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With everything that has happened to Okabe I'm not surprised he's acting irrationally. It's easy to sit on the sideline as an observer and say that he's being an idiot but you aren't experiencing the stress, pain, and trauma that he is going through in such a short time.

Dry Lyo

Japanese people are actually human beings though


the fuckery begins


YO Lupas scream lmao


I am here. <3

Ec Aea

Aye a comment sectionioner here , no we ain't going to cuss you out. It is kinda dumb that he keeps getting near to her and indirectly cause her death. Also remember he can't really tell them immediately in the room , the SERNs are monitoring them , and also i think the reason why theres so many sussy people around them is because hes being followed by them all along so regardless he time leaped or not they were already onto him.

Cesar Acosta

I agree, I was annoyed with his man’s lack of actions and stupidity for a few episodes

Reuben Filimaua

I understand your frustration with Okabe. It logically is better to let his friends know what's going on. But his mind is too focused on saving Mayuri. Remember the board game where Kurisu was kicking his ass in ep 5? She mentioned his losses are cos he never looks at the big picture. He always focuses on his own objective.. which is his blind spot. But.. that still doesn't answer why he doesn't talk and get help. Its cos he knows the only reason they're all in trouble, is cos of him. Its all HIS fault they're in deep shit. Its a punishment on his own carelessness, as you's were saying for many episodes up til now. So he's choosing to struggle with this alone. Why bother bringing his friends into this, he doesn't wanna ruin their lives any further. Its still stupid, but its understandable where he's coming from. Its all emotional.. and going by your emotions never helps. He's literally acting based on his fear, his desire to save, and his own guilt and self loathing. Anyway priceless reactions either way 😂 pure gold!

Austin Yun

The flashback to the scene w/ Mayuri in front of the grave, young Okarin was 100% worried she was going to commit suicide.


I fail to see how Okabe telling Daru and Kurisu what happens in the future would change anything. What are they even supposed to do with that information? they can't really go to anyone else since no one will believe anything they say. Run away? SERN literally has them on their crosshairs so I'm sure they would get what they wanted sooner or later. Also Okabe just went through a hell of an experience, I'm sure that thinking "rationally" would be pretty hard to do. Good reaction tho!


girl tripped, bumped into mayuri from behind she falls on the tracks


Well judging by how this story goes I can suggest you guys think about watching steins gate 0 as it does connect steins gate as a story as a whole alongside the movie after steins gate and oh btw Okarin is being monitored by SERN its a reason why he can't just tell his crew whats going on and as you saw the car he is also being followed by them these last few days and the days he is being sent to the past. Keep in mind SERN is a huge organization with a variety of connections and people they use.

armaan newaskar

See the thing is….in the case of Okabe, despite his mad scientist persona, he has really low self esteem. Despite how he acts he is someone willing to do anything for his friends because he values their futures over his own. And what happens when you take a man with low self esteem and in general communication issues and put him under a high stress situation like this….in the case of Okabe he becomes paranoid. He doesn’t want to tell his friends, at least in the beginning about what he sees and heard because in his mind they could potentially be endangered by him telling them. After all, he has no reason to believe that SERN isn’t watching him and his friends constantly. So with the paranoia being applied to his already flawed and slightly self deprecating mindset, instead of trusting his friends Okabe chooses to try and keep information from them at first because he fears SERN might find out and he doesn’t want them to suffer unnecessary consequences.


This was when the show reached S tier for me.

armaan newaskar

Also in regards to the thing about Okabe keeping Mayuri with Ruka instead of taking her with them….Okabe’s thought process in this scenario was that he wanted to find a way to get Mayuri out of the city because she is the least involved with the time travel stuff out of any of the lab members, and as such he believes that she should not be put in a scenario where she especially would be in danger. Okabe obviously wants all of his friends to be safe, but seeing as he saw Mayuri die before, he wants to get her out of the city so that whatever happens…she, his closest and most innocent friend, does not die again.

Ignacio Garcia

If you stop to think about it, the guy is 18, practically still a kid, dealing with what it seems to him to be a single day (Because of that continuous conscience) of getting his best friend murdered over and over again by whom he thought was a friend (As well as Makise). When he goes back in time he barely travels 3-4 hours while being a total wreck of emotions. I really can't blame a guy for being an idiot, I think it's normal for him in this situation to be rash and irrational; people act a lot worse for much less in real life, we just get used to seeing Sherlock Holmes characters as the norm but we all act like monkeys when stressed.


The Sheeragan is TOO MUCH this episode!!!

armaan newaskar

Again, this is not a perfect mindset and not one the show endorses either. However for someone like Okabe in this scenario, as frustrating as it ultimately is, him choosing not to tell his friends is ultimately in character for his currently incomplete mindset, one predicated on the prioritization of his loved ones to an almost unhealthy extent.

Rony Merida

okay so he doesn’t tell Daru and Kurisu anything because as they mentioned previously, they’re already being watched by sern. Why tell them what happens if they could possibly be heard by them and screw things up even more. And he doesn’t want to tell Mayuri anything because he wants to keep her safe, he doesn’t want her knowing anything about anything to not worry or scare her. And remember he’s not thinking rationally, he is still a kid who has watched his childhood friend be killed over and over again. His top priority right now is to keep her safe. And he keeps going back to the train station because they’re not stopped yet, they call in a bomb threat later on, remember he knows the time the bomb threat was given. and that’s the fastest way to get out the city and safest since it’s really crowded. But above everything, he really wants to keep everyone safe, which is also why he decides not to tell them everything since he knows they’re only after him and Mayuri so he just tells them to stay away from the lab.

Rony Merida

and another thing I forgot to add, you gotta remember he is also on a time limit , 5 hr time limit. And as you could tell he was already being followed for a while even when he leaps back in time. So they’re already on to him. Which is why he says he has no Time to fully explain and just tries rushing to where Mayuri is at to try and get her to safety.


Never stand like that for the train irl. Crazy ppl would push you for no reason. It happens too much in New York. Stand with your back against a pillar. Always be aware of any1 behind you. I thought Japan had trains with the extra barrier unlike the ones in USA.


The man is too rattled about the situation to think logically, I’d probably be freaking out like him for a bit if I was in his situation

Zack Christensen

Great video as always guys! Also I noticed you guys seem to fall victim to the 'Fourth Wall Myopia' trope quite a bit in all your series lol. By this I mean you tend to view a story through an audience perspective, rather than a characters perspective. For example your frustration with Okabe this episode makes sense as you're viewing it from an audience perspective, but you're forgetting to understand the character's perspective. Okabe just witnessed someone close to him get killed. He's not exactly thinking clearly, and is probably pretty fucked up. There's a bunch of other stuff on this that people already explained in these comments so I won't parrot them. Just wanted to point out that you guys tend to fall victim to that trope quite a bit, which does make a funny reaction I guess lol.


please remember this man is just 18 years old its alot for him and going through this stuff is stress so he isnt making the best decisions sometimes

Dj Josol

Lupa @ 1:35 "This man picked the bad timeline" Oof wait till you see Steins Gate 0...


also he dosnt say stuff outloud cause they might be listening to what he would say, thats why he didnt get specific when he just said go somewhere else


Haha okay so everything that happened in this episode happened on the same day, in that particular worldline, so there was no worldline change because this time around they sent memories back to the past, which doesn't affect the worldline. That's why she keeps dying because that's her last day, in this worldline.


Train-Kun came in clutch this episode.

Team Skull Grunt B

I understand the logic about him talking to them, but not sheera's logic about just leaving her. As you noticed, it's a paradox. Even if he left her she'll still die no matter what.


this takes place in 2011/2010 tho so take that into account

john segun doe

LMAO Good Call Roshi on the Comment-section Comment, Naw but Fam fr tho if someone u absolutely love dies not 30 secs ago of course the first thing he is going to do is go bat shit tryna look for her. You gotta see it from his perspective, the man is distraught and overcome with emotion, its very hard to be on point when that happens. i cant blame him for rushing to find her right after seeing her die in his arms. Also I think he doesn't tell them anything in the Lab cuz SERN is listening in

john segun doe

Yah imo it would make panic them, like if someone came from the future and said we're about to get raided and ppl are out to kill us, i'd kinda go crazy. But again it could work if they'd just stay calm, but i mean realistically if tell me i'm dying, then ur never seeing my face again near u


I love you guys but you never think about this from the emotional standpoint. The most important person in his life is killed in front of him at gunpoint and he gets a chance to do it over, so he’s gonna be hyper focused on her. Also what would Okabe telling them even do? Telling them to leave the lab serves the same exact purpose


I don't think telling everyone would change anything. If anything, it would just end with more of them dying.

asdf horo

Love the reaction vid but Roshi really clapped himself lol, remember the lab and the members are being monitored by sern, explaining everything right after he time leaped is the worst he could do,emotionally broken okabe actually made wiser choice than roshi from calm audience POV lol


I think the problem is that you guys sometimes have difficulty understanding people's actions in high-stress situations and inadvertently project your own calm action's onto them. Okabe doesn't want to waste a single second having to explain everything because there is nothing anyone can do, so all he does is tell them to get as far away to protect themselves.


Classic Sheeragan moment


I think its easier to think of Mayuri's situation as how in Marvel there are absolute points in time. Things that can not be changed no matter how much you travel through time


Okarins best friend was literally killed like 1 min earlier and these guys saying "Why aren't you explaining to them" as if the first thing he wouldn't do after a time skip is checking if that best friend is alive. Don't forget that it's the first time he's actually gone backward in time with his memories, other times it was just timeline changes so Mayuri could have still been dead.

Joey Zero

It's too late to leave Mayrui at the shrine. We've seen her die 3 times at the exact same point in time, so it's safe to say she's "meant" to die there. If Okabe tells her to stay at the shrine and they get captured, he'd never know if she survived or not, and that's probably worse than watching her die.

Joey Zero

TOOOOO MUCH! I'm sitting here like "omg, I can't wait to see their reaction to Mayuri getting hit by the train" and here comes Sheera's superpower with the spoiler.


Pretty sure the reason he isn't telling anyone anything is because SERN's appearance confirms that the whole 'connecting to their database without their own intervention' is 100% SERN monitoring them at this point.

Pan Cakes

oh hell naw, that lupa scream got me bruh. mans turned back in time to become a COD squeaker 😭

Random Guy

The only reason why the same thing is happening again and again and nothing is changing is because they're not changing timelines. Maybe they shoyldn't have converted the dmail to the time leap call.


no, Lupa, it was not a guy in the previous loop


No they’re not chasing him through time 😂


Yeah it was the same mom like previous time lol


Why y’all think time stopped?


Cause the watch stopped ticking and the sand in the hourglass stopped flowing


"Just tell him" ..... 😂🤣😂 Yeah that would totally change events 🙄🤦‍♂️


You know how many people would be tilted? Lmaooo so many comments were bitchin to get this watched.

Damarcus Miller

Yeah LMAO I would’ve thought they would know at this point that he can’t just go around telling them it’s not that simple…

Oscar Barcelo

Man he must be extremely tired after. Jumping back a couple of times, since he jumps during the day he hasn’t gotten any rest so he’s probably been up for more than 24+ which I think is also affecting his decision making. Also watching his friends die multiple times in what technically is one day.

Aliou Diallo

I understand that but don't you agree that it feels weird watching reactors watch a show that gets them this irritated ?

Franck Frost

Okabe isn't thinking rationally, I doubt he gave a single thought to the fact SERN is prolly monitoring them, that's not why he's not telling them. It's just the stress driving his actions, which is totally understandable, the roshi crew just has a tough time empathizing with that, nothing new. We all have some pet peeves with shows though so eh, it's w/e. One correction though. Knowing the bomb threat timing serves no purpose here, he just knows where it'll get called aka what lines will get shut. And the bomb threat is indeed called at the moment he is there with Mayuri, he tells her exactly that. Thing is the TRAINS are shut, that's why he's taking the subway (like he was trying to do on the last loop before he felt a gun on his back) and ye, subway is def the second fastest way to get out of there. The crew was getting triggered and missed that, happens. So ye, he's being irrational but not stupid, just irrational.


I don't know, if you are having SERN listening to your every word and following you everywhere I would have struggled knowing how to tell them what is going on without alerting SERN and still having time for an escape plan and to execute that plan in just 3hrs. Plus with the shock, he is just trying to get to Mayuri as fast as possible so they have more time to escape. Remember that SERN can hear their conversations (in episode 11 you figured out that SERN found out that they hacked into their database so they connected directly into their computer) and they are following him so he has no time to think about anything except to get to Mayuri as fast as possible, he is only acting out of emotion right now.

Franck Frost

Quick correction. Yall were getting triggered a bit and missed it but he's not at the train station. He specifically tells Mayuri that he knows the TRAINS are shut and that's why he told her they were going on the still running SUBWAY. (Which he said he was gonna do in the previous loop too before he got a gun on his back) He has no idea to what extent they are monitoring him so the safest and fastest solution he can think of is taking some kind of transport and getting the fuck away from there. He doesn't want anyone panicking and possibly messing things up further so he's just going about it sneakily. It's irrational but def not stupid. General note, yall giving way too much agency to someone under high stress, nothing new and it's okay, we all got pet peeves with shows but stahp. This man is 18, realizing the shit he started is getting his childhood friend killed by someone else he selfishly invited into the group and it's putting the rest of the group in big shit. Real life people lose their shit the minute they see a gun pointed at them, let alone a precious someone getting shot by their fault.


lol ya'll to funny sometimes.


the bomb threat only shut down a few lines so they okabe went to one thatd be running this time


Especially sheera she always be getting angry when people act brash in highly intense situations 😭😭😭they only act like that since they are not in his situation


They keep forgetting he is being watched and it just going to cause more deaths

Team Skull Grunt B

Why are you assuming they don't like the show? You can feel annoyed by something and still want to watch lol


*Whisper’s* I understand what you mean

Trent Ward

Oh no I’m getting re zero reaction vibes from them. They prob not fucking with the show lmao. Luckily this show is a way better than re zero so hopefully they enjoy the rest of the episodes


in Japan some train stations have the barrier, but most don't, even nowadays. the majority of people are good about standing behind the yellow line on the platform, but yeah, that doesn't always prevent accidents or other unfortunate incidents.


Re:zero and Steins;gate are great in their own respective ways.

armaan newaskar

I mean they’re both masterpieces and I personally think Steins Gate > Re Zero’s anime rn but once more of it gets adapted….IDK man


from what I've heard from people who've read ahead through the light novel it gets way better, but that could just be the diehards talking.


i thnik one person he should explain things to is the chick with some hands.....let her protect mayuri


Best choice is to explain stuff to chick with hands and give her mayuri to protect, then run as far away as you can


These guys so scared of gun shot sounds, while in every single show they react to always going for the sudden shooting joke.


I mean... you should probably feel irritated with him at this point, he's making dumb decisions because he's panicking and not really thinking yet. It's frustrating seeing Okabe like this the first time. Gotta wait till things start coming together


You clearly haven't watched this guys that much. They do like the show, but they are very vocal when things annoy them =).

Aliou Diallo

And it also is a good reminder for me that everyone has different viewing experiences. Because personnaly nothing annoyed me about this part even on my first watch.

Salty MF

no offense tho but it kinda feels like they are forcing themselves to watch this show at this point..


Steins gate is better than any anime out there. It’s time traveling but it actually makes sense and all plot points are explained

Chris Tercero

They never said they didn’t like the show . They said they don’t like the actions of the main character as of late… you don’t have to like every single little thing of show dude lol. I love steins gate , but I agree with them … how Tf did okorin get away from Sern when they crashed marurai… that part literally makes no sense . It’s a huge plot hole .


I’m not even trying to be a asshole, but Let’s be real @Realistboi, you saying stiens gate better then Naruto shippuden, dragon ball super, HxH, JoJo bizarre adventures,bleach and AOT??🤨🤨😑


well taste is different. I havent watched the first 2 and don't plan. started bleach but don't care to continue. same with AOT. i was season 4 middle and just don't care to continue


I can’t speak for AOT but Steins Gate is definitely better than the rest of them imo


You guys are crazy but we all do have different preferences so I understand 😂


Your crazy as well but I understand 😂


All subjective, but yes. Maybe because I have so much nostalgia w/ it. On par with AoT for me.


Without a doubt better than those shonen shows mentioned


nah fam, for the smartest person in the show Okabe is acting like a moron

The GoDKing 27

No I meant he squealed when Okarin Got tackled 😂



You missed my point. We hear about SERN through all the show, but have you ever seen what they look like? In their few appearances, they're literal masked minions with civilian clothes while Moeka is shown wearing a James Bond outfit in plain sight. Because this show uses visual novel logic, the focus to details stays on the main characters' cast, and this gives birth to scenes that feel absurd or weird.


tl;dr : The characters cast is too small for a story this big.

Kayya Rainey

I think it’s more of a they are confused most of the time like you would be in rezero so they don’t enjoy it has much or don’t show it. If that makes sense


Don’t get me wrong, at first I didn’t even like stein’s gate, but I decided to binge watch all of it and I actually like it now, but to me it’s not better then the shows I mentioned, but it is all subjective like someone said above

Drake Rage

@Team Skull They did not seem to like Re:Zero since Lupa hated the MC (Subaru) and started sighing and rolling his eyes whenever he came on screen...(He even straight up said "shut the fuck up" to Subaru before he even said a word when he came to save the little girl in the mansion(Season 2); He also completely zoned out during Subaru's important character development episode when he was trying to run away with Rem since he kept failing to save Emilia from the Cult, etc.) Then there was the fact that Sheera kept making wild assumptions throughout the series so they even forgot what actually happened and assumed whatever assumptions Sheera made were correct so they had no idea what was happening throughout the show, especially Season 2. They basically remembered ZERO information from Season 1, only using Sheera's random assumptions to understand Season 2, lmao. Their reactions for that show traumatized me x_x That is why I get super mad when Sheera makes random assumptions/predictions because she makes it more difficult for Roshi to understand what is actually going on in the shows, lol.

Drake Rage

Bro, the first time I watched Steins Gate, you could say it took me 2 years to finish watching it, lol. I actually stopped at episode 3 or 4 because they all seemed so weird and random, but got back to watching it almost 2 years later, but once I got to the point where episodes ended in cliffhangers... my god I was on the edge of my seat at the end of every episode, binge watched it in 1-2 days lol. Extremely slow start, but once the plot kicks in its 10/10 for sure.


Yeah, sheera do be doing that on sone reactions 😂

aya thedestroya

BRUHHH they gotaa watcha Magi Madoka Magica after this!!! the gang would be SHOOK


Re: y'all's end discussion: This is why Summertime Rendering and Shinpei are the GOAT, because he comes back and is immediately like, "Imma get video evidence and then tell everyone who needs to know."

chou sion

I get roshy so fucking badly, I had never been as triggered as I was watching this episode. mf rintaro had me pause the ep cause I couldn't take, I was only able to continue after venting it out and cussing the mf in every sentence in the comment section. bro had my blood pressure rising

Diego Zenhäusern

Ohh, I never saw the self loathing factor (just though he was stressed/ dumb/ kinda to socially akward/ stubborn to tell anyone) but I like it, it makes a lot of sense!

Diego Zenhäusern

I mean rationally it would make 100% sense to tell them about SERN. As long as they don't know that they should actually be on the run it wouldn't solve anything since even if he managed to get himself and Mayuri out, the other's would still be caught. It would be better for them to be panicked but on the run than to just be sitting at home and getting got there because they didn't know anything about anything. That said, I totally get that he's panicking so I can't blame him too much, even though it's frustrating.

Diego Zenhäusern

I agree on the emotional front but not on the rational one! It would make 100% sense to tell them about SERN. As long as they don't know that they should actually be on the run it wouldn't solve anything since even if he managed to get himself and Mayuri out, the other's would still be caught. It would be better for them to be panicked but on the run than to just be sitting at home and getting got there because they didn't know anything about anything. That said, I totally get that he's panicking so I can't blame him too much, even though it's frustrating.

Reuben Filimaua

Yeeah its still kinda frustrating in the VN but you at least get some context of his actions by seeing his inner thoughts. The anime cutting that dialogue that explains his reasoning for stubbornly doing things alone makes it less enjoyable to watch.