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Need season 2 now!!!



25:26 Lmao welllll

Jackson perez

I know it's a tired subject, but I seriously disagree with you about the ending of episode 9. Entirely unnecessary and an awful change from the book. Completely destroys her character especially after that line from episode 2.


idk how the subtitles are clear. most reactors are idiots and can’t read


huh? they literally acknowledged last ep and gave an explanation for it though! calm down


Episode was gas - I'm easily team Rhaenyra and can't understand any team "Alicent" nonsense. It's over. Team Black ftw

Mozart Waddell

Everything seems to be falling apart for Rhaenyra right now. She lost her father, was cheated of her birthright, had a stillbirth, and found out her son was killed in the span of a month. I hope she fully utilizes Daemon in S2 and deal a massive blow against House High Tower. I haven't read any of the books but even I can tell Alicent is a villain and should not be pitied. She knew about the assassination of the Strong's and awarded the fiend, she plotted with Aegon to usurp Rhaenyra long before Viserys's death. The most egregious offense is she had the gall to call Rhaeny's son a cuckold while she grants Laerys permission to recurrently engage in onanism while in her presence.

Jahari Fields

“And to be frank I don’t care either” -roshi 2022💀💀


this is definatly not a 1 on 1 adaptation. despite that i massively enjoyed this show. its a way more streamlined version of the story with more personal character focus and i think it pulled it of exceptionally well

Mozart Waddell

Corlys continues to impress. Man had every right to be angry at Rhaenyra and Daemon but after having things brought into perspective by Rhaenys decided to choose "nonviolence"

Joshua Adeyemo

I just hope these book readers keep their damn mouth shut on twitter cuz they be posting random spoiler left and right unprovoked lmao but damn this finale was so good!!!!


Should of forked over the eye


If you are looking at Alicent as a villain you have missed a lot. She is as much of a Villan as Rhaenyra is. Both of them are fighting for the betterment of their family, as well as what they believe is right for the realm. Neither has done anything intentionally to offend the other nor harm them directly, outside when their sons got into it and that felt more like 2 mothers defending their children moreso than anything. Now if you said Otto, on god that man is the plague himself. Dude not only turned viscerys into one of the worst kings, man traded his daughters innocence for power, and does what ever he can to further that regardless of who suffers. That is his only goal. Side note, Viscerys was dead by the time she did that, so she in no way cuckolded him and by Rhaenyra's own words was a good wife to him. If Viscerys might have handled his own family a little better and was able to convey why he believed Rhaenyra to be queen was right in a more respectful manner(like from a father or husband rather than as king) or actually just named Aegon king and took the time to raise him to not be a PoS and actually was a father to him, this could of turned out better. I really don't place a lot of blame on either as they seem to be mirrors of each other.

Mozart Waddell

I was wondering when HOTD would start dropping the death axe. The whole scene of Aemon tormenting Luke with this big Bitch Vhagar is the equivalent of throwing a loaded handgun without the safety on the ground repeatedly and surprised when it discharges 🙃 Arrax deserves no blame. He was bonded with his master and sensed Luke fear. He was only trying to protect his rider. I love the complexity given to Aemon's character. He's always been shown as stoic and in control. This episode revealed he can also be juvenile, erratic, as well as remorseful. You can tell on his guilt stricken face that he didn't mean to kill Luke and in a twisted manner was only having harmless fun. Aemon's about to find out his actions have consequences. The dragon with Daemon looks to be smaller than Vhagar but what's been shown seems to have the greater torching power. Season 2 is going to be straight violence.


I new antman trailer is out hope y’all react to it

Peter Tran

Stream tonight?


Would it be Arryk vs Erryk? or Erryk vs Arryk? Im confused.


in the books ther is actually a history of Targaryens giving birth to babyświth dragon like features, like tails, wings, horns and scales

Jim clifton

Now we gotta wait a whole year but it'll be worth it season 2's gonna be lit

Mozart Waddell

Great response Panda. I can't excuse Alicent's behaviour because of her well intentions. Alicent claims to uphold honor above everything else when at every turn she chooses not to abide by it. She chose to both spare and keep a man who killed Geoffrey in cold blood as her personal guard. She is complicit in the assassination since she chose to reward Laerys. Alicent groomed Aegon for king years ago even though she knew the title belonged to Rhaenyra. When Sir Christen again blatantly murder a member of the small council she defends his actions instead of ordering him to be brought to justice. Alicent is passive yes but she has done far worse than Rhaenyra without having to dirty her hands. No ones excusing Otto. We all know he's the mastermind. I'm just sick of Alicent wrongdoings being brushed aside and forgiven by the some of the audience.

Jim clifton

That’s exactly what Danny gave birth too in GOT which is why they never showed it


The book readers are insufferable


it better be the last time they took a long time for a season of this I was in for the worst disapointment in my life the final season of GOT

Teyon Alexander

Showing still birth and the mother refusing aid is a great argument for body autonomy and not forcing pregnancy on women. Twice now they’ve shown the perils of pregnancy and I find it no coincidence they went as graphic as they did. Rhaenyra at the end of the episode: “Looks like it’s time we eat our greens”.


they dont do trailer reactions


In the books Aemond actually killed Rhaenyra’s son on purpose. The show writers are just taking creative liberties which will be the death of the show


Sick ep, cant wait for next season


What? How was rhaenyra forced into this pregnancy?

Teyon Alexander

I didn’t say she was. However, considering the push for forced pregnancy with no concern of what the mother goes through currently being prominent in the US, it stands to reason showing the dark side of pregnancy in a very graphic way would be a counter argument to that push. Or perhaps not. Either way, I didn’t say SHE was forced into anything.


no dude. The book is unreliable narrators


Whew boy I brought them out. That was quicker than the others.


It was never specified if it was intentional or not in the books, but that's irrelevant. A lot between the books and the show are changed. Knight of flowers death, Rheynera and Daemons characters bleeding together more, etc. Gotta remember this book was written as a history, not a pure story. It wasn't told in the same way his other books are.


I already knew, but your comment is the exact reason I made mine 😂


This is a friendly reminder that according to Martin, the show is the CANON story of how things ACTUALLY went down, while the Book is written by unreliable narrators interpreting the events.


This def aemond fault cuz nigga why is you chasing this little ass dragon with yo 5x the size dragon his dragon knew he was scared so it got scared and attacked them but this wouldn’t of happened if this nigga ain’t fucking start chasing him this dragon been in multiple wars tf you thought was gonna happen nigga you playing around like it’s a fucking game it’s cool tho cuz everything my queen do from here on out is fucking justified


The wild dragon dameon is trying to tame is arguably as big if not bigger then Balerion the black dread.


this was a phenomenal season. It was a little slow at the beginning but all of that exposition and development paid off. GYAT DAMN this season was fire. This gives me hope for the sequel series of GOT in the future.


Now time to wait for that season 2


Like Aemonds look of "oopsie" did anything to the story...Lucerys still dies -_- what a spergy take. lol


Good stuff! ...but more importantly we gots a "slot open" now!~ 😉

cami ً

rhaenyra had to go through and mourn three loses all within the span of two days so yes I will be supporting whatever war crimes she commits next season like idc what anyone says


that page is from the book she tore out when they were kids on the first episode


Rhaenyra - lost my dad sunday yall usurped the throne monday i got stressed lost my baby the same monday, tuesday yall murdered my son... WAR IS INEVITABLE


Don't get me wrong, im not saying shes perfect or anything, no one is in this show. I just mean she is, in her mind, still aiming for a goal that is noble and rational. From her PoV, her son is essentially being robbed of his throne. On top of that, from every historical point and political point shes seen, as well as from how she was raised, she is convinced a woman can't sit the iron throne. Also that people wouldn't accept a woman on the iron throne. And a lot of this, all leads back to Otto. Like sure, she has excused Cole and laerys from their fucked actions, but she didnt in any way encourage those actions. Laerys is taking advantage of her, he used the absence of her father to gain her ear at court, then when he saw a chance he manipulated her into believing she actually asked him to kill strong. Like don't get me wrong, i hate when she tries to stand on her high horse because shes in denial of the wrong she has done reguardless of intention. But i genuinly believe, her and rhynera are the only 2 that are actually thinking of the well-being of the realm while this war is going on, and THAT has to count for something.

Teyon Alexander

What’s even more impressive than people training Ravens is that Ravens can learn to talk. They actually can repeat back things they’ve heard. It’s uncanny. Anyone can train a bird to take a note and fly back but to have the bird BE the note is kinda cool.


That dragon is Vermithor, not a wild dragon, and he's the second largest after Vhagar. The large wild dragon you're probably referring to is Cannibal, and he is the largest among the WILD dragons, but he's not larger than Vhagar. Vhagar is unquestionably the largest dragon during the dance, and no dragon ever grew larger than Balerion (although Vhagar at this point was close in size)


Good luck waiting for season 2 coming 2024

Hasnain Khan


Derek Warren

Them spoilers be so unprovoked for no reason. I be wanting to have a decision about said episode but then they be like “the book said” and “this persons gonna do this and this person gonna do that” “the battle of this, the battle of that”. It’s so annoying


Except they're not because Fire & Blood is an unreliable text "written" by Archmaester Gyldayn, an unreliable narrator in this case. A majority of this story is based mainly on the accounts of two individuals. The court jester, Mushroom who grew up with Rhaenyra, and Septon Eustace who lived during King Viserys era. Two individuals on opposite sides in regard to their feelings towards Rhaenyra thus created opposing views which he inserted into his history. The point of that is to say the truth of what happened at Storm's End is largely unknown within the confines of the book and is only recounted through rumors because Gyldayn certainly didn't get Aemond's account of the events. If anything, the show should be taken as more truth than the book at this point.

Jake Kirby

Wow thats actually a really good point Vhagar is a dragon that has served in multiple wars so when its attacked it will automatically go crazy and start killing other dragons or humans.

Derek Warren

This version is much better. Matches the consistency of the character. Stay off the books and enjoy the show as it is

Wise Old King

Daemon about to get his divorce rock xD

Ramone Moore

Vegar said bros a munch


Don't know if u noticed it or not but Lucery's dragons blew fire at his own will, not Lucery. I believe he wanted to get away but the dragon attacked instead maybe to defend Lucerys.


Episode 9 was the greens episode and episode 10 was the Blacks episode. That's why Rhaynera isn't in 9 and Alicient isn't in 10.


Bro should've just hopped back on Arrax once he saw Vhagar and be like "sorry mom, no one was home"

Teyon Alexander

One thing with not killing the entire royal family at the coronation: who would have been alive to declare war?

Kris Khachikyan

The Hightowers are from Oldtown the largest city. They have a huge army. Otto’s older brother rules it (we saw him at the wedding). They could come to avenge. Plus Alicent has a 4th kid that hasn’t been shown yet. It’s been confirmed that he is also in Oldtown. The 4th dragon mentioned is his.

Kris Khachikyan

Vermithor is the second largest dragon, only behind Vhagar. Altho some have theories that Cannibal (one of the wild dragons) is bigger. It’s gonna be interesting seeing all the dragons start dancing next season. I hope they dont rush it and that they increase the CGI budget because they’re gonna need it.

Teyon Alexander

That clears that up. Thank you because based solely on what was shown to us, it was difficult to see how a war would have begun had they all been killed.


I am happy that House of Dragons was better than I expected. Makes me hopeful that they can do the same for the Blackfyre rebellion


so that page that Otto gave Rhaenyra when discussing terms was from allicent; it was from way back in episode one where the girls were studying a book under the face tree and rhaenyra ripped a page out of it and gave it to allicent— so she held on to the page and that memory all those years

Darren Banks

Thought Vhegar was feelin you? Yo dragon a munch. Ready for the war crimes :)

Erica Collins

Man I'm so upset that Luke died. He was just a baby 😭 & It's too late now obv but Aemond needed to get over that eye thing bc that blue jewel as a replacement looks FIRE. He should've been grateful to Luke for making him look cool af smh


the dragon that daemon went to in the caves is vermithor, the second oldest and largest after vhagar. vermithor used to be king jaehaerys's (the old king who chose viserys as his successor) dragon


that's not at all what he said? he said the books and the show are two different canons? where the hell are y'all getting that from


Ive had more trouble biting into Chips ahoy cookies than Vhagar did with Arrax.


also, aemond started wearing a sapphire in his eye when he got older so that's what the blue gem thingy was


Onward to the "Dance of the Dragons"

Joshua Adeyemo

Can we ban all the fuckin book readers that keep posting spoilers everywhere unprovoked like fr fuck off. We are watching the show and haven't read the damn book I don't wanna see any future plots.

Joshua Adeyemo

its very annoying. It's like intentional at this point. I can't stand mfers that ruin plots or reveals fro what I'm watching. Im tryna be suprised lol

Nermin Selimovic

tell me you did not read fire and blood without telling me you did not read fire and blood. As some others stated, the book is told in form of unreliable texts, gathered across the time - even GRRM said the Series and some of its characters are better than he himself has visioned them.


Damn, 2 years for the next season 😭

Asante Upshur-Benson

And that was the last straw for Rhaenyra. Whatever she does at this point, it’s absolutely justified. Fuck them Green ass niggas. Team Black all day.

Jay Voorhees

1:20 keep the same energy what?? She literally killed the civilians Rhaenyra trying to protect then is preaching that it’s not her war to start and how rhaenyra is trying to keep the realm together yet you literally murder 100s for nothing but then she’s pushing women are better than men message from last episode to this episode but her, alicent, rhaenyra, Cersei and sadly Daenerys exist and have committed acts just as bad as men if not worse. And the way they set up the two episodes you don’t get to see Green‘s reaction to the aftermath of what Rhaenys did. The show has repeatedly been saying that the people matter Daemon has said it, the White Worm has said it, KingViserys has said it, Rhaenyra is learning it. Even if the Director says “oh this is Game of Thrones the civilian lives don’t matter” they should considering everything that’s happened in the earlier seasons of Game of Thrones and then the earlier episodes of House of the Dragon. So I will keep that energy and honestly I don’t care if you read the full thing it’s just me venting to be honest


Daemon was trying to protect Rhaenyra throughout the episode which is why he wasn’t there during the birth scene until right after, while also grieving his brother and then his daughter after and now his step son.

Alexis Sullivan

I know folks were upset that Daemon didnt go to Rhaenyra during the birth and thinking he just didnt care but remember he was there for Laena during her birth. I think hes actually kinda traumatized by what happened with Viserys first wife and with Laena and he just didnt wanna be there to have to make that decision again in case it went bad again. We know he loves Rhaenyra more than he loved Laena and he cared enough for Laena to be there for her so my guess is not caring isnt the reason he wasnt there for Rhaenyra. He just didnt wanna go thru that again imo. That said, he shoulda put his feelings to the side and been there anyway but i get why he may not have wanted to see that again

Mozart Waddell

I see moments of humanity in Alicent as well as a delusional yet somewhat altruistic motive behind her actions. I do wonder will Alicent place blame and look away when bloodshed comes to the realm. Alicent had every opportunity to at least make an attempt to petition a grand council. She could've presented Viserys's prophetic dream to them as reason for Rhaenyra to be deposed and Aegon to take the throne. She took the most easiest and underhanded method to go about gaining the throne for her son. In the end it was Alicent decision to ignore an official decree from late King to put Aegon on the throne. Like it or not Rhaenyra was wronged. Alicent may not be blood craven but she is malicious.

Jay Voorhees

Honestly at the end of the day it’s a dumb ass motherfuckers doing evil things, fighting over a chair that didn’t even matter because the most recent King got his wheelchair so he big chilling🤣

Alexis Sullivan

The dragon that Daemon was singing too, Vermithor, is King Jaeharys dragon. Jaeharys was the king before Viserys. The other unclaimed dragon is Jaeharys' wifes dragon but i forget the name. nobody has claimed their dragons since they died. And then in addition to their unclaimed dragons there are 3 other wild dragons that are untamed.

Smash Bran'Discootch

A THREE HEADED GREEN DRAGON on their banners? Mf's coming in here reppin' Ghidorah!!!

Daniel Hightower

To add to that vermithor is the second oldest and the 2nd biggest dragon at the time


i am so fucking sad😟😟


exactly what i said. vhager has been in many wars so he knows is if hes attacked then attack back. hes been w many war driven masters who made him fight alot. hes gonna react in that way


Please react to Warrior on HBOMAX. I hope one day you guys watch it. You’ll love it


yea g.r.r.m is taking creative liberties bro, the whole point of the book is the sources are unreliable


plus he was heavily involved with this, more so then early got seasons


What would Daemon being in the room even accomplish? She didnt even let the midwives help her. The child came early so its obviously a miscarriage so why even waste time? We have a war to prepare for.


I don't know if this correct or not but from the summaries of the book I watched, isn't Aemond character supposed to be cold hearted killer? I think in the books Aemond meant to kill the Lucerys. It's interesting that they changed Aemond to feeling/looking remorseful when he killed Lucerys in the show.


Vhagar said "fuck them kids"

Jay Voorhees

As I’m watching this and I see you guys are happy for there to be peace considering what she did. Idk one minute you’re talking about her being evil then the next minute you’re talking about her sewing for peace yet she could’ve just left Dragon pit through the actual entrance of Dragon pit, didn’t have to kill people so I don’t get what the point of that scene, clearly was purely shock value like GOT S8, it doesn’t ruin the episode it just ruins a section of the episode lemme finish the episode and see your takes on what happens.


@1:20 its not because its evil, its because its stupid. The dragon pit has other exits, she could have just left and not alerted the greens that she got away. She reveals herself and kills people for nothing. Half measures piss me off especially, its like Ellie traveling across the country killing dozens and then sparing Abbie. Decisions based on emotion devoid of logic. The whole scene is put in for a stupid reason and she doesn't kill them for a stupid reason. And its makes her character a hypocrite now.

Smash Bran'Discootch

Also if they think THIS dragon is big, wait til they see Thordak....


pairing bluetooth LOLOL. I cant. these guys will kill me one day. Aemond bout to go back to Kings Landing and be like "it was just a prank bro"


It's hilarious how level headed these guys are compared to RTTV.

Jay Voorhees

I get her whole not wanting to plunge the realm into war but why did you kill the civilians then? I get they don’t matter to you I guess, but what was the point of that scene? there was no reason for the scene it wasn’t revenge for being detained and she had to put in extra work to break through the floor instead of going through the actual entrance of Dragon pit there is not a single guard alive that could stop her from getting out from the actual entrance she would simply just burn them with dragon fire.

Jay Voorhees

1:00:45 Sheera 💯


Twitter made it seem like daemons character was ruined when he's literally acting how he always does like a loose cannon. Episode was dope

Abraham Perez

I believe the books are "historical" records told by the meisters, so they don't know what everyone was thinking Just what they did

rickie woodson

as not one of those people who complained (i was too bored with the ep to care about anything that happened) i keep the same energy: by hightowers, bye daemon. long live queen rhaenyra! and the white worym cause i do care about side characters (always have, its my curse and burdan). i so hope that was a decoy they got since they didnt show her face


rhaenyra not wanting help with the birth was smart. they would've made her lie down and she would've died cause the baby wouldnt be able to get out without gravity helping.

Jay Voorhees

Yeah it doesn’t ruin his character at all because that’s how he should be honestly and the directors have said they don’t understand why people like Daemon so they’re probably trying to make you hate him but I don’t think that’s gonna happen

Rami Homsi

common Aemond W

Mozart Waddell

Roshi can you please ban @ErendGoat for being a lil bitch. This fucking amoeba born cunt is PURPOSEFULLY spoiling shit. Please Roshi just block this motherfucker without giving him a refund because they're really spoiling you, Sheera, and Lupa as well when you guys read the comments and try to interact with us.

rickie woodson

there is superstition around kinslaying, like you would be cursed if you killed your own kin, like they hinted at in sandman. its kinslaying, not KING slaying. im getting that from the book so dont know if folks missed spelt or if roshi missed read the comment

Jay Voorhees

As she’s repeatedly said the stranger visits her so much I doubt she cares about that


LMAO dude still so salty about LoUP2 that you bring it in a completely irrelevant context except "They kill people for no reason".

Shin splits

Also it’s been shown many times Daemon would act rash when he has to cope with his feelings

Shin splits

The books are told by a Maester so technically a lot of the things that happens have to be taken with a grain of salt.

Shin splits

Also Daemon has been shown many times to be insensitive in these king of situations. Like saying “ the heir for a day” for Baelon, not comforting his Children after Laenas death, and obviously now with him lashing out Rhaenyra for not wanting to start a war.

Shin splits

Yeah they mentioned how both dragons went out of control at the end

Alexis Sullivan

He actually did comfort his daughter's. They filmed it and then cut it from episode 6. link: https://twitter.com/sceneshotd/status/1574857966007771136?t=fM2EKrHkfXrAzGpP-MoP3w&s=19

Champion Bescos

Without dissing anyone that’s into it, I found the trailer incredibly underwhelming, just like a lot of this past phase. Perhaps I’m just burnt out of their quantity over quality approach lately and maybe it’ll be a surprisingly good film, but the previous two in the series from the same director were nothing great.. Hoping it’s good for y’all’s sake.

rickie woodson

yes. a good season. a solid good 9 episodes. hope next season they can have a solid 10 and go from good to GREAT. they are getting a new showrunner/head writer so we will see if the quality goes up or down.

Moisty Justice

the books are told by three different perspectives. a maester, a knight, and this dwarf called mushroom

rickie woodson

i wasnt agreeing with him i was just clarifying. i am of the mind that the conversation she had with allicent along with the fact that she lost her son (to fire no less) is why rhaenys spared aegon. she also said in this episode "this isnt my war to start"

Max Wigler

"And to be honest, I don't either" in the beginning discussion has me fucking WEAK


Also it wasn’t jealousy Damon felt when rheanyra talked about the dream, he was more hurt that viserys never acknowledge/saw him worthy as heir after so many years. Not because he wanted the throne, but because he sought his brother’s validation.

Jay Voorhees

I’m still salty about Daenerys killing all those people for no reason, is that irrelevant as well?


Daenerys Targaryen: I am not here to be queen of the ashes. Rhaenarys Targaryen: I do not wish to be the ruler of bone and ashes They're really running back lines from GOT lol


Well Daemon said the Black outnumbers the Green with dragons 13 to 4 (12 to 4 now that Arrax is dead), but after the encounter of Vhagar and Arrax and how easy Vhagar killed him, I think for now we should only count the adult dragons. That would be 2 for the Black (Meley and Caraxes) and 3 for the Green (Vhagar, Sunfyre and Dreamfyre). All the kids' dragon should be around the same size as Arrax, so they are only Vhagar food. Syrax is a lot smaller than I thought she would be, and neither she nor Rhaenyra have real battle experience. The best option is as Daemon suggested: taming the riderless dragons to join the war. Yes, Vhagar is the biggest and strongest dragon, but if the Black could have more dragons (even if they are just 1/2 her size), they would definitely have more chance to win this war.

Arsean Wilbon

Thing is the book is just a inaccurate narration of events while the show, produced with George’s help is the real events that took place. This episode was a callback. Viserys words were true it’s and illusion they control dragons that shows Aemond and Luke had no real control over them Vhagar is the now biggest after the dragon Viserys had. Vermithor is the second largest.


A Non-Spoilery List of Dragons and their Riders Greens: Aegon ii and Sunfyre Aemond and Vhagar Helaena and Dreamfyre Blacks: Rhaenyra and Syrax Daemon and Caraxes Rhaenys and Meleys Jacaerys and Vermax Lucerys (RIP) and Arrax (RIPped) Joffrey and Tyraxes Baela and Moondancer Also slightly related, I think it's been implied in the show in earlier episodes that Rhaenyra's sons' dragons came from Syrax's eggs, so both Rhaenyra and Syrax lost a baby that night.


The whole argument of "king slaying is frowned upon" is so dumb, I'm sure it's also equally frowned upon to pull up to the king with a dragon and threaten to kill him. You didn't kill the king but you basically told him you would and will, like come on now lol. Might as well take him out at that point. It just felt super contrived from the writers.


This is my first show I watched in the series never seen Game of Thrones this was fun the rant in the beginning had me dying though. The ending had me on the edge of my seat holy shit. It was like watching people get eaten in AoT that shit fucked me up.


Pulled up to spoil a whole show, what a sad existence. Got damn incels


Besides the small hiccup in episode 9, the whole first season was pretty great. Last episode did what it was supposed to do, to end the show in a high note and generate hype for the next season. Hopefully the quality stays consistent, now to wait a whole 2 fucking years. To everyone in the comment section, hopefully we're all still here and enjoying the show with the gang. GOD BLESS!


The cannibal ended up being the largest dragon recorded in Targaryen history


That in his eye is indeed a sapphire. It's just an accessory, he wears an eyepatch in official gatherings so he doesn't disturb "the ladies". It's just a gem, no magic powers

Metweet .c

I think this show really contrasted well the relationship dragons have with their riders compared to daenerys. Its good to show that when you claim these older ones it's like teach an old dog new tricks so it's going to be difficult to always have them controlled. Whereas with daenerys she literally birthed her dragons in a magical moment so had a mother and child relationship that was deepened with the magic of how they came to be. And so had a much better time of controlling not one but three since they were essentially her babies. Really fun to see!


Not to mention when his eye got cut he stated that losing the eye and gaining the dragon was a fair exchange. Why he change his mind now?


What about him choking his wife when she already lost a bay baby especially. He is a terrible person. No point defending him.


Yoooo,I havent read the books or anything but I'm really REALLY hoping to see The Cannibal show up in season 2


the dragon Daemon was singing to, Vermithor is the second largest dragon after Vhagar


also Rhaenyra should have sent Rhaenys to storms end since her mother was a Baratheon


you know damn well aemonds prideful ass won't admit he lost control of his dragon


I almost fell out my chair when sheera said “ppl got hung for whistling”. Cold blooded

Iago Leonelli

your conclusion that the show has the real events that took place is wrong, just because it was produced with george's help, there is no reason to believe this.

Iago Leonelli

rhaenyra has no chance without daemon, actually the war would be already over if she let him command an attack against king's landing and now she will pay the price as she is already paying and the targaryens will be much weaker after the war


Clears up Jack shit. Oldtown with their one dragon gonna fight against 6 for what? To put a 3rd born son on the throne? Revenge? It'd be suicide.

Teyon Alexander

Well it clears up who would have declared war. We’ve seen how pride makes leaders jump into war without thinking. I just forgot Old Town was a thing.

Iago Leonelli

in the books daemon never did that, nor did he killed his first wife, so it is pretty understandable why people get upset when they go and just insert things that did not happen to a character that has already good and evil traits and it's easy to unbalance them this way. And saying the books are told by maesters or a dwarf does not mean that it's ok to do whatever they want in the show

Ahmed Sharif

vegar is the first biggest dragon around 180 the one in the cave vermithor is the second biggest around 100 years old

Iago Leonelli

in the books rhaenyra childbirth and screaming lasted for days, and there was no choking afterwards.

Iago Leonelli

Bro the 3 headed dragon banner is the targaryen banner, Roshi was like wtf but he just forgot about it. Also, the dragons went wild not because "they burn everything when they go to war" but because their riders are young and can't control them that much. More facts from the books Childbirth and screaming lasted for days and the screamings were directly towards Alicent with hatred for what she had done. Also, Alicent did not defend rhaenyra and actually said that she wished for her death. There is no choking scene. Aemond was in control because when Luke went out, a girl said something like "did he get your eye or your balls?" and that made him mad.


facts from a book that’s based on untrustworthy sources? lmao


Vhagar now is as big as belerions wing which is kinda mad.


Well she would have been a kinslayer and kingslayer (even though Rheanyra would have pardoned her) but thats still a big no no Jamie was a hero for putting down the mad king but even then if it was anyone but robert Jamie would have got sent to the wall for that. So like the differences in those acrions are what matter


The book is written as if written from the perspective of a maester with biased accounts.


Great season. Only had some criticisms for episode 9, but other than that this season has been a solid 9/10. Been waiting to see that scene with Aemond at the end since the book came out.


rather than all that I just think Rhaenys wasnt planning on taking either side until she realizes that Rhaenyra was truly made to be Queen. Rhaenyra's selfless restraint impressed her and that made her truly join her side. Prior to that, she only escaped and warned her out of honor and loyalty. But she had no intention of actually joining the war much less start it


this is fuckign amazing show holy hell

Rofl Lol

I'd just like to point out that this is a story and things need to happen for it to be a story. Constantly being like "WHY?!" when some bad shit happens or when someone does something stupid is pointless. Like, having a problem with the writing is one thing - maybe you feel like a character's actions don't align with what the narrative has been setting up - but if no character ever makes any mistakes, there's no story to be had.


RRTV are the hypebeasts of the reaction community. Fun as hell, but dont expect em to understand anything that aint fights 😭


Arrax thought this was How to train your dragon where the underdogs have a chance. Vhagar shut that shit down rq 💀

Derrick B

Remember that both dragons disobeyed their rider, not just Vhagar. When Arrax shoots fire at Vhagar you can hear Luc telling him no.

Erica Collins

FR! He got the largest dragon and an awesome character/villain design. What more does he need? 😭


yeah for sure the more dragons you got the better to be honest and they also have the most lethal dragon vs dragon which is caraxes and they have the fastest one Meleys aswell. And of course they got Deamon :P

Quinton Campbell

"We da ones killin shit in da city fuck nigga!" - Vhagar to Arrax

Quinton Campbell

Nah Vhagar turning Arrax into a crispy dragon sandwich from Drag-Fil-A with mild Luke sauce is crazyyyy

Jonathan Harris

I'm unsure if we'll ever see Cannibal in the show outside of maybe a glimpse but it will almost certainly be bigger than Vhagar due to it being free to grow its whole life and being older.

Caramel Martian

I just know that dragon ride back to kings landing was silent as hell. Not only is Aemond gonna have to tell Alicent that he is a Kinslayer, one of the biggest crimes one can commit, but that over the 6+ years that he's been with Vhagar - He still has little to no control over her. If his brother wasn't king, he'd have been killed asap, so he's gonna have to live with the kinslayer title 'cause I know damn well Alicent/Otto isn't gonna let Team Green know that they're biggest advantage over team black can't be controlled when need be. I love how his look went from "what have I done" to that of terror realizing that Vhagar disobeyed. It looked like Arrax only disobeyed because it felt how afraid Luce was as well as it being afraid as well. It seems that some dragon riders are emotionally linked with their dragons. I.e.: Caraxes in pain when Daemon got hit with the arrow in the stepstones and earlier in this episode with Syrax feeling the pain with Rhaenyra going through stillbirth


A true roshi fan would watch the end discussion. And if you did, you would know they actually talked about exactly this

Leanne Stephenson

Did Caraxe's burn blind Vhagar's eye? That would an interesting reminder/wound to match his rider

Iago Leonelli

people say those things like it makes everything from the books false or different and that probably only happens to small details. I am sure most of it is what actually happen and that the show changes a lot of stuff that did actually happen if we can say that type of thing since it is a fiction book. In the end you choose what to believe but don't go like "well actually I believe that rhaenyra murdered his own son and the maester wrote what he wanted", or denying every fact from the writer's perspective


Caraxes is Daemon's dragon. The one that dies here is Arrax


You guys reactions is always amazing, keep going with the nice work! 🙏🏼

Kris Khachikyan

I also have a feeling we may not really see him which sucks. At least we’ll get Sheepstealer


Bro its a reaction lmao, they gotta say stuff and yk react to what they see. it aint that serious, i think these grown adults know the basics of how a good story works


Oh that last bit is tragic, if it’s true I hope we see Syrax mourn


only one rider can pair with a dragon he's not pairing with them he's just gathering them to give to other people.


Jesus Christ Sheera relax lmao. Its weird they changed this scene because the way they did it makes no sense in the books Aemond was trying to kill him he wasn't playing games and they actually had a full on fight in front of everyone which is how everyone found out because the way these guys did it how the fuck did anyone find out he killed him so fast? The scene had lot of suspense and shit but it made no sense in hindsight that this little dragon would even try to fight Rhaegar especially after it got away and its like they trying to establish some bullshit that they can't control their dragons when they can and that's not a thing in the books at all. Overall was a great show the changes were kind of dumb and it destroyed a few characters including rhaenyra and Rhaenys but all the gloves off now time for scorched earth.


them not being in control of their dragons is not from the books. In the books they literally have a dragon fight in front of tons of people and Aemond kills him intentionally. Not having control over your dragon is not a thing when you bonded you bonded. Aemond was goaded into killing luke by his fiance ( baratheons daughter he's marrying ). You sound like you just got the spark notes from a youtuber and dont know actually what happened. The way they chose to do this scene was really well done but makes 0 sense in hindsight but I'm down with it either way because it don't really matter as long as they don't fuck up anything major in season 2.


except thats all show headcannon. Its not a thing and probably won't be a thing in season 2. Different writers do different episodes and try different things they abasically pretended what happened in episode 9 didn't happen in this one because it was so dumb and probably this "WE CANT CONTROL OUR DRAGONS OH NO" thing which is also dumb is gonna disappear too.


As Viserys said, the control Dragonriders have over dragons is an illusion. Even though you are bonded to it, the dragon still has a mind of it's own. The scene with Aemond and Luke illustrates that perfectly.


Very good finale, glad you guys understood that both dragons went out of control since most reactors missed that part. Can't wait for season 2!


Makes a lot more sense that a giant fire breathing lizard doesnt always care about what a person has to say, rather than it being some easy fantasy scenario where the dragon has no will of its own,. Vaegar being an old fuck would probably disobey you more than listen. The books are what they are and don't do everything perfectly either, the extra bit of context and aemond actually just being a butthurt teenager who let things get out of hand makes a lot of sense for real teenage drama that goes too far


Well that's the point if her intention wasn't to kill them and much less start the war, then their was absolutely no reason to pull up in the first place lol. Which is why I'm saying it felt super contrived from the writers. They just wanted a big shock factor moment.

Ramone Moore

She didn’t fry them cause it wasn’t her ear to start fck all these evil mf😭I on the dragons side


@trippersigs22 man you gotta rewatch that episode, daemon was like ticking time bomb ready to explode at any moment right after he was told viserys is dead. he was stressed and trying to create a plan because in his eyes the greens killed his brother and are ready to kill his family and he is not gonna let that happen.


Daenerys lost control of Viserion and Rhaegal in the books so not being able to control their dragons does have precedent, Also it's obvious that Aemond killed him because he's pretty much the only thing that could kill a dragon in the area, and everyone saw the confrontation earlier and Aemond chase after him when he left

Alejandro Rodriguez

I get that it’s fucked Daemon wasn’t with Rhaenyra but also it makes sense they’ve got a war coming and shouldn’t be caught lacking, it’s also another way to draw a parallel with Rhaenyra and Rhaenys in the way Corlys abandoned her when she needed him for war. Also as fucked as seeing the stillbirth was and nothing makes me squeamish (that got to me a lil) it’s pretty necessary we literally see the trauma and everything this war has already cost Rhaenyra and how much she wants that crown that she’s ready to keep going directly after and have her coronation compared to Aegon not even wanting the crown being drunk and sleeping it off before the coronation and then just being given the crown and the smug way he takes it.


That was a misunderstanding. It's KINslaying that's very frowned upon, "no man is so accursed as the kinslayer." Kingslaying was only a big deal with Jamie because he was a Kingsguard sworn to protect Aerys


I'm more inclined to accept HotD as canon. Fire & Blood is based on biased tales from Gyldayn, Munkun, and Mushroom, so the show could be showing us what really happened. The ASoIaF books are all POV, so changes between the books and the show can be argued as non-canon.


How did the scene make 0 sense in hindsight? Dragons fight rather than run when when scared + neither rider really had control. Both dragons disobeying and deciding to fuck shit up makes 100% sense. "When you bonded you bonded" is not a thing - it takes time and trust


Vhagar straight up went Pac Man on Arrax


One of my favorite moments in any of this channels reactions is when something crazy happens and Sheera’s like “okayy..but they shoulda seen that coming” 😂 puts a smile on my face every time

Kay’s Kreative

Roshi, Could you all consider watching the show called Yellowstone?

Andrew G

Aemond cosplays the two buttons meme with the choices 1) out myself as a kinslayer 2) admit that I lost control of my dragon


What's funny is I was thinking about Toothless taking on the Red Death/Bewilderbeast during the whole scene. I sat there hoping Arrax would pull a Toothless and turn around and aim fire at the mouth of Vhagar or something to get Vhagar to back off.


They never said a rider can only have one dragon, they only said one dragon can have one rider at a time. That is a difference, also Daenyrs or however you spell it had 3 dragons in GOT tho we only see her ride Drogon but they all listened to her. I mean i think you are right that hes not getting them for himself but just pointing out the distinction.


Rhaenys plunged the realm into war by NOT burning the Hightowers etc at the coronation. Literally the entire leadership of the Greens was assembled right there on stage. If she yells that one particular three-syllable word, there are no two competing factions, there is no war. The simple truth of the matter is that she didn't burn them, not because she categorically doesn't want war, but because she has no real reason to, it's not like she's particularly fond of Rhaenyra and Daemon at that point in the story and why would she be? She decided to not back Aegon's claim, but also had no intention of fully siding with Rhaenyra.


And guess what she did that and still plunged it into war, but now everyone that was in support of Hightowers coming for her head when she dont got beef with them as Rhaenyra does. She didn't wanna start the war cuz its not hers to start.

Lamaree Jackson

Laena had enough control and dominance over Vhagar to make him kill her, but these two little idiots couldn’t even stop a fight. Dragon rider training fell off worrying about all this pettiness.