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I am confused like a mf lmao


Deshawn Smith (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-04 11:41:34 I wish Chaos;Head NoAH and Chaos;Child had good adaptations so you guys could experience more sciadv greatness
2023-04-04 11:41:34 I wish Chaos;Head NoAH and Chaos;Child had good adaptations so you guys could experience more sciadv greatness
2023-04-04 11:41:34 I wish Chaos;Head NoAH and Chaos;Child had good adaptations so you guys could experience more sciadv greatness
2023-04-04 11:41:34 I wish Chaos;Head NoAH and Chaos;Child had good adaptations so you guys could experience more sciadv greatness
2023-04-04 11:41:34 I wish Chaos;Head NoAH and Chaos;Child had good adaptations so you guys could experience more sciadv greatness
2023-04-03 00:01:29 I wish Chaos;Head NoAH and Chaos;Child had good adaptations so you guys could experience more sciadv greatness

I wish Chaos;Head NoAH and Chaos;Child had good adaptations so you guys could experience more sciadv greatness


I'm coming back to this reaction for the like third time and just realized how early Sheera called it when she said He's coming from the future to save Makise

Dequone Jackson

I just finished this show now i'm here to watch it fold ya'll like laundry lmao


Bought Patreon just for THIS!!! Lets begin 😩🙏


magi next

Rai Nenford

Here we fucking go


Let the brain folding BEGIN🙏🏾😁



Kodyak Combs

Alright, you MFs better keep your toxicity to yourselves and let them react!

Ryder LS

The mind fuckery/ emotional roller-coaster begins. We did it, we won




Glad you're watching this because I was told to watch it like 5 years ago never did.


for real tho yall should i watch stein gate or no


I personally think of Steins; Gate like Baccano, the first ep makes no sense without the context of the rest of the series. It does make rewatching the series hella fun tho.


I am here.




Looking forward to your reactions to Magi!!!


Roshi are y’all doing any other shows from that poll or just this one


And the Steins Gate chaos has begun



jesse almonte

This confusion is gonna be pretty common

Lupa is Dadi

Ahhh, so it begins


Yeah the main reason I voted for the dub was so that you guys could hear it rather than risk having to read the subs. Its easier to follow imo lol


The stuff about John Titor is based off real world lore btw. Look him up on Wikipedia.


The beginning is a little slow but it gets better and things will start to make more sense as you go


The numbers mason


Nothing will make any concrete sense till like a couple episodes in just enjoy it 😭


It takes quite a bit of time compared to other shows to get into this but the moment you get sucked in it's impossible to stop


they said in the poll misfit was on it would be the top two from it anyways


tuturu intensifies

정빈 이

Yeah! Lets go!


I love y’all, finally we here


Yeah, I'm usually a Sub guy, but I do think the dub would have been a better choice for a reaction for this show

Brian Miles

YES! I came here as soon as I got the notification. This is gonna be a RIDE!


I’m gonna watch it with them, if I watch it by myself, I most likely ain’t gonna finish it, so it’s better for me to watch it with them

Adrian Monroy

Bor why did you skip the intro :(

jac jacob israel

Prolly one of the main reason why I voted for dub is that it's easier to follow


It seems all trivial but pay attention to the details in these first 10 episodes! It all comes back full circle. Wow I'm so excited yall are watching this!!!


Yeah, they said in one of there streams like 2 weeks ago that they’re gonna put it in a poll


Okay so that message that was split into three mails was sent to the past but at present Makise Kurisu is still alive the day after she was suppose to be stabbed which was the day before, hopfully that clears things up. Okay, from here on I will share my opinion about how I feel you guys should approach this show. I say this because this show can be experienced in 2 ways, which firstly is watching steins gate all the way through because it can be considered its own show and than finish it off with the movie and that would be the end of it. However, the 2nd option which is considered the "best" chronological way to view this show is to watch steins gate at a certain point (meaning an episode) and than hop on towards the OVA called Missing Link which IS canon to the story. After that you would just jump to Steins Gate 0 and watch it in it's entirety. After finishing that show you would hop back to Steins Gate and finish it off and THAN watch the movie. This watch order personally is one of the best ways to fully enjoy the show and its variety of mystery and characterization.


That must have not applied to oddtaxi, haven’t seen that on a poll in a while 😗😂


^Mari this is true. Lmao. My weak ass self wouldn't finish this if I was to watch it alone


Both ways are good because Steins Gate does stand as a stand alone story and show but I hope you guys at least try to consider changing up the formula for this type of show but in the end its just personal preference. Love your reactions btw.


Aight. No spoilers from here then on, folks.

Chinese Cartoons

Just let them all be confused, they'll learn lmao


Was moon knight a bonus reaction? Just wanna know if anybody knows the answer

sotonye ogan

Damn dub would have been better for yall. But please try to rewatch episodes in yall spare time if you feel you might have missed something so that you won get clapped in the comments with essays by wannabe lecturers.

Prune Chips

And this is why we wanted them to watch the dub. Both of them are fire but this show is mad confusing. Still though, I think the fact that they're watching it together(instead of watching it solo like most of us probably did), will help.


I'm not sure the only bonus one that I saw that they said was bonus is summertime rendering


Yeah I thought they skipped the intro I was like I could have swore there was an intro

Ashanti Patmon

let the brain clapping begin i wonder who long before they catch on on


Ok thanks because I’ve been wondering if we was getting a poll for the moon knight replacement but now, I’m just thinking that it was just an bonus reaction

Weltall Gaia

Just ignore all the comments cuz people are gonna be absolute clowns here. Also the John Titor stuff was a real online event.


why did you skip the op??? REEEEEEEEE, hopefully yall watch it next episode.


The opening for this show doesn’t spoil anything


Christina is best girl

Stonewall Hackson

Pretty sure they always skip the OP now, they don’t like the spoilers that are in most

RavinFox .

Thank you for watching this! Careful of spoilers for this one.

Chris Tercero

Dawg this is a complex time traveling story plot … them watching it subbed has nothing to with them being confused asf… ughhh idk maybe it’s cause it’s episode 1 ?!😂🤦🏻‍♂️ Cmon y’all . Some of y’all in the comments funny asf 😂,Don’t be mad just cause dub lost .😂😂


i don't think there is any spoilers in this op right?, someone can correct me.

King DDD

Im sorry but imma need yall to take sheera off the couch, sheeragan went wild at one point of the video.


true that, I was looking for this comment

Yantok Novri

They are trying very hard to convince why the dub better.. and forget we all confuse in episode 1 despite it is dub or sub lmao 🤣🤣

Yantok Novri

No... you think people will get it in one episode? No chance... (dont pretend you did)


not gonna lie one of the best show ive watched, glad you guys finally reacted to it


They watched the Monogatari shows so they will be fine, that shit is way harder to follow xD


Did they skip the intro?


Telling people the chronological order is the same as spoiling, also watching in release order is way better because the momentum is crushed if you take months between the last few eps.

Papa Souls

Ready for a Hot Take? this show is mid

Ethan L

I think its ok but the last half is super good u just gotta make it to the last half

Ec Aea

The best advice for you guys is to ignore every comments trying to explain/clapping you guys on every episode and just go on for the ride until it explains it all. You will understand eventually yourselves , the anime explains most of the stuff on its own , there is no need for the audience to explain it for you. Just ignore all of those who tries to talk shit. Its a full 25 episode anime for a reason. Also pls don't type stuff like "I cant wait for them to watch this or that episode" PLS no.

Lye Batenkaitos

WATCH it in chronological order, it'll make MORE sense trust me


Mkay, blind watching this with y'all. Let's see if it lives up to all the hype.


did they skip the opening?


ngl I was a I'm a little worried about people explaining things in the comments. But I think this is a pretty solid community that understands that you're supposed to be confused.


Rip the opening


im so hyped for them to never understand what is going on till it tells them lol


The sub tells you in english the same way the dub tells you, you're not missing anything if you know how to read. The first episode is confusing for everyone, don't act like it's different for dub


I do agree it is a very complex plot. That being said I do think it would've been better for them to watch it in DUB. I like both, I think they each have the strengths. But given their situation. With lights shinning on them, reacting, being distracted. It will be VERY easy for them to miss KEY stuff in the sub as opposed to if they were just naturally listening and hearing it in the DUB. Again, lol not saying the DUB is better. I'm just saying for their situation and enjoyment, I would've gone with dub.


Does anyone know what the release schedule will be for the show?


You're supposed to be confused on the first episode, You're not gonna have all the answers right away.


A friendly reminder that YOU may or may not have finished this series, but they certainly have not…despite how confusing it can be, it’s still too damn early in the series, everything would slowly make senses…it’s ok to let them make their theories and assumptions, then later find out the context


yo I have never rewatched this but rewatching this with you guys really give me goosebumps, if u know what i mean ;)


This show is a mind fuckery so let them be mind fucked. No, dub wouldn't have helped the confusion, episode 1 is always confusing unless you've actually watched the show. Their guessing is good, don't spoil them and let them watch the show and watch how everything unfolds like we all did


especially with this show watching them make theories will be great, so no one correct them or anything unless its something they missed in the ep

Pan Cakes

episode 1 is meant to be mind fucked, when you finish the show youll understand.


SO a note about the names: Okabe Rintaro is his real name. Hououin Kyoma is his alias. Okarin is Myuri's nickname for him, and she refers to herself as Myushi. Hope ya'll enjoy this wonderful mindfuck of a show


don't know why everyone is acting like they're confused, they got all the information out of this episode that you're supposed to. Steins;Gate *is* a mystery after all. Especially the first episode of this show is deliberately confusing because it throws so much at you at once.

Random Guy

These is one of the shows that is meant to be binge, because it will only make sense later on in the series

Prune Chips

I didn't expect people to really take umbrage with my comment, but fuck it, I'm going to stand my ground. I'm not saying that the dubbed first episode is NOT confusing, nor am I expecting them to understand it the first time around. But yall know that things do not get easier after the first episode. We're talking about a show that routinely incorporates real scientific theories(and accurately). I understand the sub love, but oftentimes the script for subtitles are awkwardly or strangely worded, and that's a huge detriment for a complicated show like this. There are some shows where the subs and dubs are incredibly similar, but according to my memory, Steins gate is not one of those shows. Sometimes localization is good, and necessary. But lets agree to disagree because I fear that this thread has to potential to involve spoilers.


sooooo happy to see reaction to this legendary mind fucking game/anime hope u guys enjoy it!!


I don't think anyone asked, but okay lol


RIP the op


oooh buddy.... get ready for an absolute ride. im excited for this one.


I still remember every minute of that episode becauae of how confused i was

andrew ayala

this is my fav anime of all time and gotta call a spade a spade. just WOW forgot how AWFUL this first episode was.... studio dropped the ball on the first ep trynna be artsy. had they just did what the intro to the visual novel did it wouldnt be confusing AF... this 1st episode is only intresting to ppl who watched the show before..

Pain Amvs

more steins more steins gate more steins gate :)


It’s funny that people always complains about dub translations and yet the sub butchered the hack vs hacker joke line. Plus the sub imo does not to do enough differentiating between the mad scientist bit and serious Okabe. The entire charm around the future labs intro in the dub sold me on this show immediately back in the day.

Team Skull Grunt B (edited)

Comment edits

2023-11-27 06:15:22 It's a time travel show, that's how it's supposed to be. Confusing for the first time, then when you rewatch you're like "oh shit hold on"
2023-11-27 06:15:22 It's a time travel show, that's how it's supposed to be. Confusing for the first time, then when you rewatch you're like "oh shit hold on"
2023-11-27 06:15:22 It's a time travel show, that's how it's supposed to be. Confusing for the first time, then when you rewatch you're like "oh shit hold on"
2022-05-17 07:01:56 It's a time travel show, that's how it's supposed to be. Confusing for the first time, then when you rewatch you're like "oh shit hold on"

It's a time travel show, that's how it's supposed to be. Confusing for the first time, then when you rewatch you're like "oh shit hold on"

Sebastian Stróż

So one suggestion I have is to skip comment section as much as possible. People will spoil the shit out of the story, intentionally or not. Just have a trusted mod tell you things that you missed but shouldnt etc. You really dont want anything being spoiled for this show.

FreshxEli Tv

Waiting for the epic ost to hit lol


This episode is dense and front-loaded, but the show becomes easier to understand after the first episode.

Dj Josol (edited)

Comment edits

2023-11-27 06:15:22 We meet again my fellow travelers. This time with 3 new travelers, or maybe more? Will they be clapped by the organization or prevail? Who knows. Thus, is the choice of Steins Gate El Psy Congroo
2023-11-27 06:15:22 We meet again my fellow travelers. This time with 3 new travelers, or maybe more? Will they be clapped by the organization or prevail? Who knows. Thus, is the choice of Steins Gate El Psy Congroo
2023-11-27 06:15:22 We meet again my fellow travelers. This time with 3 new travelers, or maybe more? Will they be clapped by the organization or prevail? Who knows. Thus, is the choice of Steins Gate El Psy Congroo
2023-11-27 06:15:22 We meet again my fellow travelers. This time with 3 new travelers, or maybe more? Will they be clapped by the organization or prevail? Who knows. Thus, is the choice of Steins Gate El Psy Congroo
2023-11-27 06:15:22 We meet again my fellow travelers. This time with 3 new travelers, or maybe more? Will they be clapped by the organization or prevail? Who knows. Thus, is the choice of Steins Gate El Psy Congroo
2023-11-27 06:15:22 We meet again my fellow travelers. This time with 3 new travelers, or maybe more? Will they be clapped by the organization or prevail? Who knows. Thus, is the choice of Steins Gate El Psy Congroo
2023-11-27 06:15:22 We meet again my fellow travelers. This time with 3 new travelers, or maybe more? Will they be clapped by the organization or prevail? Who knows. Thus, is the choice of Steins Gate El Psy Congroo
2023-11-27 06:15:22 We meet again my fellow travelers. This time with 3 new travelers, or maybe more? Will they be clapped by the organization or prevail? Who knows. Thus, is the choice of Steins Gate El Psy Congroo
2022-05-17 08:47:26 We meet again my fellow travelers. This time with 3 new travelers, or maybe more? Will they be clapped by the organization or prevail? Who knows. Thus, is the choice of Steins Gate El Psy Congroo

We meet again my fellow travelers. This time with 3 new travelers, or maybe more? Will they be clapped by the organization or prevail? Who knows. Thus, is the choice of Steins Gate El Psy Congroo

Gene Ryan

Looks like when he texted his friend it went to the past and changed the present and he's the only one that remembers the original timeline since he caused the change and would have to have his mind stay the same or it would cause a paradox?


no hate but i deadass fell asleep when i tried to watch this ep in my own time it had me so bored and lost like why would i continue after that

Kevin Kovacs

I had the feeling that they gonna be so confused by the first episode... lol I hope Sheera's big brain is gonna figuring things out!


No matter how many times I try to watch this I just cannot get I to it at all.


It's actually funny and creative in my opinion 😂


hoooo dam the drops today


Woah that was fast

Lamaree Jackson

Can’t wait til the comment section starts spoiling every episode just because they didn’t understand one small moment that isn’t even meant to be understood yet.

Liudmila Duk

day 16 saying that the trio react to kanata no astra

Salty MF

why do you guys never listen to opening/ending??


Yeah, the first episode is meant to be mad confusing on the first viewing. It'll make more sense later.

Treotis James

I'm into 2d girls am i nasty?


they're watching it *blind* in release order like it was meant to be

Deshawn Smith (edited)

Comment edits

2023-11-27 06:15:22 Ah, it;s finally here. i really love the sciadv series. I wish i could recommend Chaos;Child. Imo i think it's better than steins gate but the anime adaptation is just horrible. Maybe one day you and sheera can stream the VN if you're willing
2023-11-27 06:15:22 Ah, it;s finally here. i really love the sciadv series. I wish i could recommend Chaos;Child. Imo i think it's better than steins gate but the anime adaptation is just horrible. Maybe one day you and sheera can stream the VN if you're willing
2023-11-27 06:15:22 Ah, it;s finally here. i really love the sciadv series. I wish i could recommend Chaos;Child. Imo i think it's better than steins gate but the anime adaptation is just horrible. Maybe one day you and sheera can stream the VN if you're willing
2023-11-27 06:15:22 Ah, it;s finally here. i really love the sciadv series. I wish i could recommend Chaos;Child. Imo i think it's better than steins gate but the anime adaptation is just horrible. Maybe one day you and sheera can stream the VN if you're willing
2023-11-27 06:15:22 Ah, it;s finally here. i really love the sciadv series. I wish i could recommend Chaos;Child. Imo i think it's better than steins gate but the anime adaptation is just horrible. Maybe one day you and sheera can stream the VN if you're willing
2022-05-17 12:25:21 Ah, it;s finally here. i really love the sciadv series. I wish i could recommend Chaos;Child. Imo i think it's better than steins gate but the anime adaptation is just horrible. Maybe one day you and sheera can stream the VN if you're willing

Ah, it;s finally here. i really love the sciadv series. I wish i could recommend Chaos;Child. Imo i think it's better than steins gate but the anime adaptation is just horrible. Maybe one day you and sheera can stream the VN if you're willing


Stay away from the comments, everything is explained in due time and you will be spoiled.


Magi after misfit, that’s the closest show that’s about to end


I love this show, and it will all be explained, hopefully you don't get too many spoilers in the comments. the show does it's explaining on it's own.


How is that crying lol I just think the dub does a better job of helping you get a feel for the characters. I thought after all the hype about the sub in the poll that it would be better and I'm sure it will get better




I agree that you guys should not peep comments!


Steins;Gate the GOAT

Moon Glow

Okabe Rintarou is just a huge chuuni

Peacefinder Simply

I was dumb enough to stare at the sun as a kid, was 10 or 11, i did it to prove that it doesn't affect me because i'm special. Used to have great eyes, now I need glasses );

Hana keiser

Favorite show time! also don't fret to much about being confused the show explains most things really well as it goes on


The fact that they reference real life events and incorporates it into the story gives it a creepy vibe like what if sern really is messing with time


Yeah y’all can just binge watch this and the movies and steins gate zeo as welll


i suggest once you eventually get there toget to the second last episode then watching Steins;Gate zero then back to this


Holly molly this is gonna be fun cant wait

Drake Rage

I am scared Sheera might complicate the show, even more than it already is, with her theories, lol.

Kayya Rainey

They do but idk why they didn’t show it in this reaction cuz they usually show it on the first ep and cut it out later

Anthony Rodriguez

Been having a lot of issues lately with patreon loading videos, anyone else?


oh it seems like my watch is broken


until now i thought steins gate and dr stone are the same haha


You’ll love it just give it some time after some episodes it becomes really interesting.

Dj Josol (edited)

Comment edits

2023-11-27 06:15:22 yes
2023-11-27 06:15:22 yes
2023-11-27 06:15:22 yes
2023-11-27 06:15:22 yes
2023-11-27 06:15:22 yes
2023-11-27 06:15:22 yes
2023-11-27 06:15:22 yes
2023-11-27 06:15:22 yes
2022-05-17 20:37:15 yes



Dub no diffs sub for this show by a long shot.

Chris Tercero

So shouldn’t they watch every show in dubbed then lol ? Makes no sense


😂I know this show trash😂 jk though, I made it to episode 4 and stopped when I was watching it by myself but imma give it another try watching it with them at least


And jk mean’s just kidding for any of the retards who might not know what it means


Just in case y'all didn't catch it, at 13.56 his friend calls him a chuunibyou...aka Megumim from Konosuba. So don't take all his talk about operations, his other name, etc theatrics too seriously haha

Dj Josol (edited)

Comment edits

2023-11-27 06:15:22 Maybe you don't like mysteries?
2023-11-27 06:15:22 Maybe you don't like mysteries?
2023-11-27 06:15:22 Maybe you don't like mysteries?
2023-11-27 06:15:22 Maybe you don't like mysteries?
2023-11-27 06:15:22 Maybe you don't like mysteries?
2023-11-27 06:15:22 Maybe you don't like mysteries?
2023-11-27 06:15:22 Maybe you don't like mysteries?
2023-11-27 06:15:22 Maybe you don't like mysteries?
2022-05-17 23:31:24 Maybe you don't like mysteries?

Maybe you don't like mysteries?

Dj Josol (edited)

Comment edits

2023-11-27 06:15:22 First timer eh? How I wish to have single timeline privilege like you again...
2023-11-27 06:15:22 First timer eh? How I wish to have single timeline privilege like you again...
2023-11-27 06:15:22 First timer eh? How I wish to have single timeline privilege like you again...
2023-11-27 06:15:22 First timer eh? How I wish to have single timeline privilege like you again...
2023-11-27 06:15:22 First timer eh? How I wish to have single timeline privilege like you again...
2023-11-27 06:15:22 First timer eh? How I wish to have single timeline privilege like you again...
2023-11-27 06:15:22 First timer eh? How I wish to have single timeline privilege like you again...
2023-11-27 06:15:22 First timer eh? How I wish to have single timeline privilege like you again...
2022-05-17 23:34:05 First timer eh? How I wish to have single timeline privilege like you again...

First timer eh? How I wish to have single timeline privilege like you again...


Your not the only one but imma at least try to watch it with them

higgins8000 .

Over 75% of the community voted for subs but its the sub elitists fault you didn't get your way, ok my guy


^^^ It slaps not sure why they skip the Opening. Maybe next episode ig


@Papa Souls says show is mid doesn't elaborate sounds like your typically takes on Twitter xD

These Plums

Lip sync off for anyone else?

Chinese Cartoons

This is my fear lol People watch the whole ass show, read the wiki and discuss it for 10 years then show up here and start writing their dissertation on every detail that is missed. If any of yall read this, just stfu if they are confused. They will learn everything they need to know by just watchin the damn show


I don't know how far you got into the show but I just ask you to give it a chance and at least try to watch it with them. Once this show starts going it does NOT stop. One of my favorite shows of all time.

Team Skull Grunt B (edited)

Comment edits

2023-11-27 06:15:22 Well, considering she actually has powers I don't think megumin is a chunni
2023-11-27 06:15:22 Well, considering she actually has powers I don't think megumin is a chunni
2023-11-27 06:15:22 Well, considering she actually has powers I don't think megumin is a chunni
2022-05-18 05:07:09 Well, considering she actually has powers I don't think megumin is a chunni

Well, considering she actually has powers I don't think megumin is a chunni

Team Skull Grunt B (edited)

Comment edits

2023-11-27 06:15:22 Well that is the truth. People vote for sub just because it's sub. The dub is genuinely amazing and sometimes better. But to be fair, the sub is also fantastic
2023-11-27 06:15:22 Well that is the truth. People vote for sub just because it's sub. The dub is genuinely amazing and sometimes better. But to be fair, the sub is also fantastic
2023-11-27 06:15:22 Well that is the truth. People vote for sub just because it's sub. The dub is genuinely amazing and sometimes better. But to be fair, the sub is also fantastic
2022-05-18 05:08:25 Well that is the truth. People vote for sub just because it's sub. The dub is genuinely amazing and sometimes better. But to be fair, the sub is also fantastic

Well that is the truth. People vote for sub just because it's sub. The dub is genuinely amazing and sometimes better. But to be fair, the sub is also fantastic


I think the one that was supposed to tell the girl something was the one we heard being tortured, the org. is definitely out to get him and keeps messing with his memory which explains his mood swings

john segun doe

Yah this one was wild for me as a sub watcher. I actually really fucked with the dub on this one


@B Good point but the stuff Megumin says are extra af. She does explosions but calls it summoning the darkest dark and shit. That's like joining the army and calling your M4 / XM5 a Cosmic Quantum Hyper Warp Blaster and posing before every time you fire an NLAW


@ElasticMemories that analogy is too perfect.

Kiril Kupenov (edited)

Comment edits

2023-11-27 06:15:22 Please react to When the cicadas cry
2023-11-27 06:15:22 Please react to When the cicadas cry
2023-11-27 06:15:22 Please react to When the cicadas cry
2023-11-27 06:15:22 Please react to When the cicadas cry
2023-11-27 06:15:22 Please react to When the cicadas cry
2022-05-18 22:01:14 Please react to When the cicadas cry

Please react to When the cicadas cry

Elvis F Tejera

Get ready for some mind stuff Guys!! I think you will enjoy it immensely. There are some things that are not really fleshed out until the Sequal/Prequal series, but trust me that the main mystery is fully closed by the end of this one.


Might as well change the title to Steins Clap or Claps Gate


Yeah, sad they didn't do dub on this one. This is one of the few anime where dubs trumps the sub, since the dub has so much characterization in the dialogue. The sub is very matter of fact

Iago Leonelli

you're just crazy to think the dub is better than the sub, that is outrageous for real.

AlexXis Amadeus

I paid $10 for Sub!? I'm hurt. Consider my ass clapped. This is one of the only shows with a good dub. It also makes it MUCH easier to understand what going on.


shut up sub is way better then that dogshit cringe dub

Akki Messiah

I was also hoping they would do it dub, well at least i get to watch their tomodachi reaction


Bought this Patreon to see the videos that aren't shown on YouTube, Luppa made it worth it for me in the first 5 seconds of the video.


Tbh the dub in this is the only dub I've ever semi-approved of and wouldn't mind them watching It In. All other dubs suck even like FMAB IMO so eh but sub is fine too. I'm used to reactors watching this in dub too though so I might be biased.

Darion Vogt

MY feelings exactly..i guess if we had reached out the them to ask to watch the dub version it wouldv'e happened but old history now...onward bois

Johannes Joestar

did someone put up a sign saying you will get this one in dub my dude? just in case you can't figure it out the answer is no since visual novel tier literature was too much for you

AlexXis Amadeus

Aawewhhh, you’re so cute. Are you trying to prove something there sport? Got a boner for the moon runes or something? If it’ll free up some rent in your head, I’ll let you in on a secret. I’ve watched this show dozens of times in both languages. I’ve read all the VN’s for this. Some of them more than once. I love this story, and have a lot of respect for everyone involved in making it. I just don’t think good English dubs get enough credit, especially since there are so precious few that are really exceptional. Plus, these guys usually watch stuffed subbed when it’s available, from what I can tell. Seeing this subbed was actually a surprise for me.