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Turned buddy into a speed bump



Author beatin him reminds me of wat Joker did to Jason

Xavier Baker

This is pretty late but i was just wondering why no one really brought up the fact that all the women in this show not only knew what they were getting into,but that they were also warned like a "Are you sure this is what you want" kinda like thing,not retract from Tommy's and Arthur's bullshit but thats what you get from traumatized,alcoholic,drug addled ,murdering war veteran gangsters that cover up their faults behind the clothes and the money,granted these same women have already seen them for who they are,if they dont have the foresight and common sense that adults should have and be like "I love you,but this is not healthy" from beforehand ,well there's not much you can do,besides all those people who say Linda met Arthur after he became a 'changed' man,fair enough,but im sure he has enough exploits around the streets and all across England for her to know a broken man when she sees one,everyone has to have their own accountability ,both the men AND women have made bad choices ,the men (at least Tommy) understands and accepts that and has made his bed upon it ,them women refuse to have any accountability whatsoever ,one was a whore and the other a Christian who chose to fall in love with men that deserve the deepest part of hell of their own volition while knowing their backgrounds because of the shiny bits they came with(money,lifestyle,power,fame etc.)and completely ingnored the rotten,at this point in time its way too late to try and shift and throw blame when everyone is a grown ass adult with a mind of their own

Gabriel Souza

Linda is the worst character in this show, since from day one she show up. She's extremely hypocritical.


“Im….Im a Road” LMFAOOO

Alejandro Rodriguez

“The doctor said not till night” part from last ep wasn’t about smoking it was about drinking. Also Mosley is the devil and a great villain because he represents the complete opposite of Tommy and what Tommy worked for, Mosley was born rich abuses that power helps no one else and values no one but himself keeping people of color and minorities like gypsies and Jews (all wogs in his words) down through the Fascism (Nazi) party. He is the type of rich person and class who will never accept Tommy no matter how rich he is, simply because of who he is and where he comes from.


sheera is way too biased to understand the perspectives of Linda and Lizzie

Alejandro Rodriguez

I feel like she understood it pretty well, yeah their lives are fucked rn but they chose it and there’s no real way out, basically they’re gang now.

Stefan Andrei

So, here’s an explanation about the whole thing with the journalist that got killed since you didn’t seem to get it (quite long btw): The Peaky Blinders didn’t actually kill the gay journalist Michael Levitt. It’s pretty evident Mosley used the Billy Boys (which look similar in terms of clothing to the Peaky Blinders as we saw last episode) to do it in order to get the investigation and police on Tommy and create suspicions due to the journalist having visited him the night prior. If left alone for too long, the journalist’s death could’ve ended up creating possible rumours about Tommy ordering the killing because he was “threatened” by him (especially after that investigator approached him AND he didn’t want to discuss the topic further with him and sent him away), which in turn would have ruined his reputation as a Member of Parliament. Mosley erased the allegation in order to indirectly force Tommy to agree to the invitation he wrote in the letter he gave him. So in short, no the Peaky Blinders didn’t kill the journalist, Mosley did it to corner Tommy and force him to agree to his proposal after getting rid of suspicions.


@alejandro Linda didn't really choose it, when she got with Arthur he was going in a good direction and she got him to actually quit the gang life. Nobody in the reaction denounced what Arthur did when he killed that man , instead they shifted the blame onto Linda


bruh the women told linda wtf she was getting into bruh


being on the wrong side of history.jpg

John Cedar

The opening of this is my favorite scene in the whole series, with a possible exception in S6. So good

Davon Thomas

I can not wait for episode 4! Every episode this season is fantastic


Everyone knows about the peaky blinders it’s Her fault.


Because Arthur SHELBY, surprisingly is a Shelby. I know you probably didn't see that twist coming but he is a part of the family and will always be a part of the family. If you choose to be with someone like that, in a good place or not, then that's on you. You called sheera biased but your bias is showing. I can tell you know nothing about this life you think someone in as deep as Arthur can quit gang life. You don't quit a gang, you're in that gang until you die. You probably won't understand this anyways but even if you try to quit that part of your life will always be with you and there will always be people that will dig it up. So even if Arthur stayed religious and never touched a gun again or commit any crimes, there will still be people trying to get at Tommy and use his brother to do that. I tried to make it as simple as possible so hopefully you understand now.


The guys should have just said where Linda was and now look at him.


fr he literaly brought it on himself


Hey, congrats to Lupa for being the first American to ever pronounce Glasgow correctly, every one else says glass cow and thinks they nailed it.

Metweet .c

To be fair to the guy the way that Linda probably describes Arthur to him he would be thinking she's in an abusive marriage and wants to keep her safe with him being a quaker


@dug I've seen comments like these all the time. EVERYONE knows who and what the peaky blinders are. Correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't the one who converted and pushed Arthur to being "a good Christian", Linda? So it stands to reason that she knew him before he was a Christian. It really gives off "I can change him" energy. No matter which way you put it Linda chose to get with a guy that's a gangster, no one forced her into it.


I mean I think Lizzies and Tommy's arrangement is quite reasonable lol. In exchange of getting all the bills paid, not working, being rich, etc., he gets to fuck other people. I see nothing wrong with it.

Erica Collins

Wait are we sure that was the guy who knew where Linda was bc why did Arthur say, "wait...who are u?" after he killed him?

Federico Carnebale

My guy had a meeting with freaking Mussolini bruh do you know how crazy thats it? He is the one who created fascism and a dictator role model for Hitler


I’m ready for their reaction to the next episode cause the whole thing feels like deja vu

Antonio Williams

An ex-gangster. They literally met AFTER Tommy almost allowed them to be hanged and he was pissed off at the gang. Arthur is weak-willed and weak-minded. He swore he wanted out and as a quaker she saw it as her duty to help him. She's a manipulator for sure, but I'm pretty sure he promised that he was done, and then chose to go back. He promised that the Russian job was the last job, and chose to stay after the italian situation. He let her down and she fought hard not to allow him to fall . We literally see that Tommy sees himself as someone who who must stay alive and free for the family's benefit so she knows if shit hits the fan again, Arthur is on the chopping block. Yeah she hates the crime but she has said NUMEROUS TIMES THIS SEASON ALONE that it's the risk to Arthur and his/their future together that has her worried. The trio is awesome but they're as blind to Tommy/make excuses for him almost as much as Arthur

Antonio Williams

Can we please start to at least be critical of Tommy now? I've seen this series several times, and dude is my favorite TV MC, but he is far from the perfect or even remotely slightly flawed character you three think he is. Dude constantly gets in over his head and withholds information after HE messed up. Yeah others mess up for sure but the issue is he's usually the first to jump into the fire and withholds how high the temp will get. And maybe it's that I've seen the series/knew the names that were being dropped but dude is BAAAAAAAD NEWS and Tommy alone is the reason they wound up in this position. Also Tommy absolutely knew Arthur was unhinged and just sent an innocent dude to his death because he coddles him too much


like tommy said Arthur was going to make his own decisions regardless. cant hold him responsible for that dudes death thats solely on arthur. and i doubt the trio think tommy is perfect lol. but 9 times out of ten he is the most level headed person in the room. who finds solutions to problems even if he caused it in the first place.

Antonio Williams

Tommy made an excuse. Arthur found out from him...only two people knew the location of Linda and Lizzie wsn't going to tell him. Arthur could spaz out however he wanted to but Tommy gave him the location. Maybe he would've calmed down, maybe not. But because Tommy gave him the location knowing good and well how Arthur can be, he sentenced the dude to death. They don't hold him to the same standards they hold the others though. He is level headed but he's still writhe with hubris. Dude thinks he can handle any situation thrown at him and while he's somewhat cautious, is ego and pride don't let him see clearly all the time. My issue isn't with him, he's great, my issue is that their default is always "trust Tommy" "why didn't they listen to Tommy".

Rofl Lol

Champagne socialist


It was a cool scene, even if it does feel like it was only in there to counter balance the end of the episode where Tommy joins the racism party.


yo these 3 rlly think tommy killed the journalist....sad


I understood after watching more that it wasn’t Tommy that killed him but thank u for clarifying the part that Mosley played in it

Alejandro Rodriguez

Oh shit it’s dope getting a reply from one of you, yea I donated it during stream last night cuz it’s pretty important this season. Glad y’all are enjoying the show and love the channel!

Stefan Andrei

Yeah it’s quite convoluted and hard to understand on a first watch but I’m happy to help. The comment is for any other patron that didn’t get it too.

John Cedar

I don't think anything is needed to counterbalance what Tommy did. He asked for the king's permission to spy on and undermine them. It never seemed like he even slightly agreed with Mosely on anything. In fact, it seems like Mosely is just about the only man so far who genuinely scares Tommy.

John Cedar

Arthur wouldn't have left that room without beating his ass no matter what

John Cedar

It's surprisingly not crazy, given what Britain and the US were doing prior to WWII. They were fully on board with the Nazi shit right up until they weren't.


I wouldn’t say they were on board they just didn’t give a fuck about what was happening with the Jews and the rest of Europe until it effected them

Federico Carnebale

I mean yes historically is not surprising but in terms of the series plot it is you know what im saying?

Alejandro Rodriguez

@dug yea Arthur shouldn't have done it but the gang and him shouldn't have done a lot of things she knows who he is by now at the very least and Lizzie wanted her he'll die without eyes. She knew who she was with by that point and she chose to put Quaker dude in danger.

Alejandro Rodriguez

I mean Tommy is obviously far from perfect and his ambition is and will always be his biggest fault, they’ve pointed that out throughout the series and that he is too smart for his own good. But his intelligence and strategy will also always be what allows the family to thrive and survive, yes his ambition pushes him and his family further and further into danger, but it’s also what got them the position and lives they live now they would have been happy having one legal betting pitch. High risk will always equal high reward, and he withholds info because he usually doesn’t know who he can trust, but almost always legs Polly know what’s up because she’s the other half to his power and advisor. And yes homie with the fascists is TERRIBLE news, but that’s just the life they all chose it and keep choosing it the whole family is in it with him no matter what. And as for the Arthur beating the innocent dude thing, he needed Arthur to do a job and Arthur wouldn’t without the info so why would he withhold it he doesn’t care about some innocent dude, Tommy is a pretty decent guy as far as bad men go, but he’s still a bad man just in a different way to the deep ingrained corruption and elitism of the rich people throughout the show like Mosley

Alejandro Rodriguez

NGL I’ve seen the show 3 times and never put it together till now lmao sometimes you just miss things

Alejandro Rodriguez

I mean Lizzie does work for the company still and she’s on the board they’ve said that. I also wouldn’t say there’s nothing wrong with it by todays standards it’s pretty misogynistic and controlling, but it’s a decent deal for then and seems to be the norm for Mafia type ppl.

John Cedar

Nah they were fully on board Sean, American scientists practiced eugenics on "undesirable" groups and collaborated with Nazi scientists right up until WWII. Then they gave them sanctuary and pardons afterwards so they could benefit from their research. Tens of thousands of disabled people were sterilized in California as part of a eugenics program. Britain had large support for eugenics in politics in the 1930s, and that support didn't waver until the end of the decade when it was more clear what the Germans were doing.


Eugenics continued beyond the war. This conversation is too complicated for patreon.


as a drug addict and alcoholic watching Arthurs story is so hard but relatable.


fr this is my second watch and ive only just now caught it cuz of this comment lol


Who killed him then? If it wasn't tommy's guys

Shaquan Hypolite

@dug, he is still a shelby and a gangstar. When you're in that life, you don't simply just walk away from it no matter how hard you try lol

Shaquan Hypolite

why do you think he withholds information? Rewatch the series from episode 1 and look at what happened everytime he shares vital information.