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Jed is having a bad time all around


Adrian Neal

Rewatching this is kinda making me realize that Morpheus can only really see other perspectives from people he perceives on his level or above him, like Death or Lucifer. It took him 700 years with 100 of those being in a cage to actually value Hob

Alex cleveland

yall slacking on the summertime render, hopefully yall drop them joints this month...ik yall added more to the schedule but give an update on when those possible coming out at least


im still waiting for when made in abyss comes back hope its soon


You guys should watch cyberpunk edgerunner it’s really good from what I’ve seen so far

Destiney Marie

He literally said everything will be caught up by the end of this month. They are preparing for next month's animes. He sent out a whole message explaining the reason for shows being put on hold.


Yo, Roshi and Lupa are going to LOVE the God of War trailer that dropped. Damn!


guys they don't have time now for cyberpunk edgerunner maybe after they finish sandman and time rendering you can propose


ion watch this shi but i jus wanted to say MY LORD YALL GOT ALOT ON YA PLATE 😭😭😭 so much anime/shows lmao i KNOW yall tired


The first time morpheius & the vortex met, morphious said he couldn’t find Jed. Gaults actions hid him & maybe they could of found him sooner

Julian Vargas

I think Gault was supposed to be giving jed nightmares but she couldn’t do it bc she felt bad so she took him and hid him from Morpheus so he could be happy at least when he sleeps


they'll probably binge cobra Kai then start adding the older shows back

PettyTeddy 04

Gault created a dream and since she was a nightmare she couldn’t be found

rośe 薔薇

At least gotta let them know there’s a demand at the very least lol


Damn bro literally sent her to the shadow realm 😂


Morpheus was an arrogant prick, and has been for eons. Its only after being freed from roderick burgess that he's started to change a little, as shown by him calling Hob his friend. He still acts like a pompous asshat when dealing with beings below himself

sotonye ogan

As he should, his ass got locked up for 100 years for no reason why should he be nicer than what he is now.


I think I figured out one of the reasons why this last arc doesn't hit as well as the beginning of the series. The child actors are really weak. Rose just found her brother's foster home wrapped up in crime scene tape and is barely emoting. She's not panicked or visibly upset. Just mildy confused / surprised.


The way I understood it is she cut him off from the dreaming because if he was connected maybe other nightmares could find him and she did all this just to ensure he would only have good dreams. I could be wrong but that was my thought process..

Steven Fechter

so much of it is bad too. i tried watching this sandman show and its a bore. theyre gonna burn out if they keep watching shows like this and kobra kai. usually reaction videos should be fun to make but when youre watching shows this boring it probably be more satisfying to work a shift at mcdonalds.

Souradeep Goswami

Horrendous take bro. Sandman clears all the other shows they’re currently watching except HOTD.

Mozart Waddell

I don't know what to feel about Clarice. She warned Barneby against raising red flags, she never once helped Jed escape on her accord, and she even went along with the charade during the social worker visit. I don't care if her husband is abusive she should've protected that child.

Mozart Waddell

The Black Panther reference 😂


Was she helping tho😂 I mean the kid was still waking up at the foster home getting abused 💀 she didn’t do shit she was like this what life on the outside could be like but unfortunately you won’t get to experience th at 🔥


Desire might be right. Dream is a bit up his own ass.


they aint gonna burn out cuz they enjoying the hell out of these shows lol


I def agree. Rose’s acting in particular tends to fall flat and comes off as unconvincing


it seems like she did in the past and her husband abused her for it. you could easily tell how afraid she was


if they didn’t enjoy reacting to these shows they would’ve dropped it


I hate wild goose chases they annoy me


should react to the GOW gameplay trailer XD


Dream was the absolute worst for most of his existence and he's still struggling to act in a way humans would consider decent. That's why Death and Hob Gadling are so important - because Death IS decent in a human way, and Gadling is the only grounding point for Dream in the waking world.

Cuban Macaw

The episode with Constantine showed dreams attitude to this sort of thing but you guys just didn't have an issue with it because you agreed with him. This is his attitude towards everything. He generally doesn't care about people just doing his job


you guys should do a reaction to the new bleach trailer its super hype.

Morgan Crane

Honestly, the show is portraying him as a good bit nicer than he was at this point in the comics.

Mozart Waddell

I feel for her. I really do, but this is an experience that hits close to home for me. There's no reason you should allow your fear to make you turn a blind eye to a child's suffering. She was allowed access outside of the home to run errands. Call the police. It's that simple.


well, noone's saying that's what she SHOULD have done, but can't be really mad at her for being scared of a guy who's been controlling her life for who-knows how long

Mirz Mirz

because he a bitch for that how u let a human catch u by accident !


why is your opinion on the shows truth though? you literally speaking like you're the truth when im pretty sure that shows you watch other people think is boring and trash. the ballsack you must have to say that they dont enjoy watching these shows. are you implying they doing this for the money? or they acting? like dude get off you pedestal


the sticky note idea wasn't good like come on jed. you should have been singing when she came. because those social workers most of the time believe the kids but then again he should have slipped it in her pocket because she would have felt it like roshi said



Martin Sætran

Gault was really cool. And went out like a G.


cyberpunk edgerunner pretty good from what I have seen


if people keep recommending it like they are right now, they'll most likely watch it once the schedule opens up


Cyberpunk Edgerunner would be lit once the schedule clears up


i was just gonna ask about cyberpunk Edgerunner but others are asking it for it too


He uses the eye to see, but he probably eats them as well

Metweet .c

I feel for Lucienne, she's been holding down the fort for this man for a century. Back to the library like it was nothing



Ashif N

Guys Please start DARK, it's a crazy Netflix show, one of the best storytelling ever!


Are you good bro? Is everything okay at home?

I Am Gojo

Def requesting Cyberpunk Edgerunners when the scheduled opens up its 10 episodes of madness

Caleb Washington

I get why she was "helping" Jed. And yes Dream is an asshole. (He's a bigger asshole in the comics lol). But he was right what he said to her. She could've helped him by creating nightmares and lessons for him to conquer his fear and escape. Probably wouldn't have worked but using her nightmare Dream would've found em and helped.

Morgan Crane

Fans of the comic, no spoiler BUT: did anyone else notice that the nursery for Lyta and Hector's child is entirely WHITE? Food for thought....


Genuinely agree with both your comments. Have been rereading the issues as I was watching the show and although there are been a few "nice moments" added a lot of it comes from delivery, a little bit of more sincere smiling and him looking much more human-like obvsly. At the end of the day I don't mind the changes tooooo much but I think they don't always add up very nicely when they're immediately followed by high points of wrath or cruelty straight from the comics.


Yeah but I agree it could have been brought up a little better. This scene comes after the Death and Hob episode and several other moments showing him getting a bit more empathetic. Maybe this storyline should have taken place earlier but I dont even they should changed much of the scene to make it work better. Just emphasize more his reasons for being especially rigid and stressed that day through dialogue like (SMALL SPOILER) start showing the Dreaming breaking down BEFORE he and Rose meet up in Jed's dream for example. That would also explain why he cut Jed and Rose reunion so abruptly. Because so far he has been shown as being noticeably more agreable than in the comics, especially in these last two episodes I'd say.


Yeah, no hate and it bother me TOO much but you really notice it in scenes next to the Corinthian, he really helps carry the next episode I think


Certainly understand where you're coming from mate, but such deep fear particularly works because it affects you outside of moral reasoning. Calling the police as you mentioned is logical reasoning but we can easily infer that the type of all-consuming fear he has cultivated in her wife for years even before Jed came, through abuse and menace, would very act like conditioning. This kind of repeated abuse often morphs into irrational "he will know no matter what", "there is no escaping this life" "no one can help us" type of thought. That's just my point of view though, wish you well man


Please watch DARK 🙏🙏


Did you guys catch that the pumpkin is voiced by Mark Hamill

Corey Leach

This man Corinthian jus pulling every gay dude he meets lmao. Bro got god tier rizz.