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Great movie!


Christopher Michael Porter

I almost didn’t watch this. Someone told me about Mai dying by that car, but made it sound like that is where it ended. I thought that would be trash and avoided the movie for a time.

Lupa is Dadi

it’s nearly 2024 and i can’t believe i missed this reaction! sheera looking extra caked up today GYAAAAT 🔥

ジェイス「 j a c e 」

now that i take a closer look, its not that he never chooses mai, its that he never chooses/prioritizes himself, he chooses to sacrifice himself rather than anyone else. a hero complex basically

Davante Adkins

We need the 2nd movie!!!! The last one coming out next month!

Arkan Matlub

I don’t understand this movie. It was amazing. But what?


No Game No life Movie next?


Was not expecting Sheera to be in a bunny costume 🤣

Big Daddy Dre

No game no life movie when?


Okay the costume just caught me off guard


Damn Sheera, the OUTFIT THE DRIP




You guys should watch the Rurouni Kenshin live action franchise. It’s literally the best adaptation to an anime. And to folks who disagree are only the people who haven’t seen them

Mina Sasano

In another universe, roshi wearing the costume 🤣


Sheera is killing it in the fit and looks awesome with any style! Both of y’all would have looked great in matching fits 😂👌


told yall Sheera would wear that costume


Sheera is lookin good in that outfit but……… imagine ROSHI with it on (would be lookin THICC with it on)🥰🥰😂


By the way you two NEED to check out Saiki K for real (mix of Kaguya-sama and Komi without the main love story), top tier comedy anime one of the best and it's a slice of life, super original and fun to watch so it's perfect for a duo reaction. I know you like to torture us sometimes lmao but it's a no pass and a lot of people liked it so I'm pretty sure many subscribers here would be delighted! Anyway, keep up the great work!


W, now just need the NGNL movie!🔥


Did you use your sheeragan to know that lol


Imagine when there kids grow up if they go to Patreon and all they see is their mom wearing a bunny costume and their dad being called thick🤣

Adrian Monroy


Big Daddy Dre

Same reason they watch misfit of demon academy when the creatoris dead so they’ll probably never going to be a sequel anime season or a conclusion to the manga…same can be said about hunter x hunter 🤷🏾‍♂️


This movie made me fucking cry so much

David gonzalez

Yes, big dub, beautiful movie!

Jacob The weird (edited)

Comment edits

2023-12-22 15:25:46 Actually the main source for Misfit is the Light Novel not the manga. Also Hunter x hunter mangaka is coming back
2023-12-22 15:25:46 Actually the main source for Misfit is the Light Novel not the manga. Also Hunter x hunter mangaka is coming back
2023-12-22 15:25:46 Actually the main source for Misfit is the Light Novel not the manga. Also Hunter x hunter mangaka is coming back
2023-12-22 15:25:46 Actually the main source for Misfit is the Light Novel not the manga. Also Hunter x hunter mangaka is coming back
2022-06-19 00:58:38 Actually the main source for Misfit is the Light Novel not the manga. Also Hunter x hunter mangaka is coming back

Actually the main source for Misfit is the Light Novel not the manga. Also Hunter x hunter mangaka is coming back


i was just thinking a hour ago like damn they ain't dropped the movie yet and here we are lmao


speaking of movies lol what about ngnl0

Big Daddy Dre

I’ll put my faith in togoshi when we he gives us a consistent year of manga chapters 😂😂


Btw this aint the end of the series . There's still like 10 volumes that haven't been adapted yet iirc


damn they really watched bunny girl senpai movie right away but gave no game no life the disrespectful shafting treatment

Deshawn Smith

No. The movie adapts volume 6-7. The LN has been on hiatus since Dec 2020 (Volume 11). we need one more volume for a full cour but the release is irregular so who knows when that'll happen

Spearbearer Josh

Sheera poppin off with the cosplay, first Dress Up Darling then this damnnn


Wanted to clear the ending up for you guys, Mai and Sakuta hadn’t remembered Shouko in the new timeline, but Mai played the role of a girl in need of a heart transplant. Because of the awareness raised by Mai’s part in the movie, Shouko was able to get a heart transplant from someone else, allowing her to live in the new time. :) Perfect ending


Oh damn. Must have gotten mixed up with so other LN.


I don’t think he had to leave the apartment cause people would be pissed that she pushed him out the way I think it’s cause of the media that was about to swarm his place to ask him a bunch of questions


Stream today?


Makinohara was singing this ed and you skipped it 😩


Me patiently waiting for monogatari to come back like 👁👄👁

Ara Araragi

52:12 I love that they mirror the scene from the start of the OP, but now it's a dark version with Sakuta walking in a stupor under a gray sky. And if you lined the two scenes up together, you'd be hearing the lyrics "It's all your fault, It's all your fault, It's all your fault."


Sakuta: accepts his death to save a little girl “He’s so selfish!” Idk if I’d call it that exactly lol


Goddamn, Asami Seto's voice acting as Mai at the station really hit hard.


I can't understand Sheera's thought process on this. Sakuta was supposed to die, his heart was supposed to go to Makinahora. She came back from the future, and manipulated the present to try and keep him away from his date with Mai where he got in an accident. In the original time line, he wasn't making any choice, he was just going on a date with Mai, and got in the accident. This time, Makinahora asked him to go on a date with her, in the place he originally went with Mai, knowing he would go somewhere else with Mai instead. Makinhora's goal was to change the future where Sakuta dies and she get's his heart. But that's what was supposed to happen. Makinhora was willing to sacrifice her life to save his. In turn, Sakuta didn't want her to sacrifice the life she was supposed to have for his sake... since his heart originally went to her, he didn't want to take that life from her. I don't understand why Sheera thinks what happens to her is none of his concern, the woman who's life was saved because of his death, that cared so much for him that she came back from the future to spare his life. In what world is it selfish for him to sacrifice his life for someone who cared that much and helped him so much, especially when that was his fate to begin with. Selfish, is literally changing the time line because he found out, and keeping his life with Mai, knowing his heart was supposed to go to Makinahora. As far as the confusion at the end, she had heart disease, and her uncertainty about the future because of it caused her puberty syndrome. This is a new future Makinahora created, where she didn't have puberty syndrome, but she still had heart disease. It's implied that due to the popularity of Mia's movie, Sakura's charity donations, and the awareness it brought to this issue, there were more organ donors, and at the end Makinahora has received a heart transplant from some other donor.


It’s really weird there’s not one line of Sakuta or Mai saying the movie raised awareness in the anime

Rue Ryuuzaki

the movie mai did helped getting this new new makinohara get her transplant but somehow she still knew the rascal even after she rewrote the past.

Rue Ryuuzaki

hopefully, oregairu is next


I was slightly lost, but your comment helped me put together the last pieces of information I was missing. Thanks 👍🏾


You need to make sure you at least clap sheera's cheeks at least once while she wears the bunny girl outfit roshi. Bunny girl outfit can spice up things a lot.



Davuan Flowers

Have they seen evangelion does anybody know?


Saying Sakuta never chose Mai before is crazy lol, also this man had to choose between killing off a girl who helped save him from the lowest point in his life previously, or to continue living, not an easy choice to make


I would have loved if truck-kun showed up at the beach and said "Round 30 bitch, think you can change the past that easy?"

Donovan Doyle

Pretty sure it's been legit stated before it's happening their next movie week on discord this the last time I'll let ppl know tho cause we know if it's not you someone else is gonna comment asking lol nobody checks the discord updates or even use it


Bruh Mai made the decision to go they both decided to die for somone else but sheera didn't call mai selfish for choosing to leave sakuta...


Dude they shouldve taken the opportunity and make it a truck, not a car lol. Then the memes can roll through "truck-kun the true final boss of this show"


You guys doing a duo for the SAO Progressive movie when it drops?


"Look what you did" WTF are you even talking about? WTF is that shit? Wow, you suddenly gonna say that Sakuta killed Mai, even though he actually didn't? As if he was supposed to know that Mai was gonna come out of nowhere and sacrifice her life for him? He had no idea she was anywhere near him. Yet somehow, but whatever sense of cause and effect your mind has pulled from your ass, it's his fault? Okay. That's some sound logic there, makes total sense. LMFAO. Jfc. XD Also, wtf is with the black and white outlook of "Mai vs. Shoko?" It's really not that simple lol. Really unfortunate for what was meant to be a sad and tragic moment, turned into a toxic moment of someone bitching about a character instead showing any sort of empathy. Empathy level is absolute zero. Yikes. Jeez, what are we even doing here? XD


What was disrespectful was Sheera's take on Sakuta when Mai died.


Sheera misunderstood something, Sakuta getting hit by the car was something that was meant to happen naturally, so when he said he took Shouko's future from her yes he actually did


They didn't understand the movie at all bruh, spent half the time being mad at sakuta when everything that happened was never his choice, he couldn't have made any choice to change the outcome because middle school shouko fabricated the whole future they existed in... and worse at the end they forgot that she got puberty syndrome because she had a heart disease and knew she wouldn't grow up, the heart disease wasn't a part of her puberty syndrome it was one of the causes, bruh I'm disappointed

Andres Holguin

Also the light novels are still going so there's a possibility that it gets more episodes in the future


I never would've dreamed of Sheera being in a bunny girl cosplay


No game no life movie next? 😂


I know that they didn’t understand a few things, but we’ve been begging them to watch the movie, let’s not be mad and be happy they even watched it, a lot of people been wanting that NGNL movie for like 4 months now 😅


Please add Pantema Inverted and Maquia When the Promised Flower Blooms to the list.


They enjoyed the movie and whole series in the end. No need to feel a certain way because they “didn’t get it”. Just my opinion, if theyre happy and enjoyed the ride then thats good enough for me.

Solatic Syot

Didn't even know they had a discord ngl, but why is ngnl waiting until movie week but they keep doing all these other movies .-. When even is movie week?

asdf horo

The most important thing that they miss is the fact sakuta is the one who meant to die, so if anything shoko and mai are the selfish one trying to change the future ,not sakuta. They really miss he got hit is actually the "natural" thing that supposed to happen


Why is Roshi watching this by himself?


I really liked their reaction to most of the series, i just wish they didn't finish the series thinking sakuta is some piece of shit who never once put mai first... it feels wrong and completely off the mark. Just my opinion not hating just, as I said, I'm disappointed


the most funniest out of pocket comment ive ever read in this patreon comment section 😂😂😂


how tf sheera wearing the bunny costume but roshi isn’t. shit aint right


I wouldn't say choosing to sacrifice yourself is selfish when you have a choice between either yourself dying or someone who means a lot to you dying


And this is why mai will forever be the best waifu ever


Waaaa waaaa my reactor didnt have the same intial impression on an anime that I did. Boy stfu how much of a loser do you have to be to willingly give people money to watch an anime reaction and fucking cry in the comments because they have a different thought process than you. fucking grow up.

Abraham Holiday

I can't agree that he was being selfish for wanting to save a childs life. You can somewhat compare it to a military member and why you do your will when you join. You willingly put your life on the line, in hopes that your actually making a differance, for people you will never meet and a lot will proably hate you for it. Would you consider a troop that jumped on a grenade to protect others even if they had a gf, bf, wife, husband, son, or daughter selfish.

Abraham Holiday

But thats just my opinion. Not everyone will agree and I just wanted to know if you can see it from a different perspective. In reality you wont find too many people as selfless as him


Yeah, I didn’t like that comment too much. Imagine sacrificing yourself to save someone else, then being called selfish for it.🤦🏾‍♂️

Vincent Ruacho

How did they watch this i wanna watch ir

George-Calin Petruța

About the ending. They managed to change it. Shoko still had the illness, but because Mai-san did that movie, they raised the awareness about the heart disease and how the "donor card" works. This way, Shoko managed to get a heart transplant way earlier and that's why you see her healthy.

Solatic Syot

Mari Mari Mari, you can be "YEAAAA?"-ing someone with that comment you made earlier about putting Roshi in the bunny suit come on 😂


People here spitting too much on what’s right and wrong. Better enjoy the movie cause the story really is complicated and be thankful you got a reaction out of it from them. Even if they do misunderstand some things, you can always clear it up not in a shitty way. LOL!


Why is everyone in the comments so toxic its just a movie. Damn let them react how they want to react.

Val Commander

Omg!!!! The reaction I wanted to see is not there, time to flame them and type a whole paragraph with 95 wpm

Julian Gaison

I think someone else probably already said it, but Sakuta was SUPPOSED to die. His death was basically preordained. He just accepted his fate that extended the life of another rather than save himself and rob the future of Shoko.


if you are still confused about the ending. Just look at the title of the movie to get main context, "... does not dream about a dreaming girl". The dreams are the key, they knew each other at the end because of them. And Sakuta has no superpowers, it was all behind Makinohara's dreams of the future because of her puberty syndrom. We were watching her future from the very beginning.

Gabriel Jimenez

I won't lie, the whole car scene was the first time I was genuinely mad that they "Ended" a character's life in an anime! So I feel both of their frustrations during that scene haha.

Jose silva

Sakuta was the one that was meant to die, Shouko basically came to the past to stop him from dying.


Dayum. Did not expect someone who is given a chance to change their fated death but goes through with it as to not alter the *intended* future that saves the life of a middle school girl, selfish. The entire movie is people doing selfless acts. Like. I just can't. Noticing romance situations generating some whack takes. Bit of a shame.

Valentino Garay

The past change and because they got dreams of the future, one of the things that change was that Mai choose long ago make a movie about a girl with a heart desease and etc but because of that more charities started and more people started carrying organ donators cards so.... Shoko was saved with a different heart (:


Danmachi reactions


Holy sh*t, i didn't expect this would come out today! definitely watching this!


Sorry I didn't think about Roshi's feelings. Hey man we all got kinks so if my boy wants to put on the bunny girl outfit himself and let sheera clap his cheeks we won't judge. We out here in 2022 these days. Remember if roshi had a superpower it would be to have super cheeks that make shockwaves every time his cheeks clap. I can't rule out the possibility that he likes giving and taking with sheera. (This is outta pocket but I got a bunch of responses so I figured I would take this time to actually be wild)


Oregairu voters next poll = sigma males

Team Skull Grunt B

But that is selfish lol. Doing something "noble" doesn't change the fact that it affects the people around YOU too


It’s literally not the definition of being selfish you dork. Sakuta was only thinking about Shokos future and happiness, it was a bit misguided, but it was not a “selfish” act just because it hurt other people. By that logic it would be damn near impossible to ever do something that wasn’t considered selfish


I second this, please make it happen roshi !


i 3rd this cuz my og comment got lost in the wave somewhere lol


Where that no game no life movie??


No game no life the only series we got where yall havent posted the movie reaction for

John Ruggiero

Some y'all seriously need to chill the F out. Like honestly, it really ain't that serious. Some of y'all are acting as if they personally harmed a family member. It's just an anime. Relax. I personally enjoyed the reaction. Did I agree with everything they thought? No. But i'm not going to comment and whine about it. Some of y'all need to seriously grow up. Enjoy the wins, enjoy the misunderstandings. Just appreciate the fact that these guys watch anything for us at all.


I agree with this lol, its a reaction geez


especially this movie, it goes into some pretty hard to follow time travel logic

John Ruggiero

Seriously! It's MAD complicated. Idk why but some people can't explain anything without sounding arrogant and condescending... Like yo, just say your correction and leave it be. But no, they wanna get personal and have an "i'm smarter than you" attitude. Hopefully they don't do it in real life cuz thats the sort of tone and attitude that gets you put in your place real fast.


I think they watch stuff on Crunchyroll but animixplay is a free alternative

Team Skull Grunt B

I suggest watching rezero as an example of helping others not being any less "selfish". Viewing life with such tunnel vision will only hurt others


Rezero and bunny girl work on completely different logic. It doesn’t change anything, being willing to give up your life for another person at its core is not a selfish thing, you can call him thoughtless or careless, but he’s not being selfish. And either way for the sake of this argument it’s a moot point because Mai did the exact same thing and Sheera and Roshi didn’t immediately call her selfish, there is obviously a double standard at work


I think a key factor to how you interpret this movie and Sakuta’s actions is what kinf of relationships you’ve been in in REAL LIFE. We spent the whole series watching Sakuta do what he wants while Mai supported him and was even hurt in some circumstances as he wouldnt use her as a shoulder to lean on even after all of it. In this case Mai asked this one thing of him and he still was choosing to do what he wanted. So yes, in this case his selfless act can be considered selfish in some ways. These two things are not mutually exclusive. While some of the stuff we were confused on I think a lof of people need to understand even if the anime wants you to feel one way real life is not an anime and your decisions have consequences you cant come back from. Different folks with different life experiences will take his actions another way. Still a great movie and series!


Weve seen plenty of anime where the main character choosing to shoulder everyones burdens was considered selfish so we not gonna switch up now because thats not what the show intended lol. Like i said these things are not mutually exclusive

Desto Samuels

Lol this is just how the reaction fanbase is man. It's really sad but people put their all into getting mad at the smallest thing if you don't see it 100% their way. It's honestly insecure nerd mentality.


I’m a complete shirou emiya complex kind of person. In Sakuta’s shoes I couldn’t dream of living while someone I could have saved died, but I understand that’s incredibly selfish. I mean that was the whole point of fate/stay night, Shirou learning to stop being selfish with his desire to save others while the ones he loved watched him be destroyed; and learn to be selfish to keep his loved ones no matter what. I see both sides of the coin, I just personally fall on the opposite of you guys.

Daniel Borrego

Ok this is where time stuff causes plot holes. shoko is the reason sakuta helped mai, so if you erase shoko out of this, then mai dies, his coworker girl dies, he doesnt even go to the school in the first place so the science girl probably dies. Her going back and staying out of his life basically ruins it. And dreams made from memories connecting everyone again is just bs stupid shit.


Exactly! Fate was one example I was thinking of. I mean just because the show is trying to spoon feed you one way to think doesnt mean you have to subscribe to that, thats why we all have brains to formulate opinions based on our own life experiences. You cant be an anime fan telling people to think and use their brains and then when they do its a problem because its not want you wanted 🥴


I respect your perspective and it is very valid. However we as a viewer also spent a lot more time with Mai and Sakuta and have a stronger relationship with them. It feels like the character Shoko just comes out of no where so it was just easier for me to side with Mai given the amount of time I’ve had with her. So it’s not left field for a person to want her and Sakuta to continue the rest of their lives together considering everything they had been through together. Shoko even wanted them to be together since her future seemed to be unfulfilling without him in it whereas she knew if he made the decision to change his fate it would hurt him but Mai would be there for him.

Deshawn Smith

https://imgur.com/1DFOmW7 This chart explains everything. hope you understand


I feel the same way, but about future shoko. Like, if you wanted to save him you could of done all that with out putting it on him. And if you didn't want to save him and felt that this was the natural occurrence you could of just said nothing. Like she didn't HAVE to put the weight on him either. People are saying these characters are selfless, but like you said our dude Sakuta has been selfish this whole show trying to save everyone. Shoko was selfish here, putting all this on Sakuta just because she wanted to know if he would choose her or mai. And Mai selfishly wanted Sakuta to her self. All diff degree's of selfishness but all selfish in a sense.

Daniel Borrego

that literally explains nothing lol. he transferred to that school because of a dream. this is the crap i mean. The whole point of him transferring there was because of her making him feel better when he and his sister were going through puberty syndrome crap. With the new timeline, he doesnt go through puberty syndrome and never meets her. theres no reason for him to go to that school and so everything that happens would not happen. this is why you have to have a solid plan when you write timetravel stories or you just end up with a bunch of plot holes and paradoxes. this is why the dissapearance of haruhi suzumiya was done so much better then this.


Panda, I think you've misinterpreted something here. Shoko didn't want to know if he would choose her or Mai. She knew he would choose Mai. She intentionally asked him out on a date to the same place she knew he originally went with Mai, where he got in the accident, so that he would go somewhere else with Mai this time, and not be in the place where he was killed before. That was her ploy from the start, get Sakuta someplace else, without telling him why, without him figuring out, without him having to make the choice. She came back to save him, that was her intention all along. Him figuring it out is what she meant by she messed up.


I didn't get that he wouldn't use her as a shoulder to lean on in episode 13 as you guys did either, but we all have different perspectives. I tried to look at it realistically (as realistic as you can given the plot here). When Kaede got her memories back, Saukuta talked to Mai that morning on the phone... two things there, Mai had to get off to go get ready for her shoot, and Sakuta had to be calm and collected at the time for Kaede, and not show his pain or frustration in front of her. He did that, and when he couldn't any more, he made an excuse to leave Kaede's hospital room (again so she didn't see his suffering), and ran out and broke down (doesn't have a cell phone to call Mai by the way, and she's on a shoot at the time anyway). Shoko found him, having a mental breakdown on the sidewalk, consoled him, and he fell asleep that night. He woke up in the morning, and first thing he did was call Mai, and thankfully he's already in a better place at this point. Given the situation, I don't think it's anyone's fault that Mai wasn't the one to console him, and I don't see how it was selfish on his part to rely on Shoko who showed up in his broken state. He wasn't really in a proper state of mind at that point. Realistically, I'm just not sure there was anything we should've expected someone in that situation to have done differently? We also didn't spend the whole series watching him do what he wants. With Koga's situation, maybe? But after all he did to help Mai in the beginning, then I'm pretty sure Mai was on board with him helping Futaba completely... then doing everything he was asked to do (but didn't want to do), to help Mai with her sister's puberty syndrome (because she asked for a lot there as well). Also giving up seeing Mai, for the sake of what was best for her career when her agency found out about their relationship. You'd have to be overlooking or forgetting all of that to come to the conclusion he's been selfish concerning Mai the entire series. This is why I told a friend of mine who's a counselor she needs to watch this series... it makes for great conversations like these.


itzsheera, I understand that perspective as well. It definitely makes sense for the viewer, and it wouldn't be a feel good story or satisfying ending without that result. I just consider the fact, that although she came out of left field for us, for Sakuta, she's been there from the beginning, the one he knew before everyone else, that got him through the worse time in his life, and really gave him his way of living now. I think they wrote a very good story here, one where nearly every character made very selfless acts throughout the show, which I think is hard to do. Just my opinion, I don't know that anyone was truly selfish throughout this series. Except Koga, Koga's arc was kinda selfish... understandable, but selfish, lol. I think we got the best ending possible.


Lmao MC is so bad his Gf got rolled


honestly if fruits basket is up im voting for that first


28 mins left in the movie for me and I’m gonna speculate the van driver is future Sakuta


we already getting the reactions been said in the discord were getting them but with no ETA for now


Damn I’m wrong. I wanted to be a menace lmao

miss millie.

I don't know if you've ever seen Vivvy, but I'm thinking this movie works kind of the same way Vivvy did. where there's a different timeline, but all of the choices still lead to the same point (in some ways). Shoko was the reason Sakuta went to the high school he attends; however, in this new timeline, Sakuta makes different decisions that would still lead him to attending Minegahara High School?

miss millie.

I totally understand where you guys were coming from saying he was selfish. Though "selfish" isn't the word I would use, I would say his decision was "inconsiderate". He never really let Mai be the shoulder to cry on or use her as a pillar of support like she wanted to be. Sacrificing himself to save another person was completely selfless, but he didn't take the time to consider Mai and her feelings.


I think it was dope Sheera cosplayed bunny girl and Roshi wore the pink for bunny boy


I cant take sheera seriously when she's talking with the bunny outfit


yeah i think "selfish" wasn't the right word to use and probably for lack of a better term that's what they settled with. i still enjoyed the reaction, not sure why people are being very harsh. i mean you paid for their reaction, if you want them to agree with everything you think about a show then that will never happen. also keep in mind this is their first watch, some concepts or parts of the plot won't make sense to them right away, they're reacting to something for the first time, don't be so quick to stone people.

Jr. Martinez

Great reaction great movie I don’t know why people trip so much it’s a reaction for a reason every body views things differently it’s ok to share your point of view or your interpretation but don’t knock somebody for thinking different when you first watch something you don’t notice everything or put the dots together right away .


This series and movie were both amazing. But I just can't help and dislike the ending. It feels like a cop-out. Some things in this world can't be fixed no matter how hard you try. Shoko's story should have ended with her death that is about it. Sometimes life just sucks, is unfair, and just fucking bitter. It is a good enough lesson on its own.

Snehan Pandey

I loved the reaction personally


Have you guys ever watched The Last Kingdom pretty good show on Netflix 10/10 story and action


yo glad you guys liked the show but this shii ain’t over yet lol season 2 is just a ways away still 😂😂


Thanks for another great react to whole series + movie. I do hope they didn't rush out the credits at least on the movies on patreon edits. Like try enjoy or let it simmer a bit. Thanks love ya guys.


Basically, because of the awareness the movie brought to the importance of organ donors she was able to receive a heart transplant much earlier instead of having to wait for Sakuta’s heart (which is no longer available because Sakuta stopped himself from being killed).

Sebastian Stróż

People here freaking over the reaction and im just all hyped for Monogatari S2 :D

Daniel Borrego

thats the thing with time travel, you really should think these kinda details through, instead they went with the handwave "oh uh....dreams did it and shit". Its lazy. It just bugs me because otherwise the movie was great, but they kinda screwed it up in the end(at least for me). just make her die or somethign.

None None

Is monogatari coming back? I thought it was after Veritas finished, because that's the show that replaced it.


oregairu on the next duo poll plz


Next time make Roshi wear the bunny cosplay too 🤣🤣


I totally had fun watching you guys react to this show,it was worth R89,99/five dollars


the movie mai ended up doing brought more attention to organ donors. more people donated to these charities (sakuta himself even, though he did not know why). so shoko did end up going back to the past and making sure that she never ended up meeting sakuta to spare him the pain and anguish; but the memories of wanting to help her, even though they couldn't conciously understand why, ended up affecting the future sand saving shoko in the end


I personally don't think that sakuta choosing to die to save shoko was selfish. really, that was true selflessness. I'm sure he understood how greatly it would hurt mai, but it would also literally kill shoko. keep in mind, his death was already predetermined technically (as shown by future shoko's existence), so choosing to alter the future could be seen as the selfish decision. If only he had died, like in the 'original' timeline, sure, mai would be completely heartbroken. but she would still be alive. It would hurt horribly for her, and she would never forget him. but she would most likely be able to move on, she's very strong-willed. He failed to forsee that mai would end up sacrificing herself instead, at which point his choice no longer was just losing his own life, which is his to give. Now he's responsible for mai's life, just as he felt he was responsible for shoko's life. This changes it from his life vs shoko's, and into mai's life vs shoko's.


For all those who still have doubts or concerns, this is a timeline that traces everything that has happened from beginning to end: https://i.imgur.com/1DFOmW7.png

Tsuki Yoru

I usually do not comment but man the weird fans getting mad at actual logic when people tell it how it is, it sucks they didnt see it in the intended way which made sakuta look bad (when obvious he isnt lol). good anime hope they think less negative next time i guess :D .


I had a lot of fun watching this anime show with you guys. Team Mai here too. I almost quit watching when Mai got hit by a car. That was trash.


You guys really misread this... The point is Shouko was trying to save him not herself, she was trying to figure out a way to get him to not go to where he get's hit without telling him why because she knows he would try to let the future play it's course so that she can live how she is meant to.


s4ean at least you get it... I feel like we was watching a totally different show with some of these takes.


One thing hit me during this reaction. What mental gymnastics were necessary to come to conclusion that Sakuta is being selfish trying to sacrifice his life to save a little girl?


It can be viewed as selfishness but I also saw it as selflessness. I think Sakuta was more selfless than selfish tbh