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Bro should send himself a D-Mail that just says "STOP"



@SoggySoup, yea some shows make sense to be in other languages. Like Black Butler and parts 1 and 2 of JoJo make sense to be in English since the protagonsits are English and from that region. Still prefer subs though.

Kody Hill

damn roshi why your hair so luscious rn?


I am here gang


Awww fuck yeah the timing! I just caught up on the last 3 episodes and hit refresh to see if anything dropped.


I whipped it out so fast


How did they not connect the forum meeting shit 😭


Don't hear them, it's pretty common you miss things in this show having that many details, almost everyone here is watching this for the second time and they thing you three are fucking omniscients, don't worry, you all are getting the important things, everything will come little by little later on the show.

Just Jackie!

Just to clarify one small thing, Sheera brought up: Okarin can't send a Dmail to himself saying "don't let (insert character name here) send that Dmail", because he's now in a new world line. Dmails go back in time, they don't jump world lines, and where he is now, has a different past than where he was before. So, sending one to himself to stop Feyris from sending her Dmail is pointless. She never sent one in this world line.


Next week steins gate becomes peak 😩 steins gate/0 is in my top 3 I'm looking forward to the reactions

Jose silva

Yeah i don't think he can send himself a message to stop everything as that original first message doesn't exist in this time line.

Francisco Rodriguez

Am here calling it now that Lupo is about to say my head hurts after the next two episode 😂😂


i thought this was the famouse episode with the quote i was wrong i think it episode 15


Yall missed something really important. They bought up the science forum meeting twice this episode connect the dots

kaeleb white

I kinda feel like him letting them send the messages isn’t cuz he’s a mad scientist, but more because he wants to be a good friend, could be wrong tho lmao

Greg Harrison

Guys don't accidentally spoil. The show will reveal it all later.

Jacob R

So there is a very good reason Sheera's idea to send a D-mail to tell him to not send the D-mail won't work. Basically Worldline A is the one where they sent the D-mail, they move to Worldline B. Worldline B never had that D-mail sent, so there isn't anything to stop from being sent.


I wasn't there for Y2k, but I was there for the 2012 hysteria. That one was funny.


I suggest you guys rewatch this episode and actually pay attention. You're given really obvious confirmation of who suzuha really is about 19-20 mins in and it also basically completely reveals who her father is and who john titor really is at the same time. Its not really hidden either so maybe rewatch this before you clap yourselves into oblivion going forward lol. This episode in particular basically reveals 50% of the major plot points of the show in your face.

Salty MF

lmao rewatching this with you guys made me realize a few things from the small details.. pretty interesting..


no im pretty sure most of us noticed the giant spoilers in this episode on the first run lmao. They made it super obvious who suzuha really is and who her father really is and who john titor is. I barely remember the show all the years ago I watched but I deff lost my shit when I put it together watching it and so did most people at the time because I remember reading people comments on it lol.

Isaiah Ramos

Bro next weeks about to be... 😳


Nah man, I missed it as well. Like... people can make theories and guesses that can be accurate or not. doesn't mean anything is confirmed until the show reveals it. I'm just glad they're enjoying all the down-time and still picking up on a lot of things and asking questions. They don't need to solve everything before the reveals.


I liked this and the movie more than 0 personally. I'm still gonna be here if they decide to watch tho :D

Team Skull Grunt B

You just gave every reason why they shouldn't rewatch it lol. Y'all don't understand what a first viewing experience is

Team Skull Grunt B

Because most people don't, it was intentionally written that way. Stop acting like they're stupid, I've never seen anyone make the connection this early


im wondering and please dont answer this comment im just saying my thought lol, she said barrel titor but that dudes name is john titor. could she be either john titor daughter or his granddaughter? but anyway this dude gotta stop like whats next bro? send a d-mail so you become the president? lmao


You're close, but he can technically. He can't send a D-mail from World-A to World-B. But he can send a D-mail from World-A to World-A telling himself to ignore the previous D-mail, which will stop himself from doing whatever he did to cause the change from A to B in the first place.


He can't send a D-mail to himself telling him to stop because each time he arrives on a timeline he never sent a D-mail on that timeline in the first place. They covered it after the first couple of D-mails where he asked if anyone remembers doing the experiment but they don't cause it didn't happen.


It's not really obvious or they would have noticed it. The reason you think it is obvious is that you've seen the show before, don't spoil it for no reason, all will be revealed in time and the whole point of watching their reaction is to see them discover this stuff on their own.


Would really suggest not reading comments, the whole show is littered with clues about major plot points so people rewatching think they are big brain to be like "If you pay attention you can actually see that blahblahblah" when they are just spoiling the natural pace of reveals in the show.

Drake Rage

@Justin When Okabe sends a D-mail, he shifts to a new world-line. He can't undo what happened from a D-mail because the moment a D-mail is sent, Okabe shifts to a new world-line with a different past, but only he remembers the previous world-line. I am pretty sure that is how it works, so he can't just "undo" anything, at least not easily.


Its more that he cares very much about his friends than him being a mad scientist, its his chuunibyo and him playing things off, cause he didnt have many friends in his life, so he helps them and doesnt really care about them changing the timeline because its what they want

Peacefinder Simply

I'm just going to assume you can't because you can just keep the argument going. For example @Justin lets say that is all true, but World B would still exist, it wouldn't cease to exist, because sending it World-A to World-A would just create a World C, because you can't get rid of a timeline once its created. Just saying, this time travel stuff can get a bit wonky and you really need to just assume he can't unless the show does it.


i see other people trying to explain it, and I know it can be hard to understand, so to answer Sheera's question as basically as possible: he can't send himself a d-mail saying "don't let Feyris send that d-mail" because he is no longer in the world line where she did that. The best thing he could possibly do is send a d-mail even further back than Feyris', and tell her to bring moe culture to Akiba, but there's no telling if that would actually work and what else it might screw up. At this point, Okabe knows that the more he changes things, there's the risk of one of his friends basically disappearing from his life like Shining Finger did.


@Drake The D-mail itself isn't necessarily the cause of the worldline changes, it's the actions of whoever received the D-mail being changed that causes it. A D-mail from world-A to world-A that caused the changes that led to world-B can't be unsent, but a D-mail from World-B to World-B can be sent telling whoever received the D-mail to ignore it. Which would cause World B to branch & become a slightly modified version of world-A.


If Sheera ever got a chance to be a showrunner or write a show it would just be two characters, sitting in chairs, not talking and watching white paint dry on a wall for 23 minutes. That way no one can make the any wrong decisions, there wouldn't be any conflict or drama to push the narrative or plot. They would just sit there, not make any decision for entertainment and after 23 minutes roll credits..... Doesn't that sound like a fun show?

Joey Zero

It's really important now anyway. There is no reason to know. It's just a spoiler for the people who really pay attention and dissect every bit of dialogue. It all gets answered later anyway.


You hear that sucking sound yet? We're a week away from the Gate of Steiner sucking everyone in <3 and I cannot wait.... the build up is always worth it. Looking forward to it ~ YeaBoi ~

Winston M

lol why he pressed

no. 21’s no. 1 simp

This, you're not supposed to notice stuff the first time you watch something. That's the point of a show.

asdf horo

Tbf if he send dmail to himself that says "STOP" ,who knows what will get clapped lol

Reuben Filimaua

Yeeah its a mixture of both. He's excited to do experiments for sure, but yeeah its mostly cos he cares about his friends. You realize most of the d-mails so far have been for the benefit of his friends and not himself (outside of the lotto one). Its just as Okabe said with Kurisu, he created this lab cos all he wanted was to have friends. With how socially awkward he is... there's the implication that he's grown up pretty lonely which is why he cherishes Mayuri so much.

Reuben Filimaua

Its not that important to have caught it on the first watch. The plot doesn't require them to have noticed it.

Sebastian Stróż

Holy fucking shit, this show is best anime in my opinion but rewatching it puts it on another level... SO MANY LITTLE THINGS ALL OVER THE PLACE


Doesn't matter even if you miss it it will explain everything later so don't let anyone explain anything to you for this show


Yeah quit trying to give hints or explain anything at all the show will reveal it itself

Adamantite Momon

Patreon should have a report spoilers button 😭


Everybody trying to say that they need to rewatch the episode again because they missed xyz sucks, but on the positive side, it demonstrates strong writing and value in multiple viewings. The little things they put in front of you that you don't really notice/do notice but don't understand what you're seeing becomes so obvious after you've digested the plot. For me, a reaction on older media is reliving certain moments of a show through fresh eyes. It's Also interesting how those fresh eyes might interpret things in a way you would have never considered and can help bring new discussions.


Roshi your reaction was good and nothing was wrong with it, yall didnt miss anything much. Anime in general will either spell it out 100 times when they want to reveal something or sprinkle little crumbles like this one. EVERYTHING will come up again so ignore all the "you need to rewatch" whines


Bruh i suggest you erase everything after your first sentence. Good for you for being in the smart ass group that caught the hint, but what's wrong if others make false theories or didnt connect the dot on their first viewing. Let them discover the revelation later on is completely fine

Spearbearer Josh

I dont think he enjoys/is exhilerated by the situation at all. He's scared shitless with reservations every time they send a d-mail. His mad scientist thing is sorta like a front

Dj Josol (edited)

Comment edits

2024-01-15 16:41:19 I just wana say, notice at the very end the satellite that crashed in the Radio building disappeared. I just finished watching Steins Gate again and I'm wrecked emotionally, but it's so dope following the trio and seeing their perspective on the story. It really makes it feel like a fresh experience. Can't wait for the next two eps next week. It's like each ep we're biting closer and closer into the juiciest part of the steak!
2022-06-15 21:00:57 I just wana say, notice at the very end the satellite that crashed in the Radio building disappeared. I just finished watching Steins Gate again and I'm wrecked emotionally, but it's so dope following the trio and seeing their perspective on the story. It really makes it feel like a fresh experience. Can't wait for the next two eps next week. It's like each ep we're biting closer and closer into the juiciest part of the steak!

I just wana say, notice at the very end the satellite that crashed in the Radio building disappeared. I just finished watching Steins Gate again and I'm wrecked emotionally, but it's so dope following the trio and seeing their perspective on the story. It really makes it feel like a fresh experience. Can't wait for the next two eps next week. It's like each ep we're biting closer and closer into the juiciest part of the steak!

Dj Josol (edited)

Comment edits

2024-01-15 16:41:19 If this is your first watch kudos for that assessment!
2022-06-15 21:02:21 If this is your first watch kudos for that assessment!

If this is your first watch kudos for that assessment!

Dj Josol (edited)

Comment edits

2024-01-15 16:41:19 You gotta love mystery shows for that rewatch-ability. Like if you were to rewatch AOT and see all the subtle hints.
2022-06-15 21:05:19 You gotta love mystery shows for that rewatch-ability. Like if you were to rewatch AOT and see all the subtle hints.

You gotta love mystery shows for that rewatch-ability. Like if you were to rewatch AOT and see all the subtle hints.

Dj Josol (edited)

Comment edits

2024-01-15 16:41:19 YES next week begins the longest summer...
2022-06-15 21:06:05 YES next week begins the longest summer...

YES next week begins the longest summer...

Dj Josol (edited)

Comment edits

2024-01-15 16:41:19 Interesting observation!
2022-06-15 21:07:49 Interesting observation!

Interesting observation!

Dj Josol (edited)

Comment edits

2024-01-15 16:41:19 You're sharp. So basically from that logic, if you want to send a D-mail to reverse things you can only send it to the current people within this world line and the message has to say something else because that D-mail doesn't exist.
2022-06-15 21:09:45 You're sharp. So basically from that logic, if you want to send a D-mail to reverse things you can only send it to the current people within this world line and the message has to say something else because that D-mail doesn't exist.

You're sharp. So basically from that logic, if you want to send a D-mail to reverse things you can only send it to the current people within this world line and the message has to say something else because that D-mail doesn't exist.

Drake Rage

@Justin I see your point, but there are 2 issues: 1. The recipient of a D-mail in World-A exists in the past, and if he does change his original actions, then there is no time to react, since Okabe exists in the future, he instantaneously transfers to a new World-line (World-B). He won't have the time to cancel a previous D-mail in the same World-Line since the shift is instantaneous. 2. A D-mail goes back to the same World-line(World-A), and any changes due to that D-mail results in a new World-line(World-B). So, the D-mail sent in World-A exists in World-A, but not in World-B, since the experiment itself did not take place in World-B. World-B comes into existence due to the changes in actions and events that result from the D-mail, but not the D-mail itself. (Like how we saw in previous episodes how Okabe shifts to a new World-Line after a D-mail experiment, but he has not performed that experiment in the new World-Line. The new World-line is only the resulting change due to the D-mail experiment in the previous World-Line.) TL;DR D-mail sent from World-A stays in World-A, but Okabe goes to World-B the moment the D-mail (that changes previous actions and events) is sent, so he can't cancel the D-mail, since it does not exist in World-B. This is so much fun to think about about, love how complicated Time-travel gets.


lol I meant it more as a joke, I didn't mean to come off as harsh or criticizing... my bad 😄


I just wanna say that you guys clearly still don't understand that 1. The reason Okabe talks to himself pretending the secret organization thing is because he is a chuuni. There are a lot of scenes that explained already that he doesn't have any friends (except Mayushi aka his childhood friend) since he was a child and that is why he is like that. 2. The reason he lets his lab members (aka his friends) use the dmail is because he treasures his friends and wanted them to have what they want (like Ruka wanted to be a girl). 3. He can't send a dmail to stop the previous dmail that has been sent because he has jumped into a different timeline therefore, the event where they sent the dmail didn't happened. The thing that I don't get is why he doesn't want to explain to his friends about the previous dmail.


Just a little hint at something you might have missed. Remember the satellite that crashed on top of the building? Look at it again in this episode. It was there at the start and it disappeared right before Okabe sent himself the Dmail to follow suzuha. There are several subtle hints throughout the story that are flashed through quickly but are pretty important parts to the story that help you understand things of either the setting, what happened, or about certain characters.


Remember that he cannot send a Dmail to himself saying stop, because every time he jumps he gets into a timeline that no Dmails has been sent. Example: when they sent the message back for lab member #007 to become a girl, he jumped into the timeline that she was already a girl so they never sent that Dmail in the first place, so there is no way to stop a Dmail that "never" happened.


Next video should be episodes 11 and 12 together :)

Don Keedick

Y'all gonna watch the movie and the follow-up series to this?

Jamar Arrington

Keep an eye out for the numbers when the world line shifts. Remember, Titor told Okabe to move past the Divergence of 1%, but the numbers are decreasing with every shift

AlexXis Amadeus

I paid $10 for Sub!? I'm hurt. Consider my ass clapped. This is one of the only shows with a good dub. It also makes it MUCH easier to understand what going on.


Sub over dub. Doesnt matter if the dub is good. Sub ALWAYS over dub. Original over copy.


I feel like it's less like exhilaration and more obsession/compulsion. Even if the mad scientist thing is kinda a front, it feels like he can't help himself from pushing forward in spite of the damage.

Diego Zenhäusern

Oh, thanks for that comment. I've seen this show multiple times and for a second I thought it was the biggest plothole of the series that Okabe doesn't just send D-mails to prevent other peoples from sending D-mails and it low key shattered my world.....sometimes I'm so stupid🙈😅


Okabe cant send a d mail to himself to stop sending the d mails that is already sendt because they are already in a different timeline and for the okabe that recieves the d mail from our okabe wouldnt understand because for him they havent even used the d mail yet. they never used the d mail from that okabe's perspective. This probably sounds like alot of gibberish, but its really hard to explain