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That was a fun fight to watch



That ending surprised me. Has no idea it was Pandora

Mozart Waddell

Ganbatte ne Riku!!! Ganbatte ne Riku!!! I finally got to experience hype instead of dread 🥲 I hope nothing happens to Riku


Yeah roshi, it was the first episode of season 2 of i think that the dragon appeared in and he was talking to that old woman


In that scene, he was reminiscing of the "love tap" Shalltear gave him from season 1. If you notice his right shoulder armor has the hole that Shalltear punctured with her lance.

Orion Clement

"As expected of the worlds strongest Dragon Lord" *Dragonoid transformation Sebas laughs in 20 levels above Tsa*

FreshxEli Tv

Roshi you’re right though I remember the dragon talking about the game Ainz was from with a group of people idk if the dragon is from the game or if he is similar to how Rudy encountered the true world dragon when he knew about Rudy’s world and the true god maybe it’s like that in overlord to who knows

Ricky Faber

We actually saw Tsa the Platinum Dragon's armor in S1 and S2, he was with the group that Shalltear attacked and got mindcontrolled by, the hole on his right shoulder plate is from when shalltears pippett lance stabbed him. Since it absorbs health the armor became inactive after it ran out of HP, that and the the mortal wound of another member made them all retreat before finishing the brainwashing

FreshxEli Tv

Wait that was smart !!! The players won’t suspect Ainz as a player now that they have proof they suspect him as just a strong NPC 😂😂 and making plans to defeat pandoras actor and not Ainz 😂😂


The dragon was from season 2 (i think) he was talking to an old woman who gave gazef the ring he passed onto climb. We don't know what the ring does but the way they talked about it made it seem like it had incredible power and allowed someone to "surpass their limits". The old woman and the dragon lord called themselves the strongest in the world (apart from the dragonkin)


Since it's not too clear in the anime, Pandora's Actor was taking damage in the fight against "Riku". He claims physical attacks do not work, but that's a mistranslation: He's saying BLUNT attacks don't, and keeps using Body of Effulgent Beryl to nullify blunt damage to fool "Riku" so he stops using the most effective method. The reason the subtitles spell Player and NPC oddly is to signify that the words and concept behind them is foreign. Clearly the dragon has heard of them, but doesn't fully understand what the terms mean.


It was hinted earlier in the episode where Albedo speak to him like she was speaking to somebody that has the same ranking as her. Then she changed the way she speak to him by calling him lord Ains before the fight started.


Yeah, it was season 2. You saw the dragon talking to the old lady. I THINK the armor might have also been in that scene too.


Be nice if that would've truly included that fight, but alas. We're here.


Lol what did you guys even think when Shalltear dragged that dude through the portal? It's pretty clearly implied he's going through an "inititation" the same way the others did.


Level 80 is Albedo's estimate of him, and that's only of the remote-controlled armor..

Orion Clement

The armor is level 80, Tsa is level 95, Sebas normally is level 100, Dragon Transformation Sebas is around level 110 with all his buffs


i'm really glad Albedo gets to fight, been awhile since she was on the field


Tsa was not part of the S1 group that fought Shalltear. He encountered Shalltear on his own in a different period of time. His first appearance was S2 episode 1.


I'm sorry, but Lupa was not using his brain at all this reaction lmao. Hurt them? Were you even watching? XD

Mozart Waddell

Why you gotta cut me so deep. Riku could've defeated Pandora if Albedo didn't interfere. If he fought the real Ainz he would've got washed.


I don't know where you got that information from, but Tsa's being level 95 is not canon, and Sebas being level 110 isn't really a thing, he would just be a level 100 with buffs. Also, I don't remember him having any confirmed buffing techniques (not saying he doesn't, just that the info isn't out)


They haven't reacted to overlord in like two weeks and now they think albedo and ainz are gonna have problems. Lmao come on guys. Its been two weeks.

Orion Clement

It's cut content from the S1 refrence sheet PDF. The original quote came from one of the side stories, when discussing NPC strength there was a 3 way tie between Albedo, Sebas and Cocytus. Sebas beats Cocytus because he's a technically more skilled fighter, Albedo beats Sebas because he doesn't have the damage output to match her DEF, and Cocytus beats Albedo because he does have the damage output. But then Touch Me states "That's just assuming he stays in human form, as a Dragonoid he'd beat them both at the same time" You need at least 5 levels to guarantee a victory over someone, meaning Sebas is level 110 in dragon form. When the S1 refrence sheet came out we got confirmation of this form through a drawing of its silhouette, but its since been cut from the story in favor of Rubedo, a NPC so strong they used a World Item to request a "special favor" from the devs. She's assumed around level 150, as Ainz says she could solo Nazarick itself, 41 included. Meaning she's a Raid Boss they got as an NPC


the guy in the mecha suit is the uncle of the blue rose party leader

Xan Acktor

I havent watched you guys in like 2 weeks! Man its good to hear that opening song again. Cant wait for the made in abyss reactions tomorrow.


but they aren't actually over level 100 they just have insanely high stats

Orion Clement

That is correct, which is why I said "with all his buffs" He can fight on the level of a 110, Raid Bosses are the only characters actually above 100. Which Rubedo might be

Hasnain Khan



Yeah, the dragon meeting you saw was between gazef stronoff’s mentor and the dragon lord talking about her having given the king’s warrior stronoff an op ring.


The Dragon with the silver armor was shown in the beginning of season 2, during a flashback of the team that subdued shalltear in season 1.


That ending analysis was very close. Everything was spot on except the last segment. It’s just plural and pronounced like that cause it’s a foreign word to the new world. Platinum Dragon Lord knows some concept of the word as he has experience with other players as he traveled with them during the time of the 13 heroes and was informed of the game and some other things Yggdrasil related. He deems it his responsibility to kill evil players and has judged Ainz and company as such for their actions but if they were good, I doubt he’d have done anything since he traveled with the good players (13 heroes) some 200 years ago.

Alex Rogers

There were 2 ways you could tell it wasn't Ainz. One from the way Albeto was talking to him. Second and this one was way more obvious is that Pandora's actor couldn't replicate the big red ball in the chest of Ainz because that's his World Item


Where is the touch me statement from? I’ve never heard of it before. The 3 way tie I’ve heard of before, but from what I remember Sebas was only stronger as a melee fighter while in dragonoid form. He could definitely not beat both of them at the same time, might not even beat one of them when the battle is not melee restricted. Ainz also never mentioned rubedo being able to solo Nazarick.. She might be able to defeat multiple players at once like Shalltear, but definitely not all of Nazarick (unless you mean one after another instead of all at the same time). The beings on the 8th floor are even stated to be able to potentially (or successfully with world items) defeat her, so soloing Nazarick is impossible.

Devin B

I had a feeling it wasn't Ainz only when Riku was about to attack Pandora's Actor in the end but then he suddenly said wait and bowed down while telling him to stop. Ainz wouldn't lower himself like that.

Devin B

But the dragon also said that maybe Ainz is making himself look like a secondary character in order to hide the fact that he's a player. He's just thinking of the different possibilities but either way Ainz really gave them bad info.


There was actually a ton of hints that wasn't the actual Ainz. Pandora's Actor didnt have the red orb in the abdomen area and Albedo didn't address him formally.

zILovePelmeni _

the dragon doesnt actually now what players and npcs are you can tell from the subtitles lol. i think hes a friend of riku who was a player but died a long time ago

Bryann Kam

So, to explain a few things that were elaborated on more in the Light Novels up to this point in the story/anime. Firstly, the reason why Tsa’s (Platinum Dragon lord’s) armor’s HP would drop every time he would cast a spell is that he is using a completely different system of magic. So, there are 2 types of magic systems within the New World, tier magic that uses Mana (or MP), which is the magic we’ve seen so far within the show thus far. And wild magic (which Tsa used here) that uses HP/souls. How wild magic works is that the more HP/souls used the more powerful the spell. As a result, wild magic can do pretty much anything (with the right amount of fuel), with the only thing that can challenge it being YGGDRASIL World Items. Secondly, regarding his line to “ainz” (Pandora’s Actor) “Everything began with the misuse of our power”. While it hasn’t been outright confirmed, the LN has heavily hinted at the fact that Tsa’s father (the Dragon Emperor) along with other Dragon Lords that supported him were the ones responsible for summoning Players, NPCs, Guild Bases, and Items from YGGDRASIL like Ainz, Nazarick itself (and all the NPCs and Items within it), the Six Great Gods that the Slane Theocracy worship, the Eight Greed Kings, the Evil Deities, and (by extension) even tier magic to the New World. It’s a popular/widely accepted fan theory within the Overlord community that the Dragon Emperor did this because he became consumed by his greed and attempted to gain even more power for himself by attempting to summon powerful magical items from other dimensions/realities and this resulted in him summoning World Items from the YGGDRASIL video game and (as an unforeseen consequence) their owners and transporting them to different time periods. This was hinted at during the Slane Theocracy’s meeting in episode 3 of this season when they said that their legends state that new “gods” (i.e., Players and/or NPCs) tend to appear once every 1 to 2 centuries give or take.

Arsean Wilbon

They didn’t set him up they tried to make it so he wouldn’t be sent off to be tortured to instill obedience before coming back to hilma. So they actually helped him it’s just unfortunate they couldn’t stop the torturing from happening that’s why they say it’s like a form of baptism Also the dragon doesn’t know what a player is therefore that’s why he says it’s funny. It’s to indicate player and npc is a new word for him


I'm so confused, who was the blonde guy in the red armor again???

Randle Dandle

The way "puh-layers" and "en-pe-sie" are spelled out is meant to indicate that they don't really know the terms the way a player would be. They're sounding it out like children repeating something they heard.


i don't think anyone watching anime only would know that is his world item.


Roshi has the powers of recollection with his Roshingan. Whereas Sheera has the Sheeragan that can see the future, Roshingan can see the past. YES the platinum dragon lord was seen first in s2 e1.


I knew Roshi would think of Noctis when he saw the fight, glad to see I wasn't the only one.


It's funny how this show (and other media of it) treat some events... this episodes' fights might be THE most important event in the world through the first 4 seasons.

Random Guy

Pandora's actor is only 80% as powerful as Ainz and he was still holding back to gain info (It was shown that PA let himself get hit multiple times) while Platinum Dragon Lord was already having a hard time. There were multiple clues that point out that the Ainz we saw was pandora's actor. 1.) Non-Glowing Eyes 2.) Absence of Red Orb in Momonga's Stomach which is a World Item 3.) The way albedo talked to him was casual 4.) His inner voice sounded like Ainz and not his human voice 5.) Not preparing enough buffs 6.) There's no way Ainz would ever bow even if he was losing, he's be too afraid of losing the guardian's respect 7.) Pandora's actor talk a lot, he also explains a lot while fighting 8.) The cape thing while teleporting was a thing pandora's actor does.

Random Guy

Nope, Pandora's actor was also holding back to gather info. As you saw he let himself get him multiple times on purpose. He didn't even cast that any high level spells aside from summon undead 10th. Momonga was the player with the most amount of spells ingame (like a thousand or so iirc).

Steven Fechter

yeah I just thought that kickball in his stomach was a part of his body. his magical core maybe.


The guy from the previous ep, Lakyus’s uncle


The cape thing is not a pandora's actor thing tho. It's a thing all of the guardians have seen Ainz do (in an attempt to look cooler) and have since adopted. However Ainz wouldn't do it serious combat.


@Roshi really should rewatch start of episode 1 of season 2, just to recap for yourself as a lot of things that happened in this episode you will understand better just seeing that episode 1 scene again.

Lloyd Edwards

How often do you hear Gokus VA doing something other than DragonBall? She was the one talking to the dragon in episode 1 of season 2


Thank you for that suggestion. I dont even remember that stuff happening but it puts it all in perspective


rofl lupas such a clown "mam hes gonna hurt you" There literally no one in this world who can do a single thing to any of them its been established already they both literally took 0 damage in that fight. Not to mention this lil posse already got clapped up by vampire homegirl on accident in season 1 lmao yall forget everything

Anas Ghadfi

Lupa out here runnning on 2 brain cells.

Drake Rage

I watched Season 2 Episode 1 again today, there are a lot of connections you can make now that we know more about Tsa, the Dragon: 1. The armor Tsa was controlling used to belong to a Player. 2. The Old lady named Rigrit is probably a player since she said the one in the armor that Tsa used, used to be her friend, a player that Ainz (Pandora's Actor) said he has heard stories about him. 3. Tsa probably killed the player and took his armor, but now regrets it and is now fighting to protect the world. 4. Tsa knows the concept of Players and NPC and Yggrdasil, etc. but since the subtitles say "puh-layer" and "en-pee-cee" he is not a player himself, just knows a lot about them and their items, like World items, Guild items, etc. 5. Rigrit's ring was passed to Gazef, who passed it to Climb, so I think that might be a World item? or something extremely powerful like that, since Tsa was speaking like that ring was extremely powerful. 6. Not all players are evil, since they said "this time the player might be of an evil nature." So players can be good or bad, but since Ainz has been destructive, they have deemed him a threat to the world. 7. Rigrit said Tsa is the strongest being in the world if he had not "put constraints on himself," so that is really exciting since in this episode Tsa said there are many beings stronger than him, which might be partially true, so there are some very strong beings in the world that might be able to hold their own against the Guardians of Nazarick. 8. The Gundam armor probably belonged to a player too. The Dragon, Tsa, is wondering if he should kill the guy and give the armor to someone more skilled, so the Gundam can become more of a threat in the hands of someone better than the current user. 9. Tsa attacked Shalltear when she was just standing there after getting Mind-controlled, and she put a dent on that armor that Tsa is controlling. Then Tsa probably left her alone because he wasn't able to kill her and Ainz found her and killed Shalltear, and resurrected her. 10. Rigrit said she fought some little girl, I think that might be the girl with the rubiks cube that she fought, a God-kin (descendant of a player). So, if Rigrit is a player but that God-kin is stronger than her... then those two God-kins are a problem. *11*. This one might be totally off because I don't remember if they mentioned the name, but the old lady that Shalltear killed right before she got mind-controlled MIGHT have been the player, Rigrit, that is why she was able to use that extremely powerful World Item to mind-control Shalltear, but Rigrit died before giving Shalltear an order to do something. If Shalltear killed Rigrit, who was Tsa's friend, that makes sense why Tsa attacked a mind-controlled Shalltear to try to kill her for revenge.

Guerry Nine

I thought the name of the one that used mind control on Shaltear was Kaire. And they said she was gravely injured, not killed, in season 2 ep 1??

Drake Rage

Ah that's right. I was confused too because they said she was injured, but I think in one of the much later episodes they said she died. Maybe it was in this season or the last season they randomly said she died because of the Shalltear incident, I believe. I thought '11' might be the most likely reason why Tsa attacked Shalltear when she was mind-controlled, it made sense, but I guess it could also be that the Theocracy just called for help to eliminate her after retreating, since they think of themselves as protectors of the world too, (but are racists that think that Humans are the superior race that should control the world). Since there seemed to be a connection between Theocracy and Tsa/Rigrit, that was why I thought '10' made sense too. Edit: Yeah, they said Kaire got injured and retreated, and later died from those injuries received from Shalltear.


if dragon was able to kill that player then he probably wasnt strong also why would old lady be friends with someone who killed her friend....i think dragon was someone strong who met the player and was good friend but from this world. and i dont think old lady was player either they both just knew the player.

Drake Rage

Yeah it is possible that Rigrit is not a player, but since Rigrit was mad about the armor issue, and Tsa said he abused his power before, but is now fighting to protect the world, made me think he might have killed the player and taken his armor but is now doing good, so became friends with Rigrit since he regrets what he did before and is doing the right thing now. Just my opinion though, this was just my reasoning and the connections that made sense to me.


no the dragon didn't kill Rigrits friend. she traveled with the armor who was always controlled by PTL. her friend was the armor because thats who she saw all the time also not all players who came to the world must have been level 100. maybe some where just level 50. or 60 to 11. no it was a different lady. kaire or so. she was a normal ass person. everyone can use world items

Drake Rage

Yeah, Ainz guild was already super powerful in the game, but also another OP thing would be that Ainz is immortal along with most of the NPCs so they won't die due to age like the human players probably did.


@7: "I will protect this world... no, I MUST protect this world." Yea, I think he's put soul-magic-type limits on himself. @8: Trivial light-novel spoiler, from the long version of the meeting in next episode: the Gundam Armor is from Yggdrasil... it was "twink gear" that max level players could use to boost newbies or alts to ~level 70... which is exactly what it's doing. Aizuth (the guy inside) is very strong for his world, but very weak compared to Yggdrasil.

The Force

Without spoiling anything from LN (unlike SOME) people, you're half right on 70% of these, I can do some full diving if you don't mind spoilers but I'd have to keep that in a PM/DM to avoid spoiling others And yes I know this is 3 weeks old xD

Drake Rage

Oh cool! I don't want to get spoiled though, it's fun to make connections from the info in the anime. It was a lot of fun to think deeply about the show I love. Glad to hear I wasn't completely wrong x3 I did read some of the LN a long time ago, the details, the importance of POV, etc is so cool, such a great series!