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What a finale!





Swear to god bro, someone just needs to follow Tommy around with a big ass table at all times just so he can put his dick on it at the end of every conversation...



Bailey Tamatea

Thank you been waiting for this love these reactions fingers crossed for another double upload!! :)


Every season just gets better so can’t wait to see if y’all watch season 2

Jorge Viera

I need season 2


Half 10 means 10:30 lol not 5, didn't realise that Americas didn't say that


Goddammit, why did I read the comments before watching the episode lmao, just got spoiled, ughhh


We're a lil more specific and say half past, quarter till, etc. Since logically it makes more sense than just 'half 10'

Antonio Williams

Maaaaaan...all I'll say is that for me, this is the most "forgettable" season and that's because stuff goes 0 to 100 and doesn't stop. Everything just gets better and better, especially the dialogue



As soon has I saw billy kimber and his gang walking down that alley, I woulda grabbed that machine gun and started spraying them down


You guys were paranoid af this finale 😂


That's pretty much a given you should always watch the show before reading comments


damn now i want oxtail


man if they’re giving season 1 a 10/10 i can’t wait for them to see the rest😭 season 1 was good of course but it just amos up so much every season in terms of characters, story, world building and just quality overall. And man i especially can’t wait for them to meet alfie


Lupa, Prohibition was in the US, like a year after this season.

Franklin Saint

Right me too he’s one of the. best characters lol Especially who plays The character


Will it be double upload today? One can only hope

Big Daddy Dre

Nah for war vets them niggas were stupid like if i was bruh with the machine gun I’m not pulling up on the front lines Ima be in the second floor window somewhere putting that bitch to work😂

Asad Khabir (edited)

Comment edits

2023-12-11 23:55:25 Lupa only the US had prohibition.
2022-08-11 06:41:34 Lupa only the US had prohibition.

Lupa only the US had prohibition.


Dudes taking cuck to a whole new level lmao. Good season, can't wait to see where this show goes!


Pretty sure Jeremiah is a Peaky, so it really was his fight.


You're obviously right, and Tommy at the very least should have been smart enough to realise it, but British military tactics before WW1 were largely... "shoot our guns at the indigenous people we want to kill, then cavalry charge them because reloading takes a full minute." I'm not sure WW1 vets actually learned anything in the way of practical tactics given how much of the war was 'live in a ditch, try not to get shot' A lot of these people wouldn't really know shit, even before elements of gang dickswinging come into play.


True, but I'm not used to watching shows with them that I haven't seen beforehand, so I didn't think anything of it lol. Plus, the spoiler was the most recent comment when I saw it, so I "read" it by accident while I was scrolling.


😂Nah I know they usually be like that.. but they thought something was gonna happen every 10 minutes.. I loved it 😂


Lupa bumping Roshi in the back of the head had me weak lmao


Honestly amazing to see this when you get home! been streesing at work lately and these eps just greatly helps me let go of work.!


For real. Only briefly seeing the words 'rip' and 'Kimber' was all it took.

Skynet aka SkyNut

Roshi, sheira and Lupa are gonna love Alfie "The Jew" hahaha

Briana J

I'm excited for season 2, it's my favorite!




Oh wait did i do that i am sorry. That is some post-nut clarity right there


Ahhh man that was fun watching with yall! I cant wait for yall to watch season 2!

Briana J

True but tbh WWI was modern and before that the tactics were extremely archaic. This was the first major war that had stuff like chemicals, advanced guns, machinery, etc. it also goes to show that a lot of boys fighting combat and in the trenches were young as hell. They left as boys and came back as weathered men. Someone showed an exhibit of photos of soldiers Pre-war and if they came back.

The Pebble (edited)

Comment edits

2023-12-11 23:55:25 Just "being a vet" doesn't make anyone a battle strategist, and they were tunnel diggers in World War 1 which doesn't correlate with this situation; You're not wrong but that logic is flawed.
2022-08-11 20:08:46 Just "being a vet" doesn't make anyone a battle strategist, and they were tunnel diggers in World War 1 which doesn't correlate with this situation; You're not wrong but that logic is flawed.

Just "being a vet" doesn't make anyone a battle strategist, and they were tunnel diggers in World War 1 which doesn't correlate with this situation; You're not wrong but that logic is flawed.

The Hex

My fav reacts thus far. Peaky Blinders is an amazing show.

Burning Talons

Im heartbroken because i want to finish the show but i want to finish with you guys but i cant watch an hour ep twice... :(


yall aint ready for some of the insane endings to future seasons. This is one of the rare shows that get better as it goes.


"Half 10' is not "5" 😂

Kai Lee

LOL stg I thought Sheera was making a joke, didn't realise she was being serious.

Desert Penguin

Man... death scenes hit Lupa real hard. I feel ya bro

sotonye ogan

didnt like how campbell became a fullon shit villian because of pussy but good first seadon tho

Jaime Ruiz

One thing that I thought years ago for the finale was Grace shooting him. The amount of times they’ve shown her reach for her purse.


The most important line in this episode “Worchester races”…do you hear how it’s pronounced “Wooster” next time you use Worcestershire sauce now you know it’s Wooster (you can add the Sheer if you want but we don’t) sauce so stop making it difficult for yourselves.


Grace didnt tell kimber, it was the inspector, she had reported it to him and he told.