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Damn this another one of those "I choose me" situations



Intro is best part, as allways. Almost as good as Lupins chocobo sounds during shield hero

B Mowglli

& Ozen said something about a ring of light on the 7th layer. In the manga chapter right after s2 ends (so this is spoilers for those rewatching) Faputa is able to talk to Lyza's white whistle that Riko was holding (since she could talk to & hear prushka earlier). Faputa is freaked the fuck out listening to it. Says 'something like that exists?', then explains their name was Doni before they became a whistle - and "someone awaits at the pivotal ring.. not Lyza, someone related to Reg. That's all I will say. Prepare as much as you can." So I'm pretty sure Lyza is on the 8th layer. It's gonna be fucked up and I can't wait. The next white whistle they run into has character design on par with Bondrewd, dark skin baddie with a revealing open shirt like Momo from MHA

Idris Naama

As an anime only I realized this season is a lot like S1 in terms of being slow paced so we'll probably get to the "juicy" content in the second half of this season. I'm telling you when this season is finished it'll probably be even better to watch by binging it all. They're purposely teasing us and leaving a lot of important details out and possibly saving it for a bigger reveal in the future. I'm guessing when we finally get the full entire flashback to the first people that came to the 6th layer everything will make a lot more sense.

Antonio Williams

"This story has gotten so dark" Man... you're still at the happy part. Compared to what's coming up, the first few episodes might as well come on after Arthur or Teletubbies That said, I was thinking this would need to be 24 eps, but based on how things are progressing 13 episodes might be cramped but it would certainly be good enough. Not too much has been cut out and by having bits and pieces of flashbacks and callbacks they're cutting out the need to have flashback episodes later since we're constantly able to make references to the first episode when we get key information


Is peaky blinders still coming

Taylor Moon

I'm caught up in the manga and you're definitely blowing it out of proportion a bit, yes it gets darker but it's not getting to like multiple times darker then it already is xD


Nahh bro it’s not “tonight”anymore, it’s early in the morning now 😂

Idris Naama

Lol you're the first person that says this. Every other manga reader I've talked to has said its gets so much darker and I'll quote them "whats going to happen in S2 will make what Bondrewd did feel likea tea party in comparison y'all aren't ready?" So I think you personally might be more desensitized to the dark/fucked shit.


Depends on the person. For some people what will happen in the future is so much worse just because of how bleak it is rather than horrifying. But enough spoilers. Made in child tears and piss episode 6 reaction when? haha


Oh Yeah I remembered Lupa mentioned this a few eps ago and it was a misconception or you guys forgot. There are at LEAST 7 layers to the abyss but absolutely nothing is known about the 7th layer cause no one can even come back from the 6th really. the 7th layer was called "The heart of the maelstrom" and the map just showed it as black and red and super spiky since it's just presumed whatever is down there both creature wise and curse wise is just insanely awful beyond imagining.

AOArlert (edited)

Comment edits

2023-11-27 05:53:07 Yeah you’re definitely desensitised because the shit in the manga might be the worse thing I’ve ever seen
2023-11-27 05:53:07 Yeah you’re definitely desensitised because the shit in the manga might be the worse thing I’ve ever seen
2023-11-27 05:53:07 Yeah you’re definitely desensitised because the shit in the manga might be the worse thing I’ve ever seen
2023-11-27 05:53:07 Yeah you’re definitely desensitised because the shit in the manga might be the worse thing I’ve ever seen
2023-11-27 05:53:07 Yeah you’re definitely desensitised because the shit in the manga might be the worse thing I’ve ever seen
2023-11-27 05:53:07 Yeah you’re definitely desensitised because the shit in the manga might be the worse thing I’ve ever seen
2023-11-27 05:53:07 Yeah you’re definitely desensitised because the shit in the manga might be the worse thing I’ve ever seen
2022-08-04 07:37:32 Yeah you’re definitely desensitised because the shit in the manga might be the worse thing I’ve ever seen

Yeah you’re definitely desensitised because the shit in the manga might be the worse thing I’ve ever seen

by chances

not the teletubbies tho 😂 bruh the ass licking toilet 😭


While the anime has to cut a few minor details here and there, I do hope a currently unseen in Hollow form character gets a little more love in the anime then manga. Especially with what the author said about her in out of manga stuff and one of the panels the anime skipped of their travels. If the anime doesn't do that though I'll just say what the detail/importance is on a later episode. Also next episode is gonna be siiiick with action! Another fact. Turbinid-Dragons are actually insane. They are the first thing in the entire show and manga besides Sparagmos from Bondrewd to hurt Reg's Metal. And yet a Turbinid's claw leg was able to chip it in one hit. According to Lyza's notes. "They can move freely through 3 dimensions (aka climb up and down with no regards to the curse) in the 6th layer. They are super territorial, they don't seem to die even when gravely injured and may be immortal, they can flex their legs to instantly turn them insanely sharp. Their old scales swell with poison and when they are damaged the scales will burst and hit the attacker. They are 6* danger scale which puts them at Extraordinary level. (Aka avoid at ALL costs if possible) Just one Turbinid Male is as dangerous as a swarm of adult Amaranthine-Deceptors. (The bugs that live in people's body's and like to make nests in Eternal Fortune fields) Also that stuff they spit at Reg is a mixture of liquid metal and some sort of slime from it's stomach and when that mixture hits something it explodes and generates a massive wave of heat. So we are all lucky that hit Reg whose basically fireproof and not Nanachi or Riko. According to Nanachi notes later on in Manga. The little red legs at the back of the Turbinid are most likely the baby's legs, and just like sea horses the males stuff the babies inside themselves until they are ready to live out in the 6th layer. Turbinid-Dragons are basically THE Apex predators of the upper 6th layer, but there may be worse further down. Oh yeah and Kaja really was super depressed that Nanachi gave herself up for Mitty 2. He thought Mitty was just like a pet or friend, but Haku means your highest value thing. Aka like the love of your life/ reason to be etc. Meinya is actually Gutsu according to the 3 on the currency Riko recieved from the village after Meinya got squeezed. Though Meinya could be Mei which is level 4 and suuuper important to a person, as she was just hurt and not killed and was still Gutsu level currency. I think it's pretty clear that Reg is Riko's Haku and vice versa, and Mitty is Nanachi's Haku. So being shown the love of your life/ your life treasure/ reason to live etc when you thought you said goodbye permanently and her guts are being eaten by a mouthless giant snake dude? It's no wonder Nanachi instantly panicked and sold herself to save Mitty.


Already gave a reply but just adding onto yours. personally I think this arc is way worse than what Bondrewd did for several reasons. Like the bleakness and stuff from my prior comment.

Muse of Salzburg

Short note: Since Mitty still has both her eyes and is still pretty normal-shaped, this copy must be of a Mitty from pretty soon after she was transformed.


See this is one of those anime you don't tell people who don't watch anime about. Shit is super interesting but really fucking weird lol


So how does the Soul copy thingie work? Is it a new Soul, or is it the same Soul that Mitty is??

Alex B.

Well, as mentioned in this episode, it's just a copied soul rather than her actual soul. So she kinda is the real Mitty, but in the same time she isn't. Not that Nanachi would mind, selling her whole body for her and all

Kwaku Afari

Yeah nah I'm good. I'm not doing any of that no matter who you are. You're on your own.

by chances

the guy feeds on mitty's endlessly regenerating guts... oof

Amna Khan

But didn't you guys notice that the girl from the first episode has half-white and red hair, is it the same girl that's chained surrounding by the black blob?


Sheera said it at 11:09, so yeah seems like they did. They haven't noticed the names for the 2 sages and the 2 from the flashback tho

zILovePelmeni _

since i think you guys didnt realize, the sage at the restaurant was the guy who ate the bugs on the ship and belaf is the one with the mark on his face

Dawin Garcia

For the people who forgot them or didnt notice, the three sages were originally the leaders of the boat we saw in the flash back. They also called themselvs the three sages there. Weird guy in the food shop is the captain and the snake was the translater they used when they found the island of the abyss.


damn cant anyone here wait until they actually reveal what happened in the flashback instead of spoiling it


like we know terrible things happened to them but pointing out who's who down to the body shape and eye color is fucked when the show hasn't gotten there yet


Did Reg get his Robot arms from balancing. Now im starting to wonder


Imagine having a cow and pig and chicken who can endlessly regenerate. World hunger would be over ( but capitalism will make that shit expensive ). And be endless hell for the animals. Youch.

by chances

meh i'm not too worried. they're doing this for years now. they prolly skip some comments on these type of shows. i get yo point tho.

Daniel Borrego

i've always assumed that theres some kind of caretaker to the abyss and they're the one that made reg. like it was created with some kind of crazy technology that went out of control. so basically some crazy ai controls it. just the sickness alone makes me think of a singularity as a power source, combined with time dialation too.


Nah reg is from the very bottom of the abyss. He just passed through here on his way up to get riko. And we know he was already a robot boy before passing through because of lyzas drawings


I understand that but im saying its clear he is not 100% robot. They have done "examinations" and shown it clear that he has some very Human parts. We seen a complete robot version and we know you can exchange body parts for "value" or whole items. The fact we saw they tried to Bargin for the girls "eyes, arms, legs, and insides" and seeing what mechanical on Reg. Its not that farfetch that at whatever point in reg life someone or himself probably exchange some of his human parts for the mechanical.


If you're talking about the sage thing, that isn't really a spoiler, since the show itself already confirmed they're the same people, since they have the same names and voice actors.


Lmao the Kevin Hart checking and savings joke

Deshawn Smith (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-31 06:51:23 1 thing that is clear is that reg is not a human. it's 100% confirmed, and he's only fashioned after a human. a perfect imitation. but even in the manga its still not confirmed who the creator is but 1 thing for sure is that reg is not a human and he never was. youre talking about irubu village and their way of life as in their "value" but im pretty sure reg and his kind have been there long before ganja even founded the village. a true resident of the golden city (as iruumyui hinted). Though we still don't know how the city turned into ruins.. btw, the whole concept of "value" is exclusive to the 6th layer.
2023-01-31 06:51:23 1 thing that is clear is that reg is not a human. it's 100% confirmed, and he's only fashioned after a human. a perfect imitation. but even in the manga its still not confirmed who the creator is but 1 thing for sure is that reg is not a human and he never was. youre talking about irubu village and their way of life as in their "value" but im pretty sure reg and his kind have been there long before ganja even founded the village. a true resident of the golden city (as iruumyui hinted). Though we still don't know how the city turned into ruins.. btw, the whole concept of "value" is exclusive to the 6th layer.
2023-01-31 06:51:23 1 thing that is clear is that reg is not a human. it's 100% confirmed, and he's only fashioned after a human. a perfect imitation. but even in the manga its still not confirmed who the creator is but 1 thing for sure is that reg is not a human and he never was. youre talking about irubu village and their way of life as in their "value" but im pretty sure reg and his kind have been there long before ganja even founded the village. a true resident of the golden city (as iruumyui hinted). Though we still don't know how the city turned into ruins.. btw, the whole concept of "value" is exclusive to the 6th layer.
2022-08-17 11:41:02 1 thing that is clear is that reg is not a human. it's 100% confirmed, and he's only fashioned after a human. a perfect imitation. but even in the manga its still not confirmed who the creator is but 1 thing for sure is that reg is not a human and he never was. youre talking about irubu village and their way of life as in their "value" but im pretty sure reg and his kind have been there long before ganja even founded the village. a true resident of the golden city (as iruumyui hinted). Though we still don't know how the city turned into ruins.. btw, the whole concept of "value" is exclusive to the 6th layer.

1 thing that is clear is that reg is not a human. it's 100% confirmed, and he's only fashioned after a human. a perfect imitation. but even in the manga its still not confirmed who the creator is but 1 thing for sure is that reg is not a human and he never was. youre talking about irubu village and their way of life as in their "value" but im pretty sure reg and his kind have been there long before ganja even founded the village. a true resident of the golden city (as iruumyui hinted). Though we still don't know how the city turned into ruins.. btw, the whole concept of "value" is exclusive to the 6th layer.

Kaitsu Tokiyas

that copy is reborn inside city with trade of the dragon body's but thats not the real mity