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Time for a wedding!




Souleymane Seye

if you ain't a munch then wtf are you doing


best scene in the entire series. NO FUCKING FIGHTING


After you guys are finished with Peaky blinders you guys should watch Warrior


Arthur is lowkey probably my favourite character in this show along with Alfie tbh


I gotta say, I really really hated that he married Grace. I really hate her character (Not that she is badly written at all.) When she was a spy, I didn't mind since that was her job. I still want to slap Tommy alongside his head for not seeing that clear spy within their ring. But what pisses me off about her character is that she went and left and continued her life, and THEN GAVE IT ALL AWAY. Like, she found someone afterward who is like, in her words, perfect. He nice, handsome, and fucking rich. YET SHE STILL BETRAYS HIM. Now, if in this season we learn more and he was an asshole, sure that would be forgiven. I still don't like cheaters. Edit: Also I want to add, that she tries to act like she didn't leave to go see Tommy to cheat. Like bitch, please. You knew what you wanted and you were hoping for it to happen.

Antonio Williams

Here's my oooooooooooobligatory Gangs of London plug


Campbell ends up like some of the orcs in Shadow of War.. fucking cheating death 😂

Bradley Canning

Good ol Snow hill station, the wonderful slum of Birmingham city center xD


$10k then would be like $176k today 😵‍💫


Can't wait for next episodes reaction.


And now its just banger after banger after banger. Can't wait


Dr Bashir hitting on polly lmao


“Its not that deep/serious bro” 🤓


arthur was doing that waluigi run


Their family seems to take Arthur for granted, like when they were poking fun at his speech. I think he was heading in a sketchy area with it but, it seemed genuine. Tommy in there beatin Grace's manipulative cheeks while Arthur is struggling to be himself. He acts like a "brother" for 3 seconds when he wants Arthur to dive in the trenches again. Despite all that Arthur pushes on and further bogs himself down mentally and physically.


*character gets into fight* Lupa: ARE THEY GONNA DIE?? 😂 My mans always scared someone's gonna get killed

Steven Fechter

Shows like this always need to throw an annoying woman into the mix because then the MC would have no weaknesses otherwise. Everything bad that is happening to him, from campbell to the IRA (not including the jewish/italian mobs) is because of grace.

Steven Fechter

Arthur is a crack head lunatic that half the operation is terrified of. Even he thinks hes unworthy of life.


dam i feel so bad for arthur. he almost got killed and he's been dealing with ptsd and mental issues since season 1. i aint gonna lie....i think they got like a 5 year old to play a 2 year old lmao


Right? She's a bitch. May is way better than her. Even Lizzie is good. Glad she ****** soon


That's a very dismissive way to look at PTSD from World War I.

Metweet .c

Started having war flashbacks as soon as the Russian duchess came out of the car, this woman was just another breed man


It is a waste of time to explain mental health to someone who doesn't want to understand.


The best part about the No fighting scene is Arthur at the end throwing that shit at the waiter lol

begang 99

the crazy thing is that there is world war 2 is 17 years later on the show, but england was neutral i think. I wonder if it is gonna effect the gang in someway, like the pstd and stuuff


R I P Queen Lizzy, thanks for being a good queen


Bro Britain were not neutral in WW2 did you sleep in history class lmao

Drake Rage

Bruh. I have seen these seasons already, but I was still hoping and praying that it wasn't Grace that Tommy was getting married to, lol. Yeah? Grace's kind, loving, rich husband killed himself cause of her adultery? List of reasons to dislike her keeps growing. Oh fuck, I feel so bad for Arthur. He is a broken man because of a War he was forced to fight in and got traumatized from. He seems like he would have been a good man, but the PTSD even made him kill a kid and attempt multiple suicides, it's really sad. Ah yes, Sex and Violence. All we are missing now are the Cars, fast Cars, lmao.


Who got him started on cocaine? Oh right one of his brothers. He wasn't even doing drugs (at least not heavy) before Finn introduced him to coke. Instead of keeping the shit out of his vicinity they let Arthur go on messing himself up. When Tommy came in to check on Arthur's management of the London club last season, he could've set shit straight right then and there, but he didn't. It's hard to break an addiction, especially when those who are supposed to have your best interest at heart, let you stay an addict as long as you're useful to them. A lot of that drinking, smoking and drug abuse were ways to escape from the PTSD they were suffering from.

Smash Bran'Discootch

Bruh. For starters, Crack hasn't been invented yet so there's no such thing as a crackhead at this point in time. Tommy was doing fucking OPIUM in the beginning of the series but you don't mention that? That didn't make him a "crackhead lunatic"? Arthur is the most loyal person on this entire show. Also, calling someone with SEVERE PTSD a lunatic is just shitty. You realize that was world war 1 right? Man, fuck outta here with your bullshit.

Smash Bran'Discootch

That isn't true at all. Neutral until france was taken? Bruh, the UK and France declared war on the same day, september 3rd 1939 in response to Germany invading POLAND. England neutral in world war 2? I'm caught between laughing my ass off and just being in immense physical pain over just how dumb that was. Like, yall know History is written down, right? Like it's recorded. You can check it out literally at any time.

William Zavala

Season 3 was my least favorite season out of the bunch, has some good moments though.

Roger Metheny

yall are fucking stupid lmao go back to school. britain and france declared war on germany the second they invaded poland. please never open your mouth about history again without first triple checking. all it takes is a fucking google search. christ.


bruh fr ? s3 was by far the best and the ending of this season is probably one of the best cliffhangers ever imo

Briana J

I think there were some choices in season 3 that I really didn't enjoy at the time but looking back they're okay lol


Tommy is literally such a pos 😂. Literally working with Royalists to stop revolution 😂😂 he would do that AND on the other hand go fund some revolution somewhere else lmao