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A lot of bad times



yes was waiting all day

Antonio Williams

Here's my obligatory Gangs of London plug. It should be out on AMC+ by the time you all wrap up Peaky Blinders and is just as good as PB


Lupa is she ok Yeahhhhhhh nigga did you just forgot the last scene lmao And I’d feel the same way he feeling like I wouldn’t want my mom to do that to get me out of jail nah I’ll do my time fuck it

Metweet .c

Michael could have atleast hugged his mom like damn, all that suffering for him to say its sort of funny. A mother would do anything to keep her child safe so I can't fault polly for going this route


Mr. Feeny is off the chain in this episode... someone get that man a snickers.

Mr. K

Lupa is terrible at reading the room lmaooo


We are waaaay past this lol so the clapped in the comments happened way after we are pretty much done with the season

Josh 96

For whatever reason I know only get email and app notifications for certain uploads but not all of them, luckily I remembered this is getting uploaded today


What happened too yesterday overlords episode?

JackLover19 (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-19 02:56:51 Lupa cant record with them for a bit. there was an update post about it
2024-02-19 02:56:51 Lupa cant record with them for a bit. there was an update post about it
2024-02-19 02:56:51 Lupa cant record with them for a bit. there was an update post about it
2022-09-01 00:17:41 Lupa cant record with them for a bit. there was an update post about it

Lupa cant record with them for a bit. there was an update post about it


Yeah but in the update post it didn’t say it would be affected or did I read that wrong?


Nah you right, it didn’t say it was going to be affected but it was no way that they could record it because the new episode came out yesterday, Lupa hasn’t recorded anything with them this week, everything that there uploading is prerecorded from last week

The Pebble (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-19 02:56:51 He's an 18 year old boy, they're assholes and unreasonable lol
2024-02-19 02:56:51 He's an 18 year old boy, they're assholes and unreasonable lol
2024-02-19 02:56:51 He's an 18 year old boy, they're assholes and unreasonable lol
2022-09-01 00:34:30 He's an 18 year old boy, they're assholes and unreasonable lol

He's an 18 year old boy, they're assholes and unreasonable lol


overlord was uploaded yesterday like normal my guy


Bro no way it didn’t show up In my feed I swear 💀


man polly didnt have to go that far she's smarter than that, but i get she has that ptsd of her child being taken again just sucks because there was clearly otherways to get him out she just wasnt thinking clearly.


this episode was so wild. i love how roshi said that prison drip is trash like oh im sorry can i direct you to the gucci section? lmao


Bro how does Grace hold so much power lmaoo. Campbell a whole clown

Kwaku Afari

Yeah Cambell needs to go after that Polly scene


I’d love a trio reaction to “land of the lustrous” it’s sooo crazy.


cant wait for next ep. it's an absolute banger

Drake Rage

My god Lupa, control yourself. It seemed like he was making sex noises half the episode, lol. Wait, Lupa was busy moaning through that whole extremely uncomfortable situation with Polly and then at the end asked her "she good?" YEAHHHHHHHHHHH? Okay, Ima stop, jeez bro.


I can tell the show is setting up Michael for Big Things…but so far, what’s he done? Did some general bookkeeping, got a bar burned down (while standing up for his friend, so alright), got arrested and beat, disrespected his mother(!) for bailing his sorry ass out, and…what? What has he contributed? All we get is lingering shots on his smug face, being all, “Just wait til I’m a REAL gangster down the road bruv!”


EVERYTIME I watch this episode my heart aches for Polly, like gahdamn she really thought she had no other choice if she wanted to save her son in that moment. My girl always bounces back tho 👌🏾


Lupa needs to chill


Felt like I was watching literal porn with this nigga in my ear


Lupa needa relax and read the room. It kinda ruins my experience whenever he acts childish wit a sex scene


This guy said “you good”


Dude you ruining the vibe with this dumbass comment.


at the end of the day it is fiction, cant expect everyone to react to the scene the same way.


Yall are so judgemental for no reason LMFAO. This type of behavior isn't exclusive and Sheera and Roshi had moments in other shows. cry about it bud


So many kids upset because Lupa said an out of place joke. Move on its just a show. Same kids crying when Everyone was laughing at Beastboy in Young Justice


It wasn’t a joke 💀 it was the lack of empathy for someone who JUST went threw a traumatic experience.. but I’m not complaining about it cause it didn’t bother me 🤷🏽‍♂️


So quick to say lack of empathy when literally he shows empathy right after the joke. Yes he realized the joke was misplaced and bad timing.


get off his dick fam it was a misplaced joke


No shit dip shit that’s why I put lmao cuz I said it as a joke dumb ass

Dontsop Keran

Not more then Arthur but he’s definitely done more then Finn and arguably John.

Dontsop Keran

I don’t like how people so quick to think Tommy is some perfect dude. Like Polly raises some real points of how Tommy is too greedy and getting his people killed and locked up but she’s “annoying”.

Dontsop Keran

Also don’t like how Campbell turned into a stereotypical bad guy. Season 1 he was a badass and rival to Tommy, and you didn’t know who to root for. Now he’s just a plain bad guy


Dead dudes tend to not come home to their wives.

Drake Rage

I am not being judgmental. I am just saying that it felt like Lupa was making sex noises for half the episode. You'd find less moaning in a porn video, LOL.


Tommy was living in campbell’s head rent free after that phone call🤣🤣


I mean obviously I meant a lack of empathy when he made the comment “what’s wrong with her?” Cause he was genuinely wondering why she was in a tub, it was no joke dude watch it again lol yea who would’ve thought making a comment like that RIGHT AFTER the scene could be seen as misplaced💀


Again I really don’t care about the comment personally, but it’s not so crazy to understand why people would say something about it. Yea this show is fiction but what she went threw is an actual thing that a lot of people go through or have gone through.. just try to think about that before you go all out on the commenters, not saying that’s what you were doing but I’m just saying 😂🙏🏽

Sauce Sorcerer

Michael is an ass for acting that way towards his mom after she did what she did to get him freed I lowkey feel bad for Grace's husband, he's a good dude waiting at home for Grace while Grace was out getting her yams beat in by Thomas

Ser Dweeb

it's pronounced Killian


Made in Abyss ps4 is out Lupa san👀





Lamaree Jackson

They got Alan Grant acting a fool. Sam Neill was a great twisted bad guy in Event Horizon too

Asad Khabir (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-19 02:56:51 While Roshi was right about it being Ada's house, Sheera was also kind of right because every house in the Uk looks the same.
2024-02-19 02:56:51 While Roshi was right about it being Ada's house, Sheera was also kind of right because every house in the Uk looks the same.
2024-02-19 02:56:51 While Roshi was right about it being Ada's house, Sheera was also kind of right because every house in the Uk looks the same.
2022-09-01 12:12:03 While Roshi was right about it being Ada's house, Sheera was also kind of right because every house in the Uk looks the same.

While Roshi was right about it being Ada's house, Sheera was also kind of right because every house in the Uk looks the same.


he says the exact same comment when Michael comes out of prison and no one says shit. Just because he says this means he completely ignored what happened to them or forgot it


he clearly didnt mean it and saying he laxks empathy in that moment is so hypocritical. i can count numerous times where characters in shows suffer alot of shit and the group say something insensitive. Its a fuckin show


Hypocritical? My nigga I’m not talking about shows they watched 4 years ago or whatever shows your referring to.. I’m talking about the reaction I’m currently watching.. sorry that I’m not a fan boy like you are.. you can’t stop people from commenting on things that made them feel differently than how you felt. You tell people to hop of Lupa’s dick yet you’re the one feeling the need to message everyone and defend him.. and you just compared his “joke” with a scene where EVERYONE knew he was going to be beaten up, from the moment Campbell says “he was a tough egg to crack” (which he said several scenes before we actually see Michael) to a scene where Polly gets raped and it hard cuts to her in a tub.


oh brother, clearly not getting anywhere with guy. my only point is to move on, yeah its poor timing but its not like he “lacked empathy”. I say it’s hypocritical because people feel the need to call him out when its pretty evident that he immediately regrets the comment he said. its immature and annoying af. Happens all the time in the comments whether its about him or Sheera bashing in other series. (FYI 4 years ago??? Man it happens atleast once for every series you even got kids mad that She-Hulk is in the roster)


Pretty evident? He literally said nothing and moved on 💀 how are we suppose to decipher that means “sorry for the comment I made it was misplaced” not saying he should’ve said that but 😂 we pay to watch these guys react to shows bro, the least we can do is comment on things that rubbed us the wrong way.. now commenters shouldn’t go crazy on Roshi and team, that boils down to self control and realizing these people are watching entertainment, but for you to say “move on” in the SAME reaction 💀 (FYI you understand we pay them, right? So what’s the issue with people speaking about they’re own opinions on a show? In the end it’s up to Roshi and team so who tf cares?) As much as you want to you can’t control peoples thoughts and what they comment.


were not saying nothing bad about lupa at all, all he said was lupa was moaning like the whole episode, and lupa is the goat

The Pebble (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-19 02:56:51 Some men, just want to watch the reactors burn.
2024-02-19 02:56:51 Some men, just want to watch the reactors burn.
2024-02-19 02:56:51 Some men, just want to watch the reactors burn.
2022-09-01 20:22:14 Some men, just want to watch the reactors burn.

Some men, just want to watch the reactors burn.

Noah Marshall

When micheal says maybe it is I was so ready to slap him

John Cedar

He was always morally bankrupt, a complete clown pretending to be righteous while carrying out terrible crimes on behalf of the state against people he deemed not worthy of humanity. He was made a fool of and mocked by the local police and Churchill the entire time. He threatened to kill Tommy's entire family and have Finn sent to an adult prison where he'd be raped. And he allowed the streets of Birmingham to become a potential warzone when Kimber came to kill Tommy, with no regard for the stray bullets that could kill civilians in their houses. This is all season one stuff, and none of it is "badass". He just got more jaded because he lost Grace and realized how pathetic he looks, so now he is extra mean to compensate. It is stereotypical, in that it is exactly how a lot of impotent and angry men behave. It's also a completely natural character progression for him.


? First season he was literally threatening to have Finn in the adult prison on some sick shit, he has always been out of pocket.


? Dude your ruining the vibe. If something one of them said didn’t sit right we can say so, tf is your problem?

Dontsop Keran

Even then he was not much better morally then Tommy let’s be honest. Everytime Tommy has the semblance of a threat in this show, morally, strategically etc, they become completely inept. I’m still at season 2 so I’m not speaking for later. But it’s kind of frustrating to see a character that can give Tommy a hard-time become trash so quickly. Same with Billy and hell even with Sabini

Anthony Coley

Aunt polly's the goat, and most of the situations they end up in are ultimately tommy's fault.

sotonye ogan

They literally made tommy and campbell into tom and jerry cant wait for campbell to go, im tired of his shit i admired him as an antagonist in beginning of season 1, but now he is terrible villian even sabini is more interesting than him. Also tommy almost allowed grace to get raped by kimber so that morally bankrupt shit shouldnt have a double standard.

Tyrese Marshall

Anyone would feel the same way initially hearing that their mum put out for them. How he acts after is what matters imo

Tyrese Marshall

But honestly who wouldn’t feel abit weird at first after hearing that’s how he was freed.

Dontsop Keran

EXACTLY, thank you. The fact that the show makes everyone fodder in order to make Tommy badass is annoying


Yeah, you're definitely the one with the problem here

John Cedar

Lol, who said anything about Tommy being good? He's literally a career criminal. I like how we've gone from "Campbell became a cartoon villain" to "he's done bad things but Tommy is still worse." Love it when the goalposts suddenly change. This show is about the disgusting things that he and his family do, usually against people just as bad as them. Did I say Tommy was a good samaritan? Did anyone say he was a good person? No, just that Campbell has always been despicable, and if you think he wasn't in season one, then you weren't paying attention. Almost no one in this show is good. And Campbell never was.


Facts.. I definitely can agree with both sides.. but I myself wouldn’t expect, or be happy that my mom did that, if Tommy couldn’t get me out I’ll take the 5 years lol. I’ll also say my mom wouldn’t do that for me, not about to get physically and sexually abused for something I was apart of lol BUT I do understand the other side, she went through a lot to see him and get it him back just for him to just brush her off, was pretty rude


I like polly but man, she was pissing me off with how she was acting. She is usually the level-headed one. Its understandable as she doesn't want to lose her son again, but she got to think things through and wait.


Lupa getting jump scared was fuckin hilarious

Don Keedick

The Lupa-gan activated right as Polly entered the room where Campbell was in at the prison. Good God that scene was uncomfortable as fuck.

Dontsop Keran

Never did I ever say that anyone was good. What I’m saying is that Tommy and Campbell were equally despicable season1. Campbell didn’t do anything evil beyond threats season 1, but after the Grace situation they completely eviscerated his character in order to make killing off Campbell seem nice. It’s almost like Tommy didn’t put not one but TWO women in a situation to get raped, but Campbell still is written to be the worse of the two rather then equally bad


this is a random question but can you imagine Johnny Deep in the Peaky Blinders?

Shawn Oxley

There isn't an "English accent" also multiple of the actors put on a different accent for the show like how Cillian Murphy (Tommy) is Irish but does a Birmingham accent


Man literally paid to watch reactions and then complains when people actually react. Dude put on his Nike manufactured professional clown shoes and joined the circus the moment he posted this.

TooCuteNoir B.

Man Polly when she was willing to just lie and take it and had no emotion that was her TAKING the power away…..She was showing no fear and it was ruining his power move