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Nah this whole situation would make me uncomfortable, Id have to shut down the studio

also, let the weekly Steins Gate comment clapping commence! lol


Red Ted

Now we get a glimpse into how Subaru feels


Steins;Gate 0 is the most dreadful time travel experience I've ever seen in anime. Re Zero doesn't even come close to that experience imo. Wouldn't wish Okabe's fate on my worst enemies.


I really like the immediate change from complaining about Okabe not going for a big enough lotto win to being scared of the time travel.

Ashanti Patmon

I been waiting for this!! let the ride begin


I am here early. :)


Hell yeah, I’m early


WOOooOO yeah stein gate hate comments!!!! we love em


No clapping this time, unless 😈

Ec Aea

Steins gate : the clappenings

The Pebble

Anyone who likes this overrated show isn't allowed to clap, you can correct but that's all.

sotonye ogan

See yall, did they cancel the series cuz of last comments clapping? Now stfu and stop treating them like a bunch of softies

Team Skull Grunt B

Even if you find a show overrated that doesn't mean it's bad. People can like stuff that you don't. Wtf is wrong with the anime community

The Pebble

Hilarious, you accept my subjective OPINION that this show is overrated, but then condescend to that opinion, pick a side and stop walking whatever line you are walking; either don't comment at all or argue against my ideals instead of throwing side shade you wimp lmao


Nah Ruka just put the wrong number down. It was his mistake


Love the speculation guys keep it up there is still a LOT that hasn’t been developed yet with the characters and story. Well there isn’t much to say about this episode since it was explained that Okabe moved through time lines through the use of the D mail. Can’t wait for the next reaction <3 FUN FACT: Okabe calls kurisu Christina because he is embarrassed by calling her by her real name just like he calls everyone else by their “alias” names aside from Mayuri the girl who says tootooruuu because she is younger than him

Team Skull Grunt B

Of course I accept your opinion, how would I be able to change how you feel? You've made it clear that you hate this show from your multiple comments, idk why you get so much pleasure out of letting people know it's "overrated" as if that's gonna cause people to suddenly dislike it. I fucking love this show, you don't. It's not that deep, you just want an argument.

Ec Aea

Oh yeah btw , pay attention to the weird ass long string of numbers. Im not going to explain why , just remember to look at it from time to time.

Most Sane Oreimo Fan

Nah, if you’ll take a look to the numbers he sent, Kyouma intentionally sent the wrong number instead of 18, he sent 19 iirc


loving these videos, keep it up!

Chaitanya Sathe

good...GOOD! tuturuu is catching on

The Pebble

People like you think getting mind fucked makes a good show, when in reality this is boring and the characters are basic and easy to guess what they think. Enjoy the reactions, seriously please do; I just like shitting on things that are obviously overrated, because someone has to. I don't care what people who say this show is amazing think lol.


Lupa walks into Roshi's living room and sees a doctor pepper. Lupa: Ima head out this bitch.

King DDD

A show you don't like got a spot on a poll and won so here u are out of boredom trying to get attention, don't cry just cope. I don't like a few shows the crew is watching but I don't go out of my way like u do to talk sht about it lol.


this person just wants someone to argue with them, just ignore them

The Pebble

xD, not argue Peach, but shit talking like King and his "infinite wisdom"? It's perfect, keep coming you worthless sacks of crap taste xD and Zeraph is straight retarded, who am I trying to be different from? I like talking down to you morons because it's a fun outlet, I certainly don't talk down to my friends and family, just you trash lol.


Lol you be trying to piss them off on purpose Doffy 😂😂 that’s why I don’t comment anything about stein’s gate Or give my opinion on it, anything could piss them off 😂


This is exactly what no pussy does to a mf 😂


Yall that same glitch effect happened Ep 1 when he was sending the message! The details are there


The visual novel explains better that 19 was the actual winning number and that by his own mistake Ruka put 18

Prune Chips

Never thought a Dr.Pepper would be so terrifying until I watched this show


Bros a brain dead one piece fan, what a surprise and btw Steins gate has been rated as one of the best

Dj Josol

It seems you misspelled the word clown with the word "pimp"

The Pebble

Ya'll are too easy to upset it hilarious, keep em coming; You peasants really think I don't know the hate I will get from saying these things? You crapsacks are so easy to squeeze for minute based entertainment xD xD xD keep it coming you little babies that can't handle the thoughts of a complete stranger on the internet.


Why are you talking like ur in a anime bruh. This has to be satire😭

Team Skull Grunt B

I'm glad you guys are really getting into this, and yeah time shit is really fucked. Okabae's responses to the time travel is so good

Donovan Doyle

Just going thru comments and see this tbh I don't care for this show myself but don't argue with this dude lol he's prolly living in his parents basement calling u guys peasants while he's waiting for the notification to reply no matter what he says it's just sad to see

Lye Batenkaitos

A much better video than last week, i'm glad i don't have to voice my concerns once again. I really hope that steinsgate reactions are like this going forward. The subtitles move really fast, so one thing that you guys got wrong is about the lotto numbers. The plan was to send the lotto numbers back in time, so they had to come up with a text message that was very convincing, so that the okabe from 1 week ago would be convinced to buy a ticket. However, the okabe from a week ago didn't buy the ticket, the world line moved so much that the okabe from last week had OTHER plans, so he sent the numbers to ruka. Ruka fumbled, she wrote the last number incorrectly. The numbers were completely correct but ruka fucked it up so they didn't win the lotto It's a small detail and i'm only aware cuz i watched this serious like 20 times, on a first watch unless you're super fast at reading subs, its okay to miss stuff. But don't worry, comment section is here to help fill in the blank.

sotonye ogan

Damn they on that niggas ass, personally i wont accept going out like that but thats just me tho lmao.


Mans out here bragging about his shit taste, calling people peasants, and actually using xD. Like be a little less obvious about being 13 years old.

FreshxEli Tv

If y’all notice when he went to this world line someone was missing from the group 😳😳😳


i'm going to laugh if they drop the show because of ya'll comments

Jose silva

Great reaction like always cant wait for next episode.


Love how much y'all are gettin in to this show now. Hopefully the comments don't turn y'all off from what is such a great ride.


Stuff getting spicy


That’s what I’m saying,The stein’s gate fan’s ain’t playin about there show 😂 this all started because of this one comment,” Anyone who likes this overrated show isn't allowed to clap, you can correct but that's all” that’s all it took for him to get them to respond back to his comment, Doffy does it on every stein’s gate reactions that they do, He’s going to say something tomorrow as well, He be purposely pissing the stein’s gate fans off, they literally do what he wants to them to do by responding back to him, it’s just hilarious to me how he makes like 20+people mad that quickly 😂


Did he really said “You peasants” hahahaha that escalated real quick


I lterally watched the rest of the whole season just now because I can't wait for the weekly episodes from here

Ryan Ott

Mari I get that you don't like the show either but why throw subtle shade on every video just because you're too scared to be like that guy^^? Don't worry champ, Magi will make it on a poll soon enough, no need to be salty.


Doesnt that mean he changed the whole world drastically already when he texted the message about kurisu dying at the beginning?? Like every single event changed then. The sattelite, kurisu actually dying, the lecture, and john titor who shouldve arrived many years ago but instead is here right now. WAIT crazy theory…. Since john titor wasnt supposed to be in the present in the original timeline but is here now, there was a new character introduced after the change, the part time girl downstairs!! All her futuristic shit she’s been hinting on: kurisu not knowing what she will do, brainwash chips, and interest in organic natural things like cotton candy…. IS SHE JOHN TITOR??

Adamantite Momon

@Ryan Ott 😂 spot on..as if we didn’t see his replies on any comment saying anything about Magi


i did the same but after watchin ep 1

Team Skull Grunt B

Honestly that's so ironic because I'm sure some people out there think magi is boring and overrated too. It's funny that people shit on a show as if the same won't happen to their favorite show.


Y'all prep'd for some comment clapping but there's nothing to clap about this EP xD I think since the story is starting to come together for you guys that all the random shit you speculated on before is being shown now


It's literally something that comes up in the show later, why spoil that it is of any significance...

Ec Aea

What did i really spoil? You're getting too paranoid , take a chill pill. You making a big fuss out of it actually just implied that its something important. You probably spoilt it for them harder by trying to stop me from asking them to look at insignificant stuff.


holy moly I just realized how artistic the comments are in this series, I had no idea there were reaction performance reviewers. fun show.


Fun fact: The visual novel has multiple endings and sending texts from Okarin's phone is how you altered the story branch (or world line) you were on.


Good video :)


Hey losers maybe y'all should go out and find a girl or man or smthn. That'd probably resolve all this shit


Naaaahhhhh Roshi pls tell me ur reading these threads fam 💀💀💀

Jay rellim

people really be like "why are yall so mad 😂😂😂" "omg yall get mad so easily 😭😭😭" and it's so funny bc clearly no one is actually upset lmao i be dying reading these threads. shout out mari and doffy for the entertainment. i dont even watch this show but yalls silly comments made my day lol dude really called ppl peasants

Jay rellim

this is literally mari and doffy lolol https://knowyourmeme.com/photos/1785391-wojak


starting this ep it is why SG is a classic, not underminding the last 6 ep before, because those were build up for you guys to know and love this characters, NOW LET THE FUCKERY START !!!!

King DDD

My G Mari, you shot yourself on the foot as soon as you left 4 whole separate Patreon comments about ppl being angry at you for getting called out on once. Also, I'm not an SG fan, liking a show doesn't make me a fan of it and to be honest, I only liked it because everything was basically a build-up for the finale.


@King DDD, I know I did, you gotta understand though, they literally decided to comment on my post though, that didn’t even say anything bad about the show, they were looking to argue with me, now everybody’s mad at me because I responded back, like they weren’t the ones who wanted my attention and to argue with me


He literally said “ because you're too scared to be like that guy“ (which basically meant he wanted to know my opinion on the show)then he went on to talk about a show that wasn’t mentioned at all in this whole comment section,you can’t tell me he wasn’t trying to start something with me on purpose, by those 2 things he said, but because I decided to respond and not let them shit on me, I’m in the wrong 😑


I’ll go on ahead and delete those comments before anymore stein’s gate fans decide to argue with me on purpose, just wanted them 3 assholes to see it

Adamantite Momon

“Lol you be trying to piss them off on purpose Doffy 😂😂“ “you can’t tell me he wasn’t trying to start something with me on purpose”


This comment made y’all mad “ Lol you be trying to piss them off on purpose Doffy 😂😂 that’s why I don’t comment anything about stein’s gate Or give my opinion on it, anything could piss them off 😂” don’t tell me that’s what made y’all mad because I didn’t give my opinion on this show, but when I do give my opinion y’all get mad either way 😂 , gets mad when I didn’t say my opinion on this show then gets mad when I do say my opinion, y’all crazy

Adamantite Momon

dude the only one in this comment thread who got pissed is you .. I am just pointing out the irony in your threads


I was the only one who got pissed😂 everyone who commented on Doffy comment was pissed about what he said, any comment towards this overrated show makes y’all mad(good or bad), and obviously the dick riders who commented on my comment was mad😂 I made y’all bring up a whole different show that nobody said anything about 😂 but I’m done talking to idiots like y’all, you can finish arguing with yourself dick rider


They need to watch the last summoner

Liudmila Duk

day 31 saying that the trio react to kanata no astra

Banned Exile

whats chilling for me is like , whats up with the other you ? does he know whats going on xD


Damn everyone against you now now homie


The show is goated though and a complete story

Spearbearer Josh

I watched this a long time ago but like John says Okabe is the only one that remembers but why does John talk like HE rememebrs/knows everything?


John Titor does not remember the other world lines, he came from the year 2036 of the current world line where Okabe is right now, that is why he has a lot of info.

Ryan Ott

@Mari 1.) You are in literally every single conversation about Magi on this patreon, you are on every community post about Magi, you post Magi posts yourself, when Steins Gate was getting a shit ton of recs, you were along those Magi fans pushing just as hard to have your opinion heard. I KNOW you are salty about Magi not getting a poll despite it getting just as much push in the comments and community section as SG. Me mentioning the show is SUPPLEMENTARY to the justification of why you are being a petty bitch. 2.) Me saying "because you're too scared to be like that guy“ has literally nothing to do with me instigating your opinion on SG, that makes absolutely zero sense. As I said, I KNOW YOU DON'T LIKE THE SHOW I SAID IT IN THE FIRST SENTENCE OF MY REPLY. I wasn't even trying to incite an argument, literally just stating the facts without completely roasting you. You could have just humbly accepted the fact you were being petty and moved on, instead you've made a clown out of yourself, congratulations. P.S. I didn't see the posts you deleted, I have a life.

Damarcus Miller

Anyone knows what shows scheduled to be uploaded today?


Overlord, stein’s gate and that’s all I know for sure😂, probably Kakegurui and vanitas or another The boys episode, idk 🤷🏾‍♂️

Donovan Doyle

What happened was he time traveled backwards but since time travel has been invented in 2036 he has the information on how it works even if he alters the wordline


I don’t know if you’re genuinely asking or if you have knowledge and are kinda joking, but yes to your first question. Go back to episode 1 if you’re interested, when Okabe sends the text everything changes, and those numbers that flash on screen went up I believe


Ok, it’s over now, I would’ve just accepted the fact that I was being petty, I’m not going to argue with you on that, I was being petty but not on purpose, it would’ve been fine if you was the only one, it was the fact that 6 other people had to hop on and talk about me, I had to say something back, my bad bro, we’re good now right??


Okarin when he switches world lines, the okarin in the world line he came from is still there and life continues with them doing experiments. The timeline moves on


Okabe did tell them that they did it already. Kurisu figures it out from what Okabe said that he really did do it already

Banned Exile

i mean, they explained to him that the "other him" was just standing up walking to the place Okarin was originally standing, breathing heavily for 30 seconds , before he "woke up" . its scary to think about what happens if the other him is not near the orinal him , when they experiment . would he get teleported or what ever .


“A much better video than last week, now you guys are reacting how I want you to react” goof


Bruh, maybe it is overrated, I don’t know because I’ve never seen or heard people talk about it, but I don’t think you can talk about anything being overrated when you got Doflamingo, who’s from One Piece, as your pfp. Both an overrated character from an overrated series.


You literally spoiled that those numbers mean anything. Whole clown. Same clown energy as “oh, they’re not gonna believe what happens in the next episode”.


pretty sure the boys only has 3 episodes out right now. i think more come out on the 10th


Yeah, the next episodes don’t come until the 10th, we’re getting Obi-Wan today

Joey Zero

Wasn't she standing right behind him when he came to? Edit: Just went back and she was definitely standing right there

Joey Zero

I'm 99% sure Ruka just put the wrong number on accident.


Ey fuck everyone that hatin on yall, I'm here for ya content!