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Loving the Vaccum Guy connection!


just a guy

hard to get a gun in germany tho lmao


The quality of this show just consistently impresses me. Really sad about the mid season break but hey. . .maybe that's a good spot for Peaky Blinders to sneak in. . .

Franklin Saint

I really love the Howard home life scene


Your videos keep erroring on Mac :/


i felt it in my heart when howard crafted that latte and it just got dumped.

Jdogzero Silverblade

ah ok. didnt know. was confused cuz it was 6 days apart from the last 2 uploads and its been 7 since then. assuming its due to the new shows though.

Deku Kana

Love this show


in case you guys missed it the top of the wine bottle jimmy bought was seen in episode 4 I believe in the opener when they were going through jimmy's house after the events of breaking bad and it fell of a table, it was what you guys thought was a piece of the dresser

Sofia & Chill

Gus' actor (Giancarlo Esposito) directed this episode. Kim's actress (Rhea Seehorn) directed episode 4. They have such talented people working on this show I love it.