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Billy going ham!



I felt so bad for Butcher this episode. He almost got out of the game and was about to start his life over for Ryan, only to be pulled back in by the Homelander and Hughie two hit combo.

Drake Rage

25:40 Teddy STILLWELL??? Did y'all miss that, that is Stillwell's son, she was the one with Ashley's job, Homelander loved to drink her milk and Butcher tried to blow her up to cause Homelander some pain, but Homelander lasered her brains at the end of Season 1.


I know this is old, but if you look closely, when Hughie is looking at the kids/teens pictures on the computer, the one in the middle is Marie Monroe. The main character in it's spin off series Gen V. 🤯 So they technically hinted at this way back here. Pretty wild.

Noctis lucis

"This man is weird" what was your first clue?? When he jerked off on top of a building or was it the breast milk 💀💀

Brian Estepa

If you're quoting the part where homelander is giving the speech, she was saying MM's daughters stepdad was weird.

Kasey Wilson

bruh i can't believe that gunpower is one of the brothers in the Boondock Saints. just goes to show you how good he isd atacting and changing his accent


where’s overlord 😤

Lupa is Dadi

Oh we jumping right into s3! Let's goooo boys!


Dude with no dick was the guy who told the story of banging the ice supe and it snapped off


Homelander's actor is so good at doing fake smiles hiding actual bad emotions underneath.


Yea, there was a scene in season 1. He was in a support group and talked about getting ass from a supe with ice powers. She cuumed, activated her powers by accident and his dick got frozen.

Reckless Company

Homelander is scary but he was speaking facts with what he was saying like plz leave him alone before he go killing everybody


red menace wasn't reference to red skull it was about in the 50s where congress created a fake list of "communist" in america to go after they blakclisted loads of people in hollywood and it was all because they used fear of communism to go after those with differing politcal opinion their basically saying in this universe soldier boy lead the red scare


also the guy without a dick he was the one in that group therapy session with other victims of superhero violence butcher and hughie went to he had been hooking up with an ice hero and she accidentally froze and broke it when she climaxed

Devin B

Because Homelander has been playing the good guy card for years the public don't even take into consideration that he could end them in a blink of a second if he wanted to so I wouldn't say things that could antagonize him like that guy in the audience did.

Jigga Man

I fuck with Edgar but was exactly is my guy's contingency plan IN THE MOMENT? Like Homelander can end his life in an instant and my dude just keeps taunting 😂


No he literally has no dick he was banging the Ice hero Ice Princess I think and he said that when she climaxed he was still in there and his wee wee snapped off at negative something degrees 💀💀💀



Honestly I’m so glad Homelander stayed true to himself although I hate the guy as a whole but hey man he got tired of people telling him what to do he having his Superman/Joker day 😂 I thought he was about to laser everyone in the audience and I hope MM comes back to save his family cause that stepfather is crazy for sure

Asad Khabir

'I can excuse mass murder but I draw the line at racism.' - Homelander probably

Asad Khabir

Well Edgar knows that Homelander is a manchild who craves love and affection. He is essentially using that against him.

Ranginald Vagel

The emotional core of this season is extremely strong, I’m really rooting for all the main cast to overcome their personal issues and take down Vought


The ratio of Heart to Tension to Cringe is so perfect this season.


Butcher face at the end screamed 'cowabunga it is'

Tyaun Roberts

24:56 the guy told a story on how his meat got snapped off in season 1. lmao

J. J.

loool totally forgot about that scene, yeah that's the guy from the support group who lost his dick

Norrin Radd

Who does yall braids?


Baby Teddy got so big!

Ranginald Vagel

Bold of Homelander to say they need him to save them after making a girl jump off a roof

Devin B

Edgar knows that the one thing Homelander cares about the most is being loved and he gave Homelander his wish through Vought so he knows that if Homelander wants to keep being loved he has to do what he says. The only thing he didn't take into account was that at some point Homelander wouldn't care about being loved anymore and just do what he wants.

Viela Guay

Tbh Homelander's line about "if they can control me, then you bet your ass they can control you" is honestly his best point regarding his Joker moment lol. Seems like a lot of the theme of this season is going to be about the clash/difference between types of power


Wait why the fuck is Homelander like my favorite character now? I don't know how I didn't realize it in season 1 or 2 but this man radiates pure intimidation, like i'm not even in their world but I shut the fuck up when he's on screen

These Plums

MM has OCD incase anyone hasnt picked up on that


HEY READ ME! The teleporter kid was name dropped. Teddy Stillwell


I'm wondering if that video of him letting everyone die in that plane crash is gonna hold him because he's now realized if people are gonna hate him, then he can just end everyone's world if he's got nothing to lose... and there are people in the world who love a man that says I don't give a fuck. So I expect his popularity to come back, especially with the white folks who relate to him ( in their world, not ours but there be some #homelanders in the comments so... ).


14:45: "red menace" is literally just communists, specifically Soviet Russia. I think your over thinking that association with Red Skull.


17:39 "Why are you running?" Probably for the same reason if i was getting mugged and for some reason the mugger lets me go... I aint about to stick around.


Yeah. There are no super villains in this series. We'll there is, just there's no established super villains with villains names.


Edgar probably takes temp V before every single meeting. I would be surprised if man's superpower includes elephant sized balls tucked away in a pocket dimension

Joshua Burns

MM has OCD that’s why he does weird things like tap the doorbell before ringing it


So the black dude that helped A-train had his dingus frozen over while havin sex with a supe and it snapped off inside her. Also, the kid at the group home named Teddy Stillwell is the baby from season one that belonged to Madelyn Stillwell who used to run Vought. Great reaction guys!


v24 seems very addictive


Very off topic but you guys should really react to Kuroko’s basketball


i forget which season it is but that guy infact lost his dick to a supe

Shaun A

The marketing dude was in season 1in the group meeting scene where he told a story on how he lost his dick sleeping with a Supe with ice powers.

Ramone Moore

hey lupa san dic...disconnected

Quinton Campbell

Yo, i feel for Homelander because he's the product of his environment. BUT fuck how he treats innocent civilians. At this point he deserves a mercy killing because clearly he's living in his own personal hell


Butcher's whole reason he's doing this is legit to kill supes, he's not about to change his mind out of the blue, thats why he said "it doesnt change what you are". He hates supes.


that guy actually didn't have dick. He was in the AA meeting for people who were victims of supes. it was back in the first season when huehy was still coping. He was having sex with a chick with ice powers, when she turned her coochie to dry ice


I was going to make a comment about Lupa not knowing what cocaine is like but then I realized this is an arbys.


lol why is Sheera's confused face always looks like some one just ripped a huge fart


Sheera: Imagine just being at work at getting blown up like that Me: Oof not the best time to make that comment


The dude who "doesn't have a dick" is the same guy who, in season 1 was in that self-help group and told the story of how he had sex with a supe who had ice-powers, who then accidentally flash-froze his dick and snapped it off xD


We just ignoring the fact that Homelander made what is essentially a MAGA speech?

Gmac paddiewac

its not a race thing cuz Homelander has stated he doesn't want a master race. He want's people following him! so this is 1 a reflection to Americans listening to people being on a platform because they say a couple things you similarly agree with. Yes Homelander if the gov can control you of course they can control the citizens. Hes trying to cause trouble and get people on his side, whether he planned it or not. Also 2 it shows the opposite of Edgars "Power" coin. Power is in whos on top but also Power resides in who can show fear. So he appeals to likeminded people who want freedom well also scaring those who don't agree. Awesome scene. Homelander is wildly scary and well acted


Here's the thing though, not all "control" (in it's loosest definition) is actually a bad thing, hear me out. Our society operates based on a model in which we can to a certain degree control and/or mitigate dangerous and counterproductive elements, such as criminality, murder, exploitation of people etc. In that sense yes Vought and The Boys are loosely "controlling" homelander not to make him their errand boys but essentially yow, you gotta stop being this violent, destructive person taking lives and playing with people like they're dolls that you can bend and break whenever you feel like. Homelander's medz (thoughts) though is that well I have all the "power" so why shouldn't I be able to do "whatever the fuck I want" which is reeeeeeeeally bad way to think not just as an individual but especially as a member of what hopes to be a functional non fucked up society. The really fascinating thing I find though is that just like how last year Stormfront's message of fearing "outsiders" so Nazism 'light' essentially resonated with some people, and it seems based on MM's ex's new husbands reaction to homelander's speech that this message of "Why should I care about people when I have all the power and I'm better than other people", is resonating with him and I'd go on a limb and guess it'll resonate with others. I'm honestly here for this season, the Boys always does some really good stuff using supes as vehicles for social and political commentary particularly around fame, power, privilege and humanity. And as an addendum to the whole value of "control" to a society bit I mentioned before, I wanted to note that there is no such thing as "true freedom", freedom is a compromise, our laws, rules of etiquette, peer cultures etc are structures that actively mitigate full "I can do whatever the fuck I want" freedom for a negotiated "My freedom ends where your nose begins" type situation so that we can function. Personally I'm always wary of folks who wax and monologue on and on about this idea of unbridled freedom because too often I've found it to be a cover for the desire to not have to care or be accountable for how you treat other people.

AJJAMES123 156

btw when a train was talking to that guy and said he has no dick it was because in season 1 he had sex with and ice super and when she climaxed she turned into ice and his dick snapped off

Sebi Santiago-Rivas

Superman: Ultimate Flight is so overhyped. A+ take


Homelander = Omni-Man 😅


"be glad I'm not in any of these universes bro" Roshi please. You would have the lamest ass power imaginable. You would be the super loser in the league of twats.


You guys just completely forgot about how my man had his dick frozen off by a supe girl that was riding him and she froze his PP while he was in her vagina? Come on bro. All 3 of you just forgot that nightmare of a story lol


Episode 3 when?


Relax? Never, I go to sleep with at LEAST ten rods rammed up my backside, relaxing is not just difficult it's physically impossible *lols carefully* (cuz of the whole ten rods thing)

The Pebble

In comes krypto, the most toxic person on Patreon always bitching about little shit that doesn't really matter.


dude does not have a dick it got frozen off dont worry about it thought it was mentioned like season 1 i think


This was the episode where Homelander and Butcher both let go of all pretenses. The war is on.


LOL Gunpowder is actually speaking real world facts in that convention, Amazon thinks they're OD slick putting that in as mockery.


.. .. .

rickie woodson

homie literally lost his dick from fucking a supe with ice powers. guess yall dont remember season 1

Daniel Robb (edited)

Comment edits

2022-12-30 06:07:49 To be fair, neither do I & that was 5 or so years ago xD
2022-07-09 20:44:41 To be fair, neither do I & that was 5 or so years ago xD

To be fair, neither do I & that was 5 or so years ago xD


so was i the only one who was terrified at the end of that?