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A-Train made me so mad


Jarron Taylor

You’re so dumb it’s genuinely hurts my brain, it has nothing to do with being sexist and more to do with him feeling useless when shit goes down. You don’t even know what sexist means clearly like Him wanting to protect Annie from homelander makes perfect sense since that’s his GIRLFRIEND, it has nothing to do with how she treats him or how butcher treats him.


Episode 3 @ 14:00. " They wanna pick you as one of the winners tonight. And you need to say no. Okay listen, I really wished someone told me what I'm about to tell you. There's something wrong with Homelander, something broken. He's threaten to murder me more than once and he's murdered other people and it's only getting worse and you're just gonna be putting yourself and your family in danger. AND PRETTY MUCH THE REST OF THEM TOO. THEY'RE SO FUCKING CRUEL. Trust me, you don't want this. Just say you can't do it. Say your family is having an emergency. Don't do it."

Jabriel Stockton

You’re so dumb that a plant is smarter than you. Go learn some practical life skills so your brain can adjust to the low level shit first

Brian Estepa

Crazy you have such a superficial understanding of psychology and the human condition


Damn Lamaree jackson has been getting cooked for 2 years. Hilarious


Keep him safe my ass, he acc drugged him.


I'm hoping kimiko and frenchie survive till the end. These death flags are giving me anxiety 🙃

Ryder LS

Bro Bluehawk deserves the most gruesome death...

Jake White

Next weeks bout to be ridiculous lol


The boys will forever be remembered by me, not because of anything plot related, but because i will never forget if you take the y out of analytics it spells anal ticks.


I am going to now pronounce the word analy ticks.


homelander just surrounding him self with yes men finding a way to be personally victimized by everything that happens in the world really on the nose stuff with who homelander is paralleling this season

zILovePelmeni _

it was lenny who butcher saw in huhgie for a little moment, butchers aunt said he looks just as him

Anthony Saunders

A train might die if he uses his powers he said this last episode I think.

Jake White

Also, I hope butcher and hughie use temp V 100 more times this season just to watch Lupa’s mind explode lmao


Comment above is right. Butcher's aunt in season 2 said Hughie is the spitting image of Lenny. Plus, Hughie is Butcher's canary. When Butcher called him up in Episode 2 to tell him he was wrong, he did it because Hughie is essentially the one guiding him (morally) just as Lenny did, which MM also told Butcher in Season 2. Also I noticed when Butcher hallucinate about taking the V, he hears Hughie's voice telling him not to, but turns around and sees Lenny on the TV. Butcher looks at Hughie like his little brother and doesn't want him to end up dead like Lenny.

Patrick Iizuka

The Cupcakes spell out anal once the deep got the cupcake with the Y (foreshadowing)

Isaiah Cox

WHY IS A-TRAIN SUCH A PUSSY??? I need him gone already my god


Seth Rogen is a producer on the show. He actually showed up in the very first episode. And the Marlon Brando line was actually quite funny if you know the context.

Isaiah Cox

I love butcher but damn I don’t be understanding half the shit he be saying


Roshi, I don't think Homelander is afraid of Soldier Boy. The news didn't confirm it was him and you can't tell from the video that it's him either way. He's been gone for 40 years and has powers he never had before. No way Homelander thinks its him. Homelander is disassociating because of everything else happening. Hence why he brought it up to Maeve.


Lol Homelander is about to break


I may not like Soldieboy, but the Russians did him dirty


How are they making me hate A-Train more than Ashley or the Deep??????

Quinton Campbell

A-Train literally can't use his powers. I'm still saying fuck A-Train, but I cant get mad at him for not being able to fight back

Cameron Hall

I don't think the tempV is addictive itself. Butcher likes levelling the playing field and hughie likes not feeling like a pushover (which he felt like most his life). So they might keep taking it. It COULD be addictive but I'm just not sure what vought gains from turning people into super junkies.

Quinton Campbell

Homelander cant be scared of Soldier Boy, he doesn't know its Soldier Boy OR what that power is capable of. Homelander just doesn't give a damn anymore.


why tf are you guys against them taking V? It's not like they did any shit right without it for the past 2 SEASONS.


Noticed how evil they are. They could have said Supersonic was killed by a V vilain that they would have conveniently taken down (actually not far from the truth), but they decided to sully the man’s name by saying he OD.

Steven Vu

I think the reason for why a train doesn’t try and kill blue hawk is because his powers are acting up. They said he was getting slower in season 2 and homelander says he hasn’t been running lately.


The return of sinister sex

Devin B

Yeah it's mostly the fact that since he's in charge he has to figure out a way to find him, address the press, and all the other stuff that Stan usually did for him. He's just realizing that this is a lot to take over.


It’s more that Homelander is scared of having to do actual hero work (or management), but he’s not afraid of people being able to kill him. He just want to focus on the celebrity aspect.


Jesus, for the last fucking time, Supersonic death was his own doing. I dont know how the hell you guys understood the situation like that and blamed Starlight for his death, but her plan was OK, the messed up part was A-Train who snitched and Supersonic who trusted the wrong guy. And I dont even know why you got Maeve in, Homelander clapped her because what she did with Butcher behind his back, not because she worked with Starlight, because he didnt know it. Homelander clearly told Starlight that "you two mutineers" in the last episode, meaning her and Supersonic; A-Train either didnt know or didnt snitch Maeve. It is victim blaming you guys.

Corey Leach

Annie, like M.M., dont like to see Hughie change his morals or character for power. They think of him as the good, kind, and loving one. Kimiko's singing bits are how she wants to express herself but cant really because she cant use her voice. Also Butcher had given the first water bottle to M.M. which he passed to Hughie. Did Butcher drug the whole stash besides his bottle?


Besides Crowley from supernatural butcher has some of the funniest lines ive ever heard


Soldier Boy:- "Ay yo, why are there so many brown people in Brooklyn?"

Geo Rockmann

He cant use his super speed but he still has super strength. He still couldve at least tried to throw hands with blue hawk

Terry King Jr

The Legend is the Doctor from Stranger Things.

Trent Ward

Idk why lupa not fucking with them taking temp v. They fighting fucking Superman. You can’t be on no NO DRUGS when you in some deep shit like this🤣

Anthony Saunders

Yeah but they were saying for him to just run at him and to basically use his speed several times.


Well I know, but it is necessary to point this out. Or else they might blame or dont have faith in Annie from now to the end of the season, like if their plan with Soldier Boy wont work (I believe it wont) and she suggests something else.

Asad Khabir (edited)

Comment edits

2023-11-27 05:58:08 'Tomorrow at least I'll be sober. You'll still be a supe.' Lol no one is going to get that Churchill reference
2023-11-27 05:58:08 'Tomorrow at least I'll be sober. You'll still be a supe.' Lol no one is going to get that Churchill reference
2022-06-17 23:51:18 'Tomorrow at least I'll be sober. You'll still be a supe.' Lol no one is going to get that Churchill reference

'Tomorrow at least I'll be sober. You'll still be a supe.' Lol no one is going to get that Churchill reference

Asad Khabir (edited)

Comment edits

2023-11-27 05:58:08 Karl Urban's delivery of Butcher's insults is fantastic. Though he needs to work on that British accent (at least thats what I think he is going for).
2023-11-27 05:58:08 Karl Urban's delivery of Butcher's insults is fantastic. Though he needs to work on that British accent (at least thats what I think he is going for).
2022-06-17 23:53:24 Karl Urban's delivery of Butcher's insults is fantastic. Though he needs to work on that British accent (at least thats what I think he is going for).

Karl Urban's delivery of Butcher's insults is fantastic. Though he needs to work on that British accent (at least thats what I think he is going for).


Nobody except for butcher's crew knows that it's soldier boy, so everyone thinks it's some random homeless looking terrorist who blew that building up


they could always just gas soldier boy like the russians did once he defeats homelander


Also the conversations with Hughie in this episode, especially at the end are odd. I may be oversensitive here, but I feel like Hughie has been using Temp V because he likes the feeling of being strong/ capable and not being bullied, not just for protecting Annie as he claimed. I know he was doing what he thinks necessary, but being overprotective and left her in the dark wont help at all. He doesnt realize he was putting Annie in his position in the last 2 seasons, being helpless no matter how hard she tried and need to be protected by others.


If A train were to run, each time he does he would take a chance on his heart exploding in his chest. So for now it’s safer if he doesn’t.

sotonye ogan

Like. Tf they suppose to do literally everybody is useless (starlight, kimiko and Maeve captured). he thinks Scooby-Doo traps will still work on literal supes. 😂

John Cedar

The Blue Hawk scene was so fucking painful to watch. I'd probably just run the other way the second I see any supe if I lived in this world. There is no world where we could ever be trusted to not abuse that kind of power. This is also why I don't like Starlight and MM's attitudes concerning what they should do. The supes are essentially another threat like nuclear war. Their existence threatens human life, on an uncontrollable scale. For the good of EVERYONE, they have to do whatever it takes. It's beyond selfish to be considering your personal relationships in a time like this.


It felt like Homelander sensed that Soldier Boy was someone who could be an actual threat to him. It kind of felt like he was dodging him by making everyone else take care of it.


sotonye ogan

Why are you guys saying that the temp V is addictive? if I am in a job against supes when I can die at any split second, yes I would like some more of that shit please, why is it always about "if this is right or not" how about "I might fucking get my head chopped off if I don't take this shit".


I thought the whole point was that no one should be allowed to abuse that kind of power? Rather than “no one should possess it at all,” because if that were true then they’d just be killing anyone with powers.


*Accidently teleports half into a wall* "Guess I'm dead now lol" On another note that's a good point I'm glad the show depicts, that most supes seem to have super durability and abnormal strength. Like with Deep and A-Train, you'd need it to withstand crushing water pressure or running and stopping at Mach 4.


I dont care if they use V or not I'd just like them to admit they're hypocrites🤣 look how happy they are with those damn powers but will still talk shit about supes like they don't also kill people


Unlikely to happen, but Sheera and Roshi should do a Trainspotting reaction.


more chaos please


Y’all blaming starlight for SuperSonics death is killing me. Let’s remind ourselves that starlight originally told that dumbass to not join the team in the first place. She also told him about the weapon so that he could have a choice of whether to fight or leave it’s not even his war. Starlight knows she too deep and blaming her for clinging onto the only people she can for help in a lonely hopeless situation is high key victim blaming 💀. Also she never told him to tell A-Train and many people in his shoes would assume that A-Train was trust worthy especially after seeing him get treated like gum on Homelanders shoe. But yet Starlight telling him about the weapon was the whole issue that started everything? Let’s be real if anyones to blame let’s blame homelander for actually be a murderer idk food for thought.


Alright i'm kinda tired of this whole MM and Butcher thing. Every couple of episodes it's just Butcher: MM come on, join us again" MM: "No! Fuck you!" Butcher: "Aww come on, join us" MM: "....Okay"

Phillip Wilcox

Didn't Starlight tell Supersonic not to join? Supersonic signed his own death warrant. Starlight did NOT tell Supersonic to recruit anyone, especially A-train.


My man Butcher was giving Maeve a dose of that compound-D, yadigg

Popplio Family

A-Train really seemed like he didn't tell Homelander...

mitch anderson

I agree with you both, was searching comments to see if anyone else had the same idea


Next episode about to go crazy


I think it's very sus the ease in which this Temp V has been getting into the hands of Butcher. That shit is expensive, and you know someone very high up the chain of command has been signing off on it. So there has to be a catch, a really big catch, and that catch is very likely addiction. With that, the issue is that if the Temp V Supes take out the Regular V Supes, you still have a bunch of Temp V Supes, but these guys have an addiction, and will do anything to keep their powers. Imagine Homelander. Now imagine Homelander but with an addiction. Better yet, think of season 1 A-Train, but without the heart problem that stopped him right before he murdered Hughie and Starlight. That seems to be the direction Butcher and Hughie are going.


The fact that Temp V is raining down on their laps, and Butcher, of all people, isn't questioning why this highly expensive drug is so easy for him to get, is how you know he's probably addicted.

Ethan Durant

I think y’all really forgot a train can’t run or his heart will explode don’t have to like him but I don’t think there was much he could really do there


damn they talked through the dom toretto line pain


Homelander seen that video and was like nah im not looking for that nigga😭


Why do you guys keep blaming Annie for SuperSonics death? He went and told A-Train on his own.

Abraham Holiday

Still why would she tell someone that had no power to do anything about it. By telling him about Homelander she created a fear in his mind, unless he found out on his own, whould not be there. He would proably feel off about the way things were and eventually come to his own conclusion, but likely avoid an early death. The moment she told him his death was almost immediently assured because he would have that natural urge to do whatever he could to help her as he still loved her. She should have done what Maeve did and kept her mouth shut and he would proably still be alive. You could also say that because of Homelander finding out about their plan she put the suspision in his head to go after Maeve... but everyones going to have their own opinions in their minds even about facts.

Justin Baker

I actually can't believe how many reactors have no clue who that young boy is, same as in episode 3 I think. Like that was one of the main themes of the last season. It's butchers little brother btw, who his aunt or mother explained to Hughie, that he was like his canary, the one that would pull him back from the deepest depths. Hughie is that for him now. Or at least he was, before the got addicted to V24 lol


This the only thing coming out today?


Pretty sure A-Train didn’t do anything cause they already said if he uses his powers there’s a high chance his heart will burst


To be fair, A-Train has been brainwashed by Vought, and he can have a heart attack at any moment. By no means am I condoning A-train but at the same time I’m not going to get on his case. It’s pretty evident that he lacks self confidence and not every black man in media has to be portrayed in the activist light. He may be a shit character but he is realistically portraying a lot of young men that forget their roots, and end up choosing themselves over their community


anything else dropping tonight?

Thulani Mason

I get where Hughie's coming from. Remember, he witnessed his girl get killed by A-train. Him having powers gives him the ability to fight back and protect his Starlight from Homelander. H e no longer has to be on the sidelines.


Yeeeah? At 23:05, Soldier Boy looking at the poster for Robert Singer XD Both were actors from Supernatural


dude basically had the same name on spn too lol


its more like a hangover idk about withdrawls

Anthony Peralta

How would he know the price of it, Stan only told the senator who’s running for office, and plus Maeve is the one getting it for him


Supersonic would have found out almost immediately that homelander was unhinged. So telling him or not telling him obviously would have still had the same outcome. And starlight and meave are not the same person, meave literally has no one who tf was she gonna tell she’s completely alone. Starlight knew who Supersonic was even before everything that happened so they were friends and she gave him two outs, in my opinion his death is on him for even joining after she told him homelander was insane. And meave literally was shooting at the mouth at homelander it’s her fault that she even got caught especially when she knows how his powers work so why would she fuck butcher then go see him. Blaming starlight for any of this is borderline insane fr cause in anyones defense homelander makes all options obsolete.


As much as I hate A Train, we cannot forget that he has been conditioned since the start. We all are expecting him to do shit that is abnormal for him because he's lived different due to him being a Supe. He's been a lost cause and he's incapable of taking physical action because of his health condition so ... oh well. Plot did a good job with him being a complete disappointment. He has no idea what to do.

yasmina C

i'm still surprised you guys dont know one of the dudes from Supernatural which played for so many years haha poor Jensen


Sheera still aint learn her lesson about blaming Starlight for dude's death smh lmao


I mean gotta consider if you use soldier boy to kill homelander who stops soldier boy who's basically immortal and can remove powers from other supes?


The fact that SB doesn't have NEARLY the mobility that Homelander does plus the evidence of him being captured for decades. He's a major downgrade in threat level.


There's nothing to consider. Soldier boy sucks but Homelander will kill e v e r y o n e.


MM did a hoe move and called his girlfriend without letting him know. Ain’t that against the bro code?

Jalen Holmes

A-train cant run or use his powers or he might die. Also, imom I think its supersonic's fault bc Starlight tried to warn him not to join but he did anyway and he also told A-train. So I personally think it was his own actions that got him killed.


Well he can’t fly. That’s plus. All you need is some gas and you can at least incapacitate him.


Assuming Maeve didn't give him the details on Temp V, why would he or anyone ever assume that this is cheap or easy to get?


Doesnt seem like he can fly. Just gas him again

stanley drury anderson jr

Ngl Ik everybody hate him rn but I really fw his storyline fr way better than the comics imo


I feel like yall are overstating the reasons not to take temp v. I'm not saying it might not turn out to be a bad idea - but at least so far, the decision to do it has NOT been bad. Even the withdrawals don't seem THAT bad. Most of what we see from it is just puking up green shit (we only saw Hughie do it once). Also, did y'all catch Blue Hawk blaming the attack on him stopping "Antifa"?


I enjoy Roshi and crews reactions but man, some of these Boys reactions are kinda hard and cringey to watch. Like some of their takes are just so bad and/or weird. Blaming Annie for Supersonic? I don't know how you put that logic together. A-Train not using his powers? It was only a couple episodes ago that he said him using his powers again would literally be like playing Russian Roulette with his heart and the fact he can't run anymore is the reason why he's doing what he's doing. The Boys using Temp-V, guys they are literally fighting Godlike beings. Even the Gun guy that Butcher killed, his only "powers" seemed to be that of having really great aim, that's it, and yet if it weren't for the Temp-V he could've killed Butcher easily. Again I enjoy their reactions but man sometimes I have absolutely no clue how they come to their conclusions


i keep hearing them say soulja boy and i hate it


What yall mad at Starlight for? if anything she is the one who has been most obvious in her oppostition to Homelander. She was called by MM and told by him to help provide "backup" if Soldier Boy caused problems while they were trying to defeat him. Next thing she knows Butcher has roofied the guy who called her and Soldier Boy is somehow not an enemy? Like, I understand the argument for teaming up with him but you can't blame Starlight for acting how she did. It makes complete sense. And again, it's not like Starlight somehow is in favor of teaming up with Homelander she wants him dead as much as anyone else.


For me it's because she only warned supersonic about homelander and nobody else even when she knew a-train was shit too.


I agree. At least until we see actual negative consequences. So far it has been completely fine other than a lil withdrawals but even that isn't an issue considering it's not deadly/they have access to more


i thought his super strength would come by virtue of his super speed? damn didn't realize it was like that then. you sure him using his strength wouldn't also be taxing on his heart?


I blame Annie because she didn't tell Supersonic about A-Train even though she knew A-Train was bad too.


I mean their view (particularly MM) that no one should have super powers is a good one but it's irrelevant now that people DO have them and the power dynamic is at it is. it's useless, petulant handwringing to be against (i.e.) leveling the playing field if your overall goals (to stop homelander and evil supes) are maintained.


i mean at first they somewhat hyped up the "withdrawals" but all they seem to be is throwing up green ish and tbh it seems like even if they suck they are manageable. so yeah, i see now reason (so far) to argue against it. like the side effects so far seem super super minimal for what it is. like the fact that butcher and hughie (yes,hughie) have maintained their rationality and haven't switched up their overall goals and gone crazy is good enough for me.


i mean butcher has spoken about the self hatred it brings within him so i feel that is him addressing in a sense the weird contradiction. also, does hughie have an issue with superpowers or supes who misuse their powers? i mean he was dating starlight so it can't have been the former.


But she didn't warn him about A-train either.


i can't explain why but it seemed so right to me ...


bro INSULIN is expensive let alone something that makes you op af for 24 hours. but idk if the issue is the "expensive" part i mean Maeve is stealing it not buying it. but yeah there are questions to be raised nontheless


@isaac yeah when i commented this i hadn't gotten to there. don't let me get started on that foolishness. a bit odd tbh.


also why are we all so sure he COULD kill Homelander?


I think Hughie took on butchers hate for Supes in the first season then after meeting Starlight he got over his initial hatred and just hates the misuse


agree to all of this but can't lie i love their content and consume a shit ton of it so it is what it is. but yea no issue with pointing out obvious criticisms


“I’m like fucking Dom Torreto taking off trying to get away from him, cause I’m quick and I’m all about family” lmao


Considering there's another season coming, I think either Soldier Boy is getting clapped or he's gonna side with Homelander. Hopefully the latter, because I wanna see more of Jensen.


Big thing about A-Train! He can’t use his powers because if he does, there’s a 50/50 chance he’ll have a heart attack. He used Compound V in S1 and that was the side effect.

FreshxEli Tv

I blame starlight for not shutting the fawk up homelander is way to smart everyone that was part of the plan literally is clapped lol

FreshxEli Tv

This is literally why In the original comics homelander was doing whatever because people just don’t know how to keep important things to themselves except one person with black noir and look how that ended 😐😂😂 if people hush in this verse things will actually work out

FreshxEli Tv

Bro that about to end up like a train if they keep fawking around lol

FreshxEli Tv

Most of y’all in the comics mad that they blame starlight acting like she had one job shut up she tried to talk sonic out of joining after telling him knowing every one hates homelander In this verse you literally have to learn to stfu with information like that don’t believe me pick up a comic and read the ending 😐😂😂 and tell me if shutting up with information about homelander is smarter and more important than life or death

Jake White

Right? Like so far at worst, they’ve had the equivalent of a hangover after a long night of drinking and that’s it lol. If that’s the only trade off for literal temporary godhood? Sign me tf up fam lmao

Matthew Tigue

@sotonye ogan Bucher straight up says that he's tried every drug and of them all, Temp V is the most addictive.

Matthew Tigue

@OK The WIthdrawls of Temp V are horrible and aren't getting better at all, we even see that when Bucher was in CIA woman's home throwing up in the bathroom, there were lingering effects of the powers, and not in a good way? Their plan to use Solider Boy to kill Homelander is terrible because if they do succeed, now they have an even stronger more unstable Supe in power who they can't even take out or possibly damage. They have no plan to take out Solider Boy when the deed is done and I'm sure that none of them have thought of that at all.

Matthew Tigue

Why would she? She had no plans of telling anyone nor did she want to. Not telling A-Train seems like common sense, especially since he's trying to kiss Homelanders ass and get in his good graces.


@Mathew they could literally just gas Soldier Boy after. Like the Russians did.


Still told him, shouldn’t have told him anything instead… so ultimately….


Gotta love the shitty little add ins like CNN and seth rogen. Lame af.


Starlight be annoying af sometimes ngl


Please rewrite / rephrase this entire comment. I can't understand what you were trying to say here.


Everything hughie does she either constantly questions or she treats him like a baby and shits on what he does or doesn't want him to do anything on his own way


It wasn’t starlight’s own separate plan it’s was Maeves plan with butcher having the weapon in mind and they thought more people would help keep homelander occupied


If it’s the latter, at the point I’m jumping off a cliff.


@Matthew Tigue Bro you really think that once soldier boy was released that they had any other choice besides trying to potentially team up with him? I mean you don't even know if he is more unstable. Sure he has some issues with keeping his powers in check but at the same time homelander as far as we know has way worse mental issues. At least soldier boy displayed emotions this episode and clearly valued people like his old girlfriend before he found out that she betrayed him. In fact out of their old group based on the flashbacks we saw soldier boy was actually the most stable and human person in that group. I am not saying soldier boy won't cause issues but you saying its a terrible plan to use soldier boy is totally stupid of you. If they don't try to team up with soldier boy, whether he turns out to be evil or not, than how do you think they will currently go up against homelander with the expectations to win? Its like you are saying they have no way to take out soldier boy but they also have no way to take out homelander without soldier boy. Why would they bother with figuring out how to take out soldier boy when their main target has always been homelander. We still have no idea what is going on with soldier boy and what he plans to do. Also at least spell his name right ffs its spelled "soldier" not "solider"


So you just gonna ignore that whole discussion that butcher had with maeve? Huh alright. You don't really understand what they are going for with this do you?


Nope & nope I was mainly referring to Hughie but hey act sanctimonious with your animated titties


Probably wouldn't even have the show without Rogen, so if he wants to put himself in, I sure as shit ain't going to complain.


Because every decision is basically a life or death type of choice and Hughie is practically a toddler trying to fight a tiger. I mean, there's a reason why Frenchie calls him "Baby Hughie" and Butcher see's him like his younger kid brother.


Exactly, that's why I said in an earlier post I honestly cant fathom the logic of saying it's starlights fault. Maeve told her they needed help, she then told Supersonic because she trusted him (after telling him not to join in the first place) and Supersonic told A-Train thinking he would help and could trust him. I can't blame Supersonic for trusting A-Train, look at what Homelander and The Deep were doing to him, and knowing what Supersonic knows of Homelander I think anyone would assume A-Train would want to help. I mean that's why it's such a shock when Homelander reveals to Starlight Supersonics body and lets her know A-Train snitched. This is basically a war and in every war there are causalities, it's no different then blaming some one who got hit by a car by saying "Well it's your fault for leaving your house that day" or to relate it to the show, it would be like what Vaught did in the first season, blaming Robins death on her because "She was in the street"


@Issac thank you, I thought I was having a stroke while reading that.

Alejandro Rodriguez

nah Homeland's not scared of him he's just feeling overwhelmed and completely lost with all the CEO shit he didn't think would be part of being in charge and thinking about all the fallout Soulja Boy will cause


Ayo dis show be bussing fr fr no cap

Clouddius Cozz’ee

Check out Spriggan 1998 before Netflix drops their take of it. Manga, Movie, Anime creator is the same who created Akira

Chris Mullen

Ya'll notice that every episode from 2 onwards ends with something terrible happening to Starlight? More so the last 3, but I really feel like they're building up for some crazy thing to happen with her. I can't imagine what though.

Yuudere Hi

I had the same reaction and thoughts as Victor. I feel like as long he can express his thoughts without being a dick that should be totally fine. Before Supersonic even approached A-train he should have told Starlight first. It sucks because her plan wasn't even awful, plus she could trust Supersonic because of their history together. It's definitely not Annie's fault lmao.


I think it was my comment Lupa is talking about at the start. I will say in my theory, I said that since basically everything happened off screen. A-Train snitching and Supersonics death, the only thing we had to go on is Homelanders word. So Lupa had it pretty much right and I appreciate him taking the time to read it and give it a thought... Now that being said, fuck my theory and double fuck A-Train. Like Roshi, I was really enjoying A-Trains redemption and I was grasping at the last line of hope that it wasn't true, him snitching.... But now I am right there with everyone, I'm burning my sneakers and rooting for that fucker to die.


Yo, I'mma need a whole ass explanation from the #It'sStarlight'sfault hive. Why exactly is it Starlight's fault SuperSonic got fucked. I need that explanation post haste because it's pretty jarring how you guys see it that way. I must have missed something big here. From what I know. Starlight warned ( actually she BEGGED ) SuperSonic to not join The Seven because Homelander is on some unstable shit right now. He decided to join The Seven because he believed in Starlight and said she needed someone to have her back. It was the two of them against Homelander with everyone else out of the loop ( exept for The Boys and Maeve who was keeping to herself) and any and every conversaion they had together was warranted because there was an established trust. SuperSonic then sees The Deep and A Train get into a fight and A Train tells SuperSonic his feelings on the matter of Homelander wronging him by siding with The Deep. SuperSonic assumes A Train can be trusted because of this moment and filled him in on the alliance WITHOUT TELLING Starlight before doing so and then he gets murdered by Homelander from the alleged snitching. Explain what Starlight did wrong. The only thing I can assume she did wrong was negligence in telling Supersonic to not go around saying anything about an alliance. If that's the reason it's ALL her fault, then I guess I have no choice but to not hold this grown ass man who got himself into a mess he was warned to stay out of accountable.

Reckless Company

lol who is black noir working for this man follows all orders without hesitation plus starlight needs to understand u cant do things the right way like no hero can beat this dude so of course we gonna use soldier boy whatever it takes smh everyone gonna soft like nah fuck that and kill him

Reckless Company

The deep is just a dumbass, and ashley not trying to get clapped so she plays along but A-Train needs to kill blue hawk not only he cripple ur brother he lied on tv about it smh

Reckless Company

what if frenchie dies and kimiko wants to be a supe again to get revenge so much could happen but one of the boys is dying to set another season who knows


Feel like Ashley could’ve told SL what happened, on paper.

nami (edited)

Comment edits

2023-11-27 05:58:08 we're still on this ridiculous logic that homelander killing supersonic was somehow starlights fault i see
2023-11-27 05:58:08 we're still on this ridiculous logic that homelander killing supersonic was somehow starlights fault i see
2022-06-18 12:49:10 we're still on this ridiculous logic that homelander killing supersonic was somehow starlights fault i see

we're still on this ridiculous logic that homelander killing supersonic was somehow starlights fault i see


N'ah, she's too terrified to do any slight thing. She was already pushing herself too hard when she tried to admit something. She's already on thin ice with Homelander. Being sneaky will make her lose more hair.

Joseph Wong

Not only can Homelander hear everything but he can also see through walls


I mean she does hold some blame tho for telling him in the first place she had good intentions but if she never told him he wouldn’t have died not completely her fault but she kinda indirectly got him killed

King Uma is life

Starlight has like the least amount of blame. Supersonic was naive and told A-train who then snitched. In that whole sequence of events it was more on Supersonic's bad judgement and A-train being an asshole then it was ever on Starlight.


its starlight's fault for involving super sonic at all. its her fault again for not making it super duper mega clear that this shit is no game and you can and will die a brutal death if you open your mouth to the wrong person. he didnt know a-train at all and still went and opened his mouth to him. so yea its star light's fault


nah remember the last time he was awake she put a almond joy in his mouth and he had to be put in a hospital, that sht was personal


A-Train still An Asshole after what he did to Super Sonic Hope he Dies!

Desto Samuels

How is that leaving the house comparison even remotely similar? Starlight was definitetly involved in his death it wasn't her fault directly but there are so many moving parts to her situation vs Robin or that street comparison. First of all how are you going to tell Supersonic shit about homelands without telling him the whole story about the team. The guy literally knew nothing about the history they had with A-Train how are you gonna recruit someone without telling them all the potential ops. Starlight would never tell A-train or the Deep her plan so would it not have made sense to take more precaution? She went to the nigga and told hik they were gonna jump homelander, a little more detail in a different location would have helped greatly. I dunno just seems dumb the entire team knows A-train and Deep still suck homelander off.....

Devin B

But Starlight made it seem like she was desperate to find people to go against Homelander so Supersonic saw a chance to bring A-Train along based on how he was being treated. If Starlight didn't want A-Train to be a part of the plan she would've said no but she allowed him to join.

Devin B

She told him not to join but when she was desperate to find people to help her with taking down Homelander she told him the plan and asked for his help


Devin B I dont think Starlight knew Supersonic recruited A-Train. The scene with 4 of them: A-Train, Starlight, Supersonic and Maeve watch Vicky press was just a misdirection, as Supersonic secretly glanced and A-Train and he nodded his head. Also, Homelander mentioned "two mutineers" to Starlight when he showed her Alex's body, which mean A-Train didnt know about Maeve being in the team.

nami (edited)

Comment edits

2023-11-27 05:58:08 lyssa she absolutely played a part indirectly but i feel it was the smallest role because she was very insistent on telling supersonic what was going on inside the seven and warned him to just go home and forget about the contest but he insisted on staying saying he had her back. Then he recruited A-Train without even running it by Starlight at all. So im just surprised as all that the gang is still insistent on this being mainly Starlights fault ign oring the rest of it
2023-11-27 05:58:08 lyssa she absolutely played a part indirectly but i feel it was the smallest role because she was very insistent on telling supersonic what was going on inside the seven and warned him to just go home and forget about the contest but he insisted on staying saying he had her back. Then he recruited A-Train without even running it by Starlight at all. So im just surprised as all that the gang is still insistent on this being mainly Starlights fault ign oring the rest of it
2022-06-18 17:28:24 lyssa she absolutely played a part indirectly but i feel it was the smallest role because she was very insistent on telling supersonic what was going on inside the seven and warned him to just go home and forget about the contest but he insisted on staying saying he had her back. Then he recruited A-Train without even running it by Starlight at all. So im just surprised as all that the gang is still insistent on this being mainly Starlights fault ign oring the rest of it

lyssa she absolutely played a part indirectly but i feel it was the smallest role because she was very insistent on telling supersonic what was going on inside the seven and warned him to just go home and forget about the contest but he insisted on staying saying he had her back. Then he recruited A-Train without even running it by Starlight at all. So im just surprised as all that the gang is still insistent on this being mainly Starlights fault ign oring the rest of it


Desto Samuels I think you misread the situation a little bit. Starlight told Supersonic that they might have to fight Homelander and they need more supes, about 4 or 5. Then Alex said he's in. That's it. Her original intention was that she would do the recruiting, that's why she talked to Maeve earlier and then Alex. She had 2, then she needed to asked around to get enough 4 or 5 supe for her plan. She never asked Alex to recruit more supes, he was the one who took the initiative to ask A-Train, and we all knew the consequence for that action.

Jake White

Facts and she kicked his epipen away as he was reaching for it lmaoo that shit was just disrespectful 😂


He deserves it. I hope at least he can do something right with Blue Hawk. I wont forgive him or anything, but if he doesnt do anything after what he did to his brother, he is even worse than the Deep.


lol bro she didn’t make him do the tv show, once he won he was going to find out Homelander is a psycho and a murderer, he was already saying wild racist shit to him as a contestant. She warned him very clearly not to join “he’s unstable, and has killed a bunch of people, and is only getting worse. And the rest of the other superheros aren’t that much better ”. He didn’t listen and joined anyways then decided to trust Atrain when she clearly said they all bad, except for Maeve but we don’t know if she even told him Maeve was okay. Supersonic was gonna die at some point anyway just to put starlight in her place


Starlight made it seem like it was just homelander that was bad, But it's majority of the supes. she should've broken down everyone back stories and told supersonic who not to talk to about the plan A-TRAIN being one of them

John Cedar

Yeah, lmao, it's somehow Starlight's fault that she can't control an unhinged, unstoppable psycho. Maybe it's Huey's fault that Robin was fucking pulped into a smoothie in the pilot episode too. I mean, he lives in a world with supes, he should've known that it would be dangerous for her to be in the street, right? He basically signed her death warrant himself lmao You could twist any scenario to claim that someone "should have seen this coming" or "should have been more careful". Shockwave's death is HOMELANDER AND A-TRAIN'S FAULT, and no one else's.


I feel like something might happen to Starlight… like on the last few episodes they’ve ended it with a zoom in on her face. Idk if that’s just coincidence. I don’t trust this show it has me paranoid! 😅😅😂😂

John Cedar

She didn't warn him about A-Train, he didn't warn her about wanting to get A-Train in on their plan. Supersonic made a poor judgement call, and so did she, but it's Homelander and A-Train's fault that he died.


those are jordan 4s Lupa


Yeah she definitely doesn’t deserve all of the blame I think she just made a big mistake relying on him in the first place.


Imagine your house is on fire and waking up to some one shouting in "You're house is on fire you need to get out!" and while leaving you trip and fall, breaking your ankle and being like "OMG! You made me break my ankle!"

Desto Samuels

@victor I understand what her initial plan is/was. The way she worded it though plays out how i explained it earlier due to the lack of information she gave him. If you were going to recruit someone to take down one of the strongest people on earth down. Would you not want to take way more time to explain the situation? I mean Hue had no problem telling Starlight to sit down have a few drinks to fill her in. Anyways at the end of the day I'm not saying Supersonic isn't at fault but Starlight went about it in the wrong way at the wrong place and time.


Episode 3 @ 14:00. " They wanna pick you as one of the winners tonight. And you need to say no. Okay listen, I really wished someone told me what I'm about to tell you. There's something wrong with Homelander, something broken. He's threaten to murder me more than once and he's murdered other people and it's only getting worse and you're just gonna be putting yourself and your family in danger. AND PRETTY MUCH THE REST OF THEM TOO. THEY'RE SO FUCKING CRUEL. Trust me, you don't want this. Just say you can't do it. Say your family is having an emergency. Don't do it." @HonorableHarvey @David So she didn't make it Superduper clear this isn't a game. She made it seem like it was just Homelander. Ok.


" They wanna pick you as one of the winners tonight. And you need to say no. Okay listen, I really wished someone told me what I'm about to tell you. There's something wrong with Homelander, something broken. He's threatened to murder me more than once and he's murdered other people and it's only getting worse and you're just gonna be putting yourself and your family in danger. AND PRETTY MUCH THE REST OF THEM TOO. THEY'RE SO FUCKING CRUEL. Trust me, you don't want this. Just say you can't do it. Say your family is having an emergency. Don't do it." Tell me it's her fault still. Despite her making this very clear.

Jigga Man

Did they just leave MM on the ground and walk off?

Invader Rin

This season they're really making the parallel's between Homelander and Trump. Him firing everyone and putting people who have no qualifications in charge. Him not not knowing how to run a company and blaming others for his shortcomings.

King Kryptic

That Len Bias reference was crazy

Reckless Company

Ashley trying her hardest not to get folded starlight needs to learn how to be discreet

Reckless Company

Starlight should have told supersonic about A-train so he would have know that dude untrustworthy she didn’t warn him detailed enough

Reckless Company

I agree they have to hold homelander down so soldier boy can kill him if they don’t he will fly away u can’t beat homelander without being a supe so them being mad makes no sense

Reckless Company

Homelander is CEO but don’t know shit about the company and gets mad when people try to tell him Edgar warned him and he about to found out the hard way

Reckless Company

I just found out the crimson lady is Andrea from the walking dead now I know why she was so familiar

Reckless Company

Nah starlight wants to be a pure hero too much so when she sees the boys doing “villain” shit it triggers her😂😂😂


you really tryna getting political in a patron comment section 💀

Invader Rin

I love that you think that what I said was in any way counts as political...

Christian Acosta

She got him involved when he showed a clear disregard for his own safety. Definitely not fully to blame, but partially for sure. Why tf she telling people anyways?


tbh just saying Trump is political enough

Jason Williams

He said in an earlier episode that the doctor told him if he uses his powers again there's a 50/50 chance his heart gives out


A-train is infuriating holyyyyy

Mr. Glasses

Oh wow. I didn't even notice that. I used to love that show too.


wow. the receipts ... glorious


read the comment RIGHT above yours and somehow maintain that statement ^


At this point, all you #blamestarlights can stay wrong. She made it clear right then and there.


Im just thinking even if soldier boy kills homelander what does that fix soldier boy gon do the same shit so what is really the goal here? Also that super hero nigga got himself clapped starlight told his not to join and that this nigga crazy but he like nah i gotta stay here for you. Nigga r u serious.


Starlight also told supersonic they are all cruel in her speech telling him not to join so idk why that dumbfuck asked a train


If u can not make the connection the writers are making that is on you


Bro jut hit the middle button in they keyboard 20 times


Think they're just operating under the lesser of 2 evils for right now. Soldier Boy is just a dick, Homelander is basically psychotic at this point. Soldier Boy probably wouldn't just murder you if you pissed him off.

Jake White

Y’all really surprised someone is making political connections in a series that very intentionally and openly is written to reflect the current political climate? This series has literally always been political and mainly about social justice and poking fun at the goofier, more performative figures that we know of. If you’re mad at someone for bringing politics into this series, then you’ve really missed the entire point of the series tbh

John Ruggiero

Idk... A-Train was TRASH for that. Could he do much? No. Would he get killed by that other supe or homelander? Probably... But damn. Sometimes there are times that calls you to stand no matter what the consequence and this was it. But maybe he will find a way to get that dude another way. Cuz at this moment he slowly entering into the circle and it could cause them to lower their guard but I doubt it... This was crazy smh


but the fact remains that Hughie is more useful with supe powers than none. Its a FACT he saved M.M's life. If he didn't have temp V, M.M would most likely be dead. You can say its for Ego but its also the obvious benefit that having a power like teleportation is very useful. Why is it toxic masculinity when a man wants to be useful but when a women wants power, its called independence and strong willed? Hughies reasons are VERY reasonable from an objective point of view, not even a man's. Hes been weak his entire life. Sure he was able to help out in the first 2 seasons but never did much compared to Butcher or Starlight. He was always in the backseat trying to keep up with everyone. Now he has the chance to finally prove himself useful. If anything, Starlight's the one that frustrates me along with M.M. Leveling the playing field is important because atm EVERY OTHER plan has failed. Starlight failed in her plan to gather supes against Homelander. This entire season so far, she has underestimated Homelander's influence and the fear he instills in others and the power he wields. Most of us felt safe with the Airplane vide and shit that we believe he can be controlled. Ep 3 was a reminder that this man can obliterate the planet or cripple it as he pleased and the only thing stopping him was his own pride and wish to be loved. Starlight has absolutely no leverage and no plan anymore. Hughie and Butcher puts their bets into the only weapon so far in all of human history that can hurt Homelander. It may not be the best plan, as we dont know what Soldier Boy is thinking, but its their best plan as of right now because they got no other plan.

Omar Bautista

Oh no Hugie is teaming with a murder. Telling that to the person who killed Translucent and Butcher as a person in general. Starlight needs to get off her high horse when the plan is to kill homelander


Bruh what I can’t understand nothing you just said kinda you gotta rewrite that plus the comic books suck compared to the show the show is 10x better 😂


Ayoo that "Yeea" Roshi hit during the Butcher/Maeve Kiss had a dash of Kink on it 🤣🤣

cmbbosh (edited)

Comment edits

2023-11-27 05:58:08 i can see Starlights side.. Its not that he's teaming with a murderer.. He's low-key turning into Butcher with his actions
2022-06-20 15:06:28 i can see Starlights side.. Its not that he's teaming with a murderer.. He's low-key turning into Butcher with his actions

i can see Starlights side.. Its not that he's teaming with a murderer.. He's low-key turning into Butcher with his actions


no one’s getting mad that they made a political statement i just think it was an unnecessary statement that can incite an argument and for what?like it’s a hella sensitive topic why even say it but hey whatever comment anything you want tho

Desto Samuels

The whole show is full of sensitive topics does that mean we shouldn't talk about everything that happened with A-Train in this episode? Please make sense and stop being so fragile.

Jalon R

Starlight is starting to become annoying. Now is not time to debate morals with Huey. She agreed that they’ll do whatever it takes. They're dealing with a man who can wipe the earth clean. They don't care about morals, Homelander doesn’t. She has to go, she wasn’t even invited. I get it that she wants Huey to be safe. But nobody is safe with Homelander alive. He just killed Supersonic and a suicidal girl a few days ago... She doesn’t want him “working with a murderer”. She literally works in a building with murderous “heroes”.🤦🏾‍♂️


It's not just about morals, its about Hughie jumping in head first into a ridiculously dangerous plan. What guarantee is there that Soldier Boy can kill Homelander? What guarantee is there that the Temp V isn't destroying his body? What guarantee is there that Soldier Boy isn't going to turn on them if he does win? And on top of that, Hughie and Butcher are just going ahead and doing things without letting the rest of the team know or consulting them. Annie doesn't want to kill Homelander if it ends with Hughie dead. And she especially doesn't want Hughie to die because he didn't think before going in with a reckless plan.

Jalon R

True, they’re doing a lot of dangerous things and she doesn’t want anything bad to happen to him. But I don’t think she fully grasp the situation. There’s a power man who is doing too much and he’s also on the edge of killing everyone. I would be frustrated working with them because they’re not contributing much except “man power”. The only ones thinking of plans is Butcher, and Maeve who doesn’t care about the team.

iMovie stars

she's quite literally with him everyday. I think she grasps the situation. She's literally right

Jalon R

You can be fully involved and not fully accept how big the situation is. She’s not thinking of plans and the ones that she thought of have failed miserably and made things worse for them. She’s right about Huey becoming bad but she’s not comprehending how nobody is safe with Homelander alive.


What guarantee is there that Homelander doesn't just snap like he has multiple times and fulfill the threats he's already given to literally kill them? At this point their back is against the wall. She's irritating as hell especially since yea, she agreed, whatever it takes. The only guarantee is Homelander will kill them. Someday, somewhere. So taking the chance of killing an invincible man? Whether it be another psychopath or a supe drug? Yea. Pretty reasonable imo. That one guarantee of Homelander means they HAVE TO take those chances.

Asad Khabir (edited)

Comment edits

2023-11-27 05:58:08 That's not an Irish accent at all. He seems to be going for a seterotypical London accent.
2023-11-27 05:58:08 That's not an Irish accent at all. He seems to be going for a seterotypical London accent.
2022-06-24 00:33:07 That's not an Irish accent at all. He seems to be going for a seterotypical London accent.

That's not an Irish accent at all. He seems to be going for a seterotypical London accent.

Dick Grayson

A-Train said it’s like playing Russian roulette, so I think he’s gonna pull the trigger. When he was in the hospital with his brother watching Blue Hawks statement, Blue Hawk said “breaks my heart” and the shot was of A-train. Idk just a random thought.

rickie woodson

my perspective: a-train DOES care about BLM and does want to make a difference in the community, that doesnt mean he cares about EVERYTHING or is automatically a wholesome good person. dr. king did a lot of good but was not a good man.........also a-train is slowly becoming less selfish. its a process. he is still 98% old a-train. him going to homelander was his way to get his agenda done: promote BLM, get rid of blue falcon, and bring in the urban demographic

rickie woodson

i dont get what people expect a-train to do when he literally cant use his powers............

rickie woodson

i would write a note with maeve's location as im screaming and bitching at starlight. saw it in a show once "how dare you! cant believe you would think i would EVER betray my employer" sis slides him the note "now get the fuck out of my office" simple pimple

rickie woodson

as someone who has morals: team starlight, enemy of the boys since day one! they SUUCCCCCCCCCCCK

rickie woodson

no love for musical theater? mmmmmmmmmmmmmm, not everyone can have good taste i guess. #judygarland #musicislife

Devon Joseph

Lowkey don't get why reactors keep failing for the "Fallen Hero" trope. There is missing the bigger picture which is "We have to kill Homelander" and missing the even bigger picture which corrupting the hero ultimately does not bode well from everyone. Hughie is right by saying the ends justify the means but Starlight is completely right about mad about it as more people are gonna get hurt going in this direction. It ALWAYS happens which is why we need a character that is rightfully against it otherwise the heroes are just villians that virtue signaling.

Lamaree Jackson

Crazy Hughie's whole arc this season was just being sexist. Starlight treats him like an equal part of the plan and wants to do things together: stop babying me I wanna save people. Butcher treats him like shit and actually does order him around, and he goes whining and begging for his help every episode. Being an asshole isn't gonna change the instantaneous death of your first girlfriend at the hands of a speedster.