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Nah this gotta be necromancy, someone has to be puppeteering Viserys this episode cause aint no way



It does not matter. At this point, that is all just rumor. As Corlys rightly explains history remembers NAMES. You guys are some eugenicist ass mfs like who cares about their blood REALLY. Vaemond cares because he wants power, it is not "moral" to abide by this blood law bs lmao.


I see no reason to hate her in this episode. Dude, her entire importance comes from family relation. Every single person we see is the same way. The only reason they matter is because of their proximity to power. Why would she not "run to daddy," she has the ABILITY to do so. Everyone is scheming to carve out her promised power for themselves but if she does anything, if she goes to the person with power, she's wrong? What?


No, he is the man. It was important that he got rid of Vaemond who was representing a huge obstacle. This gave him a great excuse. Vaemond was ready to go to war and create a schism over this Driftmark nonsense, and he called the literal heir a "whore." Come on. So happy he was killed.


It's baffling reading these comments now seeing how many people are on Vaemond's side. One of the best scenes in the show is him getting murked like that. So annoying. Couldn't care less about his desire for power.


As horrific as it is to say, Alicent does not need to commit literal murder over her son, the prince, r*ping a maid. I mean, do you know how often royalty abused their servants. Even her caring enough to give her money and manipulate her into shutting up was overkill. She could have just let her go on and if anyone heard about what happened they would say "yeah he has always sucked, but whatever."

Trayvon Brown

Give Paddy Considine all the awards


This episode was hard to watch

Jahari Fields

Nah that caption is wild💀💀


Daemon is the goat the goaaaaaaat the goaaaaat


All hail Queen Alicent Targaryen - First of her name and all that


The reaction I've been waiting for all day.

Trayvon Brown

@4:18 The Velaryons are around in the game of thrones timeline in the books but they were cut from the show.


Aemon looking at Daemon like… Alright uncle, imma need one more time skip but then we’re squabbling 😂😭


Thank You for that. Because I definitely never remember seeing any Velaryons aside from them mentioning how rare there steel was.

Mozart Waddell

The tongue meat though 😛 😂 Daemon has went from my least favorite to most liked character in the span of just 2 episodes.


Y’all going to hate on Alicent, but at the end of the dinner it looked like Rhae/Alice squashed the beef. However the king (thinking he was speaking to Rhae) just mumbled that Aegon is the prince that was promised to unite the realm - now we’re back to war again

Mozart Waddell

Luke messed up big time with that pig stunt he pulled. Why would you antagonize someone who look like they hit puberty 3x over? You seen how nasty he was in the training grounds 🤦




Bro that’s Valeryan steel, has nothing to do with House Velaryon although they sound similar


See I did not know this either, again thank you for correcting me


Correct me if I’m wrong, but I’m pretty sure Valyrian and velaryons are different things 🤔 . Valyria is where they’re from, and where Valyrian steel is from (hence the name), whereas velaryon is their house name. The two just sound very similar [lmao someone got to it before me ma bad]


Im always here, just don’t comment everytime. I be liking comments mostly but I pop in every now and then 😁


Is it just me or did they do all the black characters dirty? If y’all were going to include black characters at least make them memorable. Lady Laena (Rider of Vhagar) and Lord Corlys (lord of the wealthiest house) were both done dirty. Then we have weak Laenor and dumb Vaemond. SMH


Yup, didn’t see that till it reloaded ma bad 😂


You posted you comment right after his so you were typing as it happened, no way you could have known that, its ok lol


See this is why I don’t interact in the comment section. Some of y’all antisocial weirdos, why do you have the need to spoil? SMH 🤦‍♀️


To be fair they were white in the books, so they would have to change the storyline if they wanted to be more fair to them.


Lupa "good job sheera you made up for the intro" proceeds to get clapped not even 30 seconds later. No no she didnt lmao


Aemond is goated. They can't even be mad he's right.


It’s crazy everyone think Aemon scared to get down with daemon? Did everyone forget episode 1 how ser cristin bested daemon and now this episode aemon was able to best ser criston. It is made crystal clear that aemon and daemon are around that same tier


Ty Ty 🤞. I’m excited for this one! I know it was hard to watch, but I know I’m boutta laugh really hard so it’s ok 😂


so excited to see y'alls reaction to this ep! it was so emotional for me at parts, this man really dragged his CORPSE across the castle to go support his daughter😭 W dad and W's all around for daemon as usual lol


Love to see young Osferth being like his pops Uhtred - those who know know


if he was dead rhae rhae would be queen right now she's literally the heir. Yall really struggle to understand or keep up with shows like this sometimes lmao so much clapping happening between all 3 of you the whole episode.


Corlys isn't dead dude. They say in the episode he's just badly wounded.


Viserys be wearing that Sanguine Noble Set


But Criston only bested Daemon because daemon got cocky after knocking him down and looked away thinking the fight was over lol. I certainly wouldn't use that as a measure of skill especially if we were talking an actual life or death battle lol


Definitely a W lil bro defiling his daughter (back when she was a teenager) 🤦‍♀️


Nigga jace was inviting any and all smoke this whole episode 🤣🤣🤣


When they mention “milk of the poppy” they’re literally just talking about opium. Opiates are made from the Opium found in poppy plants


losing is losing. I dont know why yall are trying to powerscale GOT characters though. This isnt DBZ


Corlys' brother is right though. They are literally lying and willing to murder to keep them in power. This is why I cant be on team Black. They have no respect, no honor and no accountability. Just look at Daemon he baited him. He literally said "say it". Then Sheera is sitting here defending them. Daemon is clearly wrong. Its not slander to say those are bastards its correct.


also you dumb assuming the worst about alicent lmao half her beef is with rhae rhae because she had to sacrifice so much and be a proper lady and queen while rhae rhae fucking around with all these diff men ignoring her duty. Otto might be scheming up shit but alicent is just a victim in his schemes. In the throne room scene she wasn't worried about any sort of scheme fallin apart she was actually worried for viserys. Rhae Rhae is the team of incest and neglecting duty and honor in favor of your own personal satisfaction and whims but yall love that weirdo shit for some reason. Also fun fact Daemon helping him up the throne and picking up his crown was an accident and completely improvised.


Stream today?


Milk of the poppy is just opium lol

Mozart Waddell

The Targaryen customs never bother me until I've seen Alicent, the mother with both her kids also her daughter-in-law and son-in-law. Kind of a stomach churner lol


That Viserys walk-in was so epic. Well done!

Evan Giardina

House Velaryon is still around during the Game of Thrones timeline. They appear in the books, but aren't relevant enough to be in the show. Similar to the hightowers tbh


You are showing your iq. The comment was about skill and technique not ki you child.


Nigga Dameon looked at agon like you feeling froggy leap nigga I dare you and this entire war about to start over a fucking misunderstanding bro lmao as well as the crown falling off viserys head was an accident dameon picking it up wasn’t supposed to happen they just kept going when it happened 😭


Vaemond may be an ass, but he was 100% in the right. Those kids arent Velaryon and he was the only person with nearly as much naval experience as Corlys.


I agree with ya That's why they show us rhaenyra going out her way to make sure her family isn't kept out of reach from positions by which they don't have claim because over who they are in terms of blood, and for what she's been doing by which everyone is keeping their mouths closed till the king is gone, it was shown more and more again everyone's is getting ready to say whatever they will even if it means death. Now that Viserys is dead, its straight up blood on steel and well seasoned Beef to start up.


I know right, I like how hypocritical Alicent is when she first suspects Rhaenyra slept with Daemon earlier in the series, she calls her out for her "Queer Targaryen customs". But later on is totally fine with her children marrying each other.

deadgaymer08 7

Also, the spy was the woman with the queen who knew about Aegon abusing that maid.

cami ً

one of the things I liked the most about Viserys' entrance was that, according to the directors, they filmed the scene as if he was walking up to rhaenyra instead of the throne, to stand up for her like she asked :^) he really stood up for her until his last breath


True, I agree with Vaemond's motives up until he heard Rhaenys declare that Baela and Rhaena would wed the strong boys. At that moment you still get to have Velaryon bloodline ruling over driftmark and adhere to Corlys's wishes.

Mozart Waddell

@CapnHook Exactly. You're willing to go to war with Rhaenyra over an allegation involving two consenting adults but not with your rapist son. What makes it even worse is she found religion and still willing to turn a blind eye when it's her own.

Julian Vargas

Alicent thinks Viserys was telling her to put their son Aegon on the throne, she didn’t realize he thought he was talking yo Rhynera. These people just need to stop naming their kids Aegon it gets confusing even to them


Vaemond forgot the most important rule to talking shit. Know your audience.


Omfg, it’s fk game of thrones are you that naive to think they decide to make characters suffer base on their skin? And to be fair The Velaryons are white in the books and have the same endings… you just want to find something to bitch about

Alexis Sullivan

Im so here for Viserys dragging his corpse outta that bed to defend his daughter. that man said "im gon die standing behind my daughter". Say what you want about Viserys as a king and Daemon, at the end of the day they gon stand 10 toes behind Rhaenyra and i love it


Even then thats not right. What happens if Luke's wife dies and he marries someone who isnt Valeryon? Vaemond was WAY out of pocket, but he was right on all accounts.


Milk of the poppy is essentially morphine as it comes from poppy seeds

Alexis Sullivan

It was so sweet seeing Daemon help Viserys to the throne. Daemon always loved Viserys, remember when Corlys was talking mad shit and Daemon said "i will speak of my brother as i want but you will not". Despite their fights, they always loved each other


I think Alicent took the King saying “you are the one” as Alicent being the one to unite the realm, since she mistook him saying Aegon as their child and not Aegon the Conqueror, which just reinforced her mindset of Rhaenyra being unfit to rule as Queen and has thus reignited the beef all over again


yoshi was almost right at the end. Alicent thought that the king was talking about Aegon the entire time and did not clue in that he meant Rhaenyra. This will probably force Alicent to adhere to her ethics and side with her son Aegon as she thinks it was what Viserys wanted in his last breath. Just a tiny bit of miscommunication is going to start a war.


Alicent did not know that he was talking to Rhaenyra. She knows nothing of the prophecy so when he says Aegon she believes he’s telling her that he wants Aegon II to rule and not Rhaenyra. So, unlike the books (Alicent deliberately has her son crowned when Viserys dies while Rhaenyra is at Dragonstone giving birth) the war is started because Alicent misunderstood a dying, man delirious from pain and milk of the poppy.


also im not sure if you guys realized but Alicent's son Aegon is married to his sister and they have a kid together. I think yhou guys think shes some random girl but nah she's Alicents second born child


shoutout to baela for getting ready to scrap once again 😭 truly best girl

Kris Khachikyan

Corlys isn’t dead. He just got wounded badly.


Did you guys forget that Helaena is Alicent’s daughter? Aegon is married to his sister lol


in Alicents defense how else would she take it? Other than Rheanyra literally NO ONE else knows about the prophecy. May if these dumbasses told or kept a record of the most import prophecy in the world they could have avoided this.


in Alicents defense how else would she take it? Other than Rheanyra literally NO ONE else knows about the prophecy. May if these dumbasses told or kept a record of the most import prophecy in the world they could have avoided this.


also Corlys didn't care that Jace and luke were bastards he just cared about them carrying his name one. So techincaly the Vaemond was disrespecting his brothers wishes by contesting those kids claim.


Yes that definitely should have written it down. It would have helped the common people to understand and support them since they were more likely to believe in prophecies. Alicent on the other hand has been taking of Viserys for years. For at least the last year he’s been heavily medicated. That could not have possibly been the first time he said anything she didn’t understand. It also helps that she really does want her son on throne even if she and Rhaenyra briefly made up, so it was easy for her to believe that’s what he meant.


Imagine how FIRE GOT would have been if they put GOT on hiatus after season 6 and started on House of the Dragon? George RR Martin wrote the book that is the foundation for this show after the content of season 6- and it’s again fire content. They should have put GOT on hiatus until he finished the last two books - if they had done that season seven and eight fiasco would have been avoided

Ron H

Alicent is no longer a victim, not when she’s literally paying off actual victims to protect the facade

Ron H

That’s what I love ab this show, being right isn’t enough


I don't know bout everyone else but for me, it's always been Team Viserys, all day every day.

John Cedar

It doesn't make sense that this prophecy is kept secret. If anything, it would strengthen the Targaryen claim to the Iron Throne until the Long Night actually happens. The common people would all but form a religion around this prophecy, especially with the Northmen corrorborating the existence of the White Walkers. To have it be a secret that less than a dozen people know about throughout history makes no sense, and the final scene is a great example of why. And if a huge threat is coming, wouldn't it be great to have several hundred years warning? I don't understand the potential downside to just telling everyone, though I guess that is a fundamental change that would ruin the original GoT story.

John Cedar

I mean, Team Green doesn't have any of that either. Allicent was on her high horse about honor as a maiden and disgusted that Rhaenyra was given the abortion tea, but turns around and does the same thing to cover up the mistakes of her own family years later. Otto told her that the realm will question Rhaenyra's claim when the time comes, but people will also question Aegon's. And like, everything about Allicent's involvement with Larys. If she had honor, she would have turned him in for the murder of the Strongs immediately. No one would believe him over her; she kept Larys as an ally because she saw that he might be useful. They are picking and choosing when to feign morality; Rhaenyra was right last episode. They hide behind the cloak of their supposed righteousness. Vaemond was just about the only one who stood by his morals unquestiongly, but it was a dumb decision. He should have known what would happen, it almost seemed like suicide.


It also would have prevented all of the knowledge being lost when Aerys went mad. We don’t know if he was even sane enough to tell Rhaegar the prophecy at all. And the Maesters at Oldtown would have known about it. Jon probably would have been the uncontested King. They entire story of Game of Thrones would have been different.

Champion Bescos

My bad man. Honestly thought you were speaking from the perspective of someone who had read the book; your comment reminded me of a dozen others elsewhere referring to a certain thing. I still tried to keep my joke mildly vague, but yeah, sincere apology for the spoiler, would never intentionally do that to someone. Also, “antisocial weirdo” is a bit much, no?


Nah man Rhaynera made me mad this episode, getting people killed left and right cuz she's running to daddy to fix her mistakes

Rofl Lol

Daemon is a pussy. He could've fought Vaemond.

Derek Warren

This comment has me dying lmaoooo. Luke was stupid for that. Aemond was chill until that happened


say what yall want about the Hightowers but Otto never conspired to kill Viserys. And Alicent's devotion and duty to being his wife was taken seriously and beyond. She was nothing but loyal. Yes, she wanted her son to be King as beef with Rhaenyra but it was all justified since Rhaenyra be fucking around so often even before her marriage. She had all the choices before her and she dilly dallied her way to being forced to marry Laenor who couldnt give her children. Rhaneyra is definitely not innocent in this. If anything, she has caused more problems than Alicent with her behavior


Oh shit I didn't know you followed them lol ayeee✊🏾✊🏾


2 things yall missed, alicent never realized he thought he was talking to rheanyra because alicent has never been told about the ice and fire prophecy. Alicent misunderstood thinking he wants her son aegon to be king now. Also aegon's wife is his sister

Hasnain Khan


Greg Read

roshi at 10 min 40 sec figuring out the plot lol


Patiently waiting for someone to make a video of Viserys walking to the throne to the OG Undertaker intro 🤣


Damn Sheera is stick riding Rhaenyra hard. I haven’t seen this level of glazing since Rob from RTTV and Yamato from Naruto Shipudden

Moon Wolf

Criston didn’t “best” daemon. Daemon turned his back because he thought he won and then criston hit him from behind. Daemon would clap criston. Now aemond vs daemon would be epic


Rhaenrya listened to Daemon and abused her power to do whatever she wants while taking no accountability because she knows the king will bail her out.


That’s basically her skillset, most of her problems are fixed by begging her dad to fix it for her. The most competent thing she’s done since being named heir is that assassination plan she plotted with Daemon


It's kinda annoying. The way she was cheering when Vaemond got cleaved made me realize that Sheera is gonna side with them no matter what bullshit they pull.


The show sadly doesn't show it, but in the books Criston was known as the best warrior in the land. He definitely would've clapped Daemon in his prime.

Champion Bescos

I mean, it was established in episode 3 that - if anyone -Vaemond would the “pussy” between the two. Daemon served as bait and solo’d over a dozen guys in the finale of the war in the stepstones. Daemon was at the forefront the entire war, whereas it’s implied Vaemond sat in the back and bitched since his nephew and brother called him out during that campaign. He is also the one who went behind their back to request aid from the King. No way would he have won against Daemon, the guy that even Ser Cole - supposedly the greatest fighter alive at the time - struggled with in episode one.

Mozart Waddell

Homie was literally just paying attention to everyone conversation and trying to eat.


Nah i dont blame her shit was a hype scene, and its not like either party here is "good". Vaemond has always been out for his own power. He was always at odds with Corlys. He didn't even want Corlys' own children to rule in the excuse that his blood was more true to the house. Corlys just cares more about his familys name than blood. Neither are right or wrong in their choice, outside the fact of one being against the crown which isn't the smartest path to take.


Rhaenyra hasn’t messed around as much as the men in the court, but they’re more outraged about females doing the same. It’s funny how Viserys is concerned about the Targaryen bloodline when as much as Alabama this family gets, they definitely a bunch of John out there. Honestly Westeros fucked up when they got triggered about the idea of Rhaenys becoming Queen and choosing Baelon’s line.


Alicent as always been a staunch conservative, so even if she had a good relationship more liberated Rhaenyra, she was always going to have a problem with a woman being heir to the throne. Like about Aegon forcing himself on servants, she’s more mad about how it looks than the actual act. It was really hard for her to try to make peace with Rhaenyra because there’s even more bad blood between them and she’s even more conservative now; the Seven Pointed Star that she put everywhere in the castle is basically like putting crucifix everywhere in your house.


Viserys got tortured cause he messed with Tommy in Peaky Blinders. Remember Roshi didn't like that XD

Teyon Alexander

I see a bunch of folks already pointed out how you misread that last conversation with Alicent. There would have been no way for Alicent to think he was totaling to his daughter since she didn’t have knowledge they conversed the night before and no clue about the secret song of ice and fire. Her expression was her disappointment and resignation about losing her newly reforged friendship with Rhanerys and the choosing of the one child she knew to be unfit for the crown. It was a look of ,”fuck. Fine, I’ll do it because it’s your last wish but I’m going to hate every minute of it” . What’s crazy is, if Rhanerys didn’t mention the song when pleading for help, this would never have happened.


All those conterfactual are great, but yeah without all this fuckery we end up with a radically and possibly less interesting story.


The way Daemon reacted to Aemond compared to Vaemond is so interesting! Daemon dared Vaemond to state the truth plainly and directly which was a foolish thing to do. After which, he cut him down. Aemond however, stated the truth in a clever, back-handed way without outright calling them bastards. Daemon seemed amused if not impressed by this, smiling at Aemond and watching him walk off. I imagine it's because Daemon would've done some conniving shit like that himself. Perhaps unrelated but I also found Aemond's look similar to that of Daemon with his hairstyle. I wonder if there's going to be some mutual respect between the two of them going forward.


I mean Aemond is a not only a prince but also the son of Viserys, Daemon can't really do anything about it

nami (edited)

Comment edits

2023-12-12 07:13:16 nothing wrong with her cheering there lmaoo man was chatting and thought he was gonna get away with it
2023-12-12 07:13:16 nothing wrong with her cheering there lmaoo man was chatting and thought he was gonna get away with it
2022-10-11 05:02:14 nothing wrong with her cheering there lmaoo man was chatting and thought he was gonna get away with it

nothing wrong with her cheering there lmaoo man was chatting and thought he was gonna get away with it


You're right, Daemon can't touch him. That being said, I'd expect him to look annoyed or angry if Aemond's comments bothered him. Which he didn't.


“Say it” LMAO daemon is too much sometimes lol


it doesnt matter if they dont have valaryon blood, they are legally valaryons


Milk of the Poppy is fantasy Heroine


Anyone else having issues loading?


They’re all imaginary characters, she can ride for anyone she wants. Are we really mad about people not reacting the way we wants? That user name is serious 😂


But he said a few vague words about an "Aegon" while delirious. Why would she interpret this mean her son should be King, rather than the multiple very public proclamations that Rhaenyra is heir? Not to mention literally going out to bat for her and Luke earlier that day. Seems to me to be a case of wishful thinking.

Arsean Wilbon

Yeah he did lose. But like you said this ain’t DBZ, so that means all this years later Cole has probably and equal chance to lose especially since Daemon has a considerable amount of combat experience. Aemond beating cole isn’t really impressive in the long run because it’s light practice.

rickie woodson

time for house of petty boots, i mean hightower i mean the dragon show............................


They got my guy looking like smeagol end his suffering already please


nothin fantasy, opium comes from a certain poppy flower


The clapping that happened this episode. So what you want but team black is looking less enticing they way they’re having people killed over wanting their houses to have legitimate heirs. Coryls brother was right is all aspects and it sucks he got killed because of her bastards. I would feel some type of way too so I can see why Alicent has been mad all these years. Rhae trying to put her half strong son on the throne before her own Targaryen son would have me tripping too. Say what you want about my girl Alicent but she has been devoted to her man for decades and she has honored and loved him. Even scheming Otto never conspired to have him murdered. They’ve just wanted legitimates on the throne and can you blame them with how things are playing out now? Imagine losing your head because you’re right. And I know people have already told y’all but Alicent doesn’t realize Viserys is thinking she’s his daughter. She things Viserys is telling her she’s the one that needs to get Aegon to be king basically. It’s not “salt” on her face. She just rekindled her relationship with Rhae and now she has to do this because they king says so she thinks. It’s more sadness.


The hate for Alicent is getting outta hand, it's like everyone is watching this show through biased lenses. Everyone is acting like she's okay with her son's BS. She hugged the girl and explained how if word gets out, everyone is going to gun for her head and somehow everyone took that as blackmailing. Think about the time that they're living in, you guys honestly believe anyone is going to care if they found out that Aegon is doing that shit? She also tried to disclaim him but the talking corpse just convinced her that he's destined to rule.


may just be recency bias but Daemon has gotta be my favorite from the GoT world

Eric Vasquez

To me it almost seems like Aemond and Daemon are spitting images of each other. It'll be interesting to see how they interact more with each other.


Milk of the poppy is opium bruh. Pure liquid opium straight to the dome. Viserys is HIGH AS A KITE.


@mad4life I'm sorry but once Lucerys married Rhaena the Velaryon blood would go the new heirs anyways. So his main gripe wasn't the bloodlines, its he wants the power.


I believe this is foreshadowing. What Viserys saw in his vision was the unborn Jon Snow in GOTR one who will later on defend humanity against the Night King. He wasnt referring to Alicent's Son nor Rhaenerya but Jon Snow of House Stark. He is after all "Aegon Targaryen."


They are very similar, I like that episode 2 was named the "The Rogue Prince" reffering to Daemon. Then in episode 7 Otto refers to Aemond as a rogue aswell.


Not sure if you guys noticed, but Aegon's wife is his sister, and they have a kid/or kids together. They had mentioned in the other episode that Aegon and his sister were betrothed to each other

Alex (edited)

Comment edits

2023-12-12 07:13:16 thats the epitome of asoiaf world- you cheer when fucked up shit happens lmao whats surprising about that
2022-10-11 08:20:09 thats the epitome of asoiaf world- you cheer when fucked up shit happens lmao whats surprising about that

thats the epitome of asoiaf world- you cheer when fucked up shit happens lmao whats surprising about that

Alex (edited)

Comment edits

2023-12-12 07:13:16 no one has faith in my man corlys broo everyone acting like hes dead
2022-10-11 08:24:52 no one has faith in my man corlys broo everyone acting like hes dead

no one has faith in my man corlys broo everyone acting like hes dead

Alejandro Rodriguez

Nah I stay saying fuck Alicent cuz who marries their best friends dad and then fucks over their best friend


Not gonna lie that post discussion was hard to watch, you right about Vaemond though. They did him dirty at the end.

Alejandro Rodriguez

Yeah but the idea that bastards couldn’t take the throne in the first place is dumb who cares if they’re bastardsThey’re still Rhaenyras kids which is what matters for the iron throne and for Driftmark Laenor claimed them and so did Corlys, plus with them marrying Bhaela and Rhayna the line doesn’t end it’ll keep going the brother just wanted the throne


It made be dumb to you but that’s just how Westeros was. Bastards are just looked down upon.


she was a child who was basically forced to by her father. I hate this because no one’s like “how can a man marry a 14 year old girl who’s also who’s daughter best friend when he had a better option that didn’t piss everyone off” when talking about viserys

Alejandro Rodriguez

But I mean Rhaenyras kinda the clear choice not even for anything she’s done being good or not evil but like it’s either her or Aegon the rapist sooo…..

Alejandro Rodriguez

I rlly didn’t know till reading the comments there was such a legion of Vaemond fans especially over Daemon, he’s had like 2 scenes lol


If you thought that he thought “he was going to get away with it” then you didn’t get that scene at all. They even explain it at the end of the episode. He wasn’t with their bs, he wanted to point the elephant in the room before he went out like a boss.


She literally just sat there and didn’t do shit while another guy continuously disrespected her fiancé?

Alejandro Rodriguez

Corlys isn’t dead, it’s based off the books where he wasn’t even black, and he’s been a pretty important and memorable character not even counting things he will do


Vaemond should step down and keep his mouth shut after Rhaenys announced the engagement of Jace and Luce to Baela and Rhaena. Even if Luce is a bastard, his children with Rhaena would still have true Velaryon blood. His arguement “it’s about blood, not ambition” was useless at this point. It was all about his ambition: he asked for a petition right after his brother was severely wounded but not dead yet, Rhaenys who was in charge due to Corlys absence was still healthy, and Vaemond knew he couldnt wait longer because if Viserys died, Rhaenyra will become the Queen and Luce’s claim for the Driftmark would be set in stone. He saw a perfect opportunity to claim his brother’s seat, but failed and died. There was nothing honorable about him, he was the “Master of Complaints” during the previous War of Stepstones, was bitching about true Velaryon blood even in his speech during his niece’s funeral and now was an opportunist to claim the Driftwood throne for himself.

Alejandro Rodriguez

Truly a man of the people, king shit. Also honestly curious thinking about it now, you gotta subscribe to the patreon?

Alejandro Rodriguez

I think it was fucked on his part too but I’m mostly thinking from the perspective of I would never go after a friends parent like that, and I recognize it was cuz of Otto’s plotting but she’s made her own shitty choices since then and to be fair his better option was his 11 year old niece so kinda shitty all around

Alejandro Rodriguez

Yeah but like are you westerosi why do you care if they’re bastards plus they’re not rapist assholes like Aegon so team black rlly do seem like the better option

Alex (edited)

Comment edits

2023-12-12 07:13:16 she wanted to throw hands but her sister stopped her if you watch closely
2022-10-11 09:17:18 she wanted to throw hands but her sister stopped her if you watch closely

she wanted to throw hands but her sister stopped her if you watch closely

Azayzel Hoarde

Honestly the system is broken lol RIP Vaemon for not seeing the bigger picture also Aegon and Aemond being rulers would pretty much just be Geofrey with a dragon lol bastards or not they have more respect for power than Aemond and Aegon combine the throne aint theirs by right but that right is wrong to say a woman cant have it anyway so fuck it, take that whole system down if the systems broke af and cruel just do it back, lie and cheat until the system is dead lol

Robert Golden

I honestly blame the showrunners for people's perception of Alicent. So much has been weirdly cut out from the books that show just how blatantly evil Rhaenyra is.

Alejandro Rodriguez

Nah way too what iffy homie just wanted the power the marriage thing would’ve settled it all if he didn’t


I’m not either team because I can see both point of views and I can see that all these people have or will eventually do awful things to get what they want so I’m just watching the shit show. And no I’m not westerosi but just because I’m not doesn’t mean I can’t put myself in someone else’s shoes and think for a second how they might feel in their certain predicament.

Alejandro Rodriguez

I mean Game of Thrones really isn’t about who he’s the most honor or is the most upstanding it’s about who schemes the best, but also why would you root for the greens when that makes Aegon the king literally like anyone is a better choice


Lupa's smile when Aegon gets slapped is priceless


Aegon doesn't want the throne. He doesn't care about the power. He would do the very least simply to make his life easier. He isn't going to wage wars or start drama he would simply exist. If anything Otto would run things. Which I'm far more comfortable with then Rhaenrya and Daemon.

Knuckle's hair

The last line was for his first wife. He was raising his hand like he’s seeing her



Race really isn’t a thing in this show, which is great. I imagine this is probably what happens in the books anyway. Not to mention they were made to be black just for the show, which I also like.


Nah bruh that was YEARS ago that happens. A lot of time has passed since the first episode. At least 16 years if I’m going by the timeline right.

Erica Collins

Bro I bursted into tears when Daemond picked up Viserys crown & helped him to the throne. That was such a heartfelt moment & the fact that that part wasn't scripted and it happened by accident makes that scene even better. Thank you directors for keeping that in fr 😭🙏🏾


Aemond is 4 years older than Jacaerys, the oldest of Rhaeryna's children. From the look of them, Aemond is about 18-19 years old, already a grown man while Jace is only 14-15, so of course he is no match for Aemond now.


She can like who she wants but the fact you label everyone who opposes the character you like as “bad” and are coming to swift conclusions against them even before plot details are revealed is very stick ridery. She needs to get off Rhaenyra’s tip

MM (edited)

Comment edits

2023-12-12 07:13:16 Aemond has a decent chance at beating Daemond
2022-10-11 13:54:43 Aemond has a decent chance at beating Daemond

Aemond has a decent chance at beating Daemond


Ok. As much as I like Vaemond's stand on the issues, he has to realize that he should give up after what has been announced by Rheanerys. And also, they purposely set up a lot of Aegon but in the end, in Viserys's dream I believe the prince that he saw was John Snow (Aegon Targaryen VII) but of course, he didn't know that. He only knows that the prince that will unite them all is a prince named Aegon. That's why he was desperate to get a male heir in the first place. Lastly, I don't think the Hightowers family did anything to Viserys. That mf was just hard to die. I believe that Alicent realizes that his son is not fit to be the king so she kinda stops pursuing the throne which definitely upset Otto. Aemond is definitely a wild card right now. He is kinda like the evil version of Daemond.


Bruh… it’s a fictional story… everyone can calm down


Lmfao super calm! I think everyone is staying their opinion


Right. In the books you can tell how morally gray everyone is but the showrunners are really making out Rhyaenyra to be the good one.


It’s really just about being mad about Rhaenyra and channeling big L Criston Cole energy.

Lamaree Jackson

Don’t know what Vaemond thought. Being right gets you nothing in Westeros. Viserys spoke the law, talk shit get hit. It doesn’t matter what the truth is. The truth isn’t the king. Just cause you’re right doesn’t mean make dumb decisions. Being right doesn’t give you plot armor. Ned Stark was right and followed the truth, where did that get him? What did Jon Snow get for helping the wildlings? How you gonna go talk shit about people when you’re surrounded by them?


Viserys talking like Stevie from Malcolm in the Middle


That is not how that does or should work. What if for instance, Luke's wife dies before they have kids? Then your entire lineage/history has gone to someone who SHOULD NOT HAVE IT. Thats still not right that what should be Vaemonds inheritance goes to Luke who is a bastard.


No hes isnt. According to the writer, the boys are all 17-21 now. Aegon is the oldest So Aemond is AT MOST 3 years older.

Chris Tercero

Man I cant wait for their reaction to CSM n Blue lock !!😬😮


@Christina You can't go on the books completely for the show. The book lore is a biased telling of events by a maester. We are watching the actual events as they happened.


I do have another thought, idk if anyone talked about this in the comments yet: Daemon got three eggs in the beginning of the episode. What if those eggs were actually the ones Daenerys ended up having? Idk if that’s a stretch, but that totally stood out to me. Could be an Easter egg?

rickie woodson

you gotta use the suffixes. aegon the first, aegon the second (viserys' son) and aegon the third (rhaenyra's son). that clears it all up. so he thinks rhaenyra is the prince that was promised and told allicent this and she went "oh great. she's the chosen one. she is oh so special.......DEATH TO HER AND HER SONS". allicent's favorite jem song must be "jealoussssssssssyyyyyyyyyyy eeeeeeeeeeee"


Viserys' last words should've been "put a towel on it....." Nasty ass throne giving people tetanus.

Leanne Stephenson

I believe the theory is theres another dragon (the one Aemon saw in the crave and ran off scared) who I believe will appear more in the future and its their eggs as its resembles drogon alot 🤷‍♀️

aroha ?

foaming at the mouth waiting for csm

aroha ?


Mr. Toastman

@ComradeSilva if you notice in this episode, Alicent has become very religious as a sort of coping mechanism. She's primed to believe that her husband was giving her a final directive, rather than just thinking it's the ravings of a sunsetting old man.


the thing about aemond saying "my STRONG nephews" is to refer to their real father, who was from the House Strong

Hasnain Khan



thats not it at all about Alicent, she thinks Viserys told her he wants Aegon the 2nd to be the king to unite all the 7 kingdoms for the song of ice and fire when he wasn't talking about Aegon the 2nd but Aegon the conqueror. Thats why she said "i understand my king"

Khadija Abdullahi

Milk of the poppy is basically opium (heroin, painkillers, etc). It’s to keep the pain away

Drake Rage

Sheera with her blind support for Rhaenyra man... Vaemond was the MVP this episode, RIP. It is complicated, but at the end of the day, to quote Roshi, "Them NOT his kids, bro!" Vaemond is completely in the right to try to keep his House going, rather than having some kid with 0% Velaryon blood in him become the new Head of the Velaryon House for the sake of politics. It doesn't help that Viserys has been an incompetent King, and Rhanaeyra had started sleeping with her Guards after she was already announced as Heir to the Throne. She was told that it would be difficult to become Queen, but her actions did literally nothing, actually, sabotaged her own claim by having children with a Guard. Yes, the issue is that her husband was gay and he was not able to do it with her, so ultimately the fault lies with Viserys himself, since he chose to marry Alicent instead of joining with House Velaryon, which was the obvious strategic move to make, as advised by everyone who actually cared about what was best for the Kingdom. So, Viserys chose to marry for his own convenience, and was then forced to have Rhaenyra marry a Velaryon to cover for his own mistakes, but her husband was gay, causing the problems to continue. Viserys is a well-meaning King, but like I have said before, he is very much a bad/inept King. His decisions have ultimately caused all these problems.

Khadija Abdullahi

Also it is true about the song of ice and fire (game of thrones obvs) because Aegon did untie the realm against the cold (John snow’s real name was Aegon Targaryen). But Alicent probably thinks that Viserys means Aegon her son. So she’s rethinking letting Rhaenyra be queen


Once Lucerys married Rhaena and had true velaryon heirs it wouldn't of mattered anyway. Velaryon blood would still be running Driftmark. But Vaemond cared more about himself at the seat of driftmark, instead of Velaryon blood.

Drake Rage

Vaemond said this was not about ambition, but about blood. All his scenes in this episode made me think he genuinely cared about the future of his House, and not his own ambition. Making Rhaenyra's son who has 0% Velaryon blood become the head of the House is definitely crappy from a Velaryon's perspective, but you are right that at least their kids will have Velaryon blood in the future, and hopefully they will be raised to keep their culture as well, as "people of the sea."

Drake Rage

I am liking Aemond's vibes, like a no bullshit, badass character. He beat Sir Criston, who had beat Deamon in a fight, so Aemond could be stronger than Daemon? In the future I definitely see him being being super strong, way stronger than Daemon. Aemond's Dragon is the biggest and oldest Dragon, so it definitely makes sense if he becomes an overpowered Warrior to go with his overpowered Dragon.

Drake Rage

HANG ON, I don't think many people realized this, unless I am wrong, but did the piece of shit Aegon marry his sister? That was his wife? We didn't see anyone else in the episode, so that was his sister at the table, who is also his wife now. I remember Aemond had said to Aegon in an earlier episode that one of them should marry her, and Aemond actually wanted to, but I guess Aegon married her? I was searching for their sister during the dinner scene, and the only one who fit the description was Aegon's wife, lol.


Yes that was his sister who was married to him, his name is Aegon btw not Aemon


Criston beat Daemon in mounted combat but lost in melee and only won because Daemon turned his back on him and was gloating.


His mom married them yes, Aegon didnt want to marry her cause he thinks shes weird.

Drake Rage

Lmao, had to edit and correct his name. I got mixed up with the similar names because they keep naming their kids with the same names, wasn't Aemon that old dude from GoT, a Targaryen King's brother who was sent to the Wall, Maester Aemon.

Drake Rage

Oh that is right, Daemon started gloating. Aemond looks so badass already, it made me think he was already potentially stronger than Daemon, lol.

Drake Rage

Ah yea, I called him a piece of shit because of what he did to the Maid, and he has generally been a bully, but I don't fault him for neglecting his wife, since I can understand how awkward it must be, since it's his sister. I wonder why Aemond didn't marry her since he had shown hints like he wanted to.


Alicent betrothed Aegon and Halaena. in EP 7 Aemond basically said something along the lines of If only she betrothed her to me instead and thats she your future queen, talking to Aegon. Which is funny because Alicent was so firmly against the "Queer Targayren customs" when she found out about Rhaenyra and her uncle.

Kay Goodman

It's hilarious that King Viserys personal weakness of character endangered the whole world forever, only to be saved by some lucky chances.

Gabsxo v

He didn’t bring the pig out or planned it 😭 he literally just giggled about it.


As much as I see Vaemond's point I can't side with how he handled it. First of all if he's so worried about the bloodline, he should immediately backup his nieces with their marriage proposals. His niece's children will have Valyrian blood and will continue the bloodline, also not sure if he has kids but if he does, good, continue the family line. If anything does happen to his niece's lineage then his children will have the throne. But instead he chose to dig his own grave another Valyrian from their house. I know it's frustrating but the first thing he does knowing his brother's unclear death was to immediately get the throne? To me it's quite greedy on his part. Again, was he wrong? No, but was there others way to help his house and his remaining family lineage in the near future? Yes.


Yeah, Alicent misinterpreted what was told to her. She’s a an honor bound and dutiful wife like Rhaenyra said. Alicent had no clue about the conversations Rhaenyra had with the king. Now, the honor bound and dutiful spouse will execute what she thinks is the king’s will. A whole war over a misunderstanding.


Yeah, his sister is his wife. And she’s a bit on the spectrum and can see the future. Her on spectrum behavior is why Alicent and Otto are so gentle with her. She wasn’t roasting Aegon purposefully, she was encouraging the soon to be new wives that marriage wasn’t so bad and was being way too honest and innocent about it…which is why Otto praised her with a smile.

james still

Turned his ass into a PEZ dispensers. Lol

Drake Rage

That's cool, seems like she will be an interesting character to follow if she eventually has a bigger role to play in the story.

Rami Homsi

I actually love what they've done with Alicent in this show - she's clearly not evil and not as bad as so many think. In this episode, she sees what a shithead Aegon II has become, basically disowning him for raping that girl. So when Viserys gives that great speech and Rhaenyra toasts her, she realizes that Rhaenyra would make for the better ruler than Aegon and backs down. It sucks that she misunderstood what Viserys was saying at the end of the episode, reigniting the fight and making her think that Viserys was saying that Aegon is the chosen one.

Rami Homsi

Hightowers might be relevant in the next book assuming GRRM ever writes it

Rami Homsi

I think the problem is that Rhaenyra shouldn't have had her kids. Like it's one thing to fuck around, but it's totally different to have bastards and present them as trueborn. We know abortion-juice exists in Westeros, Rhaenyra should've been downing that shit after each encounter with Harwin


can someone clarify for me. isn't vyseris's first son with alicent, aeogon? and now rhynaera has a child named aegon too?

These Plums

Sheera is right at the end. Alicent thinks he meant Prince Aegon and not King Aegon. ]


Yes, they are naming their children after the de-facto founder of the house Targaryen. Probably in an attempt to strengthen their children's claim to the throne.


regarding the lifespan of dragons and how big they are(you guys mentioned it last episode). Dragons get bigger and bigger the older they get. Eventually becoming to big to support themselves. The dragon aemond took is the largest, and it struggled to get up and going. Balerion the black dread was so old he witnessed the fall of Valyria, which is why he was so damn big.


Damn this episode was my favourite so far, it was sad seeing viserys falling apart but man he looked like a badass. I imagine you walk into a throne room and see this frail old man sitting on his throne and as you come closer he slowly gets up and starts walking to you and at the bottom of your screen an hp bar pops up with: "Viserys, the half golden conqueror of death"

Iago Leonelli

the man just invented a problem, the marriage proposal solves the "there should be a velaryon on the wood throne" very right, and he just snapped out of his mind and commited suicide. Real MVP sure. Completely disagree with the "it's about blood". The matter was cleared, it was clear that there would be velaryon blood ruling driftmark, and he still got mad and went against the king. Vaemond has been frustrated for years and not only on this matter. It was surely not just about blood.

Drake Rage

I see too many people saying if Vaemond really cared about "blood not ambition" then he should have just supported the marriages between Rhaenyra's kids and Rhaenys' grandkids and saying he should have backed down. Y'all think them kids getting married solves Vaemond's concerns? That is like saying if you get chosen to be the President of a country you have no ties to.... and you say that's fine, just marry a citizen of that country, so your kids will be citizens in the future..... but YOU still a stranger to the country you became a Leader of, lmao. Do you think YOU will suddenly start making decisions based on the best interests for that country, or will you make self-serving decisions, since you randomly became the Leader of a whole country you have no real ties to. Rhaenyra's main objective is to have a STRONGer claim to the Throne, that is the only reason she is campaigning for her son to become the Head of Velaryon House. Rhaenyra's kids getting married to Velaryons won't suddenly make them loyal to the Velaryon House. Vaemond is not being selfish or ambitious, he is the only one who actually cares about his OWN House's future, come on guys, lol. Every scene of Vaemond this episode made him seem like a smart, rational guy... so when he blew up on the King, he KNEW what he was doing. He didn't want to live to see his house get destroyed, since the King already declared Rhaenyra's son the new Head of House Velaryon.

Drake Rage

Rhaenyra's son who will be the head of Velaryon House is still 0% Velaryon though. Vaemond literally chose to die by yelling at the King, because he didn't want to see his House fall to ruin. Rhaenyra wants her son to be the leader to support her own claim to the Throne, she doesn't care about House Velaryon's best interests. Even the kids know their Dad was Mr. Strong, not Mr. Velaryon, so they have no reason to think about House Velaryon's best interests over their own interests, which is to make Rhaenyra Queen. So Vaemond's concerns were not cleared, so he chose to speak the facts and die, lol.

Iago Leonelli

his own house's future only became less probable with his petition, so he was just completely stupid. one less velaryon in the world just because. maybe if he waited for the king to die maybe it would not be so stupid. there is no way to defend his suicide. he could just accept and wait for another chance, or just live his life and make children if he is so in love with his own blood. dude goes there claiming he wants his blood prevails and then he kills a velaryon (himself)

Iago Leonelli

he should be grateful for the marriage proposal and hope for the best because one thing is for sure: if rhaenyra loses the war against the hightowers, his house has no future whatsoever. he basically tried to ally with the hightowers ignoring that would eventually be raging war against his own family (baela and rhaena). So I can't see how he was there for his blood at all. dude should be chilling and looking for a wife than maybe his house would still be out there. Instead, he deliberately chose to have 1 less velaryon blood in the world

john segun doe


john segun doe

Thats one of the main reasons i started hating her character, that and being stupid by fuck Ser harwin strong 3 fucking times. like bitch you are trying to make a claim for the throne SMFH

john segun doe

@Alejandro your logic is soooo trash. SMH, Viserys chose her after Otto strategically placed her to be around the king to console him after his wife's passing. You act like they went on dates behind her back and she fell in love with him etc. Bruv u truly sound slow stating "who marries their best friends dad" like we are talking about modern day society, & as if it isn't a fantasy thats depicted as if it was in the Dark ages. (I maybe coming off aggressive but bro, that shit you said was MAD DUMB, i just had to react lol)


You would have no ending in sight till this day 😂😂


Yeah she’s the heir but do you believe she’s going to stay there simply because viserys named her heir ?


He put the emphasis on strong, that's also the only reason why they'd get pissed off lol

Gmac paddiewac

why do none of your videos play anymore? on any post? except the reposts you keep doing?

Ashanti Patmon

You guys forgot the sister prophesying that he would lose an eye


Yeah the prophecy was a secret handed down from ruler to ruler and there was nothing in that final conversation for alicent to infer that vicerys was talking about rhaenyra, pretty sure she walked away thinking the king was like "your son aegon needs to sit the throne."


The actor for the king needs a award.


I mean, it would be against their interest to kill off Viserys quickly since they needed to plan for his eventual death. They needed him to stay alive long enough for them to plot (them meaning Otto & others on the council). Alicent is the only one that actually cares for him & wouldn’t dare try to kill him even if there was no benefit.


oh wow i only just now got why they got mad when Aemond called them strong, im slow lmao