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The Ains pull up, this man plans for everything



The Godkins were mentioned before in season 2, the girl playing with the rubkis cube.

Edgar Delibo Jr.

Bro... if you listen closely when Albedo was saying goodbye to Ainz and was about to depart she said "Lord Momonga" not Lord Ainz... might be a minor detail but you can see that she truly only loves "Momonga" and also I just caught that just now 🤯

Edgar Delibo Jr.

In the LN this shit were it was revealed that Ainz was fighting the Warrior King blew my fucking mind. I started questioning reality and how the fuck Ainz knew about the plan that Jir had when its clear that Jir was being very secretive and him going to the colosseum was actually just a coincidence as well and not planned. I was so shell shocked that I started reading the same paragraph repeatedly.😅


Since others have said that we know who mind controlled Shaltear already I'll mention a few other thins from the books. 1. When Albedo was trying to kiss Ainz and her lips puckered, the reason why her face turns all cute and silly-ish is cause in the book when she made the kissy face Ainz thought her plump lips looked like an octopus and he didn't know how to react lmao. 2. If you are reallly fast you'll hear a lot of details referencing season 1 but some of the crazy stuff they mention really quick is Clementines title before she went rogue. She was called WindStrider and was a member of the black scripture, the secret spies/ assassins and workhorses of the Secret Slaine theocracy council. 3. Cool little side story piece skipped, there was a whole chapter on the slaine theocracy heads making jokes and seeing the city and stuff and how all of them have given up a normal life in pursuit of a better world for their citizens. 4. The Godkins were mentioned before in season 2, the girl playing with the rubkis cube. At this point in time the light novel has already pretty much stated it, soooo. The Godkins are descendants of players from long ago! it seems every 200 years or so "Ripples" happen in the world that bring in players, such as the eight greed kings 800 years ago or the six heroes a I believe 600 years ago. However most of them have been lower level as far as we know. The eight greed kings pretty much ruled the world and it's believed they were level 60 to 80. 5. Just as a reminder, Ainz is actually middle tier among the Level 100 players! There are absolutely insane people out there and if any of them had been taken instead the show would probably be a looot different. However Ainz is actually really smart, just also really cautious and kinda dumb at times. He had a first loss rule where he would challenge an enemy to a best of 3, then throw the 1st match to see all the skills the enemy had. Then build a set just for that player and wreck them on round 2 and 3. 6. In the books its not just Jircniv's hair thats falling out, he also has a stomach ulcer from the stress and is constantly chugging weak health potions! Poor genius bloody emperor.

Drake Rage

I have heard someone say if Ainz fought another lvl 100, he will most likely lose the first match, since his character is made for Role-playing rather than fighting/pvp, but he is basically guaranteed to win if given another chance because he is very, very good at planning/strategizing, like you said. Once he is able to find out the necessary information about something, his planning is basically perfect (especially because he is so cautious). It is funny because on the surface-level this anime seems like its just about a bunch of OP characters being goofy for comedy and fanservice, but it first attracted me with its Power-fantasy premise where Ainz and his guild is OP as fk, but then the author goes a lot further and makes detailed world-building and character-building, its so complex and interesting. It is kind of sad that the anime skips content, but I find it amazing how they DO drop tons of hints to still be able to make the connections, though it is not easy. Still sad that they do completely skip content as well.

The Pebble

Yeah honestly if Ains was a dumbass 8 year old they would still love and worship him, so it really is hilarious watching him with all these expectations he's set on himself and his role.


That is true assuming his opponent gives him another chance. I honestly think if he were to fight a person of equal lvl and they weren't with the bullshit it would be game over.

Ace The FireDragon

Well since now the NPCs have gained sentience, you cant say for sure if their loyality will remain if they think Ainz is not that special and kinda dumb. Even if they still will remain loyal, you cant exactly say that for sure, and its not something you would want to risk testing out. If the NPCs turned on him, he would 100% lose. It is said that in the game, if a player were able to beat all the NPCs and get to the main throne room where the 41 players were to welcome them, all 41 would lose, because that player would've had to be that strong if they could beat the NPCs. And for reference, even a 1500 lvl 100 player raid were unable to conquer Nazarick. And Ainz is only 1 lvl 100 player. He stands no chance against those NPCs were they all to turn on him. So the risk of testing their loyalty if Ainz were to show his true self is extremely risky.