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pure chaos


Brian Estepa

Not even lying, I started tearing up just from reading your comment. You explained the significance of their relationship and his death beautifully. This the type of shit I'm tryna see in comment sections lol


Had to comeback n rewatch this episode, Faputa reaction to killing Belaf ugh it was lik killing her own grandpa she nvr meet. I love how he complimented her eyes jus lik he did Vueko and wished that she enjoy her journey <3


Welp I watched these in the wrong order rip

Sylanna Maxwell

That symbol makes me think she turned into a Aubade like Reg.

Harry Tobin

he forgot because riko sent that electric current through him to try and wak him up in the first episode they wont reveal how later on because it was actually revealed in the first episode

Ryan Murphy

So the last episode is supposed to be an hour long special (like the last episode of season 1) and is due out next week on the 28th. Can't wait to see how the season ends.

Excalibur Umbra

This makes Belaf story even sadder because in this episode we learn that Irumyui thought of Belaf as a father or another parental figure which explains his emotional breakdown after he ate the children soup and why he wanted Irumyui to kill him because he practically ate his grandchildren

Steven Fechter

belaf is basically the role of the elder passing down knowledge/experience to the grandchildren in place of the parent who is not able. the entire story of the villiage is made tragic because they are all offering their pound of flesh in exchange for forgiveness from what they took from iruyumi willingly and with love (which has a tangible power in the abyss) . and in doing so faputa gains even more value. wakyzans whole goal is to create a method for allowing the villiage to continue adventuring? hes done it. when faputa consumes the villiage, becomes an ultimate being capable of challenging the abyss, and will move forward with everyones soul within her as the foundation to her strength. all the miracles required for her to come into being, a method for all the wishes being granted, the prophecy, all seem to lead to this outcome. its great story telling.


This series is so top tier and even though it has built up a fanbase and its gets attention it still gets nowhere near the attention it deserves for how amazing it is.

Henrique I. Pereira

Next episode will be double duration, it will be hype!


Nah, it's most likely the # of uses left on the Cradle of Desires embedded inside her, since the symbols are the Golden City's numerical system, just like the glyphs are the written system


No. Nat said that. It wasn't "revealed". Nat said "maybe your overcharge did it" in ep 1. Have you ever heard of a red herring? Yep. Besides, we know that Reg has met Lyza, and his first words after Riko shocks him with the first charge were "children?" instead of "Riko?". That implies Reg had forgotten whatever his deal with Lyza was before the supercharge. And only after that, Riko gives him the second charge, way more potent than the first. So either you're wrong or Reg actually didn't go up in search of Riko. He probably did go up in search of Riko, so you're wrong. Furthermore, Bondrewd said that Reg's body was very efficient in sucking up power. I mean, he has to recharge, right? Even Reg himself said that his "HAKU" could give him more charges. So there's no way he'd lose his memories over electricity. I absolutely dislike your theory, Harry. All it's based on is one single line by Nat in episode 1 and makes no sense. Even when Reg with memories himself says he only had one charge left, sage Nat can't possibly be incorrect.

Adrian Monroy

I almost did but is not really that hard to realize that something is off the minute they start talking about the last episode

armaan newaskar

Remember when this chapter in the manga came out last year. It was just after I caught up too. It’s one of my fondest memories.

God Enel

I think he shot his last shot and that shut him down and reset him so he lost his memories. At least thats what it feels like the show is strongly suggesting.


At no point does Reg say he only has one shot left. What Reg says is "Yeah, this hand can emit such a light, but the thing is i cant use it right now. I dont know what will happen to me the next time i fire it". Have you ever heard of a red herring? YEP. Reg never said his HAKU was Riko. It could be Lyza for all you know. If he's on a lower level than her, so of course he'd have to go up in search of her. Furthermore, i dont think you know what the word efficient means. If something is efficient at charging up, that means it TAKES LESS to hit full charge, so the first zap could have easily topped Reg off, and now at full capacity a BIG SUDDEN JOLT could cause damage, you know, like what tends to happen to electronics when you suddenly send too much power through them. "ElEcTrOnIcS RuN oN ElEcTrIcItY, sO tHeReS No WaY MoRe cOuLd HuRt TheM" Nothing you said is any more concrete than anything anyone else has said. Quit pretending you're spitting facts, youre just theory crafting like everyone else is.


I just can't get into this arc. I really enjoyed the first season and the movie, but the plot has dragged on so long until the last couple episodes. Wish they'd trimmed this down to 8 or so episodes. I know I'm in the minority here, but I'm looking forward to this arc being over.


They didn’t talk about it in the anime but in the manga they explain that Riko using the white whistle drains her of all of her energy which is why she was tired this episode. Also, to me, this episode solidified this season as a 10/10. Truly a masterpiece that surpassed the 1st season.

Steven Fechter

nanachi literally said the symbol on his helmet is a literal count down timer until he becomes inert.


Sheesh that was actually quite disturbing. This season got intense quick. I actually forgot about the dangers of the Abyss for a bit while they was here, but the Abyss came back with a VENGENCE!


I agree tbh, loved season 1 and the movie but this arc has felt off to me for some reason, haven't been able to really care about what happens.

Steven Fechter

yeah people forget weve been shielded from the abyss since they entered the 6th layer. a few very dangerous things when they first entered before arriving at the villiage, and the heat resistant eggs they ate forshadow the heat resistant microbes in the water that mess up the ganja corp. This is why the villiage was necessary. the 6th layer is extreme in every way.

Steven Fechter

forgot to mention it earlier but gabutrons death was super tragic. "You were born harboring a thirst for vengence yet acquired something irreplaceable and called it HAKU. I deeply regret I cannot be by your side and see the reason for that. Faputa, The days we spent together, were truly, my HAKU" The irony here is that gabutron DOES understand without even realizing it. Gabu is an interference unit, his job is simply to observe and collect info. He found the treasure that is faputa and began to value her. His entire identity was being her guardian and in the end, he called the time he spent with her HAKU. He went against his nature due to finding something he loved and treasuring it. Even sacrificing his life for it. He and faputa both were created with an intent, to have a specific purpose, yet were able to rise beyond it and find new purpose of their own choosing. Crazy powerful moment. Not to mention the music was downright angelic.


You are probably in the minority but there are still quite a few people who share the same opinion as you. And even though I feel the opposite, I can understand that the sense of adventure and seeing new things about the world is not that prevailing this season. I just like that they actually focused on the characters instead of the characters being more about their relationship with Riko than their own stories. Other characters have had their stories but most become more about Riko than their own selves (except Nanachi). We settled on these characters and gave their stories time to breathe instead of a cliff notes version (imo). The characters of this season are far and away better than any prior characters including the mains. This is pretty subjective and purely personal preference.


She literally doesnt. Yall need to learn what words mean. She says it looks like the pattern on other relics. She GUESSES at how many shots he has left. Neither of those is "This is exactly what this is and exactly how it works" And even IF she did "literally say he'd literally become inert" that has no bearing on whether or not it would affect his memory. Unless you think the super advanced civilization that can make cyborgs with grappling laser arms somehow just never thought of the idea of a CMOS battery? Do you guys actually think unplugging your PC wipes your hard drive, that if your laptop battery dies everything on it goes poof? LUL

Daniel Borrego

Oh jesus, faputa is kratos :D :D :D how ironic. and she beat down BOI! this episode!

Jarren Jenkins

You really think they could have explained all of what happened in a few episodes? It would have been cut and been jumping around so much I think it would have been worse tbh. I understand you are probably a more action oriented person and less about more story driven elements but this was an incredible arc and we learned so much about the Abyss and the lore of the world. Sure we didn't see any other floors but this has been incredible. Just my two cents, nothing wrong with your opinion but I feel if they shortened things to a few episodes the arc would have been even less impactful to people who didn't care for it.

Steven Fechter

The cradles of desire were already used tho. I think its more likely her white foam healing and the amount of charge it has. I think she gets that energy when she consumes those who were altered by iruyumi and the extra is stored within her and represented by the symbol. It may even only add to that energy pool because the people she consumed offered themselves to her with love, which has a tangible power in the abyss. And thats also when the symbol appeared. I really cant say for sure and maybe she has some sort of wish granting power, but until we see it, im skeptical.

Sebastian Stróż

Really reminds me about pods from Nier:Automata. Obviously not exactly the same but the idea is very similar.


Faputa is so interesting I hope she sticks around