasy of being someone special when we were around his age. He's got an addiction thanks to the screwed up circumstances that ruined his life and how the politics and culture of this era is, plus his trauma with his mom and Maine. He's pretty much just another statistic at this point and it's sad the people that love him can't get through to him. And he got all this just because people were amazed that he could use the sandy more than 3 times and could handle it and now he's the shit or something. That back alley surgent and Kurosaki warned him and he didn't listen. Nothing but bad times for David and everyone now if he doesn't stop. But now Lucy is in danger so he really isn't gonna stop.


I think you guys are misunderstanding. They didn't KNOW it was Lucy. They just set a trap for the person killing Arasaka netrunners and it turned out to be Lucy.

Ricardo Lopez

Oh bro sorry basically down grading will be just installing prosthetics that do normal human functions, and not no muscle enhancing that taxes the nervous system, them activating a sandy or the arm cannon thing uses his nervous system


Faraday knew it was Lucy. Because he knew there's 2 netrunners in Maine's team and one them hacked Tanaka. He said back in episode 7 that he wanted David to use the other netrunner that was not Kiwi for the job that he had for them.


He didn't. Arasaka had no idea who the netrunner was that was killing their people and neither did Faraday because Arasaka had no clue that they were connected to David. The two things were different, Arasaka even said that the killings on the Arasaka facility that David commited were totally different from the netrunners being killed. It was pure luck


Arasaka doesn't know it was Lucy but Faraday knows. He didn't give the information to the Arasaka as a bargaining chip to get money. you need to rewatch ep 7. He knew there were 2 netrunners in Maine's crew and it was not Kiwi that hacked Tanaka so it was Lucy. Both of them were not surprised when they capture Lucy. So they knew from the start who they were capturing.


She didn't at the start but Faraday knew and told her. Because Farady knew Lucy hacked Tanaka back in ep 7 when he had a conversation with David and now Arasaka is finding the netrunner that hacked him. So it was very clear who Arasaka was trying to find to him. That's why both of them were not surprised when they capture Lucy. Kiwi's motivation for agreeing to capture Lucy is unknown so far.


I wanna say brakthir is right Faraday didnt know lucy was the runner either yes he knew there were two runners on the team but didn't know it was lucy when you back to that episode. Faraday asks if the runner is any good showing how he knew nothing about her

Gene Ryan

This. If you really think about it, how often do you lose your train of though when you think and end up repeating words. It's basically that being transferred into a conversation.

Smash Bran'Discootch

Right?! Or like how often does some RANDOM stuff pop into your mind out of nowhere? I wonder if it's a skill you have to develop when you first get cyberware.


@Darkling6769 please rewatch ep 7. he said that he received a report that said Tanaka had no relevant data and how Maine's crew managed to break Arasaka's ice meaning he knows Maine's crew managed to hack Tanaka without Kiwi's help. He then asked David why that person (Lucy) is not in the crew and how it was such a waste of potential that she is not running in the crew anymore. He already knows Kiwi wasn't the one who hacked Tanaka because, in Ep 6, he asked Maine what is happening with Tanaka because Falco told him that Kiwi got knocked out of commission by Maine so Maine told him that he had another netrunner in the crew hack Tanaka. Now Arasaka is trying to find who hacked Tanaka so of course, he knew who was the one that hacked him and it was the other netrunner in Maine's crew. And again, that is why both Tanaka and Kiwi didn't bat an eye when they captured Lucy, because both of them knew who it was. Faraday may not know Lucy's name, but he knows who exactly hacked Tanaka and probably learn her name when he asked Kiwi to help him.

Hi How are ya

It’s not slang they talkin wt they brains bro so it’s not gonna be perfect

Mervyn Larrier

It is actually possible to get replacement organic organs and limbs. Possible to make modifications too.


Stupid argument. Faraday was aware of Lucy, however he did not know her name. He knew the person Arasaka was after had to be Lucy, because he knew what went down in ep.6. Simple. Move on.

Mervyn Larrier

But also, y'all were right on the money when you said he was addicted to chrome. It really is like a drug to him. We never even really saw him process his mother's death properly, he turned straight to chrome. And he seems to have done the same to cope with Maine's death. Addiction is a powerful illness


the repetition of words when they call each other is like lag. saying it once but comes through twice


unfamiliar with the world, i figured they just down grade to less powerful stuff. like he has a ton of military grade equipment like the Sandy


Yeah i figured that "text language" was just an evolution of how ppl... well text


thats what i was thinking (not familiar with the IP). that makes sense


characters who say "don't trust anybody here" are always talking about themselves


"I can't tell you. why? I just can't" seriously why tho?? I fucking hate that shit

Smash Bran'Discootch

Well in all fairness, Lucy really can't tell him. I can't say any more without spoiling, but there's definitely a good reason for it.


Also Kiwi found out in Ep 7 when she was talking to David at the party and David mentioned Lucy saw something and was acting funny since then. She then told Faraday.

Zombies Marble

From what I know about cyberpunk lore the cellphone thing they call from is like a DNI (Direct Neural Interface) My guess is that they stutter because they are thinking while texting which would impede call connection via the DNI. This is something the game didn’t expand apon so this is only a lore educated guess.


Vianta Roa

Bro relax, that shit ain’t exactly conveyed clearly. It’s obvious to people who’ve played the game but literally only Lupas the only one who’s touched it for like 5 fuckin minutes.


Oh.. I just thought it was a glitch/distortion during the call.


wtf bro this isn't obvious at all, you had to look it up to even know that. stop being so fucking rude


Bruv, DON'T CONFIRM SOMETHING YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT. I will correct any idiot spouting untrue information until the day I die.


I never played the game. I always had the feeling this skip was short because of Context clues. Don't tell them information without making sure it's factual.


Kiwi didn’t want to set Lucy up, she taught Lucy not to trust people in night city. But the only way to have a better life in night city is to get corpo and fixer help. But working with corpos is also a double edged sword. Kiwi also wanted Lucy to come back to the crew since David will only listen to Lucy, David has a really bad hero complex.


Yeah, they're basically transmitting a stream-of-conciousness... while with texting and speaking, you tend to formulate your thoughts more BEFORE passing them on.


XBD dude said it best, "Some metal is just not meant to mix with meat." Too much chrome/cyberpsychosis is just a mix of addiction to upgrading and neural wear and tear on your brain. David is basically piloting a tank with his brain. Also, I don't fault Kiwi. Her current crew and team lead is cracking way faster than Maine's and everybody keeping secrets. I'd bug out too.


@HIM you basically summed up what i was trying to say but couldnt get it accross lmao


The stuttering in the phone calls is probably from the brain thinking a word twice on accident. IDK how this future world works but people today can be put in 2 categories. When reading anything, some people read the words "outloud" in their head, while others can just look at a word and know what it means without actually having to say it in their head. This subvocalization is made more apparent with the lag of a phone call and could be why they think a word multiple times as its being said. We actually see this happpen in every phone call in the show. Its definitely more noticeable with these 2 tho. Probably cuz they're netrunners and also they just talkin about some touchy stuff. But idk like i said idk shit about this universe, its just a theory


Nah Kiwi is just being a regular merc in Night City


Yeah I agree I mad at her, but in her shoes I would do the same. She is a merc


pretty sure you nailed it Jon, they just use regular civ level enhancements instead of high tier military stuff that puts stress on you

Kumi Chan

Kiwi really said" I am her"

Elijah Smith

Fr that's how I feel about David though no reason he couldn't dial it back and he really needs is the sandy he's got the rest of the crew..

LeHarlequin .

I'm so glad y'all are watchin this 🥲

Gmac paddiewac

Kiwi just wanted a pay day

Kross Young

That kiwi moment reminds of what Maine said can’t trust anyone better than yourself something like that

Kevin Tran

To answer why Roshi was like "why are they talking like that?", I think they talk like that because they are communicating directly with their brains, so like the extra layer of thought that you would put into cleaning up a text message isn't there. It's just straight up thoughts going between people so it's kind of like a dream-speech. Like thoughts don't really form perfect sentences, they just are thoughts. Hope that helps!


If the ability to communicate directly from our brains without spellcheck or backspace really existed it would sound a lot worse than this 🤣

joshua rosario (edited)

Comment edits

2022-11-26 10:34:22 yes, roshi plz read above comment, its is a thought convo, i always say something my head ( think before you speak) and i would literally change words and or be unsure what to say until its time to do it verbally. but the thoughts would be different, its clear this show ( and the game) did research on the mind & other cultures.
2022-11-12 13:46:31 yes, roshi plz read above comment, its is a thought convo, i always say something my head ( think before you speak) and i would literally change words and or be unsure what to say until its time to do it verbally. but the thoughts would be different, its clear this show ( and the game) did research on the mind & other cultures.

yes, roshi plz read above comment, its is a thought convo, i always say something my head ( think before you speak) and i would literally change words and or be unsure what to say until its time to do it verbally. but the thoughts would be different, its clear this show ( and the game) did research on the mind & other cultures.

The Force

I love how they find the idea of putting organic parts back on weird when we can literally do that nowadays with fresh enough parts. Maybe not on such an extreme scale as whole ass limbs but still xD

Jarren Jenkins

Yup, I do not know specifically that you cannot go back to being ganic after replacing, just has never happened. You just get weaker or more manageable chrome so your brain doesn't have to work so hard to manage it all.


I watched all of it already I disagree I don't see why she can't tell him. Especially if he went as far as thinking they should break up


I think downgrading cyberware is just replacing the hight tech stuff with much lower tech. Like using a motorized normal prosthetic limb instead of that giant fucking military armcannonthat David's now using


If you've watched until the end already, then you should know what happened in ep 6 that made Lucy didnt want to tell David. Until the end of episode 10, David never know what really happened back in ep 6.

Smash Bran'Discootch

Lol I'll come back here after they post episode 10 and explain it for ya if you haven't got it figured out.

Smash Bran'Discootch

Just the way people speak makes them sound like idiots. I don't wanna be subjected to someone else's stream of consciousness.


The reason they’re stuttering is just a byproduct of using the holodeck, the Holodeck translates inner monologue into readable text thus any hesitation would cause it to stutter it’s not easy to think one word at a time

Asante Upshur-Benson

That’s the big thing about life in Night City. It’s always niggas that’s gonna backstab you.

Franklin wasn't getting away with 35mil scott free (edited)

Comment edits

2022-12-04 19:31:28 This shit is depressing bro I have to take breaks from watching Cyberpunk
2022-12-04 19:31:28 This shit is depressing bro I have to take breaks from watching Cyberpunk
2022-12-04 19:31:28 This shit is depressing bro I have to take breaks from watching Cyberpunk
2022-12-04 19:31:28 This shit is depressing bro I have to take breaks from watching Cyberpunk
2022-12-04 19:31:28 This shit is depressing bro I have to take breaks from watching Cyberpunk
2022-12-04 19:31:28 This shit is depressing bro I have to take breaks from watching Cyberpunk
2022-12-04 19:31:28 This shit is depressing bro I have to take breaks from watching Cyberpunk
2022-12-04 19:31:28 This shit is depressing bro I have to take breaks from watching Cyberpunk
2022-12-04 19:31:28 This shit is depressing bro I have to take breaks from watching Cyberpunk
2022-11-29 14:38:33 This shit is depressing bro I have to take breaks from watching Cyberpunk

This shit is depressing bro I have to take breaks from watching Cyberpunk