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this was pure comedy!


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This chapter was mid-2001 and Final Destination was released in 2000.


In my opinion, Anasui's stand Diver Down pretty much is able to freely manipulate the insides of anyone or anything, it definitely is an odd stand


Kookily - LOW TIER G O D


When Kenzou has Dragons Dream in his hands like a compass, it allows him to find a lucky path/area where he will be protected. When Kenzou wants to attack, the Dragon leaves the compass and points to his opponents most unlucky area. If Kenzou is able to touch his own stand outside of the compass form, he is able to send his limb to the most unlucky spot on his enemy without getting close. This is also what happens when Foo Fighters touched it, she attacked herself.


joylene diving was hilarious, i thought she was being attacked lol


it seems like stands get more wild in every part. i thought king crimson was some shit... Please tell me it doesnt get worse after this part, i dont wanna know what bs go down in 7 & 8 lmao


This is just the beginning of the bat shit crazy stands. Part 7 & 8 its a lot worse lmao

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The best way to describe part 8 is "what the fuck am I reading?"


yall got me scared now. how do you outdo what i just watched 😭


Am i trippin or is the dragon brooks VA?

Preston Bryant

Right off the bat Jackie Chan adventures reference I’m so dead

George Kiourtis

my guy, you're not read for the later part 6, let alone part 7/8. im praying for you <3


just wait til u see literal jesuses stand

Jay rellim

diver down as we've seen so far can - hit something and store the attack in it - go inside someone to protect them from damage - go inside someone and fuck up/rearrange their insides. it seems they wont even know in the moment when that happens which is wild. how guccio not feel his bones turn into a trap lmao


The old guy got boned. Also mad his stand isn't called Imagine Dragons.


Because they werent around when the manga was made dummy

RavinFox .

Roshi: "Uncle Jackie Chan Adventures Ass Stand" This put me in stitches lol Perfect description!


tbf part 6 was written in like 2000


Honestly thought it was later than that. I'll go ahead and accept the clap.


You're not alone lol I was thinking they were inspired by the stand to create the name Imagine Dragons later on 😹


Is the stand named after Drake the rapper and one of his songs?

Beef Gristle Mill

The actual stand name is Dragon's Dream, but changed to drake's dream for copyright reasons (and cause drake means dragon in some languages) since araki names almost all stands and some characters after song/band names.