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more brain sizzling



I was wondering what you were trying to say. I've finished this anime years ago and I just noticed this sentence was a bit off, holy shit.

Davante Adkins

After rewatching you notice ALOT

Brian Miles

This is the most hyped I've been for a react!!


I am here. again :)


yall skipped the opening in ep 1😫 unless someone told yall to skip cuz it might contain spoilers


the goat era. Man Lelouch, Light, OKABE, etc just well written LUNATICS with the best laugh

Louie Z

Yes! Do a DDR stream with all three of you.


"Just when we're starting to get answers" HAHAHAHA Im sorry

Brian Miles

It's so fun to see them try to piece stuff together. Seeing what they get right, wrong, and what they're sorta right/wrong on.


Wait y'all reacting to Steins Gate now?!? LETS GO!!


there isn't much to say about this episode except for the part at the end with the whole gel-banana so one of the things I can explain is Okarin uses his "mad scientist" nickname for himself which is "Hououin Kyouma" in case you guys were confused if that was his real name or not. Anyways I will wait for the next episodes to come


yall should watch severance on apple tv as a trio. it's so good. it'd be cool if you guys watched the book of bobba fett too and obi wan as a trio when it comes out. i know you've seen the mandalorian already


I don't even wanna try piecing things together even though my brain automatically is trying to because my brain is gonna explode with so little information

Noel Cruz

I love seeing ya'll be pissed whenever it suddenly ends lmao

Weltall Gaia

Oh its funny watching the transition from laughter to the sound of bacon cooking coming from all their brains. This show is a fucking trip and it really keeps you on your toes.


Where have you’ve been or are you new ?😂


Roshi... if you wanna pay the shipping... i have TWO DDR pads, and 4 games ill send you if you swear to stream it.! LOL


I've never been more confused

Isaiah Ramos

I think they should do 4 eps a week cause it's double the length of COTE. Just a suggestion. Love the vids!!


Why skip the opening it doesn’t contain any spoilers


I’ll start watching again once they reach ep 12

Christian Castro

The John Titor thing is an actual thing that happened back in the day, if anyone was wondering. Very interesting but a lot of the predictions he made have all been debunked last time I checked.

rickie woodson

i could be totally wrong but its obvious to me the remote microwave is the prototype time machine that will be used in the future for john titor and others to use

rickie woodson

so is steins gate like a stargate??????????? (referring to the tv show)

rickie woodson

there is a recent guy from 2018 (unless its the same guy) from like 2036 japan and his predictions were all correct. predicted the exact amount of medals at the last olympics and other things

Spencer Kirkwood

I'm so Glad you are watching this show. I watched it a while ago and would like to refresh my memories on it as well especially since I accidentally watched the middle episodes 14-21 out of order and was even more confused and then still some how watched the last 3 episodes out of order again... I would like to correct my mistake. It was still really good out of order somehow


So true, all their laughs are insane just like them

Wasted Potential

If this is your first watch and first exposure to this story, in case you didn't know, John Titor was a real thing in 2000-1, where online he said he came from the future. Dude has a whole wikipedia page. It inspired the Steins Gate visual novel and later this anime


But if timelines split off how would we know if he's right or wrong?


MC is Okabe. Friends call him Okarin. He gives them nicknames they dont want, and they wont call him the nickname he wants. Funny dynamics.


I like how this show incorporates one of the first Internet trolls from the early 2000s (John Titor)


Rip the op again whyyyy 😭


Stargate is the best American sci fi show in my opinion


Just in case you're curious: CERN is a real organization, it's the European Organization for Nuclear Research (the acronym is in French). It's where they have the massive particle accelerators.


Their name is slightly different in the S;G universe though. The real organization is CERN (Conseil européen pour la recherche nucléaire) The S;G counterpart is SERN (Société Européenne de Recherche Nucléaire)

sotonye ogan

man this show is so good watching this again, the cast interaction are always interesting and fun to watch.

Team Skull Grunt B

That's why I can't understand why the first cour is so disliked. Little things like Feris and Okabae going full anime over her "special move" is so golden and the essence of Stein's gate imo


The correct answers are The Expanse and Battlestar Galactica (2004)


Here some info they gave you thats VERY important so you dont get confused(no spoliers): Okabe sent a message on the phone when he saw Makise get killed. When he pressed send the world around him changed. We find out that that message went back in time. We find out that when the past is changed different world lines are created. One world line where the past wasnt chaned and one where it was.


Steins is just referencing Albert Einstein and stein also means "Stone"


Real ones appreciate the buildup to one of the best payoffs ever

Dj Josol

Yeah like the characters goofiness and tolerance to Okabe's roleplaying. Then, the mystery was what kept me going when I first watched this show

Dj Josol

I still don't understand what people didn't like in the beggining? Maybe the slice of life kinna stuff feels like fluff to people? I always thought there was enough mystery to keep my intrigue until THAT happened.

Random Guy

Just in case you don't know. SERN is a real organization, but with C instead of S, so CERN. Its the European Council for Nuclear Research. If you are wondering why the abbreviation doesn't match, its coz its meaning is in French.


I mean, can you let them speculate and theorize? It's episode 2. No need to tell them what the real life counterpart or inspiration for SERN is. I get you wanting to "educate" them but this is sorta hinting/spoiling.


I think that compared to the rest of the show the beginning is a bit slow so most people don't like it as much but I agree with you.

Team Skull Grunt B

People don't even really understand what "slow" is. The events that happen now lead directly into the later events, imo it was really engaging


bout to stick some bananas in a microwave rq, see you yesterday


Oh no... Lupa on DDR. Prepare the buckets

Joey Zero

It's gotta just be the loud minority. I've never actually met someone that dislikes the beginning. The vast majority of people appreciate the show all the way through.

Moon Glow

my brain trembles


S;G was so old that it was my first time ever seeing chunni behavior and I couldn't fucking tell what was actual shit happening and what's MC's fantasy

Frederica Bernkastel

As a Patreon of the highest Tier, i can only say: MY BRAIN TREMBLES!

Liudmila Duk

day 17 saying that the trio react to kanata no astra


Hyped for this show. Are they releasing Steins Gate every Monday/Tuesday? Or randomly?


react to kanata no astra

Hakurei Oni

One of the best things about this show is that it pulls on a lot of real life incidents and technology to tell the story. John Titor was actually a "Real" person or at least it really did happen that someone named John Titor was claiming to be a time traveler on internet forums in the year 2000 and actually ended up predicting a lot of stuff and giving really detailed explanations of string theory that were beyond what normal people would have known at the time, you should totally look him up on Wikipedia because it's very interesting. The IBM 5100 is also a real computer that is exceedingly rare in the IT world but is very important because it contains a lot of old tech that cannot be replicated or decoded by modern systems.

Hakurei Oni

Steins gate does have a meaning but that would be a major spoiler for the show lol


Why no Vanitas yesterday?

J Miller

i went ahead to ep 3 and 4 ( since i've never seen it). Show starts making more sense ( for now)and is hilarious. MC's personality is so cringe/funny. CHRISTINA!!!


Keep in mind that the MC is a chuunibyo. That's why he gives a fake name, pretends to be on the phone with important organisations and talks in an overly dramatic manner. The maid girl was playing along with him, pretending to have mastered a 'secret move' after mourning the death of her master (classic anime plot line). half the stuff he says shouldn't be taken too seriously


they starting to figure that out i think lol


I don't really understand how people can't just let them figure out stuff on their own. Like it's only episode 2, why not just let them naturally react to the anime and draw their own conclusions? I'm not saying you spoiled anything, but stuff like the phone calls were giving them questions (which is what the anime intends) and theories, why can't they explore that on their own? We push and vote and ask "please react to XYZ" and then immediately we have to start telling them details that are obvious AFTER you've already watched the series.


i take back anythiing bad ive ever said about this show, i skipped college to watch it and just finished it like 5 mins ago, instant top 10 show like holy shit i figured it was good cus of all the praise but i didnt think id enjoy it as much as i did


Guys, don't worry about explaining Okarin's chuunibyou behaviour. It's explained perfectly well in the show itself a little later on

Drake Rage

The satellite did crash Lupa, that is why the building was sealed off with the Police Tape. (and we saw last episode, when the MC regained his senses that the Conference he had already attended had now been cancelled and the news on TV was showing the building and it had a satellite firmly stuck in it.) Sheera again getting completely clapped. Ma'am, John Titor is holding a Q&A about his Time Travel and you come to the conclusion that he doesn't want anyone to find out that Time Travel is possible so he can have it for himself?? Also that he literally told them that there is a whole organization called SERN that monopolizes the time travel machines and wants to create a dystopian world.

Austin S

the build up in this show is immaculate

Adamantite Momon

bro let them figure it out on their own please..the show is itself self explanatory

Drake Rage

I mean its been years for me so I don't remember anything. Just wanted to comment on the things in the episode we just saw, lol.


Episode fucking 2 and we have this I've watched Steins Gate about 15 times person acting like Roshi and the crew are some mentally handicapped individuals who will never be able to figure this out. Like, what will it cost for you to watch the video and not insert yourself as some sorta fucking know it all?

AjohnJexy 123

Yo Severance is an amazing Apple TV+ show! They would absolutely it! Can’t wait for season 2!!!!


Everything Drake has said is literally in the episodes already, they should be clarified on the things that have happened already because they will not happen again later on. They need to understand now so later they can be like “ohhhh thats why/how”


This is nowhere near a spoiler 😂 it’s just a fun fact, it is never brought up or mentioned in the anime that it is based on a real organization. It also does not hint or spoil on anything in the anime. They also would now speculate or theorize on it’s rl counterpart because they most likely didnt even know and may not even try to look it up to see if it actually exists.

Random Guy

It wasn't a spoiler until you made it one. I just mentioned what SERN was based off, since they briefly mentioned it. Now that you mentioned it being a hint/spoiler, they're gonna know it has something to do with the story. For all they know it could've been just something mentioned in passing.

Random Guy

They're never gonna watch it if you mention it here. You need to go to the discord and post there, and there has to be backed by a lot of people or you could submit in their site but i found it to be buggy.


Just try to enjoy the ride, I don’t understand either,I didn’t finish watching stein’s gate when I was watching by myself because I’m impatient, but a lot of people likes the show so I’m trying my best to watch it with the gang


At some point there will be numbers on the screen it's good to try remember little bit about them. Oh well I don't have any high hopes they will fully understand everything on first watch and doing it as reaction. Maybe Roshi figure out more as he needs to edit the reactions :D

Antonio Williams

You know the series is captivating when Lupa doesn't make the summertime cicada noise two episodes in a row


When anime take the Mandela effect too far.


Sheera smart af. Love the post discussion


"Corn? With the little bumps? So this is how it looks fresh?" THE FORESHADOWING I MISSED.


for real, watching reactions of these shows I pick up on so much more and it's refreshing.