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Every episode as a banger start to finish



Glad you all enjoyed the show. Great react, thanks!


Series started with Ushio's death and ends with celebrating another year in her life... Loved it!

Oscar Barcelo

Amazing serious, I think one of the most impressive small fights we got was in episode 15 around the 10 min mark when she’s fighting in the halls with a shotgun. The whole sequence was very well done


really fun show. i felt like the suspense/mystery with the shades went away to fast and just became action heavy. still enjoyed start to finish and glad everyone got a happy ending

B Mowglli

great point. There was a ton of mystery around who's a shade or not and they super quickly got over that with S-Ushio. Otherwise maybe a bit too reliant on exposition for some of the stuff but yeah super enjoyable. Like a high 9/10, maybe 9.6


i mean they deserved that happy ending honestly. it would’ve been cool for it to be all a rouse before shide actually kills shinpei or something along those lines but i can’t be map at this happy ending after how much they worked for it


Im so happy that this was an amazing adaptation. Really appreciate happy endings that feel earned, and this was without a doubt earned


Noooooo COTE, COTN,STR, and Lycoris Recoil have all ended in a time span of about a week and a half what will we watch now

Jalen Holmes

10/10 imo. Amazing show


yeah this aint rezero. no 2nd season so no cliffhanger fuckery near the end. wholesome af. i havent seen a couple as fine as ushio and shinpei in a while.


II really liked the show, especially how both the heroes and villains were shown as legit smart and competent without making the other look stupid. I did have a few small gripes with the ending though, even if I enjoyed it. This episode felt a little anticlimactic, but that's probably bc I had to wait a week for an epilogue. I probably would have enjoyed it more if I watched this and the previous one together. My other problem is with the changing the past. They changed history over 300 years in the past in a pretty significant way. It's a miracle that any of them was born at all with how many changes that would cause to history on that island


Never forgiving Disney for keeping this gem locked in Disney+ jail and depriving it of the attention it deserved. Should of had way more eyes on it than it did.

Aaron Gauntt

Really enjoyed the wholesome ending on the second watch, first time I was on edge the whole time refusing to believe there wouldn't be some fuckery showing up the moment I let my guard dowm lmao


Yeah.. Cuz you know.. Eren "hates" Mikasa, and Ainz will never accept Albedo's offering of the Yams 😏 They really do make a Great couple. Truly!

Chris Tercero

Man ima miss this show and y’all reactions to the show.

Storm King

An amazing anime! Im glad yall reacted to it because I probably would not have ever seen it.


This is the choice of the steins gate


Such a banger adaptation. I went into this show with the usual mild skepticism on how they'd manage to take from the original, and I was always relieved and impressed with how faithful they were. I heard that the author also managed to have a decent say in it, and was able to tidy up some of the more convoluted plot points that they originally wanted to in the manga, and based on people's reactions, it was well worth it! Definitely on my list for AOTY with MIA, and for sure one of my favorite adaptations.


Bro F for Asako's (Hizuru's friend) husband from the old timeline. Mans did nothing wrong and got cucked by Ryuunosuke.


Normally read the manga but this anime in particular I wanted to see what happens next each episode was always exhilarating to watch.


You can literally see Asako's Husband carrying the Festival Shrine with Ushio, Alan and Shinpei's Dad though, all that happened was that Asako and Ryuunosuke are best friends (as shown in older episode flashback), so of course she would attend Haine's Bday with her daughter Shiori... also, in a decent chunk of different cultures, when you get married, your name tend to change to your husband last name, so Shiori wouldve been named Shiori Nagumo instead of Kobayakawa as Ara stated

Ara Araragi

I'm with Lupa on the Haine reincarnation thing. When Haine and Ryuunosuke were disappearing at the end of the last loop, she asked him if they could be friends if she was ever reborn. I like the idea that she would literally be reborn as his daughter.


See that bit confused me because they just walked in together, the little girls looked like friends just like how the parents have been friends also, and only haine called him dad and her eye color is very different compared to asako


there is a spin-off so if they ever plan on making an OVA, we can always look forward to that


I prob kinda mix it with Shinpei's explanation of the Parallel World, where they basically copy-pasted the world multiple/infinite amount of time, and then the world the observer observe makes that world the "main" timeline, so there are prob different parallel world with the changes as you said, but as the Observer was Ushio and Shinpei, they just had to observe the world which is closest to them thus ending up in the timeline where its basically the exact same as their old one but without the influence of the shadows (so like Sou mom's would still die from cancer, but those were killed by shadows before their life was up will still be alive). Like how they were in a timeline where 2 Shadow Ushio existed at the same time starting on the "4th" Loop but Shinpei never lived to see the festival for there to be 2 Shadow Ushio, but this time, its for the 2 Timeline (one which Ushio inifnitely loops along with Shinpei repeating ep 1-24) and then the 2nd timeline which is when they successfully reach the conclusion they wanted (ep 25). I do agree that it is a minor plothole but its a time anime, those sht are always confusing in some way anyways, paradoxes, grandfather theory, etc and are always open to interpretation

Taylor Moon

If you like something that does time travel well, and is a well contained story... one of my favorites I think "Charlotte" would be an awesome trio reaction. It's from around 2010 so a little older but real good

Erica Collins

S tier show in my book 👏🏾 I was so scared it was gonna end on some bs but the ending was perfect. I wish we could've seen Shin's parents tho


100% agree on the well-earned happy endings. this group has gone through hell especially Ushio and Shinpei


yeah we did see the text from his mom and his dad was carrying that thing during the festival but rly wanted a proper reunion


holy its been a while since ive seen charlotte but it was a nice watch. a bit rushed ending but good regardless


@HGAlice Just because we see him doesn't mean he's still married to Asako lol. The disappearance of shadows doesn't mean that the man just stopped existing. When I read the manga and now seeing it animated, I'm fairly certain that the implication is that since Ryuunosuke didn't die in this timeline, he and Asako got together. Why else would they both show up to the Kofune diner without their significant others? And correct me if I missed it, but where in this ep is Shiori stated to still be Kobayakawa Shiori? Unless I missed it, they never mention her name.


One of the most surprising shows this year. An unexpected masterpiece fr

Ara Araragi

I assume that Shiori's not Ryuunosuke's kid for two main reasons: 1) I don't think Shiori would be allowed to man the cash register at the Koba Mart if she wasn't the owner's kid. And if both Shiori and Asako are at the diner, the dad's probably not with them because he's busy running the store. 2) In the manga, Shiori and Haine are playing with Ryuunosuke's tablet in the diner scene. Shiori uses it to take a bunch of pictures of her mom, which annoys her. Ryuunosuke then scolds Haine (not Shiori) for it and apologizes to Asako, who says it's fine and that she's glad to see the two girls getting along.

Young Faygo

Man if only they played the pt1 outro at the end of the episode.

Ec Aea

U know shits traumatized the fk out of them when the whole time they were on edge waiting for shits to go down. I like the ending , the last time i had this kinda feeling on the final episode was during TTGL.

Oh Alone

This is the real Location Tomogashima Island https://www.google.com/maps/@34.2794548,135.0017974,3a,29.7y,295.98h,80.25t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipMUknu_HuPiBlw17HrPKhJn2zI7pb9BzW4V6q_H!2e10!3e11!6shttps:%2F%2Flh5.googleusercontent.com%2Fp%2FAF1QipMUknu_HuPiBlw17HrPKhJn2zI7pb9BzW4V6q_H%3Dw203-h100-k-no-pi-0-ya69.13394-ro-0-fo100!7i13000!8i6500

Oh Alone

and this is the port https://www.google.com/maps/@34.2840723,135.0088957,2a,75y,186.12h,92.71t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1saqHGuEt6tOPzDiYGz1d2sw!2e0!7i13312!8i6656


What a beautiful anime ending, I so expected them to kiss at the end but forgot this wasn't a romance

Kevin Barz

i'm seriously disappointed that this anime didn't get a dark ending, it was jut a fullout happy ending with all that has happened

Jacob The weird (edited)

Comment edits

2022-12-30 06:06:14 Amazing ending! I loved it!!
2022-12-30 06:06:14 Amazing ending! I loved it!!
2022-11-11 21:33:43 Amazing ending! I loved it!!

Amazing ending! I loved it!!


I guess my picture says a lot, but Charlotte would be a dope quick reaction as its short.