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That ending was wild!


Stonewall Hackson

Worst episode of the season imo. They just wanted a badass scene without thinking of the consequence like all of season 8 of GoT. Raeny’s character has been all about protecting her family, then she does something that will put them in the maximum amount of danger, has a chance to snuff that danger, but doesn’t. Makes absolutely no sense.


She said that in ep 8 too at dinner


Why is no one getting the added point that civilians being killed on the crowning of a new king, at that gathering, will stir discontent for that king? Doesn't matter who did it, they will be blamed. Strategic choice, albeit highly immoral.


This was a great episode and it was foreshadowed well through Helaena's comments in the previous episodes. The complaining is stupid here ngl


Ain't even halfway thru the episode & I feel like I need a shower....All this skullduggery & these evil shenanigans at court smh


Aemond looks like the older brother now, the hair the growth spurt the training he looks and acts more mature then his brother so I think they are for sure foreshadowing Aemond taking over


Yeah Aegon is awful. I don't want him anywhere near the throne


watching golden kamuy in a bit then will have that up!


One thing to note that folks might miss is when Alicent was talking with her daughter she said “beast beneath the boards”, and at the end of the episode the dragon came up from beneath everyone. I haven’t read the book so I’m starting to wonder if she can see the future, since this is the second time she predicted something ( no book spoilers tho please ).

Kerry Gipson

Just wanted to say I love y’all so much and the content is amazing. I know your schedule is full but please consider watching aoi ashi or putting it on a poll for next list. It’s the haikyuu or soccer 10:10 for you lupa and sheera


Trading intel in exchange for shamefully beating off to toes, WILD


she also said it in the previous episode so I'm thinking she does have some form of prophetic power


stream today?

Theodore Julock

As her father once said "Many in my line have been dragonriders, very few among us have been dreamers."


The irony that the lady they went asking about Aegon might've been the same one who took Aemond virginity. hence the comment (how you've grown)

Darion Vogt

I feel like PLaying charades with Lupa san would be the funnest thing ever


I happy we finally got an up close look at maeyles the red queen and I’m happy they made her look extremely different from Caraxes even tho they’re the same color

Zachary Cadena

The episode was by for the least of the 9 so far. Made no sense in several parts and felt rushed in others. The ending absolutely made no sense other than to just be a "Showy" moment. Up to now everything and everyone acted believably, but showing up at the end in the way she did ....and do...What? Kill civilians? And then NOT kill them? Stupidity. "No one can leave this room!" Guy proceeds to leave. just....yeesh. I hope the finale is better. This show has been fantastic, this was the first episode that felt off.


The old hag killed dozens of innocent civilians just to prove what exactly?💀💀


The episode was pretty good up until the end. I don't know why the writers made Rheanys kill 100s of commoners with her dragon for no reason at all. She could have just used a different exit of the dragonpit (this wasn't even one of them, she blasted a hole, which she could have done anywhere else; also, not a great dragonpit if it isn't dragon proof). Then she had the opportunity to end the whole conflict before it started and take all the Greens out right here and now but didn't take it. Rheanys is a monster. She is a mass murderer. And it was all so completely unnecessary. This is one of those moments inserted into the show PURELY for the "wow slay queen" dumb reactions from idiots on twitter and reddit. The after-the-episode section even said this was "Rheanys heroic moment". How delusional. She just killed 100s of people. This is a great show, but this is by far the worst moment in it. Dumb writing for a shocking twist that ruins a character. Hope they can bring it back for the finale.

Charles Lee

All I heard from those kids was “Drill Claw!” 🤣 Lord forgive me


We knew from episode one the council didn't want Rhaenrya. They said that the families would plot against and showed multiple times that they were never going to accept her. This should be no surprise.

Antonio Williams

So...Rhaenys would rather stomp on and crush civilians than burn the people who stole her ally's throne? Throw the whole family away\


episode 9 was definitely the worst episode so far though and I’m surprised by that because usually episodes 9&10 in the GOT series are the best. Then that ending was so garbage and made no sense. Killing dozens of civilians for what??


Jfc Kinslaying(killing of family members) is worse than genocide in this universe. Also they are literally dragon riding royals why would they care about peasants. Did you also miss the part where they were herded like cattle into the dragonpit? There are more repercussions for killing royals than comonfolk. like for example the hightowers can respond by killing commonfolk of people that are loyal to Rhaenyra and Rhaenys, but other Targaryen and royals are off limits for now. Her dragon was literally UNDER all the commonfolk. You want her to take her dragon on that long ass ramp aemond ran down previously giving them enough time to close the gates. Then she would have bust out a wall or ceiling doing WAY more damage. Hence why otto yelled open the damn gates. Meleys was literally under lock and key, hence why alicent said basically "if we have your dragon, Rhaenyra has to negotiate".

Code Kisaro

Rhaenys embodied that jeager mindset fuck them kids


She better then me cuz that entire bloodline would of cooked lmao 😭

Jay Voorhees

You sir are an intellectual thank you, it’s literally just shock value Game of Thrones at its dumbest

Kris Khachikyan

This wasnt the best episode but from the previews it seems the season Finale is gonna be a banger.


Lol everyone hating the episode in the comments. I didn’t mind it, Rhaeyns gave her answer. Doubt she was gonna kill them right then and there in cold blood with them defenceless, becoming a kinslayer. And it’s kinda funny watching everyone complain about her killing the commoners, ain’t no way you guys are serious right now 💀. I can definitely understand being upset with this change in departure of the book but not for the reasons everyone has been putting forth so far lmao

Kris Khachikyan

I feel like the show is desperately trying to make Alicent likeable. In the books she didn’t give two shits about Rhaenyra. In fact she decided to hide Viserys’s death and crowned Aegon king and said “perhaps the whore will die in childbirth”. I wouldn’t mind if she was ruthless here too. Same with Rhaenyra, she looks weak compared to the books.

Erica Collins

love how they refer to Viserys as Viserys the Peaceful


You do have to remember the books are all biased telling of events by maesters.


It was good other than the thing with Rhaenys. As for Westerling leaving, who was going to stop him? Criston was the only person in the room who could and Alicent made it very clear she didn't want him just killing people.


yeah the book was more of a historical account, the show has had to add some things in

Theodore Julock

Not to prove anything, to get her dragon out of the pit while she had the chance. It's not her fault the only chance she had meant that a few hundred people were gonna get fucked up as collateral. Roaring at the Greens was just a bonus, not the goal.

John Cedar

A lot of characters are completely different from the books. Viserys is one of the biggest examples. George RR Martin has even said that he prefers the version of the character in the show. I think this makes Allicent way more compelling, especially after how she behaved in ep 6.


I know I should be grateful they are taking their time making House of the Dragon but to realize the whole first season is just setup is disappointing. Wished they just had one long season instead of this wait until 2024 for season 2 BS.

nami (edited)

Comment edits

2023-12-12 07:11:39 another comment pointed out that the killing of family members is worse than genocide in this universe and that the punishment for killing a royal would far surpass commonfolk which would make it make sense. Also pointed out how logically why would she care about commonfolk when shes a dragon riding royal. I personally dont think the ending was bad but just wanted to point out the comment because i think it would be a good response to the points you made. As for the "no reason at all thing" I'd assume it was just to send a message since these people just swore allegiance to Aegon essentially. Kind of like the aot moment in s4.
2023-12-12 07:11:39 another comment pointed out that the killing of family members is worse than genocide in this universe and that the punishment for killing a royal would far surpass commonfolk which would make it make sense. Also pointed out how logically why would she care about commonfolk when shes a dragon riding royal. I personally dont think the ending was bad but just wanted to point out the comment because i think it would be a good response to the points you made. As for the "no reason at all thing" I'd assume it was just to send a message since these people just swore allegiance to Aegon essentially. Kind of like the aot moment in s4.
2022-10-18 02:03:05 another comment pointed out that the killing of family members is worse than genocide in this universe and that the punishment for killing a royal would far surpass commonfolk which would make it make sense. Also pointed out how logically why would she care about commonfolk when shes a dragon riding royal. I personally dont think the ending was bad but just wanted to point out the comment because i think it would be a good response to the points you made. As for the "no reason at all thing" I'd assume it was just to send a message since these people just swore allegiance to Aegon essentially. Kind of like the aot moment in s4.

another comment pointed out that the killing of family members is worse than genocide in this universe and that the punishment for killing a royal would far surpass commonfolk which would make it make sense. Also pointed out how logically why would she care about commonfolk when shes a dragon riding royal. I personally dont think the ending was bad but just wanted to point out the comment because i think it would be a good response to the points you made. As for the "no reason at all thing" I'd assume it was just to send a message since these people just swore allegiance to Aegon essentially. Kind of like the aot moment in s4.


bro living in king's landing is the worst. imagine just wanting to go about your day and you get herded into the dragonpit to watch some jackass get crowned only to get bodied by some other jackass's dragon.


Im pretty Aemond lost his virginity to the woman in the brothel. He looked more uncomfortable talking to her than he did when he lost his eye.


The part with Rhaenys just killing a bunch of innocent people just so she can taunt them with her dragon made me cringe so hard. It's like they wanted Rhaenys to seem badass in this scene but failed miserably at it. Last episode was way better.


bro rhaenys could've ended all this shit by just saying dracarys but she just fucked off smh


Aegon's sister wife be saying random spoilers every episode (i think she has phophecy like viserys was saying some Targaryeans do) also the coronation was at the dragonpit so that's why rheanys was able to get to her dragon so fast.

Zachary Cadena

That didn't stop him from murdering not only Joffrey but now Beesbury, fucking guy just murders eveyone with no recourse. And who could have stopped Westerling? how about the rest of the guard? But tbf, those were smaller nit picks compared to the ending which I found entirely distasteful.




Apparently Aegon has the strongest bond to his dragon sunfyre in the Dance and what do we get? absolutely nothing. not even a single scene of him flying above the dragonpit while Aegon is getting crowned. Instead we get rhaenys having the most illogical fan service moment i have ever seen

Hasnain Khan


Adolfo Moreno

I think most people identify more with normal people just going about their lives more than kings, queens, nobles etc. I enjoyed the episode all in all but yeah the scene definitely makes sense for something I spoiled myself on later 🫠

Kris Khachikyan

I understand that the books aren’t based on facts but different tellings but Alicent’s character on the show is all over the place. I still love the show but they’re making her contradict herself a lot. In episode 6 she screamed at Aegon that he must be ready because Rhaenyra will kill everyone who challenges her succession and now suddenly she wants to protect Rhaenyra. My point was at least in the books Alicent had a clear stance.


I love that the only argument people make to justify this moment is "lol no one cares about the commoners in-universe". That's not even true. The previous king, Jaehaerys, was renowned for being caring for the commoners. Many lords are. Even when atrocities are committed, there is usually a more logical reason than just looking cool. And as a book reader I know for a fact that the commoners care VERY MUCH about the way they are treated by the aristocracy. No spoilers but it comes back to bite the Targs in the butt hard. Though this moment in the show never happened in the books, other atrocities do happen and there are real consequences for them. This was almost G.O.T. Season 8 levels of dumb writing, all to create a shocking moment to placate the mouth breathers who think all the talking scenes "are slow and boring".


Unpopular opinion: I know most of you guys hate the fact that Rhaenys killed like 100+ civilians but spared the Green. I too didnt understand why the former was necessary but the latter was understandable, for me at least. I saw a lot of book readers said she could end the war right there and then if she gave Meley the command. I think it would be the opposite. Sure everyone standing there would die, but would it stop the war though? It would definitely be different than the books as most of the characters from the Green died, but a war would definitely happened. Why? Just take a look of who standing there. A newly crowned king, his queen consort, their mother, the hand, Tyland Lannister, the King's Guard (F Cole but he is their commander nonetheless), some priests of the Faith of the Seven. The Mad King killed Ned Stark's father and brother and his son "kidnapped" his sister, then what happened? He and Robert started the rebellion, gathered 4 great houses to war against the Targaryaen and we all know the result of that. So there is no way a war wouldnt happen imo. If anything, the Hightower would have the perfect excuse to call their banners and allies (House Tyrell, House Lannister, House Tully). Worst case scenario, Rhaenyra and Daemon would have to fight 4/7 or 5/7 kingdoms if the other great houses side with the Green because of the "treason" and kinslaying that Rhaenys committed.

Kris Khachikyan

Thats not true. When they find him to crown him in the books he literally is said to have a “12 year old pleasuring him”

Kris Khachikyan

Agreed. Wish we saw Sunfyre but I feel like they didn’t really have the budget to show every dragon this season. It sucks because he’s a very important dragon to the story. I hope they up their budget and do the CGI properly because they cant show the war by skipping dragon scenes


How is changing a character into randomly being a callous mass murderer "a dumb reason to complain"? I get you are afraid to be negative but come on, criticism is due when it is due.

Kris Khachikyan

Exactly. Also people seem to forget Daeron. He isnt introduced yet but he would come to avenge his family. George RR Martin said he is in Oldtown and will be introduced in season two


People are defending this because quote "commoners don't matter."


She also made a prophecy about Aemond having to lose an eye to gain a dragon in a previous episode.


Rheanyra has been the heir for 2 decades. There would be no war. It would have ended here. No one would be left to wage it. All of the lords are already pledged to Rhaenyra. No one other than the people in King's Landing know at this moment that they are trying to crown Aegon. If Aegon is dead then they have no one else to fall back on. Who's going to fight for the Green's side? Aegon's little 3 year olds? Alicent made up the excuse that "Viserys named Aegon heir on his death bed." That's not true though for Daeron. And again, no one in the Seven Kingdoms even knows this yet. Rheanys would have flown to Dragonstone in mere hours after this and told Rheanyra everything before word spread. Rheanyra would then be crowned Queen immediately on Dragonstone. Daeron, if he chose to retaliate, would then be a blatant usurper. It's not kinslaying. It's executing traitors and usurpers. Westeros makes a distinction for this when people break the law. And this is definitely how Rheanys and Rheanyra would spin it after she was crowned Queen. It was a mistake to write a moment like this in the show. It makes Rheanys look like both a monster for murdering 100s and an idiot for not killing all the usurpers in one fell swoop.


Yeah, they aged Alicent down in order to create this friendship bond with Rhaenyra. I don't mind it because the outcome will remain the same (I'm assuming) and she's still pretty damn unlikable.


the war has already begun the moment Aegon was crowned King. How tf would the Lannisters, Hightowers, and everyone else supposed to challenge House Targaryan? Like they tried a few centuries ago against Aegon and his sisters? Daeron would be the only living Targaryan on the side of the Greens. And Ima assume him and his dragon are still young. On the other hand, the Blacks got Daemon, Rhaenyra, Lucerys, Jacerys, Rhaenys and her daughters. Each with a dragon of their own and most are seasoned dragon riders. Caraxes and Syrax must be much bigger than they were in the past. The biggest threat was right in front of Rhaenys: Aemond with Vhagar. There is literally no way for the noble houses to challenge the remaining Targaryans when they only got ONE very young dragon rider if Rhaenys had torched the others. Lets not forget that Cersei literally torched a sept of ppl with Wildfire and that seemed to settle things cuz without their heads, the houses fall into chaos. Worst yet, they literally have no way of fighting the dragons just like the Conquest centuries ago. So no, the war would have started and ended right there. Because, unlike Robert's Rebellion, dragons are still a factor. Harrenhal still stands as a reminder to what challenging dragons will do. So the part with Rhaenys fulfilled the dream of Halaena but other than that, I can only assume she did so out of pity or some form of self pride of not wanting to kill them unarmed? Or maybe relating to Alicent on some level since she was supposed to be ruling yet denied because of the traditions. Idk, but the result is that she just killed 100 random civilians for literally no gain other than getting her and her dragon out.

Mr. Toastman

I think a lot of reactors are missing the fact that Aegon married his sister


She realizes that everything her father fed her may have been bullshit so now she's trying to at least attempt to find a peaceful alternative. She never once expressed a desire to kill Rhaenyra. I think this is very consistent with her character, but for the past 8 episodes, people have been on the "Fuck Alicent" hate train, so hard that they havent realized that she may have been mean and petty, but she was never straightup evil.


Crazy fact but this would count as a SPOILER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The mad king Aerys II Targaryen is actually the great-great-great-great grandchild of Viserys II Targaryen who Rhanaerys showed to her father when he was half dead in his bed along with Daemon. I said spoiler cus that would mean, yeah….


I deadass just noticed the handmaid was lighting the candle to signal the White Worm about Vizzy T being dead.


Aegon is implied to be a pedo


It wouldnt matter at this point of who were crowned first. Daeron and Rhaenyra both have reason and claim to wage war, and technically the Green side have a king crowned first but Rhaenys committed treason and killed them with the witness off thousands of people. The lords in Westeros all swore loyalty to Rhaenyra, but would they follow it all the way, especially now that most of the Lords from 20 years died? Most of them definitely do not want a women on the throne. You know which side Borros would take, the engagement could still happen with Daeron. Could the Black convince the North and the Vale to take their side? Dorne was a wild card but they had no love for the Targaryen. And more dragons do not ensure victory, remember why Meraxes died.


Do they know the Lord Commander of the Kingsguard is ol boy Dracula from Castlevania?


Don Luke and Jace dragons were as young and small as Daeron’s, and so were Baela’s and Rhaena’s. The current threat was Daemon’s Caraxes and Rhaenys’ Meley and Seasmoke if they found it a new rider. Idk if it work though, because Laenor was still alive. Syrax was bigger than 20 years ago ofc, but it was not a threat at the same level of Caraxes, Meley and Seasmoke as I dont recall it and Rhaenyra truly participated in any war before this.


Meraxes died because the Targaryans underestimated the Dornish's scorpions and their guerilla tactics. But the main thing is terrain. They were able to escape dragon fire but that cant be said the same as the other Kingdoms. Casterly Rock is a fortress among fortresses. Can withstand a siege and not break. And yet, its literally perched on a sand of a cliff. They have no scorpions and no terrain to hide. Lets not forget Harrenhal. They got cooked alive in their towers. No one suppported Aegon the Conqueror when he first arrived. He had to take the Kingdoms through Fire and Blood. And all of them bent the knee soon after (except Dorne) when they realize they cannot challenge dragons. Daeron is still young af. I doubt Aegon even reached 20 yet which means his youngest brother should still be a young teen. His dragon probably isnt even properly grown. On the other hand, we got experienced dragon riders like Daemon, Rhaenys and Rhaenyra. Their children all got dragons. Aint no way the noble houses of Westeros will challenge her claim and risk repeating the Conquest once more. Except this time, they got like 7+ dragons.


@Victor Aegon conquered the kingdoms with 3 dragons but their size honestly didnt matter all that much. Balerion wasnt fully grown back in those days either so he wasnt as monstrous as most said it to be. He was over 100 years younger back then. Yes Rhaenyra isnt exactly a seasoned warrior but neither was Daenerys. The point being is when you have dragons, experience in battle hardly matters. All it takes is to roast one House in their castles to remind everyone how Harrenhal came to be. And the rest would bent the knee because what can a young teenage Daeron do against the force of 3 adult Targaryans and their children? Pretty sure the children dragons are around 15+ years old. Thats even older than Daenerys dragons when they arrived at Westeros. I swear her dragons were not even 10 years old. Ofc, Drogon was much bigger due to his wild nature but the others were still plenty huge.


Since when does anyone in this show or the previous one care about civilians, they are nothing but extras on the screen, ready to be slaughtered.


I didn’t write this for roshi nor you. I’m writing this for anyone interested in knowing. “Delete this” bro stfu and mind your damn business. I wrote “spoiler” didn’t i? Write this shit to everyone else here talking about the whole book without actually warning anyone of spoilers


The coronation of Aegon took place in the dragon pit, there is no other exit for the dragon but the stairs that lead to where the people were standing - hence, "there is a beast below the boards". So in order for her to escape she had to get out of the pit with the dragon, which required the dragon to break the provisional flooring on which people were standing. That's also the reason why she was smirking on the street when she saw where they were hearding the people, i.e. the dragonpit. Also since when does anyone in this universe care about civilians, they are killed left right and center all the time with nobody batting an eye.


she had to stomp on people to get the dragon out, the coronation was taking place above the dragonpit.


Well they could stand a chance to balance the scale if they were bold enough to send people to sneak to Dragonstone and secure the riderless dragons. Desperate measures ofc but it could work out. And even if they didnt, they could still try bribing the dragonseed. In fact, they might very well try first with Sunfyre, Dreamfyre and Vhagar and the other dragons in the Dragonpit. Even if they could only tame a few, they would gain some advantages for the upcoming war.

Ron H

Thank you, not ever. That’s a whole theme of the show, and why white worm as a character is so important


Nah he's only a pedo...that's much better huh.


If I had to venture a guess, this is some early set up for what happens in the dragon pit at the end of the Dance. We'll see many more examples in the seasons to come fueling that response as well I'm sure. Still a frustrating moment though.

Shin splits

Spoilers This could be set for the common folk to storm the dragon pit. Giving them more of a reason “oh look that these dragon/Targaryen let’s go do something about it” yes could it have been handled better ofc. But I highly disagree with it being close to Got season 8 levels of bad. Rhaenys as we know lost of her child (to her knowledge) so she wouldn’t kill Alicents children right in front of her plus kinslating is highly frowned upon in general so that plays a part too imo

Shin splits

Okay the end could have been handled better ofc. But ppl who are saying it’s Got season 8 levels of bad are just way over their heads. Yes I do agree Rhaenys just popping out of the ground and killing a bunch of commonfolk could have been done better. But I don’t agree with the part that ppl are saying it’s dumb for her not to kill the greens right then and there. 1. Rhaenys has lost both of her children (to her knowledge and one was burned alive btw) so she heavily sympathizes with Alicent as a caring mother. 2 kinslaying is heavily frowned upon in Westeros so that plays a part too. SPOILERS for later on Okay I think her killing the common folk is a good set up/reason why “storming of the dragon pit” happens because it gives the common folk more motivation.


Warning about spoilers only works if you can hide the spoiler with a spoiler tag, like on Discord or Reddit. The spoiler is right there for everyone to read, you can't hide it. So yes, you should remove it, you punk bitch.


Im really lost at how yall hate the ending lmao I love Pettiness I guess 😂😂😂


Since when did people care about the random civilians in kings landing??? and rhaenys just had a conversation with alicent talking about how smart she is and everything, why would she randomly kill her entire family right there lmao


I hated that she basically pulled a rocket launcher on a family that has a nuke and then just dipped without doing anything


You realize how much more problems she would have caused Killing everyone that blatantly? See Queen Cersi for further proof. Bigger flex to show you COULD HAVE wiped them out. If you can’t humble people without killing them then shes no better fit to rule then the people who plotted to take the throne. Chess not Checkers bro

God Enel

Everyone knows this is 150 years before the mad king. Orr they should. Not a spoiler if you remember whats going on at all.

God Enel

well everyone complained cause in the original a bunch of..... Say it with me CIVILIANS were killed. Goofy. They are still people. Mad king was killed cause he was gonna kill all the people too


@Dyko Swackhammer go cry about something else buddy, noone cares what you think. “Punk bitch” this kid knows how to swear 💀 I’m on the patreon app in which the long comments are hidden with the read more button, maybe you should use the app too dipshit, that’s how you get notifications. Now we’re learning 🥸


People don't like to seeing evil deeds being performed by characters who are supposed to be portrayed as good or virtous. It just comes off as insanely edgy and unneccessary. There's nothing wrong with shock value but shock value for the sack of being shocking is plain bad writing. Overall if Alicent had done this people would have had a field day roasting her so why shouldn't we keep the same energy just because Rhaenys is allied with your favorite character Rhaenyra?


Viserys was very progressive, but wouldn’t abdication be the best way to ensure a safer transition to a female monarch when you know Westorosis are so misogynistic they can’t ride for their leader if there’s no actual peen to sit on? As we see the Greens were never really enthusiastic about a woman on the throne, and though Alicent interpretation of Viserys last words (in a very clear pain induced delirium mind you) was convenient for them, they were always going to take advantage of Viserys death to stage a coup.

Alex (edited)

Comment edits

2023-12-12 07:11:39 None of the elite really care about civilians. Rhaenys did not kill the greens bc she didnt want to be a kinslayer and kingslayer and no matter the fucked up shit they done they are more of a family then random peasants.
2022-10-18 07:10:01 None of the elite really care about civilians. Rhaenys did not kill the greens bc she didnt want to be a kinslayer and kingslayer and no matter the fucked up shit they done they are more of a family then random peasants.

None of the elite really care about civilians. Rhaenys did not kill the greens bc she didnt want to be a kinslayer and kingslayer and no matter the fucked up shit they done they are more of a family then random peasants.


Rhaenys: kills hundreds of innocent civilians Sheera: OMG YASS GIRLBOSS MOMENT


When did people care about civilians in Game of Thrones?


thank you finally someone understand that going berserk and killing half the royal family before the war even started is not a good move. also Rhaenys house is not in a good poistion, corlys might die, his brother is dead and only Rhaenys granddaughters are left alive to continue their line, that's not a good time to brand you and your house as both king slayers and kin slayers and make half the realm your enemy. also, they are her family, murder your cousin entire family is not easy for anyone even if its to stop a war


Literally always? People were horrified when Daenerys killed all those civilians with Drogon and when Joffrey started to starve his people.


We don't talk about the horrible writing in season 8, and there were a million people in Kings Landing, it's impossible to feed them all


Bruh I wouldnt be surprised if Sheera was still rooting for Danny when she started burning kings landing down lmao


I hear you Lupa, but like you said... This is chess not checkers bro. When you have the chance to take out the king, the queen, rooks and knights. You do it, and you don't worry about what some bishops and pawns would do later. The game is over at that point. The ending is like "I could have taken the game winner, but let's go into OT cause I want to flex like that." And OT being a fight to the death lol


I'm definitely not on the side of completely hating on this episode, but at the same time I didn't really like the ending. So she pulled up just to show them, she's a threat? Like why not just kill them then? A lot of people are saying that "Kinslaying" and blah blah. That's such a poor excuse, when has Rhaenys shown concerned for any of that? And I'm also sure its frowned upon to kill a bunch of civilians with your dragon and then threatened the king lol. But she still did it, unapologetically. Some people are saying that it was the only way to get her dragon out, and some people are saying that she could of gone another way, etc. REGARDLESS it just seemed super silly and contrived for her to kill a bunch of people, have a close up of her looking at them all badass and then simply just leave. Maybe the writers fell into the trap of "its episode 9, we have to do something crazy!". Either way, that scene alone won't undo all the other good shit this show has done so far.


People really getting heated about fictional stuff unh, this is consistent with their aot reactions.


Not an endorsement, just listing some reasons: Most nobles Westerosi Houses already don’t like you and absolutely want peen on the throne You’re not totally sure who you should back yet, but you also need people to know they need to stop messing with you Being a Kingslayer would hurt your family standing and the aristocracy as a system You don’t want to straight up murder your sexual predator cousin You don’t want to straight up murder your sexual predator cousin in front of is mother You don’t want to straight up murder your sexual predator cousin just after his dad died You don’t want to straight up murder the very few remaining Valyrian, your people, even if he’s a sexual predator Commoners shouldn’t so readily support this treasonous shit and should be punished for it I guess It’s the penultimate episode, let’s fuck shit up


nah this the first time i seen yall on dick about civilians, rip bozo we smoking dat pack


Is there really a proper way to react to any work? Audience-response will vary from individual to individual. Some people will be mad at some story elements, others won’t, but being mad at how someone react to a story, that’s meta 😂


"I didn't write this for roshi", Then why not go write it on a HotD reddit or blog isntead of writing a "spoiler" in a place where roshi can clearly see it?!?!


I remember when Dani Targaryan did this and sat on the thrown after lmao I know how your story would end 😂😂😂

Reckless Company

The crown gave him that red polo shirt energy lol


You’re better than me. I found out after reading your comment.


daemon punishes criminals in kings landing, OMG he is so evil. Rhaenys kills innocent people, you go girl


Guns you should really consider deleting it. Only on Patreon app people can see the option click to see more while people on browser see the whole thing. And why did you bring that up tbh, when the one you mentioned didnt even appear in this episode and what you said kinda spoiled the end of the Dance of Dragons?


@Victor wtf are you talking about? Wtf is dance of dragons? Keep that spoiler shit to yourself trashcan


you left a shitty spoiler warning then expect me to mind my business? Nah. and allow me to be more specific, I'm commenting on this because there was there not only zero reason to say that, but there's no real way to put a spoiler warning on here. That was dumb to me lol


@Zenith well at least i have one bud, scroll around and look at these completely huge spoilers and cry to them to delete their posts too. Do that and come back to me then i might consider it buddy. Otherwise keep whining, noone cares about what you say


they were standing right over the dragonpit soooooooo what else was she gonna do? Wait?


You tripping lmao Lupa, that's apples and oranges. Dany started smoking innocent people for no good reason - the war was over. Rhaenys caught the opps slipping in the opening stages of the war. You think anyone would fault her for turning the greens into a green smoothie? The greens that usurped the throne, imprisoning ninjas from noble houses and were plotting to kill Rhaenarys (Otto: let the kingsguard go and do it swiftly and cleanly) and Rhaenys own grandkids that live with them? These are the ninjas Rhaenys would get backlash for killing? Nah bro lol


thats hes sister and wife


Ninjas strongest argument is she did not want to be a kinslayer lool I am dead. Not the kin! y'all known damn well that the Greens were plotting to kill the Aegon's sister Rhaenarys and Rhaenys own damn kin (grandchildren who reside with Rhaenarys on dragonstone) – ooooh but I can't be a kinslayer LMAO.


More people are complaining about the mass murdering of common folk than they are about Rheanys not roasting the Greens. She killed 100s of people here. There is really no defense for that. If she wasn't a heartless murderer she could have either found another way out of the pit or waited until the people exited the Dome. It is also kinda of silly that the Dragonpit is not dragon proof. Makes you wonder why the dragons don't break themselves out if they are all capable of it.


@Zenith Yes. Exactly that. She could have either waited for the ceremony to be over before bursting out or she could have burst out from another exit (there are many tunnels in the pit).


Guns Really? You came back at me with the specific mention of “dance of the dragons”? The name itself means nothing my friend, and it was not even new. It was written into a damn book that Shireen Baratheon liked to read in GoT. You really do like talking shit to other people huh, I merely write down my thought and you called me trashcan. Do that make you feel good? Or you are that sensitive that any minor word can trigger you?


@Victor LMAO. First of all your grammar is shit, and it tells me english isn’t your first language. Second of all, I meant “wtf are you talking about” to question when you said “the one I mentioned didn’t even appear”. I was throwing out a random fact, who cares that they didn’t show up in the episode. I put a lot of emphasis on the spoiler part so anyone with half a decent brain can simply SKIP my comment without reading it. But it was too hard for any of y’all. To simply scroll past my comment was such a hard task that you had to comment something about it. Am I correct? Clown headass


When Ageon's wife said "There is a beast below us" this is what she may have for told. 53:53

Arsean Wilbon

Thank you, people get in here and comment with out taking the time to understand or gauge what’s going on. They think they’re all knowing lol

Arsean Wilbon

Lord, her dragon is underneath them, why go the long way when she can bust up and possibly roast those she has to fight against. But she chooses not too cause being a Kin Slayer in this universe is one of the most un honorable things to do, it’s a last resort. Also what show have y’all ever watched where nobles really gave a fuck about common civs lol. They care to a point but not that damn much. Y’all gotta lighten up and just watch. The book is just source material

Mr. Glasses

Damn. Little kid looking for an argument on the internet. Dunno why else you'd post a spoiler in the comments that literally no one asked for or is interested in. You knew how people would react.


@Mr. Glasses let’s say I’m a kid, that would make y’all the embarrassment doesn’t it? Grown men arguing with a kid in the internet 💀 this is gold


@Dyko Swackhammer Yes, wait and possibly be found out smart idea. Also they don't keep wild dragons in the dragonpit. They are TAMED dragons that want to be in there. Also like if a horse wanted to break out of a stable, the door isn't keeping it in there. She killed 100s of commoners so what? they are commoners. Like it or not commoners are basically just a source of income(taxes) and manual labor for the royals, they are easily replaceable. However the heads of other main houses are not. Example Jaime Lannister in GOT. Rob sacrificed 2000 of his men to kidnap ONE GUY.


Kinslaying is worse that genocide in this universe. Like it or not. Even most commoners will be more angry with kinslaying than what Rhaenys did. Somewhere in this show you'll get an example of that.


Yall arguing about the dragon but my thing is why the hell did Daemon and Rhaenyra leave Viserys was literally on his deathbed? But imma hold judgement cause they werent seen all epsiode some reason tbh


Again, I love rewatching because you always miss something. At 12:09 Helaena says "There is a beast beneath the boards" And that was in reference to Raenys' Dragon at the end there