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them dudes got entrance music!! I dont want smoke with them lol


Saynt Michael

Them still calling that crucifix a scarecrow is hilarious lol


late reply I know, but thats basically the vibe of the whole season, why its my favorite. I don't know if its a new director as much as the vibe is supposed to reflect Tommys declining mental state


Btw if you didn't know already Oswald Mosley was a real person and one of the pioneers of fascism in Britain who people actually voted for back in the day.


PLEASE REACT TO WARRIOR on hbomax after you finish this show guys. It’s too🔥🔥🔥 to be missed out

Smash Bran'Discootch

I haven't checked it out. I don't have HBO MAX, would you say it's a good enough show to justify getting HBO MAX to check it out?

Metweet .c

Imma recommended Top Boy, feel like they'll enjoy it


Oswald Mosley was a big supporter of Hitler and nazi reign so by all means hes an asshole


bro istg if michael is the one who sold gold and his son out ima be hot


lizzie acting different, if tommy was never there from the beginning she’s be on the streets selling pussy. she knows exactly what they had to do in order for them to stop doing crime. now they lost it all. SO WHAT DO U THINK TOMMY IS GONNA DO. now they making plans for when tommy die??? cant be serious

Metweet .c

Ngl Tommy would confuse me too lmao. One point he's taking Lizzie to secret romantic places, opening up to her. The next he's basically saying I still think of you as a prostitute. Like choose how you feel for Lizzie already but no need to disrespect the mother of your child lol. And unlike Linda who wants Arthur to change his whole personality literally all Lizzie wants is for Tommy to be open with her and be there for his daughter. Is it to much to ask? Hell he could have chose not to marry her

Smash Bran'Discootch

Arthur's actor does SUCH a good job of playing like this barely contained rage. Like every single second with Linda you can just feel a backhand coming on but he never quite gets to that point. Arthur is one of my favorite characters and sort of became the unexpected heart of the show for me.


yeah ur right but if me as a women know hes not in good place, wife died, extreme ptsd, drinking problem, im not taking the chances at all, she shouldnt be surprised of tommy actions, she seen what this nigga can do and still thought he was gonna be any different, the difference between grace and her is grace literally was tommy’s anchor. lizzie isnt


and linda she knew what she signed up for, the life style fosho gonna get her killed, i do feel bad no cap

Metweet .c

That's very true. And honestly I can't stand Linda cause she had all this time to leave with Quakers but I doubt coked up Arthur would let her leave. Lizzie's is also confusing me with what she wants. Like obviously it's a onsided love so I figured she wouldn't complain about what Tommy does so its annoying that she is. Honestly Lizzie and her daughter would be much happier if they didn't stay with Tommy.

Metweet .c

But it's dumb for me to think that these coked up, alcoholic gangsters would let their women leave them especially with their kids


your comments about lizzie and linda(Even tho i agree to linda's to an extent) are so fucking stupid how are you going to blame lizzie for her right to choose whether she wants a kid or not. as if she made the choice to not have a brutal abortion and therefore she and her child deserve to be unloved unhappy. lizzie was perfectly fine living alone with her baby, she would have liked to marry tommy bc she loves tommy, but tommy only married the woman out of political correctness, so he doesn't have a bastard child running amok for the press to feed on. saying "you knew what you signed up for" no she did not expect for her child to be neglected, no she did not expect tommy to have an existential crisis and god complex that he won't discuss to anyone about bc TOMMY HAS CHANGED...and ppl around have the right to be worried frustrated and annoyed. tommy also "signed up" for politics, for all this dangerous gang business but does that mean tommy doesn't have the right to worry about his family, get pissed at his enemies when his family is hurt, be pissed at his own coworkers, get pissed when he has to deal with fucking nazis.......the answer is no, those worries are completely warranted and that frustration is understandable, we root for him bc of it.. yes tommy deals with a lot of hard shit but out of CHOICE and GREED, meanwhile women during this time were oppressed, and lizzie here had to drop out of highschool to go into prostitution bc she was in so much poverty she had to make money for herself to survive, she was a child prostitute yet you think she hasn't lived a life as hard as tommy bc...10 years later, the only way she can live a fruitful safe life for her children is to rely on their husband like every fucking woman in their decade?neither tommy or arthur are fucking justified in their anger to the women in their lives and their rightful concerns lmfao.


im not gonna read all that but you seem way too invested..


sorry you have the attention span of a goldfish <3


how people still think tommy aint the main problem after he's made himself the centre of everyone's lives and manipulated everyone from s1 lol. no way you can blame how lizzie and everyone's feeling towards him its crazy. i love him as the main character regardless but some of you cant see the shit that's wrong with him. also arthur really levelled up again this season

nami (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-09 02:02:31 Lizzie done lost her mind
2022-10-28 21:11:46 Lizzie done lost her mind

Lizzie done lost her mind

A Deadly Dingus

Yeah nah its not attention span it's being able to quickly understand that all you wrote is a long-winded, pissy rant. No one cares about a whiny child or adult with a childlike mentality. Compose yourself.


didn't know this comment section was a business meeting for peaky blinders watchers pls forgive me...f you can't figure out the point that is on you

Roger Metheny

i dont get the lizzie hate honestly like the show is very clearly showing that tommy is losing it this season. she has every right to be concerned for her childs safety as well as her own


first season was kinda slow and the pacing of some scenes were weirdly done imo

Metweet .c

And honestly I think Lizzie has a right to call out Tommy or frustrate him. Let's not forget he used his position as her boss in season 2 and ended up having her be raped over a toilet by a random general. I'm surprised she's never held that against him

John Cedar

Yeah its a credit to how good Cillian Murphy is as an actor and how good the writing is for a lot of the fans to just give Tommy a free pass on some absolutely horrible shit and behavior. Having villains that are even worse morally also helps. But Lizzy doesn't deserve any of this. She hears yelling and watches tommy go get a machine gun in the middle of their daughters birthday, and that's somehow something that she should've "expected"? Nah lol


To be fair Lizzie should just leave and tommy should leave her go , I get that she’s worried but she’s not helping at all just making it worst I’m not saying Tommy’s attitude is correct but since he’s most likely isnt the type to harass a woman who doesn’t want to be around him that would be win win he can still visit and help ruby while Lizzie does her stuff


Does it kinda bug anyone how calm and cool Michael's wife was being in the midst of everything? She gives off "been there done that" vibes. She got to be related to the al Capone family or something.

Drake Rage

Y'all remember why Tommy sent Michael away right? Michael knew Tommy was getting "setup" to be killed at the end of last season but didn't tell him, which was a betrayal, so Tommy sent him away. He has already betrayed Tommy once, so it is believable that he might be trying to betray him again. Okay yeah, Sheera brought it up later in the episode.


And without Tommy she has zero chance at safety the fact that she can't see that he's her only safety net is beyond crazy to me. Every season it's Tommy has a plan, and it always works out. Tommy go them into this shit and he got them out of it and they all ended up much better off, higher power and wealth.


Lizzie think she built diff and her smh. Without Tommy shes just a pocket pussy for the streets. Like tf saying this is her house like she paid 1 cent to the house FoH lol


I agree with everything you said about lizzie she claims everything that belongs to Thomas now that she's married to him but everyone knows Tommy only ever truly loved Grace and grace alone, never liked lizzie, never will


i love this season


Sheera is spot on when it comes to Linda and Lizzie. Like THEY KNEW WHAT THEY WERE GETTING INTO. Should Tommy and Arthur step up? Hundred percent THEY SHOULD. Are they rightfully annoyed? Sure. But why are they acting all surprised and upset when gangsters act like gangster's. You signed up for this, no pity from me. Also I'm not too sure if Michael is actually a traitor and being a bitch. But if he is, the apple doesn't fall from the tree. (Polly being a bitch last season)

John Cedar

Lol WHAT she put up with his shit, by his own admission, her presence in his life was the only thing that got him through the worst parts of the last few years. She's the mother of his child, and more of a mother to his son than he is a father to him. She has worked for the company in a faithful and honest way since day one. The only bad thing Lizzy had done this entire show was accept Tommy's money when she was engaged to John. And she wouldn't even still be a whore, because if the Blinders never knew her, she could've been with the Changretta guy in peace. Ya know, before John cut out his eyes and Tommy killed his dad. Sometimes I wonder if people forget they're watching criminals do horrible shit to people in this show, and what the point of the messaging is. Do y'all really think the writers are writing Tommy to be perceived as being in the right? Loooool

toptier bryan

Mixed raced baby. Ada is white. Younger is black. 2+2=?

Ryan Hill

They really focusing on the lung cancer idea huh. Unless I'm misreading it the morphine is for his fractured skull and the "not until after dark" was about his drinking.

Justin Neason

Linda despite being a harder character to like in general is at least a bit more understandable imo since Arthur got with her when he was in his "I'm a good christian" arch before he said fuck it. Lizzy, however, basically told John she wasn't feelin him like she was feelin Tommy bcuz Tommy is HIM... but Tommy being him IS all this bs. You can't want a badass gangsta and then get concerned when u realize bro's really fucked up


@Justin I've seen comments like these all the time. Correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't the one who converted and pushed Arthur to being "a good Christian", Linda? So it stands to reason that she knew him before he was a Christian. It really gives off "I can change him" energy. (unless I'm wrong) At the end of the day I'm pretty sure she knew what him and his family was about, and if she didn't well then research the person you want to marry and have kids with lol. I'm definitely more sympathetic to Linda than Lizzy, but she also has some accountability.


Lizzie with the delusional golddigger vibes this season

rickie woodson

so.........someone is going to clip that "bro bor bro" that lupa did right? for the memes?


I’m getting season 3 PTSD

rickie woodson

nope, not even close. that is anya taylor joy, she was not in lovecraft but queen's gambt, new mutants (as my girl magik!!!), and split (those are the only films i've seen her in). not sure where you would know her from other than the horror stuff like glass and split. really looking forward to her movie the menu. she is so bomb!


Oswald Mosley was seething when looking at Ada. Is it the racism because he know her baby daddy is the black colonel or the sexism because she’s a woman working in politics.


"he wants to test if they are duds" oh my sweet summer children

Smash Bran'Discootch

I mean, Lizzie was definitely tripping but I think when she was saying, "this is my house" I'm pretty sure the house is in her name.


Oh wow, I understand how someone can be frustrated with Lizzie, but saying she doesn't have her fair share of trauma in comparison to Tommy is false. She's been a victim of sexual violence since a young age, and then it was Tommy, who again made her re-live that when she thought she had finally gotten away from it. Not to mention just the position of women in the time which has always been alluded to throughout the seasons in some aspect. They both very much have unchecked trauma.


🤨🤔naw bro michael and gina feel sus

Jalend Wallace

One thing I have always loved and really comes forward in this season is how much they dive into Gpsyi culture and how real it feels. From never forgetting to include the languages to their spiritual beliefs. It adds a whole new dimension to the characters that feels abundant and is very enticing without being overly mystical and some superpower that takes their problems away. It feels just as real and natural for the characters as breathing, it’s apart of their identity and the boys + Polly never scoff at it.

Jalend Wallace

I never liked or trusted Linda from her first episode. Everything about her screamed traitor and annoyance to me. I let it ride though because I was ready to see Arthur have someone that is good for him and will lead him to a peaceful life even if she is over controlling. This season though she really cranked it up to 11. Oddly enough though even knowing what she signed up for I still feel bad for her, at times.


Gina is the other side to Linda’s coin, Linda wants respectability but is also greedy for power and wealth, Gina wants the gangster life because it brings the power and wealth that she wants


didnt Michael and pol also know where abarama gold was because Michael had to stay there while he recovered from the italians.


every time i see tommys 1911 i want to buy one but my aim is so god damn bad with them it's depressing

Kay’s Kreative

Roshi, Could you all consider watching the show called Yellowstone?


They be marrying gangsters and expect them to change and turn the family against each other.


Peaky blinders isn’t for you buddy it’s about a family gang who everybody knows about it’s their fault for marrying them if they can’t handle the life.

Alejandro Rodriguez

Y’all prob already got called on this but the not till after dark thing was about it the drinking not the smoking. They literally thought smoking was a healthy thing to do then. Also the whole Lizzie thing was more just saying stay away from my family with this violence less all this shit is mine.

mclv mclv

Michaels wife is Anya Taylor Joy, famous for the queens gambit, the movie split, thoroughbreads, the northman, the witch, etc.


Gold's group is constantly on the move. They probably set up at a spot every couple days or so.

sotonye ogan

They about to pull a Walter white ending with Tommy lmao


Bro they literally have their own anime theme music wtf!


Bro I forgot we have yet to see straw hat nigga banki lmao


I didn’t say any of it was “right” nor did I say Tommy gets a pass lol. You can make excuses for Lizzie but at the end of the day we can agree to disagree. She knows what she signed up for…


I hated what they did to Lizzy this season. I’m not mad at the character but the writers. Lizzy was sex worker that married a gangster. I don’t buy her turning on him when he fell back into gangster biz when times got hard. She was in it from the beginning and not from a upper class background and probably never imagined living in a house like that in her wildest dreams. To me she would have been just as pissed as Tommy and understood what he had to do to keep it all. Maybe they wanted Tommy to have it bad everywhere even at home to show his disconnection from everybody but nah. They could have done that with out make Lizzy look stupid and naive.

Eli Gi (edited)

Comment edits

2022-12-30 06:05:49 I’m binge watching the peaky series reaction &amp; I guess nobody mentioned a scene where tommy says “your unborn child will be born accordingly” (then Michael gets heated) would indicate that he is caught in a lie or/and got heated that he called him &amp; his child a treacherous bastard, &amp; in the last season Michael already betrayed him by saying OH HAVE A GOOD WEEKEND BUDDY lmao
2022-11-08 08:37:47 I’m binge watching the peaky series reaction & I guess nobody mentioned a scene where tommy says “your unborn child will be born accordingly” (then Michael gets heated) would indicate that he is caught in a lie or/and got heated that he called him & his child a treacherous bastard, & in the last season Michael already betrayed him by saying OH HAVE A GOOD WEEKEND BUDDY lmao

I’m binge watching the peaky series reaction & I guess nobody mentioned a scene where tommy says “your unborn child will be born accordingly” (then Michael gets heated) would indicate that he is caught in a lie or/and got heated that he called him & his child a treacherous bastard, & in the last season Michael already betrayed him by saying OH HAVE A GOOD WEEKEND BUDDY lmao

Devon Joseph

The writers in this show have to have one female acting crazy per season. So yeah Linda and Lizzie are filling that quota. Linda was always like that so I get it, but Lizzie is tripping.


This episode was... different? I don't know if they changed director for this episode or what the fuck was that, but the screenplay, the building, the whole vibe of the episode was like a fucking horror/suspense movie.


Yeah, but the problem is... if you are fucking trying to marry a gang leader, don't fucking expect playing house like normal people, Linda, Lizzie, the idiotic fool wife of Jhon that got him killed are in the same fucking stupid mindset, I don't know anymore if is good writting because people tend to be like that, but I know is fucking frustrating, the only one I can stand at this point is poll, because she has real skills and knows where she is standing.