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3 times out of his 8 rewinds up to this point that he’s been tricked how is that bad


Thank you guys for the reaction <3

Beano Taylor



Dang was not expecting a early upload btw happy late birthday Sheera hope y’all had fun

Mozart Waddell

This episode was multiple flavors of fucked. I don't know who is more sick. Shide a 40 year old man who sleeps with Heine who takes the appearance of a little girl or Heine repeatedly smashing her own child to keep her husband alive 😐🚔

mitch anderson

Nah fam this episode took me tf outtttt

Mozart Waddell

The replay value for Ushio's death scene was high for me. The small attention to detail and sound of the tatami floor being subtly stabbed was ORGASMIC for my ears 👂😌😌


Sheesh didn’t know we getting brunch instead of dinner today 🥵

Mozart Waddell

Tf I just googled it. I meant to say Heine lol. Had my animes confused. I'm correcting it now, good catch bro.

Daniel Turner

apart from the first time he's been doing it alabama style

Jacob R

Yo this episode is wild. I think Karikiri had a twin brother which is why the one they killed was "human". Also his eye was a shadow from Ushio right? What happens to his eye now that Ushio is gone? His eye was bleeding when he looped.

Ara Araragi

Sheera might've been thinking of Re:Zero. Shide's method of copying his existence into the child's body reminded me of Roswaal using soul transcription on his descendants.

Muse of Salzburg

Hope you had a great birthday sheera :)

Liudmila Duk

please react the trio to "Kanata no Astra", you won't regret it <3

Erica Collins

Shin: I wouldn't mind dying once to find out why he killed my parents Me: you mf IT SHOULD'VE BEEN ON SIGHT FOR SHIDE THAT MAN IS TOO MUCH OF A PROBLEM 😭😭 and now Ushio's dead...we're screwed...


Epic villain reveal


Sheera was thinking about re:zero. The clown has the same ability to transfer consciousness to his kids.

Reckless Company

Smh bruh why would she think it was that easy lol that dude stab her with the quickness


his eye is haine's you crack head what show you watchin

Mozart Waddell

Speaking of state of gaming. We miss you over on twitch Lupa.

Sunkanmi Fafowora

This is the best show y'all are watching rn. You can't predict what will happen next, i love it so much

Jacob R

I was under the impression from episode 1 that Ushio gave it to him. I assumed that it was a copy of haine's eye that Ushio somehow made

Orlando D. UG

The other show where they transfered memories into their decendent was Re: Zero, when (SPOILER IF YOU HAVEN'T SEEN RE:ZERO) Roswaal would transfer himself into his children and the original was Roswaal A. Mathers and the current one is Roswaal L. Mathers so he's done this process the amounts of times from A-L so 11 times. There are a lot of similarities between this show and Re: Zero and this show delivers in all of them be it inspiration or a coincidence.

Jake White

I feel like there were a decent amount of subtle things going on to set up for future revelations in this episode that might’ve been missed by some, cause I know I missed a few of them on my first watch. The main 2 that come to my mind immediately are: - Ushio scanning the ‘copy’ form of Shide right before dying and saying “no way. Shinpei, please notice.....” so there’s definitely something else important about that entity coming up eventually - Shinpei looping back with injuries (ie his right eye was bleeding and his left cheek had a deep scratch on it). I could be wrong and misremembering the previous times, but I’m pretty sure injuries or damage to his body have never carried over across loops before. So i wonder if something else potentially might’ve happened that we didn’t see in the time between Shinpei dying and him ‘waking’ back up in the next loop or if there’s some other reason for them

Jake White

Ushio explained in either the last episode, or the previous one, that she remembers coming into existence when that eye/small part of Haine’s face split off from her when she ate Ryuunosuke. So regardless of what happens to Ushio, the essence of both her and Shinpei’s eye come from Haine’s original body itself. Even if Ushio gave him the eye, it would still be part of Haine technically. so I’d imagine that the eye would remain intact unless something happens to Haine.

Jacob R

I think the left cheek scratch was from Buchi throwing the boxcutter at him in the tree, which happened at the time he looped back too. The eye thing is definitely sus.

Jake White

Ah that’s a good call on the cheek scratch, that definitely lines up. Maybe the eye actually is somehow being affected by Ushio’s death, then? Idk


Bruh this is probably the best episode so far imo


The tension in this ep


Sheera might be thinking of Made in Abyss. Bondrewd can transfer his consciousness.

Ty Ngouamo

Can we talk about how that guy fucked the body of a child and then kept getting reborn to that child as it's son/ husband and would fuck it again to continue his life? Also the show Sheera is thinking of is Re:zero; Roswall


its so incredibly unethical that i dont feel disgusted if u know what i mean


like the act was just so out of the world normal ethics doesn't cover it


I think the eye thing is because Ushio was killed. I remember the eye is actually Ushio as she said that when the eye separated from Haine, was when she was born.

Peacefinder Simply

I really don't like reveals like this. When you are only shown the information to put it together after the fact, it feels like really cheap bull writing. I personally don't like it at least. For me I like when there are pieces there where you can put it together but it is hard. I really like this anime but this was really disappointing.


Never trusted that man! I would've shot him as soon as he brought tea out 😂 ... I was so mad that they just assumed everything was good after Ushio sliced the fake's face in half.

rickie woodson

no duh. he's working at a temple. the old picture of shide is him in priest like robes..........

rickie woodson

very carol danvers. if ya know you konw. if you dont: avengers 200 and avengers annual 10 (the first appearance of rogue). sigh gotta love the 80s

rickie woodson

no one said haine can only produce one child person person......or that she cant have twins......

Emmett Diggs

lupa just funny as shit 😂 21:57 nigga just speechless

Ec Aea

I think you guys were too busy making jokes but missed something. After i watched it i immediately went to draw up their family tree in my head. This is a serious case of inbreeding but it has 0 repercussion as the child that was born is 100% complete copy and have no DNA issues. The man , fked the shadow that looks like his daughter , gave birth to 2(?) children , copied his memory into 1 of his child and started fking his mom/daughter(shadow) , gave birth to a child and transferred his memory into it to regain youth , rinse repeat for the last 300 years. Bro...




it keeps suspicion? why would u wanna know who it is before they confront him, ruins the viewers reaction


it wasnt a bad plan tbh to get information of out him which he did BUT they never thought of shide having an extra body. they shouldve considered him having one before questioning him

Peacefinder Simply

I don’t want to know, but would of been nice if it didn’t come out of nowhere with the only hint being “I don’t like him”. With that type of writing it loses immersion and feels like writer just pulls a “twist” out of their butt. Just feels like a cheap twist or shock, it is just my preference in the end. I like subtle hints that you could put together, but likely wouldn’t. Those “oh yeah, that makes sense now” moments is what I like. This was a “it was me all along” with nothing leading up to it moment. Does that make sense?


im a little confused, this guy is from the 1700s right? but he is not a shadow? i kinda missed something, how was he able to stay young all that time?

Team Skull Grunt B

I get what you mean but you gotta keep the setting in mind. The island isn't very big and most people there are shadows already. Best way to hide his identity is to essentially keep him out of the story

Peacefinder Simply

True, just sucks. Just to clarify this is my favorite for anime of the year so far, so not a hater if anyone thinks that.


Yeah but Altered Carbon is a lot more similar so Roshi was still right


why is the family crest straight up the OBS logo LMFAOOO

Peacefinder Simply

he was having a kid with Haine and that kid would grow up identical to him and he would have Haine transfer his conciousness into the kid. He kept doing this over and over. The kid was identical to him because he was having a kid with a shadow.


To Your Eternity Part 2 Electric Boogaloo


dude is a hybrid human shadow. All his children with haine will look like him when they grow up, so he had haine copy and paste his memories to his offspring's.


So is this show a partial what if story of To Your Eternity if fushi was evil


is to your eternity good? havent started on that yet. hearing lots of praise.


u obviously ain’t paying attention if u saying goofy shit like this


its surpisingly good dude, really really good. but it can make u cry, so id just like to warn you before watching if u dont like emotional stuff


why are you acting like its all so obvious? the plot/power system(?) of this show is pretty complex to begin with. and they just revealed a lot of stuff that no one had any idea about or thought was possible just within this episode...


It's a common design used on taiko drums, among other things. Look up "tomoe symbol".


Shinpei is So bad lmao what this the third time he got tricked?


This episode teaches you that everything will have a price when you fooling around when situations is life or death. RIP Ushio Shadow.


I'm surprised nobody else said it, but OF COURSE Shide's favorite game is FF7. An alien lands on the planet via meteorite and "births" a mother-obsessed killing machine that loves to stab Heroines through the chest??? Shide is a downright narcissist LMFAO.


Nah, not to be rude but yours a case of "audience not paying attention/short attention span". The series is strictly a "fair play who dunnit" (google this). While it might not seem fair that all of these conversations happened off screen, it's done intentionally to let the viewer predict the twist in advance. Some of the conclusions in those conversations are ones you can reasonably come to on your own - my Anime Only friends managed to on first watch. The biggest ones are the fact that A.) Shinpei died on the first loop trying to reach Hiruko Shrine and that B.) Hiruko, the Clinic, and the Shadows have been shown to be interconnected throughout the series, which raises a lot of red flags about Hiruko Shrine's Head Priest. Karikiri is the only major named character that repeatedly had dialogue from the very beginning but no apparent involvement in the plot up to this point, which is another flag. I think you just need to accept that the plot blindsided you because you were too engrossed in the narrative rather than trying to piece things together, because it was an entirely solvable puzzle.

Peacefinder Simply

You might be right, but as a counter argument. Everything you listed was revealed later, and it was a guessing game to predict it. There was nothing to definitely place the plot in that direction besides what is later revealed. You seem to be mixing up guessing with predicting. Guessing is throwing out possible answers with little no information to go on. Predicting is an informed guess with information that definitely lets you piece together something if you can. What you described is guessing and I still stand by my opinion. It necessarily a bad way to write, just feels cheap to me. Let me put this into perspective. The hints were a a character that had dialogue but wasn’t directly in the plot yet. Okay that is only a foreshadow that he simply may hold more significance later. That is it. Same applies to your first 2 points, they are vague connections. My real problem is how out of nowhere our mc’s pieced everything together with literally no previous sign of starting to. We simply get the explanation after the reveal. That the part that is irking. And the explanation we get is filled with information that was completely hidden from viewers. Some of your friends guessed it, not predicted it. After all I have said, I could just of failed to connect enough points in the right way. But my problem is how the reveal was done, it felt forced and done in a way for shock value. Nothing wrong with shock value, just didn’t like it here.


I mean even if Shin straight up capped him as soon as he walked in the room, Ushio still most likely would've ended up dead because they didn't expect him to have a doppleganger.


I love that in this show about Doppelgangers the one fatal flaw in their plan was they didn't expect him to have a Doppelganger 🤦‍♂️


there's actually a decent amount of shows sheera could be talking about but since the one that comes to mind the most (for obvious reasons) is Re:Zero where roswaal was transferring his soul into his descendants, as he was one of the final bosses of the show, and it was for 400 years, as shide did it for 300.

Ranginald Vagel

Shinpei got cocky as hell to think they could take him on it's not like they know how long it takes for him to suit up, but I guess he assumed worst case he got killed suddenly. Terrible miscalculation.

Crismel Mejía Jiménez

the big problem was that ushio revealed herself. If I remember correctly in the manga before going to that place they were thinking a lot that the one who doesn't have to die is ushio. she apologized before she died at that time because she had been impulsive. if ushio had waited for shinpei to finish thinking probably only shinpei would have died or managed to get out of there.

Drake Rage

Aizen ass bitch! Noo Ushio 😨😭


yes Ushio was to impulsive. but it's not the first time


so basicially he had incest a lot of times? or did he bang always with his OG body?


Since all the children they had were identical copies and probably didn't have any DNA from Haina (I think), it's technically not bio incest. But yea, its just incest because the "copies" are still human and would eventually grow old and die.


Lol sheera put here looking like a whole kadarshian


A 40 year old man who sleeps with a girl is essentially her own daughter. And the daughter smashing the son to keep the father alive