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nah this girl is wild lmao



if u think it didn’t go “mainstream” cause of that your delusional


Mid show wheres Overlord?



Coping McCoperson

you guys planning on bumping this to 2x a week?

Leon (edited)

Comment edits

2023-12-30 16:10:52 😂😂
2022-06-09 01:08:44 😂😂



I was gonna say what’s this Mid doing here 😹


Ms. Marvel coming soon?


How is retarded a hard r? It's a word in the dictionary that means slow. Wasn't even a 100% correct translation. The subbers chose the word "retarded" for whatever stupid reason, when everyone literally knows "baka" just means "fool" or "stupid." People really overreact to such a word that isn't even profanity. It's kinda wild how ppl make a bigger deal out of "retarded" than any swear word in existence. Society really has priority issues lmfao.

Simple Fan

I think that his partner has something to do with his calls.Shes allowing him to take all the suits while she sits there which is kinda suspicious 🤨


So glad we're at this episode. Was looking forward to the reaction to THAT scene lmao. One of my favorite student council members in this show.


Mary's famous line XD


Idk ur race but ur literally paying to watch three black people watch a show, ur in a community thats mostly black people but can't understand the concept of a slur? Sad


Where’s Overlord episode 10? Don’t tell me it was a lie 😭


Mary is my absolute favorite character in this show/manga. Can't wait for the next ep!

Devin B

Imagine having your whole life planned out for you just cause someone beat you in Uno.


I look forward to you guys watching this show the most. Glad you're enjoying it and it's getting bumped to twice a week. Thanks for the reaction!


Lmao. You gotta step into the world if you needed to ask this question. Slur can't only be racial.


The evil +4 card ending people left and right

Oscar kariuki

Best BAKA in anime history


Gun girl has Killua’s VA by the way lmao

Hakurei Oni

I forgot how insane gun girl was lmao, I love the reactions to this show it's so wild


i wonder if the males get the life program too? is it reverse for them? like marry a famous women and give her your seed lol and thats it


Probably only if you're lucky and actually look decent. Otherwise, you probably end up in some very undesirable position. Wouldn't necessarily have to be the reverse either, fuck ya preference you're a house pet. It's one of the most sinister things ive seen in an anime


Damn, roshi said these counsel members have him ready to be Blackened (Danganronpa)


I really don’t know why they would use that word to begin with, it just seems like typical edgy fansub decisions


Anybody getting Kill la Kill vibes from these council members? Maybe it's me having just watched it, but between this and Classroom of the Elite, student councils might need some regulation.

Asad Khabir (edited)

Comment edits

2023-12-30 16:10:52 'This is one of the best animated shows I have ever watched' And I finally feel vindicated for every time this show lost in the poll.
2022-06-09 06:48:49 'This is one of the best animated shows I have ever watched' And I finally feel vindicated for every time this show lost in the poll.

'This is one of the best animated shows I have ever watched' And I finally feel vindicated for every time this show lost in the poll.


New sub version of sinister sex dropped: gun sex. Also can't believe it took me watching this 3 times to realize the gun chick is the same VA for Killua, sounds just like him


In a sense the only thing that keeps me watching this is the full trash talk and the over the top facial expressions.


Runa is the scariest of the student council, regardless of what everyone says.


Doesn't even need to be necessarily marriage either. Could just be "welp, you are now this business/politico's slave, g'day y'all"

Liudmila Duk

day 32 saying that the trio react to kanata no astra


That guy didn't lie - he IS in debt but it was only 1000yen so he wasn't a housepet


exaclty the only thing that keeping me interested in this anime


Animation 10/10. voice acting 10/10... THe gambles are less exciting (srsly watch ultimate survivor Kaiji) But it sure is entertaining....Also Yumeko fricking hot.


It became hard R because people are more sensitive these days I remember when we were able to joke about it without people getting mad like me and and my friends calling each other retards 😱😨😧😦


The English dub is great too. especially the student council president

Salty MF

That baka hits hard lmao


"youre literally gambling with your debt money" Lupa what do you think the majority of rich people do all day? They don't actually have the money their projected to have they gamble with debt essentially. US govt basically does the same shit on a daily basis lmao


It originally came from the full term: “Mental Retardation” which described the slowing down of one’s cognitive state. It wasn’t meant to be harmful but used in professional/health care settings and just turned into a slur. For professional and decency purposes they’ve since changed that term to “intellectual disability” because the term has such a negative connotation. It was used to mock those with intellectual/cognitive abilities then later on used to just make fun of anyone ppl felt were dumb. “Are you retarded?” would be equivalent to “are you slow?” Or “are you that dumb?”. Remember that Roshi and Lupa grew up around the time where ppl used that quite casually. You know these guys are good ppl. Yeah it’s worth correcting but slips happen I guess and obviously ppl know they’re not mocking anyone with a intellectual disability. I’m not gonna cancel them over it or anything lol and to me it’s not a huge deal depending on the context.


dawg who you gonna cancel? A subber in Japan?


I think your forgetting to take your Copium pills grandma

miss millie.

@Ranulfo Gonzalez and you're clearly not neurodivergent or have mental disabilities so you don't get to dictate whether or not it's offensive or if people are just "sensitive". the people who are affected by the word have said it's offensive...?


Was looking for this angry comment. Peak entertainment right here 😂😂


Anime needs to chill with sus r*pey characters. It's one of the reasons I don't recommend it to casual fans and it didn't go mainstream until tiktok tbh.


But anyway, this is on my top 5 best baka anime scenes. Animation is top tier for its genre.


They’re using to many hard R’s in this episode 😂💀