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Big W!


Daniel NT

That metal Upa tho!




Episod 25 is a fluff OVA that’s just listed as episode 25, just an additional slice-of-life comedy thing. There’s also stuff in it that contradicts 0 and isn’t canonical, which might just confuse you guys a lot more with 0. Same with Steins Gate 0’s Episode 24. You guys can still watch it ofc, but it’s completely optional. The only thing outside of episodes 1-24 that you guys NEED to watch of Steins Gate before SG0 is 23b, Open the Missing Link, which can be found on YouTube and most pirating sites. I’m just placing emphasis on this because it is EXTREMELY REQUIRED for SG0.

Salty MF

omg thank you, I need this right now

Gabby Boakye-yiadom

There is something they don't exactly tell you in the anime but the whole inevitable casualty kind of benefits Okabe as well and is essentially his plot armor for why he never dies in any of these endeavors. He's just not fated to in any of these events so it's all good.


You guys gotta watch steins gate 0 after this

Chris Tercero

STIENS GATE 0 NEXT WEEK PLEASE. It finishes the story


So is this finally the end of Steins Gate? What's taking its place? Very curious to see the answer to that! I'm glad all the SG fans got this, but it was just okay for me. Honestly, I feel that the game is the best way to experience this story. The anime adaptation just didn't do it for me, and I couldn't really get into the light novel. Here's to something that catches my interest more to fill the slot!


Yeah 0 is on the back burner for now because of all the anime coming out this fall


I have always thought my dreams is actually what happened to me in an alternate reality

Tony Sylar

The game is the source material for everything Steins Gate.



Chris Tercero

Roshi steins gate ep 24 was the last one for the 1st part . But there is still 24 more eps “Steins gate 0” that finishes the story !! Please watch


im lost. does steins gate 0 take place within the events of season 1? I've heard that it took place between the 2nd last and last episode of steins gate

Devin B

There's Steins Gate 0 for these guys to watch as well


There are multiple games - Steins;Gate is just the second game of the "Science Adventure" series following different stories and characters. Some are set in the same world (Robotics;Notes has a couple of S;G cameos for example), while others are completely disconnected, and some are supposed to be like a game inside the game world, iirc. Chaos;Head, Steins;Gate, Robotics;Notes, Chaos;Child Steins;Gate 0 and Occultic;Nine also all have anime adaptations. Personally found the two Steins;Gate ones and Robotics;Notes to be great and the rest awful.

Devin B

Steins Gate 0 is basically everything that happens before the time tampering effects takes place

Dj Josol

simplest way to think about it is it's the story of the future Okabe who sent the message creating Operation Skuld. He's in the timeline where he kills Kurisu and never went back to try again


Steins Gate 0?


This anime is wild and i love it

William Yang

No Steins Gate 0 reaction and we riot! Lol nahhh it's okay I get it, upcoming season is stacked so they probably gonna put it off for awhile (roshi replied to someone asking on twitter), but please do react to it when y'all eventually get the time. Steins gate 0 really is very very very good, even tho it has a lower rating. Okabe is less cringe for reasons and its just more logical (not on some mad scientist shenanigans lmao). Please please do react to it🙏


Now you guys gotta watch Steins;Gate Open The Missing Link before watching Steins Gate;0, then after everything the movie. Best to watch it soon too while everything is still fresh in your minds.


Why is this the most perfect anime ending ever it's like cliché as Fuck 23 episodes of nonsense only for everything to be perfect in the end


Its postponed because of schedule reasons, stuff like CSM is coming out this fall so it wont be for a while.


They are putting it off because its hard to fit on their schedule so it wont be for some time unfortunately, but I understand

Ec Aea

Because the imperfect ending is on Steins gate 0

Jose silva

Fire episode this journey is coming to its end.


Wasnt there a end credit scene with a sneak peek of someone’s someone


It doesn't finish it it just adds to it. The movie finishes the story


Steins gate 0 for more time fuckery and the true ending

Carlos Gunn

anybody else here like the deja vu movie? would love a reaction to it


This was the finale. 25 is an OVA


This is technically the end of the season. Ep 25 was just an ova extra that takes place some time after these events.


Ok, let me correct myself. OVA - episode 25 - it actually comes with the blu ray release in the US. it's an epilogue for the original show. I think it's great, so I suggest watching if at all possible. Movie - takes place a year later, told from Kurisu's view point. I don't really think of it as canon, and it's entirely skippable, although decent. Zero - This season pretends Okarin failed to move to the steins gate timeline, and stayed in the alpha timeline. It's good, although I don't like it as much as the original series. So, in the end I suggest watching the oav for sure, and zero if you have the time. Not sure i'd bother with the movie.

john segun doe

Wait 1 episode?? There is a whole next season left called steins gate 0


For the record I am totally fine if they decide to skip Stein; Gate 0

Random Guy

They say dejavu's is just your memories of other worlds leaking, like how feyris, mayushi and kurisu remembered

Random Guy

Honestly I think its fine that they skip zero, because this is already the perfect ending. It's like Higurashi where they finally achieved the perfecting ending after so many parallel worlds. But then the new season comes and fucks up the ending, i feel bad for the characters who thought they finally made it out of the time loop.

Gordon Lou

Wait, other than the character design of a character because their design wasn't created yet when the OVA was made, what else in the OVA contradicts 0?


I think zero is the best hahah


Gotta watch 0, THE RIDE ISNT OVER! See this to the end, EL PSY CONGROO!


I thought the OVA and the movie finish’s the actual story right ?


yall should watch platinum end


So this is done, Tomodachi is done, and I think (I think!) they're close to finishing Kakegurui too. That's gonna be THREE slots open, Banana Fish has to fill at least one of 'em, c'mon bro😭

Team Skull Grunt B

But that's not what zero is. Zero is explaining HOW they got out of the loop, not putting them back in


I low key hope you guys don’t have shit lined up to replace this so you guys can take your foot off the gas a little before October comes around to smack us all in the face

Adamantite Momon

its highly unlikely since the whole reason they are postponing 0 is to fill in all the new animes coming this season..so it wouldn’t make sense to fill in another old anime as that would defeat the whole purpose of their postponing this


Do y'all think y'all could watch School Live?

Sameer Khan

I hope you guys watch episode 25, it has some great character interactions, wholesome moments, some comedy and is just satisfying to watch after seeing how much shit everyone had to go through.


Yeah, it was a belated realization lol. I don't watch this show, so I didn't realize 0 is literally 24 MORE episodes. I thought it was just a one-episode OVA or something. My brain saw the potential for open slots and just went, "Oh, these shows are ending? Now Banana Fish might finally get a chance!" without thinking about it too much lmao


Are you going to watch Steins Gate 0? I'm sure you got a million comments already


They said they will take a break from Steins Gate and will watch 0 later on since they got tight schedule

Simone Resni

Tell me you didn't understand anything about the new version of Higurashi without telling me you didn't understand anything

Devin B

Plus Kakegurui has a prequel that came out recently so they might continue with that after finishing the second season


Overlord for life 🙌🏻


Even if they do, it only has 6 episodes. Well, it does as of right now, I'm not sure if it's done airing or not. I consider only 6 episodes left close to finishing the show lol. Well, technically 9 because they have 3 episodes left of this season, but you know what I mean.


Wait, what tag was it confirmed under? I can't find it.

Donovan Doyle

It wasn't pinned but check Vincent's messages he @ everyone in gen patreon


Ok, I tried looking for it, but I can't navigate discord to save my life, so I'll just take your word for it lmao.


thank god but also not really. Delays this trash lmao get it outta the way asap but a break will be nice


Zero is good, the first season is better but zero is hype enough to watch.


The thing about mayuri is relevant for later


So much ties together in the next one, 0


All of them are also known as "the semicolon series" because the two word titles are separated by a semicolon. I randomly watched Chaos;Head a long long time ago. Vague recollection leaves me with the impression that I thought it was interesting and kinda fun. Stein;Gate was my favorite. Robotics;Notes was a bit meh for me. didn't get the chance to watch Chaos;Child. Occultic;Nine took me about 2 tries to get through and I remember leaving with the feeling that it was obnoxious and bad. Thinking back on it now, I feel that it could be potentially readapted into something better. To be fair, a lot of bad anime could be redone into something better if given the staff and time.


I mean, it's just everyone living a normal life without time travel shenanigans. Considering that Okabe went through like 18 episodes of murder and betrayal, I'd say let the timeline wrap up in a way that lets everyone have basic happiness.

chou sion

plz watch steins gate zero

Akira Liu

yup I still can't believe Daru and Gilgamesh voiced by the same guy.