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All my homies hate A-Train


Lamaree Jackson

The Gus Fring Stan in me wants to believe Stan Edgar knew his daughter would betray him for her own kind. Like he told Bobby Singer, he wanted to be out of the superhero business in a few years and now he’s out already. And he’s too powerful to actually go to prison for this, so he’ll be free for his schemes. Whatever they are


We all know sheera tries to justify everything instead of just blaming the person that does it

Mario Munoz

you’re a goof bro, he stood to back her up. if she would’ve kept her mouth shut, he wouldn’t have died. wether he got in or out nothing would’ve changed either way. so she just got him mercked

Brian Estepa

So you just completely missed the point of his character development and backstory/psychology


throughout this whole show i’ve been thinking that someone with teleportation powers has the potential to outclass homelander. yea he’s smart but i don’t think he’d be able to read teleportation patterns quick enough especially if ur strength is a perfect match to his.


lol lupa killing me with the souja boy shit in the intro

Ophelia Pane

I give A-Train a chance and he does this shit...

Quinton Campbell

I JUST finished watching on my own, Fuck A-Train, more like A-Coon *drum tap* and Hughie drunk with power 😂


Question, where we getting the bunny girl movie or nah?

Branden Jenkins

Hope y’all are as excited as I am for the next Castlevania anime, I’m excited to see the reactions!

Ryder LS

Homelander vs Soldier Boy boutta be crazy


maeve is the one who told butcher about BCL red wdym wtf

Jahari Fields

A train truly is a bitch


sheera pepsi commercial reaction when

J. J.

1st major reactors to get this out, ya'll GOATS


You are correct and we goofed, realized after episode was done 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽

Devin B

I would say I was surprised A-Train did that but I'd be lying. He's the type to do whatever it takes to be on top no matter who's ass he has to kiss.

The NaijaOtaku

To think that I felt the tiniest bit of sympathy for A-Train after what The Deep said to him and he goes and snitches to Homelander, punk motherfucker.


I was kinda hoping for an A-train redemption. Like the idea that the trailers sold it as a joke but he kinda grew from it would of been cool. Dude needs to die with homelander and the deep now tho.


So I went and looked up the Pepsi commercial cuz I ain’t ever seen it neither bro niggas in the comments violating that video LMAO


I know im about to get clowned for this but.... In A-Trains defense after seeing how that conference shit went down with vicky you already knew he was like "fuck screwing over Homelander." You can even see his reaction as Vicky is talking and how he looks at Sonicboom. He still a bitch though.


I don't understand what people expect A-Train to do lmao. Bro will just die, he's not allowed to think or he's doomed.


Sheeet that was a dope episode. And i mean yeah of course fucking bitch ass A train would do that lmao.


I for one am glad the assholes from the beginning are staying assholes to the end


Uhmmmm is Maeve gonna die? That dildo cut was too specific 😅

Uriel Batuk

22:45, A-Train is traumatized, he looks on both sides before complimenting Homelander because he knew the monster could hear him

sotonye ogan

why is frenchie and kimiko behaving like fucking kids, butcher just negotiated a better deal than to hunt down cherie for frenchie but yet they are still bitching about anything he tells them to do. butcher is the leader ( a blunt one) but he still cares for them, they should know that lol.


We expect him to do what his job description is. His brother has given him multiple outs, but he wants to stay in the Seven and kiss Homelander's ass.

Moisty Justice

idk maybe because they're tired of being in this line of work? She's tired of being used as a weapon and Frenchie wants whats best for her. Its like they dont want their lives in constant danger.


Blaming the victim(s)? lol

mitch anderson

Hughie thinks he's hot shit taking that V, he finna get clapped


I'm still gonna give A-Train the benefit of doubt. It could be Homelander just fucking with her. Like maybe Homlander just overheard what buddy was telling A-Train in the elevator. So i'm saving my judgement till next episode. If true though then fuck A-Train.


Butcher and Homelander really are scorching the earth, as agreed upon. Both of them feel like two sides of the same coin, only thinking about themselves and doing whatever it takes to get what they want, no matter the bodies left behind. On the Boys side, they are basically broken; with Hughie feeling this power high after feeling like he was weak for so long, MM with his own issues with Soldier Boy messing with his health and focus, Frenchie with his dependency that keeps holding him back from being free and Kimiko who just wants to live a normal life away from this. Then there's Homlanders side which is built on shotty foundation, a speedster that can't run, the Deep, who can't think for himself but still messes things up, Starlight who will probably blame herself for a lot and that trauma might hinder her from helping, Ashley who's on a very strange power high, and Maeve who just wants this shit to end. Honestly Black Noir is probably the only one who does his job efficiently. And can we please put some respect on Stan Edgar's name, cause that man left like a boss😂👏🏾✊🏾. Can't wait for next week's episode.

Phillip Wilcox

I mean i agree he kinda does care for them but how can you blame them when you've watched this life they live bring them as much pain as it has? Frenchie with Mallory or Kimiko with her brother? Do you see how Butcher treats them? The way Butcher rubbed Frenchie's head in front of Little Nina like he was his doggy referencing episode 3 where Lilttle Nina says Frenchie was her little doggy? I'd leave too

John Cedar

It's perfectly reasonable that they don't want to be around people who use and abuse them all the time. Frenchie was obv sexually abused by Nina, and Kimiko was a captive her whole life. They were both forced to kill for the petty whims of others. Last season, Butcher said that he would take out Kimiko without hesitation if he had to, and he meant it. Plus, they're starting to feel their humanity slipping, and they want out. Can you really say that you wouldn't want to just run away when faced with the death and destruction that they have?


Nah for a second i really had sympathy for A-Train but now just fuck him, he’s a bitch.

John Cedar

100% something A-train would do. Even when he exposed Stormfront, it wasn't because she was a Nazi and that rubbed him the wrong way, and it definitely wasn't to protect other people who would be targets. It was because her being a Nazi was getting in the way of his career. The way he laughed at Robin's death in S1, he doesn't have a soul imo


You can't tell me in any way staying on the 7 has any positive merit if you know already what goes down there. Like a-train and the deep are both crazy as fuck for going back in knowing what homelander is actually like already.

sotonye ogan

Its them against freaking supes ofc there lives will always be in constant danger Frenchie should have known what it was all about since the day they killed translucent, Butcher has been trying to do the" right thing" the past year until when he found out about neuman being a supe that made him rage, basically he just did nothing for a whole year now he has to do whatever it takes no matter how low he goes as longs as he gets the job done. If they want out they would have been a long time ago but they stay cuz of Hughie and MM and that's fine but they should stop antagonizing butcher when hes just an asshole of a leader nothing more.


I knew Supersonic was for real. And A-Train ain’t shit. I’m pissed I gotta wait til next week for another episode. I laughed so hard when Hughie teleported naked that I pulled a muscle over my ribs. 😂😂

sotonye ogan

A-train laughed about running through Hughie's Gf, killed his own girlfriend and yall thought he was redeemable lmao💀. A-train aint no nigga he is a literal bitch.

Phillip Wilcox

Are you forgetting that Butcher is literally the only reason Frenchie is back in this life? He was out until the translucent thing. How are they antagonizing him when he's treating them like shit just using them to get to his ultimate goal: killing Homelander? He's not "just an asshole of a leader" like you described. He doesn't care that Kimiko feels she's a monster. Doesn't care about the abuse Frenchie suffered from Little Nina. He had a good year like you said but now he's back to where he was the first 2 seasons acting like the supes he hates like Starlight said last season. Only difference is he has powers now.

Alejandro Rodriguez

Nah hes pretty strong going off the comics and Butcher hes prob stronger than your average supe not as strong as Homelander, but prob around prime A train maybe Maeve level


Yo this episode was great, hughie fucking phased out of his clothes lmao. yo FUCK A-train (that pepsi parody commercial was hilarious lmao) but seriously now that he is out. this is the chance they have to take out homelander....i was rooting for a train too after the deep hole was fucking with him but fuck him man. he gonna get a big shit pie when homelander treats him the same

mitch anderson

Oh Yh I was talking about him trying to stand up to homelander cause of when homelander sonned him in front of Annie lol

Branden Jenkins

It’s called Castlevania: Nocturne, it’s going to be sequel to series and feature Richter Belmont as the protagonists. Sadly no release date😓

Seiten Masta

i wonder if they have any more of that temp V to see if that can save Kimiko


A train is really hypocritical about The Deep kissing Holmander’s ass


Don't get me wrong I believe character wise A-Train would do it 100%. The only thing that makes me question it is that old troupe of like some one saying a main character is dead, but we never actually see the person killed, so we essentially know the character really isn't dead, only for them to show up later "Haha! I wasn't really dead!". Also consider the source. We only have Homelanders word. So we never actually see any indication that A-Train told him and only Homelanders word to go by. Homelander this season, more so then any other, has been a lot more manipulative and strategic, working behind the scenes. So while yes I do agree it is in A-Train personality. But just like with Soldier Boy, Crimson said he was killed but we never actually saw it and guess what, he wasn't killed. Like Edgar said at the beginning, power isn't just strength, it's manipulating the narrative. Plus Homelander likes fucking with Starlight, this could be his attempt to get them to turn on A-Train. Instead of making a high profile supe like A-Train his "mess" he's playing Starlight in order to make A-Train her "Mess" she has to deal with. Kind of like what Edgar said about Vaught always having to clean Homelanders mess.

Isaiah Cox

Ok yeah I’m officially on the fuck “A-Train” train nothing him or The deep does from this point will make them redeemable in my eyes

Beef Gristle Mill

Is Richter Trevor or Simons son? I don't know the castlevania lore, only certain names.

Alejandro Rodriguez

The boys were less looking at Hughie like that cuz he was hungry for power and more cuz he would go to those lengths to get the job done when he never would've before its disaapointing from Butcher but they kno he would do anything to get revenge whereas Hughie, their last at least mostly innocent member, is being corrupted and is becoming more like Butcher.

Alejandro Rodriguez

it wouldn't really be manipulating Starlight at all tho cuz she had no idea dude tried to bring on A-train before he got killed I think we can just take it at face value

Asad Khabir (edited)

Comment edits

2023-11-27 05:59:20 I don't think he has that much raw power. It's just that he is much more ruthless and calculating than most supes. And remember he has spent his whole life punching up (against supes while having no powers) while the supes have just experience fighting petty criminals.
2023-11-27 05:59:20 I don't think he has that much raw power. It's just that he is much more ruthless and calculating than most supes. And remember he has spent his whole life punching up (against supes while having no powers) while the supes have just experience fighting petty criminals.
2022-06-11 02:30:01 I don't think he has that much raw power. It's just that he is much more ruthless and calculating than most supes. And remember he has spent his whole life punching up (against supes while having no powers) while the supes have just experience fighting petty criminals.

I don't think he has that much raw power. It's just that he is much more ruthless and calculating than most supes. And remember he has spent his whole life punching up (against supes while having no powers) while the supes have just experience fighting petty criminals.

Asad Khabir (edited)

Comment edits

2023-11-27 05:59:20 Wait was Stan's speech to Homelander inspired by James Stillwell in the comics?
2023-11-27 05:59:20 Wait was Stan's speech to Homelander inspired by James Stillwell in the comics?
2022-06-11 02:32:14 Wait was Stan's speech to Homelander inspired by James Stillwell in the comics?

Wait was Stan's speech to Homelander inspired by James Stillwell in the comics?

Ranginald Vagel

Homelander literally has no reason to lie about A-Train telling him if he figured it out himself he’d be bragging about how smart he is

Asad Khabir (edited)

Comment edits

2023-11-27 05:59:20 Btw James Stillwell's (the inspiration for Stan Edgar) speech in the comics is even more badass. He basically tells Homelander something along the lines of 'Look I have a headache. So if you have the balls to kill me then do it. Otherwise, fuck off and stop wasting my time.' And this was when Homelander had already gone off the deep end.
2023-11-27 05:59:20 Btw James Stillwell's (the inspiration for Stan Edgar) speech in the comics is even more badass. He basically tells Homelander something along the lines of 'Look I have a headache. So if you have the balls to kill me then do it. Otherwise, fuck off and stop wasting my time.' And this was when Homelander had already gone off the deep end.
2022-06-11 02:38:43 Btw James Stillwell's (the inspiration for Stan Edgar) speech in the comics is even more badass. He basically tells Homelander something along the lines of 'Look I have a headache. So if you have the balls to kill me then do it. Otherwise, fuck off and stop wasting my time.' And this was when Homelander had already gone off the deep end.

Btw James Stillwell's (the inspiration for Stan Edgar) speech in the comics is even more badass. He basically tells Homelander something along the lines of 'Look I have a headache. So if you have the balls to kill me then do it. Otherwise, fuck off and stop wasting my time.' And this was when Homelander had already gone off the deep end.

zILovePelmeni _

i dont get why people have faith in A-train… i knew from the beginning he would snitch because thats what he usually does

Ranginald Vagel

Knowing him his reasoning is that now that he knows if he doesn’t tell Homelander and they fail than he’s dead for not snitching immediately anyway

Ranginald Vagel

It just registered to me that the dildos are contraband solely because they’re based on the Seven


well it would be manipulating Starlight if A-Train didn't tell in order to get her to turn against A-Train. Homelander doesn't like how high Starlight approval rating is, so if she were to get upset and angry at A-Train for getting her friend killed, maybe to the point where she threatens or attacks him and it goes public. Again I think it's totally safe and like 95% true that we can take it on face value. The only thing keeping it from 100% is the fact that 1. We never saw it on screen (and normally if something happens off screen it's not as cut & dry) and 2. We only have Homelanders words to go by, who is the same dude that told Butcher that he made Becka cum three times, simply to get into his head and spread doubt. Again, i think it's true but I'll be waiting till the next episode before I pass judgement lol


I don't know about that. Homelanders whole life revolves around lying and manipulation. Making you think he's one way while acting a totally different way. Like when he bragged to Butcher that Becka came onto him and he made her cum three times. Like while yes they did have sex that part is obviously a lie, he only said it to him just to fuck with his head and sow doubt for his motives. That's why he also took Butcher to see Becka and the kid. So I don't think it's just cut and dry that A-Train just told him but maybe some part of it is true in that he overheard their conversation some how.


Yo Sheera, that was not Starlights fault. SHE told him to LEAVE and he stayed and said he had her back. He did it to himself. He intentionally got in on this dangerous game against homelander and paid for it even though she warned him to not join the seven. He gave her reason to trust him on being part of this so I don't see why Sheera is blaming Starlight on his screw up in telling that fuckin snitch A-Train without running it by her first. He signed up for this and he fucked up by not asking her if A Train was good for their cause.


I think A-Train knows he's dead either way. He knows he can't run, that he's pretty much useless to Homelander, he's practically no longer a supe. A-Train is a snitch and douche, but he's not dumb. He knew to get the info on Stormfront and where to get it and who to give it to. I think A-Train is smart enough to know that Homelander will never officially let him be part of the Seven or even spare his life. I guess we'll just have to wait till next week to see


They said in the previous episodes that Soldier Boy is almost as strong as Homelander.


I honestly can't fathom how Sheera thinks it's Starlights fault that buddy got killed.


Huey got the heart of a lion knowing that he’s not fighter by normal human standards and he’s steps to the most powerful being on the the planet when disrespected u gotta respect it 😂🤷🏿‍♂️


Right? He was the one who fucked up telling A Train stuff without running it by her first.


Ouuu starlight is going to kick A-Trains ass


Nah homelander only know what sonic told him I don’t remember him mentioning Maeve

Justin Baker

😂😂 how yall forget that Maeve was the one that told butcher about the weapon from the first episode?


I totally agree, she tried to stop him from joining, she told him the truth about Homelander and he still joined. And when she told him about the plan to take down Homelander, she was basically telling him "A war is coming" and he could've backed out there, told her that he wanted no part in it. But he did what he thought was right, he wanted to help and he thought A-Train would want to help (I still dont think A-Train snitched). I even don't think Supersonic did anything wrong or you could blame him. he wanted to help and died in doing so, it doesn't mean his actions were "wrong" or you could say it's his fault. You're literally blaming the victim of a Godlike psychopath. Not to make it to "real" or "cringey" but that's honestly no different then blaming a rape victim by saying "well you shouldn't have dressed like that"


lol same. First watch I thought it was weird like "Are dildos banned in Russia?". I didn't realize the real reason till I watched it again with their reaction.

Rami Homsi

They really had me wanting some kinda redemption arc for A-Train, but not only is he a scumbag but he's a coward too trying to get back in the good graces of a guy who's treated him like a bitch all season. He better die like a bitch too


she gotta protect A train cuz he black lmfaoo


Fun Fact: The song Soldier Boy is singing at the beginning is a song by Blondie called "Rapture". A song which lot of people consider it to be the birth song of Rap music. But what is more wildly acknowledged is that she was heavily inspired by the lesser known genre and that it is the song that introduced and brought Rap music into the mainstream and wider audience. So one could say she is the Elvis of Rap.

Mr. K

I mean no one protected him, at the end of discussion, or I guess you didn't watch that part?


Yeah Sheera??? A-Train fucking snitched and you went to blame 100% on Starlight? Did she ask him to get A-Train? It's sucked, but it was his fault to get A-Train without Starlight consent. I know from his point of view, A-Train is a good candidate because he was pissed at Homelander and almost vocalized it, but at least he should run that by her and I think she will stop him from doing that. Besides, at this point leaving Supersonic in the dark is almost as dangerous as telling him, don't you think? Judging from his personality, he will try some other ways to help Starlight, which could possibly get him killed either way.


Sheera out here going ham on a scared prostitute for shooting Kimoyo when even Kimoyo don't blame them and she was the one who got shot.


One thing I got from the few episodes of this season is that these people cannot change the way they are. Homelander is a manipulative psychopath, Butcher is an asshole, Deep is still a bootlicker and A-Train ruined his one of a lifetime chance for redemption just for improving his relationship with Homelander. No matter how much they apologized/ tried to find excuses, how hard they tried, how many opportunities given to them, they just cannot change.

Jose silva

Love Homelander i was tier of the good guys having so much plot armor and not dying.


One thing I don't understand though, when and how did Black Noir return to normal? I mean Homelander mentioned that he was reduced to vegetative state last season, so it is not a permanent thing for supes with power then?


Hope the effect of Soldier Boy's new power is temporary, and that Kimiko's healing is only temporarily lost. A-Train has been a consistently terrible person, and I think that's great. Redemption arcs are becoming a stale trope these days. I need my villains to remain consistently villainous to the bitter end.


Yeah, A-Train has been bad since the first episode (alongside most of the seven) he showed zero sympathy for what he did to hughies gf lol


starlight was also telling him to leave but he insisted on staying to help


So why are we blaming starlight??? 💀

Reckless Company

nah the look at hughie face this man is a whole drug addict now lol

Reckless Company

she shouldn't have told alex she should have been like maeve and been discreet about it


She told Alex because she’s not like Maeve. She told home because they were friends and Alex only told A-Train because he assumed he was sucking up to Homelander. Saying starlight is to blame for his death when she gave him multiple options to leave is victim blaming 💀. Not only did she tell him joining that he shouldn’t because homlander is unhinged, she even told him about the weapon and that he didn’t have to fight in a war.


can i skip season 1 and 2? prob not but thats 16 straight hours man

Corey Leach

Soldier Boy i believe is almost as strong as Homelander. Looks like Soldier Boy got injected with that red light thing that Maeve was talking about. So that makes him the weapon now.

Corey Leach

It's a great show with a great story. It wouldnt be a pain to go back and watch the other seasons. Stop being lazy bruh.

Corey Leach

She was tired of fighting the good fight alone and wanted a team like Hughie got. Also add that her emotions and stress are at an all time high, she probably cant think straight all the way. Supersonic death definitely wasnt her fault.


Lmfao why do y’all even say stuff like this all context is gonna be gone 💀

Corey Leach

Remember that a year has passed since last season. That was probably enough time for Vought to get him back in the game. They got so much money and power, it makes sense that they would have really skillful people and advanced tech to make sure their most valuable assets dont die.

xinyi deng



Soldier boy vs Homelander, who y’all got?

Jake White

I mean, if people really trying to say that she shouldn’t have told him and that’s why it’s her fault; then why isn’t it Alex’s fault then for telling A-Train? Why isn’t it A-Train’s fault for telling Homelander? Or Homelander’s fault for actually committing the murder? Lol Blaming someone for a murder they didn’t commit just because they gave the victim some info that he mistakenly shared before he died, doesn’t make any damn sense lmao


Yeah this ain't starlight's fault. Also they've pretty much lost all their hope as seeing soldier boy alive means that there is no supe killing weapon. From the description of things, soldier boy is a way stronger version of Captain America as they thought he was pretty much impossible to kill, even thinking a nuke wouldn't be able to do it to him.


Honestly I got Homelander right now only cause Soldier Boy can’t control that beam he shot the beam on accident cause he had just came out the pod.


Maeve the only one who knows that staying quiet and plotting is much better than running your mouth Starlight shouldn’t have said anything. A-Train a piece of shit but at the end of the day he has limited power he gambling with his life if he use that super speed hope they figure out a way to fix it cause at this point him and The Deep having a dick riding contest 💀. And I keep forgetting Black Noir is in the 7 where he be at 😂


Doodling whatever he was drawing at their last meeting. XD


A-Train is a Uncle Tom💀😂


they showed maeve giving billy the info about the weapon lol


I had flashbacks when Jobu Topaki ko'd those cops with the dildos. XD


Listen man...i get it but im on Hughie's side with this one man...bro was getting bitched on the low in season 1 and 2 and then even more so now in these first 4 episodes of season 3 ....niggas are literally WALKING all over him....its about time he did something about it and FIGHT BACK


I find it very interesting that when they are on temp-V, Butcher has lazer eyes like Homelander who raped his wife and Hughie has similar speed powers like A-Train who exploded his girlfriend…

Damarcus Miller

Yes! I caught up before watching their reactions.. seasons 1 & 2 were amazing :)


Mon coeur means my heart in french. Bro that part hurt


I don't really see the connection between Hughie and A-Train. If anything they are both becoming like Homelander. Butcher with the lazer eys and Hughie putting his fist through the guys chest just like Homelander did to that one gunmen in the first season.


I got nothing but respect for Sheera but man, she has some of the worst takes of any reactor out there.


it was 100% teleportation that's why his clothes fell off. He can probably only teleport organic material.


cus if theres a shortcut im taking it

Jake White

Now that I think back on it, Hughie’s main temp-V power being teleportation was somewhat foreshadowed in episode 2 when the teleporting/phasing kid at the group home interacted with him. And more interestingly, that same little kid’s name when the lady called on him was “Teddy Stillwell” as in potentially the surviving child of Madeline Stillwell?


This is a stressful ass show man, Homelander is too much of a damn problem lol. I can't wait to see him get taken down.

Davuan Flowers

I hate to ask but have you guys watched or thought about watching stranger things?


I agree with Davuan. Have y'all seen stranger things?? I would like to see you guys react to it especially with 4th season finishing up in July 1st


They stated on twitter they will be watching stranger thing on their own time. No reactions

Davuan Flowers

Aw okay gotcha. Arigotou🙏🏾


she dont know what's goin on it's nbd


shhhhhhh it comes w the territory it's an iconic aspect of the channel


Sheera Frenchie isn't "still in love with" Cherie ... if he DOES even still love her like that it's because the parameters of his relationships etc are more malleable but at the end of the day he is not choosing her over Kimiko in any scenario.

Symmetra Senpai (edited)

Comment edits

2023-11-27 05:59:20 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lPGzA-OoGFU&ab_channel=SunkCostFallacy this is the commercial
2023-11-27 05:59:20 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lPGzA-OoGFU&ab_channel=SunkCostFallacy this is the commercial
2022-06-12 10:53:50 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lPGzA-OoGFU&ab_channel=SunkCostFallacy this is the commercial

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lPGzA-OoGFU&ab_channel=SunkCostFallacy this is the commercial


how is it starlight fault she didnt tell the man to tell A train she probably didn't even know. Anyone with a brain knows A train Kappin


Maybe Peaky Blinders after this is done?

Reckless Company

cuz maeve told her to be careful and she didnt listen and lowkey needs to stop telling people the plan to kill homlander

Joey Zero

Definitely A-Trains fault, but Maeve did tell her to leave everyone out of it. I guess you could say it's her fault for roping them into it against Maeve's wishes

Jake White

“Needs to stop telling people” bro she literally told 1 person that she was close with and trusted. It’s not her fault that he mistakenly chose to share that info with someone as untrustworthy as A-Train lol you got some goofy ass logic trying to blame starlight

Damarcus Miller

Guys I FIGURED Something out!!! Hughie Teleported & it wasn’t super speed. Watch that scene again! That’s why he teleported without his clothes 😂😂 that’s actually more dope than superspeed.

stanley drury anderson jr

I see a lot of comments saying how homelander invokes fear but honestly he’s pissing me off and looks childish and the way Stan talks to him anyway he wants and HL doesn’t do a damn thing makes him look like the biggest baby to me.

stanley drury anderson jr

I think Victoria can kill homelander tbh she’s killed other supes sure they weren’t on his level but I think she can


HUGHIES GUNNA BECOME A SERIOUS PROBLEM , I can see him becoming addicted to his teleportation powers and the obvious added strength

Owen Halloran

If homelander can survive direct missile strikes and possibly nuclear explosions how would she be able to kill him

Jake White

If lil nobody ass Tony could fight her off at the end of episode 1 for a few minutes, she don’t stand a chance against homelander lol

Kevin Campos

Why these dudes dont keep they mouth shut... all 7 except maeve are assholes


Maeve and black noir are the only cool ones left to me, Black noir really just be minding his own businesses fr 😂


plus she was the one that told Supersonic to NOT get involved but he chose to do so anyway. she literally warned him not to join the 7


clearly not or else stan wouldve told her to do it already. Stan wants the company to be a company to no longer supply supes but ONLY temp V. thsi way he doesnt have to deal with the supe crazy shits and just sell temp V to soldiers and still earn millions. he would want to kill Homelander if he had the ability. But he doesnt. At this point, the only thing possible to kill Homelander is whatever Soldier Boy became. And yes, Homelander is terrifying. The only thing that holds him back is the wish to save his reputation. Stan knows that too which is why thats the only thing he holds over him. If he loses that, then not even Stan can stop him from wiping entire cities off the map.

stanley drury anderson jr

I thought I was gonna agree with that essay but don’t lmao I literally disagree with all of that I’m not sure if they are going by the comic to a T (clearly not because a certain thing) but Stan 100% has contingencies Against my homelander we just don’t know them yet

Anthony Peralta

Did they mention if they’d watch The Boys Diabolical or if they already saw it on their own?

Braxton Brown

They kept saying that soliderboy was nearly as strong and as invincible as homelander, so when they found out that he died they wanted to know wtf was strong enough to kill solider boy because he was supposed to be invincible too, so that they could use it on homelander because they knew solider boy was way too strong to die to a nuke but truth be told that was a lie, and now soldierboy is back and has a power no ones ever seen him have before.

Franklin wasn't getting away with 35mil scott free (edited)

Comment edits

2023-11-27 05:59:20 You could not pat me on the head without one of us getting beat up. Frenchie looking real bitch made rn
2022-06-14 08:25:02 You could not pat me on the head without one of us getting beat up. Frenchie looking real bitch made rn

You could not pat me on the head without one of us getting beat up. Frenchie looking real bitch made rn


bruh dont spoil for people who dont read comic


SuperSonic I understood simply because he's not in that world. He doesn't know. He doesn't know A-Train. But Starlight was straight up retarded... how could she be so naive and desperate as to create new possible weak links. While Maeve played her cards close to the chest, Starlight just was basically running around yelling her hand.


The difference between Supersonic and Starlight is that Supersonic has never been part of the Seven. He doesn't know these people... he doesn't know their dynamics. He's naive by lack of experience. Starlight on the other hand, chose to ignore all her experiences and gave into her emotions to the point of desperation. She was naive on almost willful ignorance, going around spilling the beans. Lucky with Maeve because she was the source of the information and has already proven her stance. Supersonic knowing was only creating an extra possible point of failure.


I like sheera but sometimes she annoys me with some of the stuff she does. But anyways it isn't completely on starlight. He decided to tell A Train. Starlight didn't know anything about him telling A Train. It shouldn't have been his business telling anyone. If starlight told A Train it would have been completely on her. At some point they need to get more than just starlight and maeve against homelander. Starlight made the mistake to try and immediately start getting people against homelander before she knows anything about the weapon to supposedly kill homelander


Imo its his fault. She told him what he was signing himself up for she told him to reject the seven. And he joined. Signed his own death warrant. Nigga like me not going.

nami (edited)

Comment edits

2023-11-27 05:59:20 Starlight basically begged him to leave to save himself and he insisted he had her back. Then she comes to him in desperation to include him in her plans because of said previous interaction, he goes of his own accord to tell A-Train which Starlight never instructed him to do, and somehow the whole situation is "100% Starlights fault." Not even "partly" but actively saying its "100%" her fault is so outrageously inaccurate I actually refuse to believe that was even a real take.
2023-11-27 05:59:20 Starlight basically begged him to leave to save himself and he insisted he had her back. Then she comes to him in desperation to include him in her plans because of said previous interaction, he goes of his own accord to tell A-Train which Starlight never instructed him to do, and somehow the whole situation is "100% Starlights fault." Not even "partly" but actively saying its "100%" her fault is so outrageously inaccurate I actually refuse to believe that was even a real take.
2022-06-17 17:03:52 Starlight basically begged him to leave to save himself and he insisted he had her back. Then she comes to him in desperation to include him in her plans because of said previous interaction, he goes of his own accord to tell A-Train which Starlight never instructed him to do, and somehow the whole situation is "100% Starlights fault." Not even "partly" but actively saying its "100%" her fault is so outrageously inaccurate I actually refuse to believe that was even a real take.

Starlight basically begged him to leave to save himself and he insisted he had her back. Then she comes to him in desperation to include him in her plans because of said previous interaction, he goes of his own accord to tell A-Train which Starlight never instructed him to do, and somehow the whole situation is "100% Starlights fault." Not even "partly" but actively saying its "100%" her fault is so outrageously inaccurate I actually refuse to believe that was even a real take.

Jalon R

It's crazy that they say their powers are a curse. But they probably see it as a curse because they choose to do bad things with them. Hence why Huey doesn't see them as bad, he has none. Stan is really the man, he is not phased by Homelander one bit. He's one of the most interesting characters on the show. Also, that could be pure V or it's a drug made to prevent the daughter's (Zoe) power from manifesting because she is a 2nd Gen Supe. It probably hurt so much because her body is fighting back.

Davion hill

It is her fault no one told her to involve him, yes he wanted to help but she’s that chose ti bring him in

nami (edited)

Comment edits

2023-11-27 05:59:20 right so its not his fault for not heeding her warning and going home. it's also not his fault for blindly trusting A-train and not running it by starlight. and its definitely not homelanders fault for actually murdering the guy. surely its starlights fault you are absolutely right!
2023-11-27 05:59:20 right so its not his fault for not heeding her warning and going home. it's also not his fault for blindly trusting A-train and not running it by starlight. and its definitely not homelanders fault for actually murdering the guy. surely its starlights fault you are absolutely right!
2022-06-25 13:20:46 right so its not his fault for not heeding her warning and going home. it's also not his fault for blindly trusting A-train and not running it by starlight. and its definitely not homelanders fault for actually murdering the guy. surely its starlights fault you are absolutely right!

right so its not his fault for not heeding her warning and going home. it's also not his fault for blindly trusting A-train and not running it by starlight. and its definitely not homelanders fault for actually murdering the guy. surely its starlights fault you are absolutely right!


I can't get past 18:45 seconds of this video for some reason. No matter which browser I try.

rickie woodson

i dont get why so many reactioners (everyone) didnt trust the latin hottie. maybe im bias cause he's a cutie or maybe yall bias cause he's not your type but he never gave me any kind of vibe other than: im a good person with morals, a true hero just like starlight. hence why they were a couple and friends for years. if you dont trust the new guy, at least trust the established character/friend you know is a good person

rickie woodson

i dont see why she cant. her power works on organic matter, last i checked homelander isnt made of metal. he's still a man of flesh, blood and bone. at worst she will need to do a sneak attack. like when she blew up all those people last season at the conference? no one knew she had that power back then so she could have went after him at that time but daddy didnt want homelander off the table. he's his biggest weapon

Devon Joseph

From what it looks like it isnt a "Head Pop" more so a concussion projectile. If you look at how she fought Tony, he didn't just explode on impact, it look like an invisible force "hit" him. So it stands to reason that if it was a projectile Homelander could at the very least tank it or dodge it if he can predict the trajectory. We don't know if one hit is enough to finish him of, and if it isn't then she's toast.

Devon Joseph

Well she already told him about Homelander beforehand and he ignored her warning. Everything that happens to him is on him. Her including him in the plan was a formality at that point, its better to keep him in loop since he chose to join anyways than to have him running around like a dick head with no plan. The only problem was him telling A Train, something I would have been cool with if A Train just wasn't so goddamn stupid and could actually see the bigger picture. Now he really is on the same level as the Deep cause holy shit.

Devon Joseph

Weak people rarely tend to have any concern for what power does to people.

Devon Joseph

Can't be, that kid is at least 5-6 Stillwells baby was like a few months old and it def hasnt been more than two years since she died.

Devon Joseph

It's not like she was just telling everyone and their mom, she told him that he shouldn't join and he did. With that he was ultimately the best option to create a team inside the Seven consisting of her Maeve and Supersonic. It was Supersonic lake of info that got him killed, HE jumped the gun not Starlight. Supersonic would have join regardless at some point since he ignored her warning about the Seven in the first place.

Devon Joseph

Hugh and Butcher are supposed to be opposites, whenever you have a character that will do anything to get the job done you need a character that would be the voice of reason. Hughie understands that Butcher is a good guy at heart that has had a lot happen to him to make him the person he is. He also respects him for his abilities. Butcher sees Hughie as the little brother he couldn't save, Lenny, which is why he tends to listen to him, or at the very least thinks on the things he says. So when Hugh starts acting more like Butcher the whole relationship goes down hill. At least from a power dynamic standpoint.

Jake White

Eyeballing and guessing a kid’s age on tv based on how old the child actor looks isn’t really the most accurate way of shooting down this theory tbh. You can go back yourself and watch the episode and hear the teacher plainly call him, “Teddy Stillwell.” And in the season 1 finale (not sure if she mentioned it in other episodes), she clearly called her baby “Teddy” when telling Homelander to get him out of there. I’m not saying it’s a 100% guarantee that it’s the same kid. But to have the exact same first and last name, be somewhat around a similar age to what we would expect (plus or minus a year.5 maybe), and be purposefully used as foreshadowing with one of the main casts powers the way he was with Hughie? I’d need something a little more solid than, “the child actor doesn’t seem to look like the perfect age to me” to convince me it’s all nothing.

Zen Reacts

How the fuck is it on Starlight sheera. What kind of dumb fuck statement is that when she told Alex to just leave and that mother fucker said no im gonna stay and then hes the one that fucking told a train. Like what the fuck is that logic

Khanlin Rodgers

i mean she def couldve told Alex not to speak to certain people who were under Homelander's influence. Likje I wouldve specifically told him not to say shit to A-Train. I knew he was dead as soon as he said it lmao.


As with Tony, one hit wasn't even enough for a trash low tier super. From this it's pretty obvious the Homelander would eithe run / tank it / kill her instantly. The nose bleeds before they die as well if she target their head.