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Time to fix Akihabara!


Daniel NT

Did they finally realise CERN and titor are all real things lol


"Another fatherless child"


Talk about premature. 🤣 too early Roshi


Maiyuri death is a fixed point so that’s why they have to get to the alpha world one where her death isn’t a fixed point

Just Jackie!

You're gonna get a whole lot of messages explaining this but... basically Feyris' fist Dmail was to her Dad, pretending to be a kidnapper. Her dad then sold the IBN5100 to raise the money for the fake ransom and took a train as opposed to a plane. That's why he lived and they didn't have the computer. Her second D-mail, was admitting that it was a prank. Thus, her dad doesn't sell the computer and he takes a plane like he was originally going to. Thus he dies, and they return to the previous world line. It happens really fast and isn't explained well in the show.


Early mf


how does feryis remember the other world line?


also i dont think feyris remembered at the end there i think thats why Okabe said sorry


The anime was also inspired by an actual time travel forum post created by someone by the name of John Titor.

Ec Aea

As for how she remembers anything from other world line , its going to explain itself , but not for now though. Just close an eye and watch on , i cant tell you when they would explain it but just know that it will be explained.

Nami Shole

Maybe people can remember other world lines if there's something to trigger that memory?


I dont remember if they ever explain it but basically it’s a just theory that all the memories of everyone in different world lines are linked to their other selfs in the other world lines. So basically what Nami said, it’s potentially possible for something to trigger someone’s memories from another world line, causing them to gain those memories or their brains being forced to gain the memories. For feyris, her walking into where her “May Queen” was going to be, was that trigger. At the end there I believe Feyris doesnt actually remember everything that happened but is just a lingering effect that she feels or what she says is just coincidental.


Nah we in a different world line. It goes by CERN now. 😩


I think you guys are assuming that like every world line exist along side each other like some MCU style stuff, as far as I'm understanding it there is the world that the characters exist in, and it itself is jumping from line to line, and the characters that live/die depending on that exact line, and Okarin can remember cause of his reading steiner. Otherwise I don't think there would be any real meaning to them jumping back and forward cause you know that no matter what there are worlds within the 1% divergence and those outside it.

Dj Josol

The uploads today....as Roshi would say "THE SPEEEED!"


I still believe you guys should have a discussion to watch steins gate 0 before the end of this series.


That's always been pretty much how I've perceived it. It's not the MCU and the Multiverse or Everything Everywhere All at Once. There's basically one core "Universe/Time Line" and rather then Okarin jumping to different "Universe's/Time Lines" he's basically swapping our Universes time line for another. Like changing out and replacing the hard-drive of a computer.


yup; possible, mutually exclusive paths, not parallel ones that exist separately

Lye Batenkaitos

Hello - let me help clarify things since I watched this show like 40 times through reactions and played the visual novel. What’s actually happening is that each time a D-mail is sent - a new world line is created and okabe seems to end up there consciously once it's created while still being in the previous world line. So basically, life is continuing in world line X, while Y is newly created... and By undoing a D-mail, that entire world line, which we called world line Y - gets purged; and okabe consciously travels back to world line X while retaining memories from the purged world line Y. World line X kept running slowly without him, but no one noticed any changes, except of course Okabe. So in this particular case - Rumiho Feyris’ dad, Mr. Feyris died in a plane crash 10 years ago. Her last msg to him was “I hate you” because he missed out on her bday and that plane that he boarded ended up crashing. She always lived in regret that her last msg to him was “I hate you.” About 10 episodes ago, rumiho sent a dmail to her dad pretending to be a kidnapper saying “we kidnapped your daughter , give us the ransom money if you want her back.” This stopped him boarding that plan and he survived. He sold that ibn 5100 to get ransom money for a kidnapping that never happened. Rumiho then sent a Dmail at the end of the episode saying “the kidnapping was a joke, I love you daddy, see you soon”. Mr feyris went back on the plane and died, this entire world line Y was purged, okabe consciously went back to the old world line X with his memories of that world line Y, and luckily so did Rumiho. The Rumiho here in world line Xgained an additional 10 years worth of memories of her dad being alive in an alternate reality, while living live without him in this one. Let me know if there’s any further clarification required

FreshxEli Tv

What’s Worst Looping With Subaru , Shinpei , Takemitchi or Okabe?? 😂 because all my money goes on Subaru but don’t get me wrong all of them are terrifying but to me Subaru goes through hell over and over in different ways until he completes his objective

Lye Batenkaitos

Out of all them, Subaru is the only one who gets tortured, brutally murdered and watches everyone die lol. The rest of them have traumatic experiences as well but the furthest it gets is maybe watching someone die.. subaru has that and a lot more lol. Man got eyes gouged out, head chopped off, eaten alive, frozen solid, crushed, torn limb from limb, his stomach cut open, etc lol

FreshxEli Tv

I think she remembered because the world line okabe currently is in was created by her that’s the only way that makes everything come together d mail senders retain memories in world lines they created like that girl with the glasses how she kept taking pictures text messages and notes

FreshxEli Tv

Lol Roshi nope as soon as that dmail unsends that’s world line is sent to Rimurus stomach 😂😂 like it’s thanos snapped 😂😂 her died doesn’t jump or nothing since she created the world line with okabe their consciousness moves over to their original memories to answer your question the original world line moves way slower so In a sense okabe can send 1,000 dmails live throughout them gather intel or discover loops and destroy all 1,000 dmails all those memories will travel to his original so you could say everyone hasn’t died yet but they will because in every world line so far they all were similar


Pretty sure Okabe simply overrides the Okabe in whichever timeline he moves to. He doesnt swap places with another Okabe.


So since I've played all the VN's, I'll try my best to explain it. Basically, there exists numerous amounts of worldlines that all flow in one direction within an "Attractor Field" (which is just the terminology to describe an alpha/beta/gamma/delta/epsilon/etc. worldline). Although these worldlines all flow in the same direction within that attractor field, only one of them is "active" at any given time, and the one that is active is the one that the Okabe that we observe, is currently in. Worldlines are reconstructed around any changes that Okabe (and others that are aware of) (this is referred to as "Attractor Field Convergence") and since that's the case, the world of "Steins;Gate" doesn't allow for paradoxes to occur because the world will just be reconstructed around whatever changes that you might make and also prevent any changes that cannot reasonably occur. For example, Okabe, Kurisu, and Daru (no matter what happens) cannot die in the current worldline until they either move worldlines entirely, or get captured by SERN and are forced to work on their time machine until they eventually die in the future. Basically, the fact that they play pivotal roles in SERN's time machine and their eventual takeover of the world, means that the world itself prevents them from dying until they do what it is that they are fated to do.


Yeah let’s undo all of then to the first timeline where kurisu dies, yaaaaay!!

Greg Harrison

Man Okabe has it rough the guy goes through like 2 loops in the first five minutes.


Yeah don’t you remember the first episode?

Joey Zero

No, they should finish the original series as intended, then watch Steins Gate 0. Watching 0 before finishing the og kills the pacing. If you want to watch it chronologically, it should be on a second watch through.

Joey Zero

stfu and delete this please. This is a whole spoiler and major plot point later

Joey Zero



Well thanks for letting me know. Literally said what happened in first episode in case y’all forgotten and watching this with them for the first time. Sour fucks


You're supposed to forget that happened you bozo. You're supposed to be like "oooh yeah!!! Now I remember!" when that actually gets addressed. Now delete your original comment.


"You're supposed to forget that happened" hahaha


You posted a spoiler whether you wanna admit it or not. You wanna bring up about the first episode showing "that" but that's not even what you're spoiling, the point is that even Okabe hasn't come to the realization that him undoing all the time shit is gonna lead to "that" so yes you're fucking spoiling you dumbfuck.


Im all against spoilers but you guys are trippin' Also "You're supposed to forget that happened" has got to be one of the dumbest things i've ever read in regards to "spoilers". That's like telling them they shouldn't have any sort of discussion about the show at all. I've watched this with dozens of non-anime friends and fellow students in film school who were interested in anime and I can't think of a single time where around this point the Kurisu issue wasn't brought up or discussed to the detriment of anyone. Stop clutching your pearls and grow the F* up. Respectfully in my opinion.

Jason I.

I see there's already some good explanations of the timeline in the comments, but let me see if I can try to simplify it for you guys. This is just based on the information from the show so far, and not on movies or 0 or anything. Basically, it's not like the MCU or something where there's a billion timelines existing all at once. Rather, the worldlines represent sort of "possibilities," but there's only one timeline. So when the worldline changes, the entire world and everyone in it "moves" to the new worldline, and their memories are altered to fit the events of the new worldline. Okabe is special in that he remembers the worldline changing. And now Feyris is also exhibiting some of that as well. So when Okabe moves worldlines, everyone moved with him and is still the same person, just with their memories changed. Otherwise, there'd be no point in saving Mayuri. Along with memories, physical states can also change to fit the new worldline (like Ruka or Feyris's dad) but they are still the same person. Important to note that "time machines" like Suzuha's currently works differently than D-mails, since they're going backwards in the same worldline rather than moving worldlines.


It's not the same tho, bringing it up in a group watching session is more like just theorizing what could happen whereas this is just straight up spoiling and telling what exactly happens.


Agree with slipHAZARD. This is just a simple discussion then it became a spoiler when ya'll reacted that way.

Random Guy

Moeka didn't remember anything. The only one who has had done it so far is Okabe and Feyris. It's a one time thing.


Whenever I try to describe Steins Gate time travel to my friends the best and simplest way I can put it is. Imagine you own a device like a Camera (consider that the universe Okabe lives in) and with it you have a 1000 different SD cards (which represent different time lines). When Okabe switches time lines, he's not using (living in) a whole new Camera (Universe), he's just swapping out the SD card (timeline) for a different one but it's still the same Camera (Universe). I'm a little drunk and stoned but I think that works lol


@kittykat97 Dude he didn't tell them what happens. His comment is literally the exact same I've heard from countless people whom had never seen the anime before. If he had said "Okabe has this realization later on in the anime" that would be a spoiler, but he didn't say that. You know who did say that? You! Like @DenisWasTaken pointed out, his comment could've and would've most likely just been seen as something as simple discussion, you're the ones who wanted to take it further and actually spit out spoilers. You're the one who posted "Okabe will have this realization later on in the anime"

Gordon Lou

The worldline theory (which Steins;Gate uses) is a bit different to the parallel universe theory. The parallel universe theory says that there are an infinite number of parallel universes that all run at the same time, so when a traveller goes to another parallel universe, they go into the different universe but the old one is still active and just doesn't have the traveller. The people in the new world are technically different than the old one. I.e. if you were to assign a tag to everyone in all the universes which are unique to the individual in each universe, then 'Jack' in universe A would have a different tag to the 'Jack' in Universe B. However the worldline theory says that there is only 1 active timeline (worldlines) at any given time and all other worldlines are only a possibility. When Kyouma switches the wordline, the entirety of the current active worldline shifts into a different worldline. The old worldline becomes inactive while the new ones becomes active. The worldline then rewrites everyone's memories to match the worldline but Okabe is unaffected by this memory rewrite because of Reading Steiner. To use the tag example from earlier, the 'Jack' in worldline A and the 'Jack in worldline B would have the same tag. I.e. they are the exact same person but with different memories.


It's simple. You can't change the past in your own world line. If you changed the past, then the events that led to you wanting to change the past might never have happened. So, every time you go to the past, you enter the past of a parallel universe & change their past. Which keeps the consistency that, in your world line, you wanted to go to the past. Essentially, it's Doctor Strange Multiverse of Madness, but with time travel.


Nah bruh. He's jumping parallel universes. They explained that clearly. The Christina from world line A is not the same Christina from world line B. When he jumps to the past, everything in that world line is still continuing as it is. He jumps to the past of a parallel universe and effects the order of events in that universe.


Remember 10,000 year Mayushi told Okabe that they could both be considered "The originals". The main world line is the order of events that were "Destined" to happen. Each time another possible choice could have been made in ANYONE's life, a new alternate Universe is formed to play that out


When you realise CERN is a real company doing exotic science


I think, in my opinion you got it the total opposite. In Dr Strange there are multiple universes existing at once. In Steins there is one universe but with multiple time lines. So when Okabe using D-Mail he's not traveling to a parallel universe, he stays in his universe he just swaps out the time line for another. That's why we never actually "go back in time" rather the universe itself changes based on the new timeline and that's what makes Okabe special with his "steiner" because he still retains the memories of the prior timeline. I think

Gordon Lou

There were 2 separate explanations that John Titor/Suzuha makes early in the anime. The first explanation was a more general one which sounds like it's separate parallel universe. However in the second explanation, John Titor goes into more detail which aligns with what I said. Not only that, even if you disregard John Titor's explanations, the parallel universe theory wouldn't work in the world of steins gate as if it were then Feyris wouldn't have been able to remember the memories she had in the worldline where Akiba had moe as they would be completely different people . There's also an explanation or more like theory/suggestion as to why that happened later in the anime that supports the same worldline theory which i can't say because of spoilers.


.... And they just recently started up their Large Hadron Collider after 3 years of maintenance.... Oh yeah we dyin

Gordon Lou

@Enkyri Also I read that Okabe's dream sequences (the 10000yrs ago and the okabe falling into a black hole) were done poorly in the anime and that in the visual novel, they were meant to show Okabe's worries at the time.


@slipHazard @Gordon Lou Suzuha explains time with the ropes. She says world line A is like this rope. It's made up of multiple strands all going in the same direction even though it only looks like one. When you jump world lines, you're jumping from strand to strand within the same rope. They may have taken slightly different paths to get there, but they are all ultimately headed to the same direction. That is literally the multiverse theory. Okabe explains why Feyris remembers everything. You're tapping into the memories of your alternate-self. Otherwise, Feyris should have never remembered the text, because in your theory that worldline disappeared, meaning it never happened to her. Which creates a time paradox. Which is what they were explaining early, EARLY on in the show. You can't change time within your own Universe. You have to jump to an alternate universe. Because if you change your original universes timeline, what drove you to time travel in the first place? However, that's not the case. Somewhere out there in infinite space, that version of Feyris is a reality, and like the Time Leap Machine, the memories of one Feyris were overlayed onto another. Even in our real world, which the author is using for reference, the idea of time travel is thought to be impossible unless the multiverse theory holds true.


In every time line Mayushi died, she's just straight up dead in that Universe. That Universe's Okabe never left either. He was only sending a digital copy of his memories back to the past of another universe. He kept universe jumping until he found a reality that wasn't headed in the same direction as the one's he had been on. World line B aka Multiverse B.

armaan newaskar

So basically, everyone has a little bit of reading Steiner in them in this show. But Okabe is the only one who remembers everything. It fits very well thematically because they do not remember what they had to undo, but they do remember Okabe and the impression he left on them, and how that helped them overcome their respective burdens.


Loving the reactions.... but stay away from the comment section.

Joey Zero

@slipHAZARD it is very different though. We don't know what they've discussed about the show off-screen. Even if there's the slightest bit of chance that they weren't thinking about the consequences of undoing everything, we need to leave that up to them. They obviously didn't forget, but connecting the dots is not something you can just automatically assume people are doing while watching the show. You're supposed to have that "oh fuck" moment when they bring it up again, but if they read the comments, there's no chance of that happening now. THAT'S what I mean by spoiler. They never or rarely brought it up since it happened, so it's not like they are theorizing about it during the reaction. People just assume and that can be major spoilers whether you think so or not.