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What... just happened??


Randy Iwafuchi

Been waiting for them to get to this episode

Reuben Filimaua

Welcome to Steins Gate. The build up has been completed.. let the suffering begin.


Ah yes, this is where the true Steins Gate begins lol

Drake Rage

Love the upload timings Roshi! Ah, let me start feasting <3

Thiccc Mexican259

Ah yes... PAIN So what flavor of Ice Cream should I get for my depression cause I'm at the store right now


I am here :D


i still feel like you guys should consider watching steins gate 0 before completely finishing it because there are a LOT of hints and foreshadowing that will help you understand the COMPLETE story of steins gate as it will open a lot of things for the viewer especially since this is your first time watching this show it will create a very entertaining experience however watching steins gate 0 will have you guys stop at a certain point in steins gate.

Jay Craig

do not do this, it's the most retarded idea ever - watch it in the order it was fucking made


Remember guys zip them lips, and only leave comments on the reaction itself

Lelou Felteray

Shinning finger pulled up with the shinning blicky

Austin S

it begins.


I still want too see them react too the full op idk why they cut it out every time :/


Well i thin theyre gonna enjoy this show


Kurisu and the soldier got some B E E F

Ashanti Patmon

i've been waiting for you to react to this the moment the plot went up


Idk why people disagreeing with u tbh. Idk what order u talking about but steins Gate chronological order >> release order fs for me. The release order is fine by itself ofc since its intended that way but the chronological really emphasises Okabe's struggle and journey.


mayuri wasnt needed because shes basically there because mayuri is just okabes friend. she isn't smart or figuring shit out. shes just there and has no use for sern


I don’t know what you saying, but you speaking facts

Dj Josol (edited)

Comment edits

2024-01-15 16:40:24 This is where my Party PTSD started. Good luck travelers. El. Psy. Congroo.
2022-06-21 22:51:36 This is where my Party PTSD started. Good luck travelers. El. Psy. Congroo.

This is where my Party PTSD started. Good luck travelers. El. Psy. Congroo.

Dj Josol (edited)

Comment edits

2024-01-15 16:40:24 I think watching it in chronological order would be interesting. But, it might be a little weird cause I think you have to stop halfway on the last or second to last episode if you want to watch it in chronological order.
2022-06-21 22:57:42 I think watching it in chronological order would be interesting. But, it might be a little weird cause I think you have to stop halfway on the last or second to last episode if you want to watch it in chronological order.

I think watching it in chronological order would be interesting. But, it might be a little weird cause I think you have to stop halfway on the last or second to last episode if you want to watch it in chronological order.


Dio went crazy with the time stop this episode


Damn I'm sad she's dead because now I won't be able to hear that noise she makes every time she shows up


u literally just don't watch the last two episodes of steins gate, and watch it after steins gate 0, then there's also the one episode of steins gate missing link in between but that's a lot. i do think this order is more enjoyable tho.

Francisco Rodriguez

For now on all episodes are full speed no brakes !!


The translations in the subs didn't make it clear. He essentially said they would go public with their findings. In other words publish them in a scientific journal. The way it was translated made it seem like they were just giving the time machine away for no reason.

Artem Davydenko

I think it is not too late to tell about recommended watch order. It is not the RIGHT order, but in my opinion it makes more sense, because it does not spoil some think before season two, and it will make a ride more interesting. First, watch season one episodes 1-22 (do not forget post-credits scene). After this watch OVA Steins Gate: Open The Missing Link (you can find it on youtube) Then watch season two, and after this finish season one episodes 23-24. I believe this is community-official watch order, that everyone recommend, and I am not sure if someone already wrote this. Anyway, I hope you will at least make a poll bout this.


I remember being happy she died because I hated that noise with passion.


Nah man I get that it makes sense like that for chronological order, but totally blows away any of the suspense that gets built up just leaving to another story and then going back for the finale. Season 2 is a totally different route and would probably just confuse them more. For first time watchers watching season 1 in it's entirety is definitely the way to go (including the episode 25 ova)

Ec Aea

My dear 14 y o teen , stop asking them to watch this and that in what order , let them watch it on release schedule like most of us did. It does not change much of in terms narrative , in fact it helps them understand the story better after they finish both.


Tuturu? :(

Ec Aea

Also Sheera have been thinking too deep about the time travel and time line stuff and hvnt been paying too much attention to what shes been shown on the screen i believe her Sharingan will activate once again if she stop looking back and try to predict instead of trying to backtrack her thoughts just for the time travel stuff. There is a reason why she didn't say anything there and sometimes the explanation is simpler than you think. Ill let Sheera figure out why. I'm sure Roshi notice it when he edits the video for sure. This is where Roshi's tendency of not predicing too much shines. Remember , they aren't suppose to know that time changed or something changed. They had clearly stated this , especially when Kurisu finished the time leap machine. There is no way to confirm whether anyone time leaped or not. Anyways your question will be answered eventually , just don't clap yourself too hard and stray your thoughts way too far.


And here... we... go.


How many times we gotta learn this lesson, old man? Always jokin bout bringing out the guns and then the shooting start happening and ya'll can't believe how we got here lol. Especially last episode when you guys were makin jokes about it, I kept thinkin "Uh huh. Wait till next episode."

Artem Davydenko

No need to be rude and trying to guess my age, my little friend. I just suggested them the watch order that imo is better. If we talk about narrative, it is true, however, second season feels hella long, and might be boring for some people, in addition, it might feel like unnecessary spin-off, if you already watched episodes 23-24, due to the fact that it just explains ending for the mist part. But I did not want to write it, because someone could consider it a spoiler. To be honest, I was sure that this way of watch order is officially-accepted, because it is very popular among people that I know, and many communities. Wa not expected such a strong opposite opinion, so I guess I just go and puck myself

Adamantite Momon

I prefer the release order though excluding ep 25 which I think should be watched with the movie


You can tell Roshi been spoilt the way he paying attention..


Do you need a poll? Look at the like difference on comments with this idea vs people who just say no. The idea of watching the show first time in this mixed-up order is only put out by people who think they are big brain, just let them watch it in its intended order.

Salty MF

so tuturu no more? :(


he literally said we should tell people about our discovery and give the machine to an appropriate organization. how is that not clear?

Peacefinder Simply

@winnifred kind of agree, only thing i didn't like about this anime was her. Sick of the overly innocent air-headed girls in anime. One of my least favorite character archetypes. Shes 16 and acts 4 years old, can't help but be bothered by it.

Seth Womack

I can't wait for more this is my favorite anime and I'm so glad they are reacting to it.


Because, he didn't literally "mean" that. That's what the sub translation said. Just because you are watching it in Japanese, doesn't mean liberties are not taken in translation. I can say that I am dying of thirst, which to a native English speaker just means that I am really thirsty. I you translate that literally into another language such as Japanese, it may come across as me literally about to die as thirst. This is just how language is. There are often not 1:1 translations for certain phrases since words can carry more meaning than just the literal dictionary definitions.


Where did you get the idea that Lightning Fingers girl was getting stuff erased from her life? All she was doing was emailing and taking photos. I don't remember anything being mentioned about her memories? maybe I missed something, but I didn't think so


End... Of... Prologue.....

Jean Thibodaux

When she was introduced she said the reason she was taking pictures was to have proof of where she’s been and what she’s seen. They took that to mean that she was having memory problems like Okabe did at the start


Ahhh. Okay. Sort of makes sense then; but I still don't think she's having memory issues. We'll see! Haha


It's not SIR. It's SERN. You pronounce it correct if you put an "N" in the end. SIR-N


Thanks for watching this. I was scared to rewatch steins gate because it’s in my top animes but I watched it so long ago in my teens, I was worried my brain overhyped it. Glad I was wrong, shits even better now. I originally hated the first half for being slow but this episode hooked me into the series. Now I can appreciate the first half cause if memory serves me right, shit gets wild and dark from here on.


I-It's a joke. Literally just a silly joke. Also the actual organization is CERN, but the anime probably didn't want to accidentally accuse them of being a terrorist science cult.

Touch Me

Yeah , real life CERN ain't a terrorist group .... or are they?! *Vsauce music starts playing*

Rue Ryuuzaki

these are the people that are making yaboyroshi give up on some of the beloved series. bunch of smartasses


Ahh, back before the twist always happened in the 3rd episode.


I wont spoil but just remember. All those things Moeka said were in different timelines. Okabe has jumped from timeline to timeline. Each timeline is different is some shape way or form. Including relationships and who the traitor could be.

Don Keedick

eagerly anticipating the next few react episodes. Y'all are gonna like it. It's lit.

Diego Zenhäusern

To answer the question posed in the description: Tragedy. Tragedy just happened!