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That train scene was savage



Sheera says: Stick! Me: *Choking* because tried to laugh while drinking water.

Matcha White

At 8:19 when ash can sense someone there and the dude appears when you see the glasses and hat floating it's the guy holding them around the corner so ash knows who he is an so he can't shoot him XDD I died at yalls reactions to that.

General Grevious

Bro, they have caught Ash like 4 times and he still wants to catch him alive

Nicole Guerrero

I told myself I wasn’t going to rewatch banana fish and yet here I am watching y’all reaction to it 😭


They didn't forget to draw him. He just held his hat and his glasses in front of him while keeping his body hidden to mess with Ash and probably not to get shot

Nicole Guerrero

Manz didn’t glitch, he was showing ash his hat and glasses so he could know who it was 😭😭😭


Call of the night soon?


Yeaaah Roshi? I bet the boy Yut Lung could show you a few ways to "use chopsticks"... DAMNNN lol


stream today


i really can't believe they thought that man wasn't drawn in.....let the clappening begin! lmao. they must be hella tired!

Devin B

I hate the heartache this show puts me through but I love the show because it's just that good.


To be fair, I also had to rewind this scene because at first glance it was really jarring lol. I've seen A character or two that are just a hat and sunglasses so, I totally get it

Ginger Dwarf

Bro how on earth did you guys get fooled by a trick for children xD Homeboy was just holding his glasses and hat from behind the door frame. Y'all deserve a super clapping for this one

L Jeans

Epic, Cant wait for our boy Cain to appear!!!


Yall about to clapped in the comments lol


Fam... He was holding the hat and glasses behind the wall

Ishmeet Tuteja

did something happen to the 2nd episode of Magi?


Just like Banana Fish, Magi was dropped to 1 episode this week.


Nah for that guy I think he knew he had a gun and just hid behind the wall and poked his hat and glasses out 😭

rickie woodson

yall are so cute lol. you've never seen that trick before? super old school vaudeville act. lucy and them have done it before. the dude just took off his hat and glasses and had them "enter" before him so in case they were gun happy he doesnt get shot.


It's scenes with Ash and Eiji, like when Ash was opening up about his trauma to him, that really make me love this show. Also, that train scene was cold.


yall Cyberpunk Edgerunners is a MUST watch


that sleight of hand stab


Damn I guess him holding the hat and shades out first so he don’t get shot just slipped y’all’s mind huh LMAO

Keri K

this is my first time ever commenting but the "OH YEAH" when ash heard somebody had me in actual tears bro what LMAO


That's hilarious. 😭😭😭 I had to stop the video just to check the comments. I wish I could see their faces when they realize..

Marialis Fabian

not yall thinking the animation glitch omg lmao

Ranginald Vagel

I had to pause several times because they kept bringing it up and I couldn't stop laughing enough to watch


8:28 Not yall ALL being super slow in that moment talking about some "glitch" lmao


17:25 Not so much listening to him, as just letting him have a sliver of some form of grace after all the trauma he's been through. Right now Eiji's acting as a lifeboat in a way bc he's literally the ONLY good thing in Ash's life at this point. Max knows this and is just stepping down to give them slightly longer to be together before Eiji is forced to leave for good.