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Forever smoke



It only took Amanda FIVE SEASONS! to start being supportive of Daniel to actually deal with he's problems with Cobra Kai. SMh..


"forever smoke" 😆🤣

Jill I

I still love Terry but I hate him.


Terry came in and stole the show with the addition of his character. I mean I like Kreese more but Terry is the perfect villain. 🤘


The season finale fight proved it, he was untouched. Lol El Serpinete 🤘🐍🔥🥋❤️


Nahh they get that, but again Daniel isn't a superhero and need to be fighting this shit, he needs to be focusing on his family not this Karate BS drama. Plus I doubt Terry and his world global domination would of gotten far. Once shit would of gotten out of hand, the police would have been involved and would of shut that shit down. Daniel isn't the only parents in the valley and world 🤣😂. If Kreese could get arrested for battery and assault and tempted murder. Having a bunch young adults incite violence, especially if it escalates to extreme, I'm pretty sure police would get involved. It's not power rangers lol despite the many jokes about it. Police are an actual thing in here.




my soul is finally fueled


Best episode besides the finale

Taku Bell

Roshi, I gotta disagree about the point you made at the beginning. Cobra Kai's descent into fuckery is 10% to 20% Daniel's fault. The kids becoming fucked up and Kreese coming back, which are the biggest factors, had nothing to do with Daniel. Sure giving Cobra Kai competition sped things up but how else were people like Demitri and Sam gonna feel safe without being hounded by people like Kyler, Kenny, and S1-3 Hawk.

Champion Bescos

Bruh! Prime Miguel is back baby. The best of the kids, far as I’m concerned. I loved this episode. We finally get some closure between Robby and Miguel, Daniel gets taken down hard, and we see more of Johnny being a whole W this season.

Nicholas Castillo

I can’t believe I’m missing Thursday night football to watch this right now 😂


This like my third time watching a reaction to this episode and I never put together that that was a cactus made outta beer cans

Taku Bell

Silly me, of course they are. We should totally let them nurture children. History means jack right?

Nicholas Castillo

I just keep up with the ESPN scores for Fantasy but I’m watching cobra Kai and playing games 😂

Taku Bell

Johnny has come a long way but I wouldn't trust him with my child in the early seasons. But Kreese and Terry, hell nah!


@Callie So you're just gonna start spoiling stuff in the comments now?

Champion Bescos

@Callie No spoilers please ya’ll. I only talked about this episode’s events, be respectful.


I don’t think these niggas understand what cobra kai actually does to these kids and the fact that terry wants it impact around the world💀 daniel isn’t UNHINGED he’s just no selfish man and knows what terry is capable of


Actually I’d Daniel let Johnny teach Karate from the beginning, kids will still would have become bullies and Kreese still would’ve been back.


them bringing terry silver into the show just makes it so much more enjoyable. that nigga is a true villain 🤣


@Puerto Rican Huh? She deleted her comment. She was referencing the finale for this season


Bro i swear Roshi just waiting for this dude Daniel to start crip walking💀💀💀

Omar Bautista

The flip they do to characters is so crazy. The sympathy for old Johnny, Chozen to teach Daniel about Cobra Kai and Jessica Andrews who was always seen as discount Ally but now is the person who brought Daniel and Amanda together. This show is crazy on how to flesh out the KK movies

Devin B

When we first saw Daniel in the first season we saw that he was chilling and minding his business but when Johnny showed up to bring back Cobra Kai his trauma kicked in a bit and he was ready to get rid of Cobra Kai. After the first tournament he was starting to chill out but when Kreese came into the picture his trauma kicked in again and he was starting to get desperate to not have Cobra Kai on top. The last straw for Daniel was Silver coming back who was the main reason for his trauma so he felt that he owed it to his old self and the kids of this generation to not have them go through the same things he went through. The writers are showing that Daniel is being obsessed with taking down Cobra Kai but it's only because he doesn't want kids to go through that kind of torture. That line Terry said about Daniel's kids triggered him cause he was basically implying he's gonna make his kids go through the same thing he did.


This nigga Danny got to be high level crip ain’t no way bro got his entire family wearing blue 😭


The problem, is if he didn't get involved, or Johnny didn't get involved, then we wouldn't have the show! Haha. They just gotta ramp it up to 11 for us, which makes it so dumb, but somehow, so endearing.

Devin B

Yeah Daniel couldn't back down knowing what can potentially happen to the kids in Cobra Kai under Terry but he was willing to let go of that for his family.

Devin B

@Callie Foster as the saying goes you can't teach an old dog new tricks and Silver definitely is changing, Kreese was slightly getting to that point though near the end of last season.

Devin B

Even most of his silverware was blue. Dude had blue teapots.

Rex Perez

This blue conspiracy will continue until we get answers


Kreese began to manipulate Johnny before Daniel found out he was even back..

Antonio Williams

Nah it's not Karate Kid Shippuden. It's Bobra Kai


Jessica friendzoned Daniel in Karate Kid 3 because Daniel's actor almost 30 by then and hers was actually a teenager.

Oax Al

Larusso really said, "my kids won't ever be bloods".

Smash Bran'Discootch

Another reason why this writing is so phenomenal is the way the writers understand the audience's expectations. After FOUR SEASONS of pure stress, they intentionally set up situations like the near confrontation between Daniel and Johnny where daniel is trying to start a fight with Johnny. All four seasons prior, that situation would have ended in a fight but they finally stop and talk it out and that scene alone was so damn satisfying. Same thing with the Miguel and Robby fight. Not only was it a badass fight but it finally paid off and showed how all of these characters have grown.


lol If yall think Silver is cartoon/Anime villain man I can't wait for yall to meet Sensei Kim! lol


I think Daniel has a right to be triggered by his extraordinarily weird past. Kid moved from Jersey to Cali, only to almost immediately be swept up in a constant series of fights, tournaments, international travel, mind games, and blood feuds. That is WILD way to have to spend your teens. So yeah, I guess that stuff tapered off eventually, but can you really blame him for freaking out when his insane 80s movie adolescence started to become real again in the modern world?

I-Jah Armstrong

you can see stingray flinched as soon as silver put his hand on his shoulder


I’m mostly agree with y’all that Daniel beef seem childish, but the best way to see Cobra Kai especially under Kreese and later Silver is not a karate dojo but a legit dangerous cult, say like NXIVM. The karate makes it look silly, but if you had some more recognizable cult action in your community you might react foolishly too.

rickie woodson

wow, teen witch grew up. so didnt recognize her til they did the flashback. that was my FILM! top that, top that, i dont really a --- about that! TOP THAT!

rickie woodson

its JOHNNY. of course he doesnt have a spare key lol its like you dont know our boy at all

sotonye ogan

With that bloody knuckles and flashback I thot blue boy was about to get nasty with it💀😂


Bro I laughed so hard at the end of ya recap😂😂😂


amazing what strong writing and strong characters can do versus just trying to chase social awareness brownie points


Idk If a tall ass mf BEAT MY ASS all through highschool and tormented me, I wouldn’t be so quick to forgive 🤣

Jarron Taylor

Bro y’all niggas really got me crying😭


I love the escalation in this series from an old high school beef renewed to a whole as super villain literally trying to take over the world with his karate cult lmao. This show is amazing.

Mozart Waddell

Sony, the show producers couldn't even get a PS5 to be in the episode because their still sold out!


why johnny come over like daniel died or something? he got his beat. its karate lol like now everybody wanna grow and shit like nah they in way too deep now you gonna bring back kreese? i can see this show ending with stingrays confession and terry being put to jail like that about it

Mozart Waddell

Why are they drinking chocolate milk with American/Italian food 🤮🤮


Before the ending of this got me in fucking tears yo. "Cobra Kai for the VALLEY?! I WANT COBRA KAI AROUND THE WORLD"


"can you imagine if a basketball player knew karate?" oh, shaq-fu?

Lamaree Jackson

Damn no praise for the Roshigan calling out the Tory and Kreese angle


Yuuuup! And sometimes I kinda think about how shows like this and Arcane (which is bloody amazing) are able to execute these strong social awareness messages through the strong writing and strong characters vs other shows that have the messaging conveyed by a weak narrative and really thin character models And I wish more shows, films and big studios would take the time to do create these kinds of woke shows properly. Cuz in a lot of ways I consider Cobra Kai to be a woke show. But done more realistically if that makes sense? Like it talks about men, women and trauma, violence and adolescence, relationship, war and the residual impacts of it. All wrapped in this question of how does one live a "good and honorable life" in relationship with those around you and those that look up to you (lol sorry for the mini monologue, this show just gets me going in the best ways and your comment was thought provoking)

Mozart Waddell

That would make sense. I forgot that set filming time and the show time period rarely syncs up.

Spearbearer Josh

Wow this is honestly the best episode so far in the entire series. Everything coming full circle

Erica Collins

Let's be real, even if Danny refused to fight Silver and continued to walk out Silver wouldn't have let him. And if he somehow did, Silver definitely would've kept tormenting him bc I swear that guy LOVES having him as a rival. He feeds off of their rivalry. It's almost like Joker & Batman 😭

The Divided One

Roshi points out the blue thing once and Lupa says stop, DUDE Lupa you have been pointing that shit out 10 times an episode all season lmao get outta here with that

Toast Knight

The flashback powerup didnt work


Forever Smoke is a very good phrase

George Jackson

Babe Ruthless is the best nickname they could have ever came up with for Amanda. I really could not have guessed that. S tier writing

George Jackson

Glad they gave Miguel that run back and kicked Robbie ass because Robbie needed to be humbled big time and Miguel needed some type of revenge Robbie breaking his back. Miguel still top dog in this show. lol

Cameron Courtney

*Sheera and roshi: “Daniel just be the bigger person and back down” *Daniel: *Tries to back down *Silver: “You think you can just surrender, it’s too late for that” *Also Sheera and Roshi: *pikachu face 😗😗😗

Cameron Courtney

Exactly, that’s why I don’t understand Sheera and Roshi specifically, always getting mad at Daniel, when he’s clearly justifiably mad..

Cameron Courtney

I was so disgusted at that, milk does NOT go with any meal, or dish, other than cereal, and CERTAIN breakfast dishes..


Daniel was trying to start shit with Silver when Silver didn't want any smoke with him. He even warned Daniel to stop messing with him or he'd regret it. Daniel didn't heed his warning so now Silver won't let Daniel just back out anymore.


Silver is a literal supervillain trying to take over the world. If he left Silver alone, that bullshit was gonna come back and bite them in the ass eventually, and by then they wouldn't be able to do anything about it. On top of that, Cobra Kai has been beating the shit out of his kids alternatively for the past year and a half. And lets not forget they literally did a home invasion months ago.

Cameron Courtney

Exactly.. It wasn’t just the fact that he said “I’m gonna put cobra kai gi’s on both of your kids”, it was what that would’ve meant for Daniel in the future, which is the fact that he basically would’ve been Terry’s bitch, he’s got his kids in cobra kai, which would’ve been the reminder to Daniel, that Terry will always be above him, and will always have power over him, and there’s nothing he can do about it..

Raphael Joiner

Roshi: Does Amanda know Miyagi Do Karate. Amanda: Miyagi Street go brr.