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Need Season 2 for sure!!



no 11?


There’s an extra episode btw ( y’all don’t have to watch it but it gives some more information about morpheus )


Love this show so much 😭😭😭


You guys keeping me entertained while I'm riding out Hurricane Ian. Hope you guys are safe out there.


Theres another episode. Episode 11. Its a really cool episode and gives some info on morpheus’s backstory yall cant enter a new season without it


Oh wow I didn’t even know this. Definitely gonna go watch it after this reaction.


there still episode 11 this friday looks like good opportunity to finish up sandman


About the family thing all ik is they can’t kill family because it leads to consequences ion remember what they are tho


Damn, guess they're skipping Dream of a Thousand cats, and Calliope

Prune Chips

There's one more episode left <3.


Rip to that bad bitch Corinthian

Chance branch

Bad shit happens if a member of the endless kills a person they are related to. That’s all you guys need to know for now.

David Camacho

If he killed rose his family would have killed dream as punishment.

rickie woodson

here we go! fingers crossed you watch ep 11 too

Chris Barnes

There is a mixup of who is the strongest of the endless but i believe its Destiny. He is the oldest, has the most widsom and knowledge. With that comes greater power


Destiny is powerful because of his book but he's also bound to no interference so he's practically useless. Even when he does take action it's because it's what he's supposed to do to bring the events forward.


Not the family but old powers that can hold them to account.

rickie woodson

well the drag queen is a drag queen in real life. they hired him for his talent so they kinda went "this is what we paid you for. dance puppet dance". it also fits his character since he is always dreaming of stardom

rickie woodson

between the walker siblings and death as family members, is dream invited to the cookout?

rickie woodson

i hope that we get a season 2 but i also hope we get more desire. the actor did so much with so little. they slayed that part. giving me all kinds of tim curry vibes from his rocky performance. and that catwoman number at the end? well lets just say: selina is my second fave dc person so....#appreciated

Prune Chips

Glad I'm not the only one that got Tim Curry vibes. I can't wait to see more of them

rickie woodson

not Azazel! what is nightcrawler's daddy doing on this show. talk about a crossover lol jk jk but love the visuals on this character

Charlie baker

dont forget the extra episode


Beautiful I hope there’s a season 2

Charlie baker

death inevitably will be the last of them around at the end of time so i guess you could kinda call her the strongest in as way

Neji Hyuga

Episode 11 please roshi !!

Reckless Company

so quick question is death the strongest sibling or is it another sibling?


Death will be the last to exist at the end of the universe, but Destiny literally knows everything that can/will happen. And as Dream said to Death, Dream himself is far more terrible than Death. With Dream it is a very real possibility that there are fates far worse than death. But Death also has a lot less rules she has to follow in comparison to Destiny and Dream. So it's hard to say.


My theory is that this entire season is basically Desire's fault. Roderick Burgess - the old guy from the beginning - was motivated/manipulated by his desire to have is son back from the dead. It's very likely Desire manipulated the spell to summon Death which ended up imprisoning Dream - which then caused Unity to sleep for like 90 years and pass down the vortex powers to Rose. All so that Dream would kill the vortex but also unknowingly kill family, and cause a whole bunch of other issues as a result.


If we're talking strength, I think it would likely be 'the prodigal' (I won't spoil their actual name if you don't know). Hopefully we get a season 2 that explores more of the Endless and their roles and family dynamics.


Is it debatable between Death and Destiny, but I think it's Death.


isnt there one more episode


You do realize that it’s blatantly stated that Desire is behind both Dream’s imprisonment and that they fathered a child with Unity because she was supposed to be the vortex and they knew it would be passed down all yes as a plot to try to trick Dream into spilling family blood which had huge consequences for the Endless. Your “theory” isn’t really a theory it’s very blatantly said in the show.


It’s heavily implied in the books and a little in the show that Destiny, Death, and Dream being the 3 oldest siblings are generally considered to be the most powerful. That’s why Desire has to plot and try to lure Dream into traps to fuck with him. If Desire ever came at Dream directly they would have to deal with the other siblings as well.


Roshi! There's ONE MORE episode!!! And as for your questions, yes the Endless are by order of age: Destiny, Death, Dream, ?, Desire, Despair and Delirium. Comparing their power doesn't really make sense. They are masters of their own domain. They are governed by rules though, and one of those rules is not to spill family blood. And there will be real consequences if they fail to follow such rules. Trying to keep it vague to avoid spoilers but hopefully you'll see the rest of the family in S2.

Emiliano Ruiz Chong

There is still episode 11. When will you watch it?

zILovePelmeni _

these serial killers were in a constant "dream-state" because of the corinthian who inspired them. dream just brought them back to normal

Erica Collins

Dang I was gonna recommend for y'all to watch Locke & Key someday 😭 that show is good & so interesting. I definitely recommend it to anyone who hasn't watched it!


i swear theres like one more episode?

Vincent Ruacho

Rose thinks shes the shit like bro your talking to the god of dreams shut your ass up be lucky he took pity on you


I was trying not to reveal the name because the show hasn't revealed it. :-)


Very situational I would say. Points for Death and Destiny have been made, up there in the comments. Dream is the antithesis to both of them in a sense. His siblings by essence represent a rigid construction of the universe : where everything will end up and the already written path to that destination. Dream, throughout the comics, holds the power of everything that could be, never will or has not manifested yet. He is the countering force moving the world in unexpected directions (even for Destiny in some instances, for those who have the 2015 Sandman Overture). Think like his duel with Lucifer



Well in all actuality their is no strongest that can’t be killed or destroyed but they can be harmed by each other which will cause them to lose their power but overall it still wouldn’t be a strongest they all can kind of do the same thing and they are almost all omnipresent delirium does magic and so does dream though and destiny knows everything death will be the last thing I think depending on destiny desire and despair are just crazy “ even though they are just as bad as dream in actuality” and destruction is just destruction


Season 2 will definitely show all of them and I think it got renewed maybe


I thought I was mad tripping with the background saying Episode 9 despite it being the 10th episode lmao

John Victor Oak

Why do you feel the need to spoil like a fucking idiot? You think he put the “?” Cause he just forgot? He was obviously trying not to spoil like you did.


the endless have two main rules. 1 can't fall in love with a mortal, can't kill each other. even drawing blood is a no no.


thats Marvel. this is DC. with that i think Lucifer's big plan to piss off god and Morpheous is to... move to LA and solve crime lol


i know Death is the most powerful entity in the DC universe. mostly because she has nothing holding her back.


desire was also behind Dreams love affair with that woman trapped in hell. as the endless arent allowed to fall in love with mortals. and desire manipulated them.


Desire come on screen me: This bitch. lol love them but they treacherous lol


It is worse, because Dream isn't a God he is Endless, it is a totally different kind of being. But to underline your point: (most) Gods in the Sandman and also in Neil Gaimans other works a born and die in the dream realm. So his domain is the birthplace and cementary of the gods


I felt really bad for Lyta, but I honestly can't stand her because she's so selfish and she gave Rose terrible advice lol

Alex Omega

There is one more episode left Roshi!!!


1 episode left


lmao....in knew they were going to miss the bonus episode. I don't blame them... at first it was a secret episode that you had to wait for the next episode pop up to see. Then when they finally added it to the episode list, a bunch of people still couldn't see it.

Sean Fox

You gonna do episode 11


Was it like a filler episode or something? Is it a big deal if you dont see it?

Nikolai Cannady

Are y’all gonna do episode 11?


It is sorta a filler in regards to the show... nothing to really do with the story of whole season, but it is canonical in the source material (it's not some made up anime style filler lol). There are actually 2 episodes in the bonus episode, the first being about a Cat (and is 100% animated). The second part is live action, called Calliope, and follows a tone more like the rest of the series. It's only really important in that Calliope is someone important from Morpheus's past. But don't feel like you are missing much. It's just a great bonus to fill out the world.

Joshua Z. Phillpotts

Please at least touch on if your going to do Episode 11 or not