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All that budget for a fumble lmao


Kyle Drayton

@Ramendeep Such a childish and weak attempt to diminish my words because you can’t refute them with an actual response lol. Grow up

Kyle Drayton

@Yuudere Hi Thank you for proving my point creep. All I see is a literal incel thinking being a keyboard warrior is the best defense against someone exposing you for what you are because you’re too immature and childish to come up with an actual response. Touch grass in the most literal sense

Lloyd Edwards

Damian was really on Namek lmao


I laughed my ass off when I read this in the manga, still got a big ass laugh out of me seeing it animated


I honestly thought they were going the 21 Jump Street Route with Emile's sacrifice.


Can’t believe banana fish lost to tomodachi mid…


M Bison being that big ass “6 year old” daddy had me howling laughing

George Kiourtis

was about to clap in the comments about the tea timer. Good save Sheera 😂😂

Mozart Waddell

The GOAT Emille!!!!! Emille is the real MVP this episode. Seriously to me his character stock rallied 📈 If he could chill with the bullying he would've already made top 10 for me.

Mozart Waddell

The way he said "daddy" was pure nightmare fuel 💀💀💀

Mozart Waddell

When I first saw this episode I was confident that "Daddy" Bison had Bill embryonically modified using CRISPR/CAS9. I thought there's no way in hell HGH injections, steroids, or stem cells is causing Bill mutation-esque bulk and mass at that age. Then I googled youngest body builders and tallest children throughout history. Spy x Family anomalous depiction of Bill Watkins as a 6 year old is based 😬 My guy Bill is taking Loid's spot in my top 5 list.


Lmao Lupa with the "clapped in the comments" shirt XD


Bro nah y’all not finna sit here and tell me that nigga is a child bro built like a full grown ass man gtfoh 😭😂

Hotaru Ichimaru

Bro that ain't no kid that's a grown ass man and nothing anyone says will change my mind

tank toe

Have you guys seen the new castlevania teaser


My theory is that he was born on a leap year. So while he is 6 years old, he is also 24


Bill must be born on a leap year. That’s why he’s 6. Because he’s biologically 24.


Anya would have had a good throw if she had timed her release better.

Totally Thomas

I was in tears the whole episode


Oh that was so fun! I'm tired from laughing at that end part lol


Screen literally shows you a big-ass "6" in parentheses. "How old is he?" *facepalm* Really? How are you gonna ask then when it literally tells you lmao.

Thiccc Mexican259

Me still waiting for the Bunny Girl Senpai Movie

Yuudere Hi

Relax buddy I noticed it the 2nd time I watched it. It's not like they didn't figure it out after. Get the thong out cha ass man.

Erica Collins

lmao glad I'm not the only one who IMMEDIATELY thought of hxh when Damian "caught" the ball

Ara Araragi

Loid asking Yor if she was athletic was a bad translation. He was actually asking if she was good at sports.


Sheera, you try dodging that dude's FAST-ass throws lmao. I bet you anything that your brain would literally not have any time to react as a 5 or 6 year old having a ball thrown that fast at you.




This episode had me rolling on the floor. Easily the funniest so far. Also Spy x Family is a split cour anime. So we'll get the second cour around December. The second cour is 13 eps i believe

Omar Bautista

I have never seen this much of a wasted budget since The Seven Deadly Sins Season 3



Earphone Jack

When I first read the dodgeball chapter in the manga and I saw Anya fumble that throw after doing all that for her attack throw, I was like "NOW ANYA!" And don't get me started on when I first saw the 6-year-old grown man. I was like "IKYFLTM! THAT IS NOT A SIX-YEAR-OLD!" LOL!!!

Jalani Abdul-Aziz

i need a birth certificate for that man child right NOW

Ө. Өнөболд

Roshi nasty at pingpong? Pingpong stream pls


yo you good? it's just a show relax. you're literally paying to watch their genuine reactions and here you are complaining.


damian jumping infront of anya looks like a reference to Piccolo jumping infont of Gohan. this episode is hilarious . The rocky reference of running up the stairs.

Devin B

I honestly did not think I would like Damian and his group this much. Even if they're cold towards Anya I gotta respect their teamwork and friendship.


bruh i was waiting on this episode since i read it two weeks ago this grown ass man talm bout some “DODDY” 😂😂😂


The three bullies wasn't that haikyuu reference

miss millie.

aint no way they got ushiwaka playing dodgeball against kindergarteners


damn bro, its literally a comedy show, relax lmao


Wow, this episode was too much fun. I hope that Bill kid sticks around. Funnily enough there are kids in real life who exist like him. I remember I had a kid like that in my class back then in grade school. He was same age as all of us ( like 7 ) but was the biggest and really looked like a teenager so when I first met him I seriously didn't believe he was our age. I also had a cousin who was 11 but she was tall so I kept thinking she was my age at the time ( about 17 ). Have y'all met someone like that?

Doughboy 1027

"If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a ball."


Also naruto refrence with the waterfall during training lol

Benjamin Moore

Does Anya have horns like Lucy from Elfen Lied? Rhetorical question, but just an observation I made.


warming the milk before putting it in cereal is crazy lol


Bro, you always nitpicking every single thing. Like relax, stop self-inserting your own reactions and expecting others to follow through with them.


Lupa had the correct response. "I'm calling the police"

Yuudere Hi

Like fr, everytime I see bro in the comments he losing brain cells over the most insignificant things.


If you liked the Dragon Ball reference, you should watch Gintama, no need for a reaction from it. You can enjoy it on your own but reference like this is like a third of the show. They literally made a whole episode about Dragon Ball, the anime has no shame and isn't scared of copyright lmao


For some reason I thought we saw her without them and it was just hair buns, but that could have been fan art.


nobody would probably believe me but me and lupa said haikyuu at the same time lol. other then that, yo this kid literally was in namek lmao. also i thought the same thing when that kids dad showed up. M.Bison! lmao


Sheera are you really asking why first graders aren't able to dodge a ball that's being thrown at like mach speed?

Jake White

At this point I’m honestly curious if Lupa really understands what “random” means lmao.

Stephen D

I am getting mad Razor(HxH) vibes from Bill

Shaquille Hinds

You americans, people actually time how long they steep their tea bags/leaves.


Wait I thought it was a 25 ep series with 2 cours?


It is, 12 this cour and 13 the next cour


lupa missed the drums solo smh


the absolute clowning in this episode was truly nxt level


it is but the second cour isn't until winter I believe

static surge

its 12 eps. skipping summer returning fall for 13 eps

Random Guy

im sad that spy x family is ending, but its just in time coz overlord s4 is coming this july.


There were other references that you guys missed. When Damian threw the second ball, he called it "kage bunshin" (like Naruto's shadow clones). And when Anya threw the ball at the end of the episode, it was a reference to Gurren Lagann. Instead of "Kissatsu..Giga Drill Breaker", she said "Kissatsu...Star Catch Arrow" and the background changed to hyperspace with star constellations like in Gurren Lagann's attack. But since you watched Gurren Lagann in english, you didn't catch on it. Although those references are exclusive to the anime version, the Gurren Lagann one is actually surprising since it is not a Jump series.


Might be, but not necessarily. This type of training actually exists in Japan since medieval times.


Wow this is cool. I never saw a modern anime studio do that before.


They made this episode 10x's more epic and hilarious than in the manga! They are doing such an awesome job at adding story and content.

Jonathan Kinney

Man, I'm loving the new intro more and more as I keep hearing it. Keep up the great work guys!


Sure but with all the other references it’s not that big of a stretch


This is what Wit Studio always does. They did with Attack on Titan, Ranking of Kings, and now SpyxFamily.


Damion also threw the ball the same way Boruto throws his rasengan. He even said the same thing Boruto says when he throws lol.


Its silly people keep thinking Naruto is the source reference. lol Like the Naruto run didn't originate from Naruto. Anime/Manga before Naruto existed been did that run before.


No one even mentioned the run but you literally said “The Naruto run” and that shows exactly why ppl think of Naruto when it comes to that run.


Sports can also be called "athletics" so it's not necessarily wrong as it conveys the exact same message.


Well the dude is the voice of boruto right? He is in a 3 man squad and had practiced team formations... The naruto run... AND shadow clone technique right? How is that not naruto references


The second-best Dodgeball game in all of anime haha

Jake White

I’m confused on how that’s a bad translation cause “athletic” is basically synonymous with “good at sports” lol

Ara Araragi

That's true, but Loid literally says "supotsu," which is the Japanese pronunciation of the English word "sports." It's weird that they decided to translate that into a different English word, and I've seen a few reactors get confused by it as a result because Loid obviously knows that Yor is athletic in the "strong/physically fit" sense of the word.


just a small thing with the translation, Loid asked if Yor was good at sports not if she was athletic. you can hear him use the word sports in english.

Kevin Kovacs

we getting a seconf half later this year fo Spy x Family... season 1 is 25 episode long!

Kevin Kovacs

I'm not sure that anybody told them that Spy x Family is not ending in 2 weeks... we gonna get a second half later this year because it's listed as 25 episode long season.


Man, I love Becky. She's so hilarious during these school scenes

Kevin Kovacs

oh that's good then because Roshi thought it's only 12 episode long season in video.

Keonja Hazel

Anya's ultimate throw was sponsored by five gum


Anime studios disguise split cours as different seasons anyway.

Davon Thomas

They wouldn't of caught the reference anyways. To many animes to keep track of every attack name, especially since it's been like a year since gurren lagaan

Davon Thomas

You missed the joke itself about him, to busy looking to nitpick. They always say "how old is..." when the character intentionally looks out of place around kids lol. Obviously they know he's a 6 year old that's the age of everyone in the school


When I first saw the title of the episode, I thought “nah, aint no way this can beat the dodgeball game in hxh”. Then they process to put the hxh reference in the game XD.


Bruh Roshi for real thought he put a timer on the convo xD It was just for steeping the tea


You know, in hindsight with the way it bounced Anya had to have thrown that ball pretty hard, she just threw it at the ground.


"How do people live like this?" It's people with more than 4 INT stats, don't worry about it


Haven't heard Roshi yell "I can't!" this much in a while in anime reaction


Yor just casually teaching the kid to murder people....How stronk is she anyway?


If they like this style of humour, they should really start watching Gintama


Lupa shirt 🔥🔥

Kwame Afriyie

I have been waiting for this reaction. I'm dying laughing


Just so you guys know it’s going to be a two course season so twelve episodes each half.

Kyle Drayton

@Yuudere the hypocrisy is real with you dude. You talking about buddy being in the comments yet you're literally on dude's a$$ anytime he comments anything. Roshi and them don't need you clown defending them when they're living their own lives and making plenty of money. You dickriders need to calm down because like you all said, it's not that deep.


Best thing I've seen in a minute. They referenced HunterxHunter multiple times actually & Naruto. It was nice.


Yelling out Kissatsu and then some random name has been a staple of anime long before Gurren Lagann existed. I'm also not sure if the star backround is a reference to that specifically... many old anime actually do similar things with their backrounds during epic moments like that. It has nice impact... and it's a cost-efficient way because animating the actual backround accurately without it looking awkward for those things just costs more. Gurenn Lagann is basically a parody of many anime.


Nah, the ball would've bounced to the ceiling if that was the case. She just messed up the throw.


One thing that I like about this show that people tend to overlook is Yor actually doing quite a few activities with Anya alone. Well, on that note, all of the characters get to spend alone time with one another.


The timer was for letting the tea steep you philistines.


Is there some sort of separate schedule for movies or something? It's been weeks with no mention or update, which seems out of character for them, unless I just missed the update.


I actually watched this along with y'all and burst out like crazy on ALL of this. I am pretty sure I would've woken up my neighbors if I just lived a little closer to them! Haha!


this intro has no reason to slap as hard as it does jfc


also she still calls Anya with the san honorific. it will be amazing when she just call her her daughter or Anya

Yuudere Hi

I promise you dude is not gonna butt fuck you. Bro is being annoying and looking for reasons to be say shit and here you are. Do better Kyle, I'm disappointed in you dickriding some annoying mf being condescending.


right intro and outro just get stuck in my head all the time


So nobody noticed ALL the inazuma eleven references…. YEAAAHHH!?!?!?


tell me y'all don't drink good tea without telling me.


I don't want to gas up crunchyroll but it is wild how much better their subs are than these.

Rafa Rodriguez

I would like it if at some point when the mission is over, what if the government orders him to take her out cause she knows to much and now they have to go against the government.

Kross Young

Bro when the big 12 year old came out to play dodgeball it reminds on the movie The benchwarmers playing little league baseball then a grown ass man show up and says I’m 12 with a beer in hand


Holy shit I haven't laughed at an anime this much in a long ass time 😂😂😂 Yo when she stood still and the ball curved and hit the kid in the back I freakin lost it 😂😂😂

rickie woodson

they dont read thats why they call themselves that. educated brothers call themselves people, not the word the white man used to put them down or dismiss a nice educated sophisticated life as "boring". life isnt about "fun" or "being cool" life is just this, its living.........i personally love my hot tea and reading/meditating in peace and silence or with some nice background noise like a podcast on politics or mental health. to quote tvxq "i love my beautiful ordinary liiiiiiiiife....with you" the you being my books :-)

rickie woodson

love this kill bill training montage

rickie woodson

ah yes, sheera. i too watched recess and rugrats. "im going this jungle" its a jungle gym lol

rickie woodson

they just clowned on all the shonen tropes and I AM HERE FOR IT!

rickie woodson

anya has the skills, she just has NO upper body strength to pull them off