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Morgiana is OP


Milian Seeve

they 100% have to watch the adventures of (POTENTIAL SPOILER sinbad) after this its too good not to.


can’t wait for the next episode


It would be so fire if they react to Kekkai Sensen or Akame ga Kill

devin billups

Morgiana and Alibaba separated some time after they met back up in Qishin so that Morgiana could go look for her tribe I think.


Yeah, this episode made me really like Morgiana, and got me to start reading the manga. She just gets more badarse from here.


Next ep is when the big shit starts ah yes I'm looking forward to this!


Everybody’s favorite character gets introduced next episode


It's Morgin Time


next episode is when everything starts up.. roshi ur in for a good ride, W fights, W characters, W arcs


When I saw the entry of Balbad, I thought we would see HIM as a cliffhanger but no 😭

Daniel Gotenks

Roshi is right. She met up with Alibaba but then Alibaba left to Balbahad before them. So now they're heading to where he is.


Yea Alibaba and Morgiana were together a couple episodes ago, but Alibaba left to find Alladin and Morgiana left to go back to her homeland. There's also been a timejump


Next week we are going to see the ultimate chad

Lloyd Edwards

Anyone who has captured a dungeon, and has access to a Djinn also has people who borrow that power called household members. The girl with the 2 swords from last episode is a household member of Paimon. That's all ill say

Rami Homsi

one of the coolest characters in anime about to be introduced next week, can't wait :)

Devin B

Alibaba said before he tries to find Aladdin he had business to take care of in Balbadd

Ranginald Vagel

Entire next month is gonna be fire


Morgiana said it had been 6 months since she left the city she met Alibaba and Aladin in. Aladin traveled back to that same city (within a few weeks) with the caravan but Alibaba had already left. He spent the next several months looking for Alibaba but was captured. Then another month or so passed and Morgiana showed up. Now they are traveling together. Morgiana to find a way home and Aladin to find Alibaba

joshua rosario

yes but to get to her home she needs a ship that only docks in balbad which so happens to be where Alibaba is waiting for Aliadin


"Slavery is a choice." Kanye was trippin when he said that. 😂

Antonio Williams

Kekkai Sensen is so chaotic, I guarantee you every reaction will have a memorable joke


can you answer this question for me who was the main character in akame ga kill I thought it was tatsumi at the beginning but then when I saw akame I wondered why the show was named after her even though the story was told through tatsumi's perspective.

Maxis Holst

morgiana is one of my fav female characters in all of anime def top3 in fighting and top 5 in general

Smash Bran'Discootch

THE COSBY CROW? Yeeeaaahh? So in a way i think that Morgiana kind of needed this in a way. At the beginning of the episode, she was still being plagued by dreams of the past. But in being able to completely WRECK the slavers, I think she might have been able to work out some of that internal stuff too. That certain, confident "I am a slave no longer" seemed to really solidify that those chains are no longer binding her, neither on her body nor in her heart.


Whole time I thought that was a boy 🤔

AJJAMES123 156

To answer roshi's question the timeline so far is that after alibaba, aladdin, and morgiana cleared the dungeon they all separated and alibaba and morgiana went back to the city the dungeon was originally in and aladdin went to the village with the grandma in it unconscious. While aladdin was asleep alibaba used the money he got to free the slaves then after that morgiana went to see him and set off to balbad like alibaba who was going to look for aladdin who was at the grandma village. Then after that the things in episode 5 and 6 happend so yeah


"give us us free" that Amistad reference though 😂😂😂Morgiana is a pretty well written character. This show is overall too good, it made me pick up the manga. I'm glad yall are covering it!

Lucky Licks

Tatsumi is the protagonist not Akame. The show just so happened to be named after her.

Lox Dwight

If I’m wrong someone correct me but this is how the time skip went. So from when they left the dungeon Alibaba and Morg ended up back in Quisan(I think it’s called). After she thanks Alibaba she sets off on her own and he goes to Balbadd. While Aladdin ends up somewhere else farther away from the two he had a confrontation with the princess and the kou empire army. After that Aladdin heads back to find Alibaba in Balbad (This is where he said he had unfinished business) on his way I think he meets those two girls and helps them out(this is how he knows them) however he is captured by the bandits who were with the slave trader. Later on Morg (I’m not sure what she was doing in between) she also wants to go to Balbadd most likely looking for the two who freed her because this is where Alibaba said he was going. However the route directly to balbad is being watched by the same bandits that kidnapped Aladdin. This is where the episode takes place and 6 months have passed.


by the way the short version of her name is pronounced Morj

Jake Thompson

Aladdin met the girls before episode 1, in the town he was in before Qishan and meeting Alibaba.


If you think Morgiana is OP oh boi cant wait for next week lmao


Most of what you said is on the mark but few minor points. 1st is Aladdin went looking for Alibaba in the starter town but wasn't able to find him. Aladdin then headed to Balbad for the same reason you gave.


2nd is Morg is trying to go home and needs to reach balilbad to catch a boat. This route is only taken by by balilbad port.

Connor Grynol

It was a boy. His name is Seisyun Ri. I had to double check because I also thought that was her brother.

Connor Grynol

I know a lotta people like Sinbad, but I can't get over what he does in the manga.


I can't wait for yall to see Morg to get her true power up - you think she's unstoppable now? This is only level 1


Although the anime is never gonna reach that far, Fanalis ain't exactly Human, even if their textures in here are like that. They are more closer to the generic fantasy trope of Beastmen, actual looks wise, so that super sonic howl thingie is basically just a physiological trait of such a species, obviously. Their hair color looks that unique cuz of what their fur coloration is like (basically think of humanoid lions w/ red fur)


Magi manga readers wya??


Don't know why the anime cut it, but the slave merchant was a former slave who killed his master and took over his business. Mor not killing him in revenge causes him to breakdown.


Man said the Cosby crow 🤣🤣😂😂


I watched the anime then continued with the manga like in 2015 or 2016. I don't remember everything, but now that I'm watching the anime again, everything hit on an different level.


@Connor Grynol SAME it was so crazy omg but I'm surprised how popular he is. I find it sad that people disregard some others cool characters of the anime. I remember liking the Kou empire a lot for some reason when I first watched it because they looked cool. Judal was a savage lmao


That’s what I don’t understand, People be disregarding all the other characters because of sinbad 😂 I know sinbad is the goat but damn, the other characters are cool too, judar is one of my favorite characters because he just look’s cool


Y’all ain’t seen nothing yet the power scaling in this anime gets ridiculous


Probably should of waited till he was introduced to say this… it’s not even that far off you could of waited lmao


The show literally explains all of this in-depth you getting too impatient my boy

Drake Rage

Look at that, another S-tier episode. Great reaction, only "complaint" was about getting mad at the trash mob for being trash mob. Of course they attacked the girl, how were they supposed to know the little girl was that strong, lmao.


12:43 I'm ngl Sheera stay sometimes saying the most unnecessary, blatantly obvious and already explained point like yeah they just said that 😂. Anyway all love to the squad of course

uchuu kitsune

Can't wait for next chapter XDDD


Why do some of you people always feel the need to throw in any kind of spoiler big or small just shut up and wait for them to get to certain things.


Those dogs said nah


Representing. I dunno what the author was thinking with the last arcs tho. She must have been in some kind of fever dream. Wish she would rewrite those if that is even a thing as this could have been a masterpiece if she nailed the ending.



Kwame Hasani Salmon

The Cosby crooooooooow🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️


The crazy part is is that morgiana isnt even that strong in fanalis standards.

Dj Josol

Anyone else sing the first notes as loud as possible in broken ass Japanese when the opening starts? Just me? bet


Hey, just wanted to know if yall were planning on a reaction to the new Bleach trailer🔥🔥 it'd be great to see, but it'd be a shorter video so I ain't exactly getting my hopes up😅🤗


people forget they dont have uber so a day trip turn to weeks if not months. is it funny as fuck seeing Aladdin get knocked out and captured every time we see him only to them use ugo to clap people to death.


I mean they've reacted to movie trailers on the youtube channel, just not on the patreon, so it's possible


That’s interesting but idk why you’d want to be a slave trader after experiencing the horror of slavery yourself

Brianna Jenkins

Not roshi comparing the slave trader to Sesshōmaru 🤣🤣🥲

These Plums

Still confused why they don't stop all the other shows and just drop 20 magi eps per week. smh


Lowkey wouldn’t mind if they did that lol


Not sure if anyone cleared up the timeline: They all got split up after the dungeon. Morg & Ali met back up first, and then went their separate ways. Morg was going back home & Ali was looking for Aladdin. Morg met this Caravan and has been hanging with them ever since she left Ali. Aladdin left the tribal people in a caravan & that's how you get to this episode.

rickie woodson

its the only truthful thing he said. you can choose death instead of choosing to live in bondage. same with mental slavery. you can choose to accept the white man's crumbs and society/culture or choose to read books/educate yourself. to is more to the world than whats in murica or from europe...............


"That's the most wild thing [kanye's] probably ever said" haha... that aged well.