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welp I was wrong lol



les goo


A billion yen, imagine having a friend who can slide you $7 million to gamble lol


This episode is the epitome of "F around and find out"

James Goch

Next episode will be a nail biter ;) if you know what I mean :p kek!


Glasses are just like that sometimes. No matter how much I get mine adjusted, they always slide


If Yumeko is one of your favorite main characters then you'll love the MC from Food Wars. Food war's MC always wants the smoke and seeing him put smug cheating a-holes in their places never gets old.

Devin B

Manyuda was definitely the one who sent the letter cause he wanted to give Yumeko more of an incentive to gamble with Yumemi because he was the one who came up with the idol event thinking that Yumemi was going to win for sure. He didn't take into account that Suzui, Mary, and Sumeragi was going to be in the audience cause the plan was to have all fan members in the audience for her to win.


Holy I would love to see them watch Food wars

Devin B

Soma is a dope character. Plus he isn't OP in cooking so it makes the matches fun to watch.


@Tev Overhaul Only Lupa has seen it I think. Main reason I think only he's seen it is due to Lupa being the only one to make jokes in reference to Food wars and Roshi and Sheera not getting any of the references he makes.


Also Yumeko just likes gambling. She is not testing anyone or trying to take them down a peg. Anything she does is all to raise the stakes and make the game more fun for her.


You guys need to stop thinking about the plans of yumeko, losing on purpose or testing loyalty and all. My guy just said it, she is just crazy guys. And as to losing on purpose l do wanna remind yall how she reacted when someone tried to lose on purpose against her............... yeah.

Ginger Dwarf

Oh boy you guys are getting sent to clap town

Dark Danny

I've been trying to tell them, like its pretty obvious she's just crazy

Dark Danny

that would probably be just be a duo reaction, Lupa has already seen food wars. Idk if he's seen it all, but he's references it a few times

Renni .

Yumeko is just a gambling addict, she wouldn't lose on purpose for her own moral reasons


Yumeko doesnt plan or plot lol, she's just there to gamble

Kendall Gresham

You know what’s fun about Yumeko, while she loves to gamble for the hell of it, every gamble that she takes seems morally sound. She’s the catalyst for every character’s growth while she doesn’t care about her well-being. Does that make her like some type of anti-hero?

Darren Banks

lol i can't with y'all 😭 reading hellofalot into an addict bullshitting her way out of hot water as people fall for her insanity.


Roshi said they haven't seen Food Wars but he does want to watch it. Only Lupa has seen it


The way y'all try to read yumeko's actions is hilarious. I need you to just realize there is no reading necessary, she is just crazy. There is ulterior motive to her actions, she does things just for the thrill of gambling.

Yuno Queen2k18

What in the clown shoes is going on yumeko is a addict at gambling she literally has no motive except the risk of gambling they tryna forget out her motives is crazy to me by the way love y’all reactions


The reason she brought Sumeragi in to give her money isn't that she was testing her loyalty or anything. She wanted her to join in the gamble by risking her life because she is a crazy gambling addict. She pretty much did that to make the game more exciting because instead of two people having their lives on the line in this match, 3 people do.

Chef MellowD

Lol y’all goin off 😂


the show: yumeko is crazy and gambles too gamble roshi and the gang: but.. whats her play


Y’all reading into yumeko way too much. She’s not testing loyalty. She’s a gambling addict and knows Itsuki has money so she manipulates her and asks for some because she needs it 😂 that’s all. There’s really no deep digging with her, she’s just insane my guys.


This. I feel like the sooner you realize that Yumeko is more of a force of nature instead of a Kira/L type of character, the sooner you'll understand she's just here to have fun.


yup, doing heroic things for non-heroic reasons (making people's lifes better just because the gambles that make it happen turn her on)


the Show Ain’t That Deep


Yeah, she’s just an gambling addict, that’s all, she’s not testing nobody loyalty, she’s just crazy, surprised you guy’s haven’t caught on to that yet, that’s she’s just crazy asf 😂 there’s no play at all she’s just gambling to gamble because she’s crazy, higher the stakes, the funnier it is to her( y’all reading into it waaaaaay to deep 😂) she’s not Ayanokouji




Didn't she intentionally go to third place to put Mary and the other housepet ahead of of her in the debt forgiveness event...? She technically didn't "win or lose" at third, but she def coulda screwed the housepet over and put her and Mary in first and second.


the clappage going on in the comments is insane 😂


Roshi, Sheera, and Lupa reacting to Yumeko be like Demiurge reacting to Ains

Reckless Company

Get your gambling freak on with me lol


I'm so glad y'all are reacting to this. I didn't think it would win in the polls

Tj Denby

he said "my nigga, do your glasses not fit your face?" lolololol had me rollin


Not really. It's more of that everyone else is just a piece of shit. An anti hero uses immoral means for a moral objective, but Yumeko isn't that. She would happily sacrifice her "friends" lives if it ment she could gamble one more time, as seen in this episode. It ends with their growth but I have a hard time seeing someone like that as anywhere near a hero.


well, it didn't win. They just wanted to watch it anyway.


You would think after 10 EPISODES they would get it by now lmao. It's not rocket sceience.


I feel like the line, "get your gambling freak on" should say everything you need to know about Yumeko, but apparently y'all too dense to grasp that lmao. Lowkey triggering how Sheera acts like she knows the anime inside and out, and knows Yumeko inside and out..... but actually DOESN'T, because this is her first time watching lmfao. And clearly isn't picking up the key point about Yumeko's character.


Manyuda went to the glasses store like, "Give me glasses that fall on my nose." "Why?" "Because I want to push them up all the time to look cool and calculating." "Um..... okay?"

Jason Yung

idk she does like to gamble. wouldn't losing and betting on nail girl to pay up not GAMBLING TO THE MAX.


The animation for Kaede guessing Yumeko's hands is incredible.


That's so crazy, I was thinking there's no way yen is that much lower than usd, 1 billion isn't in the hundred or even 10 millions of usd. It's really been dropping fast, last I remember it wasn't far from usd

Ricardo Juarez

Just want to throw in a fun fact that’s missed in the anime because they censored it Sumeragi is actually mimicking Manyuda by pressing her fingers up to her face in that last shot, but in the manga she’s actually only holding up her middle finger! Wish they had kept that

Drake Rage

Literally exactly what I was thinking, LMAO. They getting so hyped like the "NPCs" do in Overlord everytime Ainz does anything.