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whole time she was future Trunks



Do people not realize that correcting or confirming theories is literally spoiling? I know the reaction to SG is over, but the amount of comments I see like this is baffling. Imagine you're watching SG for the first time and someone is correcting/confirming your many assumptions and theories. I'm sure the vast majority of us wouldn't be able to enjoy the show if that happened to us. So in the future, just don't. A simple "we'll have to see" or "that's an interest theory" would suffice. Self control, folks.

Dequone Jackson

I never understand why people cant keep in their fucking pants.. Manga readers are the absolute worst with this when it comes to new shows but this shows me that anime onlys do the same shit when given the chance. it's so annoying.


Early today LETS GOOOOOO!!!!!

Reuben Filimaua

This episode is the perfect point to place the Kronk meme: Oh yeaa, its all coming together. Connections are being made and the bigger picture is starting to make sense. Its only gonna get better from here! Another solid reaction, see y'all next week for more S;G!


The books didn’t disappear. When he first shifted world lines the books never existed in that time line even though he has memories of them.

Lye Batenkaitos

very good review roshi, you and lupa are 100% correct. In order to cross from Alpha world line to beta, a significant event needs to occur on the scale of something that's world changing, like a war, y2k disaster, or building a time machine. This is the only way to cross that 1% barrier. This episode seems to hint at introducing an already built time machine and using it to cross over the 1%.

Lye Batenkaitos

Also i get you guys get frustrated with some decisions he makes, but you have to realize - if this man did everything you guys are thinking as a viewer, then we wouldn't have a show lmao. This show would be 3 episodes long if he did what yall said, that's why its best to just let the man make the mistakes, so we can see the outcome of the mistakes, then figure out a solution. That's the best way to make a show. Take it easy on the man.


Ngl I'm kinda pissed at how everyone in the comments at the start of this series were fully on your case for just being yourselves ffs


The part about the books will be explained later on, it has more to do with the world lines and changes what came with them


I’m glad you said something cause sherra was getting eternally clapped by them books

Dj Josol (edited)

Comment edits

2024-01-15 16:39:33 Yo Roshi idk if you'll see this, but how well did you and Sheera navigate the stations in Tokyo. I personally had a hard time and was overwhelmed at first.
2022-06-28 22:18:24 Yo Roshi idk if you'll see this, but how well did you and Sheera navigate the stations in Tokyo. I personally had a hard time and was overwhelmed at first.

Yo Roshi idk if you'll see this, but how well did you and Sheera navigate the stations in Tokyo. I personally had a hard time and was overwhelmed at first.

Sebastian Stróż

Oh I fucking loved this reaction at the end :D Let me just tell you... It gets much, much wilder from now on..... Also if you have some spare time some time in the future (world line 0.3434563) then rewatch this series and you will love it 10 times more.

Don Keedick

Yeah man, Okabe was hella annoying in Ep 13 and in this one too. I get you're stressed but not telling your mates that you're all being shadowed by CERN mooks and trying to do everything yourself is gonna end badly.

G. B.

To clarify for y'all, Ruka the shrine maiden was a male in the first couple of episodes. He wanted to be female so the crew allowed him to send a d-mail to his mom's pager which resulted in him being born a female for the latter few episodes. Right now Ruka is female.


well he did get betrayed by one of his supposed "friends"..

VanillaCoke1956 .

This is such a shit take. "I get you're stressed" - he has literally seen his childhood friend get shot several times over the course of a day by travelling back in time. She show makes it seems like it wasn't a long time but he saw it countless times, knowing it was his fault it happened. Plus he does not know how to undo it and he can not trust anyone considering one "friend" betrayed him. What do you expect him to do? Splurt out "HEY GUYS CERN IS GOING TO STORM THE PLACE AND KILL US ALL!" when he has no idea how that would impact the timeline? What if it fucks even more shit up? Think for a second. He's not Superman, he's a young adult who just got hit with the worst shit imaginable.


I'm watching this show for the first time I now understand Mayuri dying in this World Line and Christina dying in the other. This shit is fucked I'm assuming it's gonna be explained in the next episode.


Moeka wasn’t taken pictures so she wouldn’t forget. Because EVERYTIME the world line changes, they only one who remembers is Okabe. Stop clapping yourself sheera. And the reason the books disappeared is because EVERYTIME he changes from one world line to another, the events change and John titor wasn’t well known in one world line and well known in. Another.

Slammy Adams

ngl, though I was only in Tokyo for long layover, the subway system had me stressed out, so you're not alone.

Team Skull Grunt B

What people don't realize is that what if CERN was listening to them, and if okabae told them anything maybe CERN would have attacked earlier 🤷

Spearbearer Josh

Y2k, 2010, and then Harambe's death :^)

Greg Harrison

Wasn't there some meaning behind the whole spoon joke or am I just forgetting something?

Team Skull Grunt B

Well either way it's still not that simple, bit of a spoiler kinda but this pain he is going through is necessary.


*my fork = my fck (a fck from Okabe) lost in translation but MURICA PUN!!

Artem Kondratev

Actually it was clear that she is JT. A few episodes back when she was searching for her father we saw that crashed "satellite" disappeared right after she said she'll have to move on if she can't find her father.


before Okabe send dmail John Titer appeared in 2000, but now she never went to 2000 that's why books were gone.


Like I wrote in a previous comment, this show has a weird writing style. For example, in the scene where Mayuri gets shot, the reaction of the driver is not shown (nor is his actual body) as if he wasn't there. Or in the previous episode when Okabe escaped SERN to run to his lab, it was not shown exactly how as if it didn't really happen, and no detail is shown about SERN members except for Moeka. They get straight to the point while omitting details and it gives the odd feeling that Okabe is inside a dream. I believe the reason for this is because it is the adaptation of a video game. In visual novels games, there is always a limited set of characters for practical reasons, and very little detail is shown about the characters outside of the MCs cast unless they play an important role in the story. But they could simply have avoided this odd feeling by adding a few tertiary characters to the cast imo.

Ec Aea

Yo... Roshi is actually really goddang spot on. Kudos bro my man have been 5headed reading the hell out of the subtitle. Even i couldn't catch onto it on 1st watch through and had to play the episode multiple time. And Lupa finally see the bigger picture of the entire shit show. Noice


So in the first timeline before anything happened, that was the only time that there was no such thing as a time machine so the most recent time for John Titor to go to to hit 1% divergence was Y2K (the year 2000 and then she made books throughout the years leading to 2010) but then when Okabe sent the first Dmail, Okabe went to the next timeline that made a massive change in divergence and 2010 became the first time machine and now the most recent time to help hit 1% divergence to get to the beta line so instead of Y2K John Titor went to when the first time machine was built 2010.


it's so funny how they came up with that theory and how she keeps bringing it up


lol man I knew this series was going to be a non-stop clap-a-thon and wouldn't be a good fit for Roshi & Crew. It's why I never really recommended for them to watch Steins because it just doesn't really fit in well with their reaction format/style. Steins is one of those anime series that really benefits from having actual conversations afterwards to discuss the episode and events. I'm not saying they aren't "getting it" or their dumb for missing things, not at all, I am honestly not trying to trash them or their opinions. A lot about Steins is the small details and when you power through the show and it's "straight onto the next one" you can easily forget or miss a lot of of those small details which in turn can easily make the series confusing as it goes on.

no. 21’s no. 1 simp

It wasn't that clear, she was obviously time sus, but JT didn't say he was the only time traveler or that he used the satelite.

Artem Kondratev

Okay, yeah, I was mostly talking about her being time traveler, not necessarily JT. My mistake.

Random Guy

The whole reason why the John Titor books disappeared is because in this world line, John Titor arrived much much later (2010) and no one had the time to write about him yet. Compared to the Beta World line where she arrived 10 years ago in the year 2000, there was plenty of time for people to write books about him and his "theories".


Chill out man. Everybody is not nerd like you pointing every detail or looking for it. Like half the time I am eating and doing random things and missing the sub, but I still enjoy it.


I mean who cares if they clap themselves it’s not that big of a deal they can’t get everything right especially when it’s a show about time travel if they don’t catch on rn maybe they will later isn’t getting clapped part of the reaction?

Drake Rage

I just realized something.. actually 2 things. This could be a spoiler???? but it depends if you make the connections like I randomly did. So here it goes: 1. So... At the very beginning of the show, Kurisu/Christina/Assistant died, but something happens/we assumed Okabe moved world lines and Kurisu was alive again..... Does that mean the fricken show STARTED with Okabe shifting to a "beta" worldline with a divergence of 1%.... since it reversed her death while we got the explanation here that typical worldline shifts will be within the same "alpha" worldlines, so that is why he cannot prevent Mayuri from dying...? He did just go to the past in the same worldline and not shift worldlines in the last 2 episodes, but the explanation at the end of this episode makes it seem like they have to cross the 1% barrier (again) to save her... 2. The machine is not just a machine, it is a time machine... but.... also....... can you make the connection..? lol It is nice to watch a great show after a crazy many years when you don't remember anything so you can experience it all again.

Drake Rage

I think Roshi is doing great and even Lupa is managing to hang on and not become lost. Things go south only when someone starts clowning during something important or make random assumptions without any information to support it, which then turns into forgetting or ignoring information that was already provided just to somehow continue supporting that random assumption... which leads to all of them being confused and lost by the end of it, lmao. As long as that doesn't happen, we will be fine. It is mostly going great so far, haha.


I could be wrong, but I think this episode is the first time Lupa pronounced 'SERN' correctly at the end lol

Gordon Lou

Okabe was acting very emotionally instead of rationally which makes sense given how is he just a normal dude and how there was the high amount of stress of seeing Mayuri get shot and whatnot.

chou sion

damn you got good observation, memorization and dedcuting skills, your actually closely right

Diego Zenhäusern

Yeah, I mostly agree with Don: I know that Okabe not telling them makes emotional sense. But that doesn't mean it can't still feel very anoying...and I think to a degree the show wants us to be frustrated with him and to want him to confide in his friends, so that it is more impactful when he eventually does! BUT, this doesn't mean that him not telling makes rational sense, because it doesn't. After a few attempts it becomes rationally clear that he can't solve this on his own. Because for instance: If SERN's shadowing them it doesn't matter if he tells his friends or not. If he doesn't tell and just sends them away without explaining, they'll think he had just a bad day and they'll just get caught by SERN whilst relaxing at home. And if he tells them SERN could still catch them as easily, since they're already shadowing them anyways. The difference is that rationally his friends have a way better change of getting away if they know what's up (even if they might panic at first) than if they are completely oblivous. And he has also a way higher chance of saving Mayuri if he involves other people to help him (as this episode itself has proven). The point of this episodes IS that rationally it doesn't make sense for Okabe to not tell his friends in the lab but that he still doesn't because he's emotionally not ready to do this (for various reasons, like being to stressed to think rationally, being socially akward, suffering from self loathing and the fear his friends would hate him if he told them what he'd gotten them into etc.) So pretending that Okabe is thinking straight and has legit and rational reasons to not tell anyone (at least after like 10 or 20 failed attemps) is just as ridiculous as pretending that it's unreasonable for him to act emotionally and irrationally in this situation in the first place.

Diego Zenhäusern

I don't think it's (intended to be) clear when you watch it for the first time, but it is more (intended to be) something you: a) You recall when watching this episode for the first time that make's you go: "Oh rigth, that makes sense, how did I miss that!" or b) something you don't even pick up on until you rewatch the entire series and then makes you go: "Oh rigth, that makes sense, how did I miss that!" 🙈😅 And no, I'm not saying it's impossible to get it on your first watch through, but it is definitely not "clear" on a first watch through😅


can you watch madoka magica


can you watch steins gate 0?


The books are gone because John Titor didn't gain popularity in the early two thousand in this time line. So the books are gone because they don't exist.