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grand opening grand closing



ppl always react the same to women in this show trying to change tommy as if they should know what htey signed up for...they all fell in love with the man, and he promise things he can't keep to make them happy, grace married him and left her hubby bc she's in love with him and bc tommy was on a path towards legitimizing his business. tommy also wants this for his company but still he's stuck in dirty business that comes to a cost towards his family and they don't even know about it...god forbid they're scared and remind tommy of his promises, esp when grace has a child at stake. she knows he still deals with illegal business but him dealing with this irish business last szn, and russion bus this szn is all very new and very VERY dangerous than his usual gangster shite...like ppl have a right to worry for tommy and warn him and tell him to not fucking cheat on them bc they also deserve respect and did not "sign up" to be cheated on, and ofc they don't know he's being forced into doing this bc he doesn't tell anyone anything. it's so frustrating pls get your heads out of tommy's ass for 2 seconds the man would be boring if he was 24/7 gangsta and right all the time, and the women in his life lack all credibility...


Nah it’s good he doesn’t tell them everything cuz we know what have happened in the past.


Agreed. I don’t think these reactors have been especially bad for it but do feel it’s a common theme for reactors/ audience members to give female characters a particularly hard time because they’re often resigned to roles that require them to “hold back” (generally male) protagonists from doing the fun stuff we’re watching the show for. Niko, the husband character in Killing Eve is a good gender-reversed example of this, I feel. He’s constantly trying to hold back Sandra Oh’s character from doing dangerous shit but as an audience we feel frustrated by him even though he’s literally in the right. We don’t want to see Tommy quit being a gangster because that’s what we’re watching the show for - but it doesn’t mean Grace is in the wrong for wanting Tommy to not bite off more than he can chew. And she was right - his family business literally led to her death. I don’t feel like anyone would say Tommy shouldn’t be mad or upset that his wife was killed or his son’s life was threatened because “he knew what he was getting into” so why shit on her for it? I don’t think Grace was a particularly compelling character post S1 anyway but it is a shame that her and Linda get so much shit.