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Congratulations, you played yourself



To clear it up: Yeah, the malnomen is what's causing the time loop. Chloe can't get rid of the malnomen by herself because she's the root cause since she gave up her true name much like the other cases we've seen so far. So she thinks that by killing Naenia, who corrupted Jean-Jacques and basically put them in this situation, everything will go back to normal Also the Sheeragan working real strong this time around lol


WOOOO Chloe with the big brain, but her smile at the end was 😩


The Church committing hate crimes against minority and then using said minority as a scapegoat to cover their crimes? If you told me it happened in real life I would believe it


Naenia asks for strong vampires names, cause she cant take the name from them by force, she can only take weaker vampires names by force

Jason I.

To clarify, Naenia can take names by force. She just can't do it to strong vampires like Chloe or Noe (she tried and failed earlier with Noe during the ball).


Nobody gonna question why Young Jean-Jacques has h3ntai mc hair?

L Jeans

Personally i think this arc drags too much, but i really love Jean-Jacques and the astolfo situation