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a whole Gundam


Jacob Remmler

I haven't read the LN has Sebas's transformation been shown? I knew he was Dragonkin, but I just wish that the NPCs with transformations were shown more love in the anime. Ex: Lupisregina being a werewolf

Orion Clement

Gundam vs Sebas's right fist who you got your money on??


They always joke about someone just pulling out a gun and it finally happened.


I don’t want to be inconsiderate but is classroom coming tonight?

Mozart Waddell

You guys really took Labor Day to heart. Appreciate the uploads guys.

Excalibur Umbra

If I remember Nigredo only cares for kids until they turn 2 years old correct me if I'm wrong


This is him

Mozart Waddell

The Holy Nun, Catholic Church allusion was both hilarious and uncomfortable at the same time.

Wise Old King

One of the battle maids CZ uses guns during season 2


Priest lady has a side job as a teacher. LUL


That Nun belongs to the streets….literally, iirc she used to be prostitute.

Mozart Waddell

I love that were finally being introduced to residents of Nazaric that aren't complete evil bastards like the guardians. Besides Sebas and Yuri Alpha I was wondering would anyone else show a shred of respect towards human kind.


One of the battle maids uses guns, she had like a scoped aug when she had the fight with evil eye.


You Completely forgot about one of our battle maids that uses guns she has the crosshair eyes we saw her in season 2 lmao good reaction guys

Rin Okumura

I mean cockytus has kind of respect for warriors so does that count ?

Bryann Kam

Well, it's not so much a whole Gundam, as it is a whole Iron Man suit.


Sheera trying to be toga out here


Hope that girl with the pink hair gets her head chopped off asap. I don't like her.

Mozart Waddell

@Rin Okumuta unfortunately no. Cockytus if asked would probably slaughter civilians and not feel nothing because they refused to put up a fight. All speculation ofc.

Totally Thomas

I think one of the Maids had a gun. Like her race is Automaton. Delta if I'm not mistaken was her name.


I mean all of them would kill civilians if asked too.. there’s a few of them that can form bonds (don’t want to say names for possible spoilers) with humans but most of the time it has to meet a certain requirement, like with Nigedo


Bro reading it is amazing and season 2 so far is lit so if u don’t like it cool but I do

Mozart Waddell

@KingRoboNinja without spoiling is there more context in the light novel about this?


Shizu came from Yggdrasil and they didn't initially think that the gundam was a another player


That Jehuty comment brought back some memories.

Cristian Romero

Albedo is beautiful on the outside and ugly on the inside that's why she is evil while nigredo is the opposite terrifying on the outside but a kind person on the inside.

Alex cleveland

That gundam nigga is a problem, at least that what it looks like.


Novel expansion of Nigredo: Nigredo loves human so much that she's willing to adopt children from the orphanage from E-Rantel. She'll only adopt babies from 1-2 years old. But when that adopted baby turns 3, Nigredo will see the 3 year old child as a sacks of meat and be disposed of. (hint: why do you see the scissor has blood?)


The NPC I’m thinking about puts a sticker on the humans forehead, which is they’re way of saying they enjoy that persons company. Most of the time the humans are younger, but I’m pretty sure this NPC was the first to form a friendly bond with a human


Speaking of Gundam, are you guys thinking about looking at the Gundam: Witch From Mercury series? They've got the prologue uploaded to see if that interests you

Mozart Waddell

Thanks for explaining. Im gonna give the LN a read through once the season is over. I heard from a buddy of mine that Nigredo should've been introduced way way earlier in the story centered around searching for Shaltear.

Ranginald Vagel

"I changed my mind, I will give you this family heirloom to stay as far away from my sons as possible" Also the automata Battle Maid CZ uses a gun. Entoma also uses a weird bug gun.

Drake Rage

Sheera was right on the money. Ainz said things were going way too smoothly, and he has been looking for Players all this time and then this Gundam looking mfer shows up. Him or his equipment/armor definitely does not belong to this world. That is the closest thing to a Player that Ainz has come across so far and it is exactly the type of thing Ainz has been preparing for: A potential Yggdrasil Threat.

Talon (edited)

Comment edits

2024-01-13 01:56:51 I think those three are some of the only good aligned NPCs in Nazarick, and with Nigredo it's only if they are babies. Sebas and Pestonya are very good and will actively try to help people as long as it isn't against orders, such as with Tuare. Ainz said that it is important to get other opinions since everything from the main guardians is flat evil or indifferently neutral.
2022-09-06 03:19:52 I think those three are some of the only good aligned NPCs in Nazarick, and with Nigredo it's only if they are babies. Sebas and Pestonya are very good and will actively try to help people as long as it isn't against orders, such as with Tuare. Ainz said that it is important to get other opinions since everything from the main guardians is flat evil or indifferently neutral.

I think those three are some of the only good aligned NPCs in Nazarick, and with Nigredo it's only if they are babies. Sebas and Pestonya are very good and will actively try to help people as long as it isn't against orders, such as with Tuare. Ainz said that it is important to get other opinions since everything from the main guardians is flat evil or indifferently neutral.

Jarren Jenkins

Ain't no way that's not a player. Mech armor with a gun? Haven't seen anyone in Nazarick have that. Remember that chick with the rubix cube? Someone is a player and is giving them shit.

Stephen D

I really hope we get at least one gundam anime reaction someday.


Lmaoooooo i knew lupa was gonna grab that phone


Ainz gonna pass off that letting the humans escape were bait for the strong someones he's talking about lol

Randy Petitmaitre

The children are training training to dig graves


You should! There is so much content in the LN that would connect a lot of dots for you


Me watching the intro not knowing there was a time skip or a movie.

Jdogzero Silverblade

asking a simple question isnt being rude. if you said why the hell isnt classroom out yet then yes it would be rude. but you werent rude :)


I just didn’t want to offend anyone cause they are working hard so didn’t want to seem rude


Sebas can pretty much outpunch and kill every floor guardian except Albedo. Shalltear maybe if she's playing smart and using her abilities, but if not then technically Sebas is better at close combat than her. So I'd still take Sebas's index finger over gundam lmao.


Shaltears armor looks hella similar to that one.


A little more info that the anime leaves out from the LN. Albedo has 2 "sisters," one younger (won't say more b/c spoilers kind of), and 1 older (Nigredo). Albedo and Nigredo dont get along. Nigredo's creator loved horror movies and created Nigredo with that in mind. When she was first created, her creator didn't tell the other guild members much about her and instead took them to see her. The response was that all the guild members present unleashed their full power and destroyed her out of sheer terror. Also, she's supposed to act insane and attack everyone she sees without mercy if a baby-doll isn't given to her.

Jacob The weird (edited)

Comment edits

2024-01-13 01:56:51 I think it’s for the jojo reactions. There is character with a similar hairstyle
2022-09-06 05:40:16 I think it’s for the jojo reactions. There is character with a similar hairstyle

I think it’s for the jojo reactions. There is character with a similar hairstyle


well i can say this since he was alr mentioned but in the first season clementine mentions him it was so long ago tho


I'm super interested now that a whole ass Orbital Frame has shown up. My first instinct is "that's absolutely a player." But I wonder how they stack up against the various ranks of Nazarick. They can roast Death Knights, which means any grunts are no match for them. I hope we get to see anyone from Nazarick fight them this season.


The female Hisoka over here.. 🤤

Randle Dandle

it's important to remember that even though we see death knights stomp almost everybody, they are only something around level 35 monsters. The red guy has to be somewhat strong to stomp them like that but he could still be weak at like level 60 or so like evil eye.


Oh, also in case anyone was wondering all of Nigredo's powers and abilities are entirely focused on high level surveillance, anti-surveillance, intelligence gathering and scrying type magic. She is basically big brother for Nazarick. And the giant pair of scissors that she has in the anime is supposed to be normal size scissors which she uses like a dagger.


They have no faith in ainz😭😭😭 (I think it's pandora's actor 🤷🏽)


Nah I don’t think so, the girl said he’s from the group called vermilion drop or something like that


I'm not sure if you actually counted Roshi, but there are indeed FOUR adventurers next to the old dude who is CLEARLY not one of them.

Steven Fechter

lol i forgot about that possibly plot point. i just assumed there are no other players because there hasnt been a hint of one in 4 seasons. there hasnt been anything that seems to even hold a candle to ainz and co. even if there was a player, unless they have a full guild behind them, they arent going to accomplish anything of value.


Ayo that priestess moving a bit mad

Random Guy

Nigredo actually addresses one of my worries about the sorcerer kingdom. Why would anyone work if everything is provided to them. Why would you advance technology if everything is made convenient for you? Make better medicine? No. Just revive when they die. Make machines to make work easier? No. Leave it to the undead. If everything is cheap why work hard to become rich. And then everyone will end up like those humans in Wall E who can;t do anything by themselves. But I guess making the humans dependent on them was the ultimate goal so no one could rebel.


The maids use guns, the entomancer and the other orange haired one with an eye patch. Though we haven't seen anyone who wasn't from Nazerick with a gun.


“Who’s this guy?!” Uhhh Roshi that’s one of the adventurers 😂😂


In respect with what you just wrote. Entoma Vasilissa Zeta and CZ2128 Delta

Marcus Martindale

Gonna correct this shall tear would probably mop sebas I think in terms of power is goes Rubedo then Shaltear, then a 3 way ties between Albedo, sebas, and cocytus

FreshxEli Tv

You knows lot about this they can introduce the god races and good elf’s along with angels and more since they been slightly hinted at

Orion Clement

Oh no we're getting into guardian fights now Shalltear is the best guardian combatant, but is countered by Demiurge or Aura. Not to say she couldn't win, but neither fight themselves. Aura has pets and Demiurge has a demon army, making both of those fights stacked against her Sebas has the best 1v1 potential with the best martial arts of the guardians, and could beat Cocytus in a straight fight Albedo however beats Sebas with DEF capable of weathering his attacks Cocytus however has ATK that could overwhelm Albedo, so he beats her All that gets thrown aside if Sebas transforms however. He's a Dragonkin, and his Dragonoid form solos the guardians 1v6


Tosses the kid straight to the curb when they become 3

Cliff Douglas

Ains finally accomplished wanted he set out to do since the first season. Locate other players and force them to make contact.

Cliff Douglas

Correct. Rubik cube 80s. So 30 years for us must be like 200 years for them.


Bro he flew off at mach 5


And then ainz answers right back, humans are not the main protag in this story. Why would he want an enemy race to advance???? How would that benefit him? Him and everyone else in nazaric would be 100% fine if all humans just died suddenly.


"Just as expected" yea right Ainz, lmaoo

Michael McDoesn'tExist

Hehe. You using the phrase baby doll is funny because that can be taken to mean something different. But yes. That is the requirement for her to chill

Michael McDoesn'tExist

I can't wait till the next episode reaction drops my bois!!!!


So is the Gundam Ainz fuckery or another player?

Daniel S

this cz the maid who fought against evileye together with yuri alpha, has also a gun, so its not the first time you see a gun in the show guys....


to be fair the maid didnt use a gun, she was shooting hard shelled bugs using compressed air....


Idk if it was this episode or the next but it's explained that he is from a group named something that I forgot, I don't think it's a player but just really high tier adventurer, nothing on ainz level or his floor guardians since it took him multiple shots to take out death knights I assume.


i dont even think the guy himself is very strong. in the end, hes just a human. its his superior weaponry that makes him adamantite adventurer. having that kind of gun in this world does give u an edge over the regular folk lol


not a cyborg. automaton or something like that


did they always don't get along? i think it was jus because of the incident after demiurge attacked the kingdom


Nope, they never did get along even though they were made by the same player. Well Albedo and the youngest always got along, but Nigredo never trusted nor liked the youngest sister for spoiler reasons. And Nigredo never got along with Albedo because of how trusting and loving Albedo is to the youngest sister. But if you don't care about spoilers then you should look it up. Or better yet, read the Light Novel. It's all in there. However, be warned, there isn't much info on the youngest sister except for her name and the reason for Nigredo's feelings.