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Yessir we got an early post 🤝


Was about to go to work, but now i gotta call in sick

Drew Monnin

Remember the 'time machine forum' that Suzuha said her father would be at? The one Daru was going to until Okabe tricked him into coming to the party? Yeah, they set this reveal up a while ago

Ec Aea

I really can't imagine a life where I had 1 mission to do and i failed so hard that i only remember it 20years after everything is gone. I don't think ill make it 1 year before i offed myself. That last line where she said "my life was wasted" hit me way too hard bro...


Imma blow yalls mind: Where is kurisu???? Wait, never mind. Kurisu was already a member when titor left when she couldnt find her dad

Sebastian Stróż

I remember watching this episode for the first time (S;G was like one of my first 10 anime i watched) and this episode broke me... "I failed" made me pause it and take a break for couple hours before I was ready to continue.


Just remember that no one has any memory that they built a time machine for Suzu and also that no one knows that Suzu is Daru's daughter. Okabe is the only one that remembers anything about Suzu


I love Daru's character arc. He may be a weirdo and a perv, but when the reveal came, that father energy showed up real quick. That last scene between him and Suzuha before she left made me tear up all over again.

Erica Collins

dang rip my girl suzuha she was one of my favorite characters and it SUCKS that now Okabe is the only one that remembers Suzuha and Daru are father and daughter and that Suzuha never met her dad

Drake Rage

4:36 Roshi it is also kind of a call-back to how Mayuri said to Okabe "Isn't it kind of sad to remember conversations that only you remember." Okabe realized only he remembers all of this happening already, and feeling kinda sad like Mayuri said he would. Edit: Well shit... I was thinking wow this is so wholesome around the 10 minute mark, now 4 mins later I am depressed, fk. Wellp now I am getting reminded why I didn't watch Steins Gate Zero, I am scared, I want to watch with you guys, I can't do it alone........ *inserting a sad 'lmao'*

Spearbearer Josh

Okabe pressing send was such a heavy moment


The OST was great this whole episode. Matched every moment perfectly!

Jose silva

the d mail did work thats why suzuha dint comit suicide just wasnt enough for crossing the divergent line.


Not really spoilers, but the anime cut out a few things Suzuha(last episode) should've said that was in the source material. She said that she told a few lies on her @chan posts about timetravel, such as there being multiple active worldlines. In truth, there's only one active worldline at a time. So, when a worldline does get changed, it's the one they're in actively getting rewritten. Not that Okabe is literally crossing parallel worlds with reading steiner.

FreshxEli Tv

Omg it’s really a time loop GUYS REMEMBER JOHN TITOR texted okabe and said he/she never been to the year 2000 but we do know a titor in 2010 when the divergence changed a little bit suha dies 10 years ago before 2010 and it makes sense since the time machine can’t travel to the future but the past basically ROSHI your are right it’s a loop with the pin and all when the divergence changes I think it goes back to the loop of the red hair girl when she dies aka C what if their is A world line B the one they need and C line where it loops between the 2 where both girls individually dies in their loop because at the end of the episode everyone was in the room expect the red hair girl just like the first loop when the girl with the glasses was in the room where the ibn went missing I think this is the start of her death loop which if you think about the first ep when she found okabe she kept saying you told me to find you and you had something to say I think her loop just started or more like everything is going back to normal since okabe went so far from the original timeline that’s why I think the divergence moved because he got closer to the original time line


Would you believe me if i said Daru's Voice actor is the voice of Gilgamesh?

Dj Josol (edited)

Comment edits

2024-01-15 16:39:03 The Stein's Gate OST is goated. I freakin love the piano arrangements
2022-07-06 04:05:32 The Stein's Gate OST is goated. I freakin love the piano arrangements

The Stein's Gate OST is goated. I freakin love the piano arrangements

no. 21’s no. 1 simp

this episode had my nose wanting to cry and those Roshigan jokes be coming true every time


The d-mail allowed Suzuha to leave before the storm hit, so the time machine didnt break, and also okabe was so relieved at the end there because that was the time Mayuri was supposed to die

Oax Al

The crew ain't ready for this fun house ish.

Random Guy

Imagine how fucked up it is to realize that you weren't able to fulfill your life's main purpose and you start to think that your life was a wasted.


Also the Japanese dub voice for Ezio in Assassin's Creed, hah.


Fun Fact: The real CERN just started up it's Large Hadron Collider again not to long ago after 3 years of being shut down for repairs. Recently since it's start up again, they've already found evidence of 3 new "exotic" sub atomic particles that make up our universe.


And sadly, Daru now does not know that he is Suzu’s dad 😭

Gordon Lou

Iirc, pretty sure she did say that early on, on her second explanation of how time travelling worked on @chan


It's funny that if they ever figure out time travel or already have then we wouldn't know lmao

Diego Zenhäusern

It just gets worse on rewatch because you not only know that she failed but you also know what she did after realizing that she failed.😭😕